Write it down...coming soon: "The American Flag is offensive"

The left have been burning American flags for decades.

Yeah but at least they're dumbasses try to pretend that it's for a "good cause".
I'm thinking they'll get the twisted media and all the barely American politicians behind the narrative and become blatant with it.

Numerous high schools in California have banned the US flag for its offensiveness

What schools?

Ninth Circuit Upholds Ban on American Flag Shirts in a California High School

Only in the third world shithole of North Mexico!(California)
AND I'll bet nobody had the ballsack to aggressively protest this bunch of bullshit?

They are already almost becoming their own country.

I'm starting to think I should unload property now while there's still value
I’m thinking we’re getting closer everyday...who will be the first Lefty to come forward and admit it?
They have been taking down these for years

View attachment 144964

why should the latest destruction of our nation surprise us, AND YES the Constitution is next it is all that controls the power of the state. Their problem is if it gets suspended by Trump they will pay dearly. I wish he would wait till the next violent attack by leftist and declare martial law, RESTORE order by a complete activation of all national guard units, He can also require all police forces to act as he directs STATE AND local Then all he has to do is remove and execute all of the communist scum in our government, and try the ones in media and hollywoods finest scum..


"They have been taking down these for years"

No "they" haven't.

And the rest of your rant is just bullshit.

In another thread, you alt right traitors are calling for ANTIFA to be named "terrorists". The known fascist nazi you voted for is protecting criminals while openly working for Russia but that's okay with you and in fact, in this post, you're actually calling for the end of the Constitution yourself and you don't even know it.

You wanna be the the other fascist nazi alt righters don't either?
Are you saying ANTIFA isnt a terrorist group? They are an organized group who try to use fear to achieve their political and ideological goals by committing violence against innocent people. That is terrorism.
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What's the over under on this and how long will it take to surface?
As the twisted media and corrupt filth in government work tirelessly to work away from anything that symbolizes American pride, American heritage, American culture and American history...you gotta know it's in the pipeline as we speak.
The dirty bastards won't stop until this nation is as disgusting and corrupt as the shithole south of us.

I think about Kaepernick et al, and I realize that America is the only country in the world where our millionaire athletes customarily disrespect our flag and anthem.

During the Olympics, and World Cup, no other nation has this disrespect going on. It doesn't matter if the other country is good or bad, democratic or authoritarian, I guess America is at the bottom of the barrel in the hierarchy of pecking order.

When they had NFL games in Mexico and England, what would have happened if some of our athletes decided to disrespect the host country's anthem? Suppose Brady or Roethlisberger pulled out a Mexican flag and crapped on it while their anthem was being played to protest the atrocity that Santa Ana committed against the Americans in San Antonio?

Would libs have saluted them for their courage?
Pilot1 for years I have said the Left would move toward attacking our flag...we’re getting closer....they absolutely hate anything and everything that is America and or a reminder of REAL American culture / heritage. It won’t be long before they push for an all new identity for America that will be reflective of their ‘new America’ ideals.
Pilot1 for years I have said the Left would move toward attacking our flag...we’re getting closer....they absolutely hate anything and everything that is America and or a reminder of REAL American culture / heritage. It won’t be long before they push for an all new identity for America that will be reflective of their ‘new America’ ideals.

Agreed. That is why the Left wants to erase, and/or demonize U.S. history including our Founders, and the reason and concepts of the Revolution. They are breeding out freedom and liberty as being desirable in schools across America. Now, the concept of not be offended is paramount. Free speech is no longer desired.

The American flag is being replaced by the Rainbow flag.
Well. They couldn't stand the Confederate either.

What's the over under on this and how long will it take to surface?
As the twisted media and corrupt filth in government work tirelessly to work away from anything that symbolizes American pride, American heritage, American culture and American history...you gotta know it's in the pipeline as we speak.
The dirty bastards won't stop until this nation is as disgusting and corrupt as the shithole south of us.
Crying without a link of anything you are crying about?
What's the over under on this and how long will it take to surface?
As the twisted media and corrupt filth in government work tirelessly to work away from anything that symbolizes American pride, American heritage, American culture and American history...you gotta know it's in the pipeline as we speak.
The dirty bastards won't stop until this nation is as disgusting and corrupt as the shithole south of us.
Crying without a link of anything you are crying about?

American flags at center of campus controversies
Hampshire College removes US flag from campus - CNN
Student government rejects installing American flags | The College Fix
Does the American Flag Offend You? Stanford Thinks It Might

There’s plenty more, let me know how many you need in order to feel enlightened?
^^^^^^Wow. They are going full bore against America on college campuses, and elsewhere. Maybe they should try living in a country where we don't have the freedoms we do, and see how they like it.
What's the over under on this and how long will it take to surface?
As the twisted media and corrupt filth in government work tirelessly to work away from anything that symbolizes American pride, American heritage, American culture and American history...you gotta know it's in the pipeline as we speak.
The dirty bastards won't stop until this nation is as disgusting and corrupt as the shithole south of us.
Holy SHIT!!!

You called it.




Residents of Laguna Beach are divided by the decision to update the police department’s fleet of 11 squad cars with an image of an American flag inside the word “police” on the black-and-white vehicles. After being unanimously approved by the city council in February, a vote will be held Tuesday to keep the Old Glory-themed design or to find an alternative, the Los Angeles Times reports.

I bet no one would say shit if it were the FUCKING MEXICAN FLAG!!!



Residents of Laguna Beach are divided by the decision to update the police department’s fleet of 11 squad cars with an image of an American flag inside the word “police” on the black-and-white vehicles. After being unanimously approved by the city council in February, a vote will be held Tuesday to keep the Old Glory-themed design or to find an alternative, the Los Angeles Times reports.

I bet no one would say shit if it were the FUCKING MEXICAN FLAG!!!


Looks sooner than the next few years,...
What's the over under on this and how long will it take to surface?
As the twisted media and corrupt filth in government work tirelessly to work away from anything that symbolizes American pride, American heritage, American culture and American history...you gotta know it's in the pipeline as we speak.
The dirty bastards won't stop until this nation is as disgusting and corrupt as the shithole south of us.
Holy SHIT!!!

You called it.



These lowlife, disgusting filthy fucks are so predictable.


Residents of Laguna Beach are divided by the decision to update the police department’s fleet of 11 squad cars with an image of an American flag inside the word “police” on the black-and-white vehicles. After being unanimously approved by the city council in February, a vote will be held Tuesday to keep the Old Glory-themed design or to find an alternative, the Los Angeles Times reports.

I bet no one would say shit if it were the FUCKING MEXICAN FLAG!!!


Looks sooner than the next few years,...
Yep. Just the latest step in a larger agenda.
^^^^^^Wow. They are going full bore against America on college campuses, and elsewhere. Maybe they should try living in a country where we don't have the freedoms we do, and see how they like it.
Mandatory foreign exchange for 3 months ?
Send them to China or 'nam ( otoh they'll probably like it and stay)
Maybe if they have an American flag for the Americans on one side, and a Mexican flag for the non-Americans in America on the other, will that be ok?
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Notice how not one single LeftTard has chimed in to condemn the notion..haha
The un-American savages are sitting behind their keyboards salivating as we speak...thinking; "Fuck yeah that's our next move!"

Thing with progs is, the more bluntly honest a message is the less inclined they're to confront it. They recognize they're corrupt, subconsciously.

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