WSJ article: Trump has a shocking lack of understanding of North Korea

Except the Chinese think Trump is a fool, and they think he won't be there that long. So they make some agreement that gets them what they want, in return for playing a little game where they don't have to prove much.

Whenever I watch a press conference between Donald and a foreign leader, the only thought running through my mind is how dumb they must think he is.
Hmmmm... I got the same impression reading your post.
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What does N. Korea produce except missles that can't fly?

Actually their missiles fly quite well. Just not long distances.

Continually hitting the sea of Japan is really no threat to anyone. It's just a fire works show. His people are starving to death--and he's just doing it for attention, like his father did.


Who cares--it's got to cost a lot of money for him to burn missles up like that, let him continue to do it. It's not our issue--until he can make one hit Japan or another ally. N. Korea will probably go bankrupt before that happens.
Actually most of them are finger fucked old SKUDS... ya... great missles... idiot.

North Korea doesn't use any soviet SCUD missiles. There are several entirely different Soviet missiles that go under the NATO designation SCUD, and North Korea uses none of them.

Educate yourself, dumbass.
Actually most of them are finger fucked old SKUDS... ya... great missles... idiot.

North Korea doesn't use any soviet SCUD missiles. There are several entirely different Soviet missiles that go under the NATO designation SCUD, and North Korea uses none of them.

Educate yourself, dumbass.
Link.... ASS CLOWN?
Continually hitting the sea of Japan is really no threat to anyone. It's just a fire works show. His people are starving to death--and he's just doing it for attention, like his father did.

They fire into the sea of Japan, because where else are they going to test ICBM missile technology? While the DPRK does utilize missile tests to attract international attention, the primary focus is developing a nuclear tipped missile that can hit the United States.

They have hundreds of tactical ballistic missiles which can hit any stationary target within a several hundred mile radius. Their nuclear warheads can be delivered to Japan. They have also procured advanced SRBM missile technology from Iran, China, and Russia
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Yeah, every president goes through a learning period, with Trump it's very complicated foreign relations. With your dear leader, it was his inability to recognize a truly shovel ready job.
So you're suggesting ANY other candidate of the 2016 race wouldn't have assumed something as retarded as China being able to easily shut down NK's nuclear program?

I'm telling you no one is fully prepared and knowledgeable enough to have a grasp on every aspect of the federal government form day one, no one. China is the number one trading partner with N. Korea, they enable the transfer of hard currency into N. Korea. They could cut N. Korea off at the knees if they chose to do it. The problem is effectively dealing with the N. Korean government, while not starving millions of N. Koreans to death. Kim has shown no reservations in directing scarce resources to his military ambitions to the detriment of his citizens. He will have to be taken out before he gains a capacity to deliver nuclear weapons.

China is our biggest trading partner. What does N. Korea produce except missles that can't fly?

From what I heard on the news tonight Trump made an agreement with the Chinese Prime minister. He'll get off trade issues with them--if they'll do something about N. Korea. Apparently it worked. The Chinese Prime minister called Kim Jung UN--and said knock it off or we'll cut off your oil supply.

THE PROBLEM: Trump campaigned on Trade--"Make America Great Again"--and beat up China on trade--so now that's off the table. I am not certain how his supporters are going to take this one. That was a big deal to them, bringing back jobs from overseas--(of which China has most of them.)

And no you wouldn't have had issues with understanding North Korea or anywhere else if you would have nominated any other person except Ben Carson. Trump was the most inept of all of them regarding foreign policy and what was really going on in the world. That was made more than clear throughout the primaries and including the debates with Hillary Clinton.
China is fokking us up the wazoo and out the ears.
Except the Chinese think Trump is a fool, and they think he won't be there that long. So they make some agreement that gets them what they want, in return for playing a little game where they don't have to prove much.
To wit:

1 - Trump is a fool;

2 - Trump may not be there that long.

3 - The Chinks are not stupid.
Trump on North Korea: "After listening for 10 minutes, I realized it’s not so easy"

Trump assumed China could fix the North Korea problem easily but simply hadn't done it yet.

President Donald Trump recounted an absolutely astounding detail about one of his conversations with Chinese President Xi Jinping in comments published by the Wall Street Journal on Wednesday afternoon. Apparently, Trump came into his first meeting with the Chinese leader, in early April, convinced that China could simply eliminate the threat posed by North Korea’s nuclear program. Xi then patiently explained Chinese-Korean history to Trump — who then promptly changed his mind.

“After listening for 10 minutes, I realized it’s not so easy,” the president told the Journal. “I felt pretty strongly that they had a tremendous power [over] North Korea. ... But it’s not what you would think.”

Four quick observations about this:

  1. Trump thought China could fix North Korea until the Chinese president politely informed him that North Korea is in fact complicated.
  2. Trump seems to have required the leader of China to explain basic facts to him that he could have Googled, or at least asked one of the many US government North Korea experts about.
  3. Trump came to a profound realization about one of the most dangerous conflicts on earth after a 10-minute conversation.
  4. Trump is getting his information about East Asian affairs from the leader of America’s largest rival in the region."

Trump has been an abject failure at understanding any of the issues. When he said "he knew more than our Generals do"--he meant it. Past Presidents have put pressure on China to get on N. Korea's ass.

But from what I heard on the news tonight Trump made an agreement with the Chinese Prime minister. He'll get off trade issues with them--if they'll do something about N. Korea. Apparently it worked. The Chinese Prime minister called Kim Jung UN--and said knock it off or we'll cut off your oil supply.

THE PROBLEM: Trump campaigned on Trade--"Make America Great Again"--and beat up China on trade--so now that's off the table. I am not certain how his supporters are going to take this one. That was a big deal to them, bringing back jobs from overseas--(of which China has most of them.)

Except the Chinese think Trump is a fool, and they think he won't be there that long. So they make some agreement that gets them what they want, in return for playing a little game where they don't have to prove much.

Certainly there's not too many World Leaders that have a good opinion of Donald Trump. Many of them think he is an idiot--nothing more than a blow-hard. I don't know if Trump ALONE could have done anything with a trade agreement with China--I believe that would have had to have gone through congress also. Trade agreements are negotiated--approved by congress--SIGNED CONTRACTS.

But again, other than the WALL, kicking out ILLEGALS, executive order to ban MUSLIMS, Obamacare, and now TRADE agreements was a YUUUGEEE issue for many of his supporters. All of it has been an abject failure. The only success he has had is nominating a U.S. Supreme Court Justice that Democrats loved anyway.
Here Are the Democrats Who Voted for Neil Gorsuch as a Circuit Court Judge in 2006

This is because of his extreme lack of experience in Foreign policy and other government issues.The only Foreign policy experience he had was running the Miss Universe contest. I think many of his supporters thought they were voting for a KING--that could do anything he said. It's because they too knew nothing of how government works. Not understanding there are 3 branches of government all with their own authority over certain issues.


Democracy huh?? Where the people who get to vote are people who don't understand and don't care that the people they're appointing don't have a clue either.
Did anyone actually believe that Donald had the slightest understanding of current events, geopolitics, and foreign affairs? Honestly.
The DC lawyers that I know who work with lawyers who work with DJ Trump have said he is inept.

No big surprise.

So which is the lesser of two weevils then?

1 - an inept rich frat boy?

2 - a corrupt anti constitutional lying b!tch ??

I though we already settled that back in November 2016 ??
Except the Chinese think Trump is a fool, and they think he won't be there that long. So they make some agreement that gets them what they want, in return for playing a little game where they don't have to prove much.

Whenever I watch a press conference between Donald and a foreign leader, the only thought running through my mind is how dumb they must think he is.
Dumb yes, and also extremely rich.
Except the Chinese think Trump is a fool, and they think he won't be there that long. So they make some agreement that gets them what they want, in return for playing a little game where they don't have to prove much.
To wit:

1 - Trump is a fool;

2 - Trump may not be there that long.

3 - The Chinks are not stupid.
#2... well... maybe... if you don't consider 8 years "that long."
Except the Chinese think Trump is a fool, and they think he won't be there that long. So they make some agreement that gets them what they want, in return for playing a little game where they don't have to prove much.

Whenever I watch a press conference between Donald and a foreign leader, the only thought running through my mind is how dumb they must think he is.
Dumb yes, and also extremely rich.
Oh yeah... every DUMB person I know is a BILLIONAIRE... except you... you must just be EXTREMELY dumb.
Wait a minute now skippy, you said the NK's didn't have SCUDS.

Because they don't. Although I should point out that their Hwasong-6 missile is NATO designated Scud, even though it is not a soviet Scud missile.
What does N. Korea produce except missles that can't fly?

Actually their missiles fly quite well. Just not long distances.

Continually hitting the sea of Japan is really no threat to anyone. It's just a fire works show. His people are starving to death--and he's just doing it for attention, like his father did.


Who cares--it's got to cost a lot of money for him to burn missles up like that, let him continue to do it. It's not our issue--until he can make one hit Japan or another ally. N. Korea will probably go bankrupt before that happens.
The N.Korean people are on the verge of starvation however the fat frat boy Kim does not believe in social programs he believes in missile tests -- even though not a single fokking nation on this fokking entire planet gives a ratz azz about him or N.Korea.

Talk about wasting money and hurting your own people !!

And he murdered his uncle the general and now also his half brother.

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