WSJ - WHAT the F* Are You Smoking?


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
Their article starts off asking / stating the following:

"All the emphasis seems to be on cutting.
We will cut CPB, NPR, NEA."

Ummm, that's because we are $20 Trillion in debt.

"Why aren’t we talking about growing and building and knocking down barriers? Why aren’t we talking about jobs and a boom and reforming regulation and taxes so people can build and invest?"

Umm, where the hell has Peggy Noonan been? Does she still have her head up Obama's arse? The stock market spiked to record numbers, we have had a record jobs boom in the last month that hasn't been seen in over a decade - without spending a dime....

"Is cutting the absolute No. 1 priority right now?"

Again, the size of government exploded, the last President added more debt than every President in US history, we are $20 Trillion in debt...

If you can make it past this 1st part it isn't a completely bad read....BUT....

Reach Across the Aisle, Mr. President
The WSJ is smoking some cheap local shit probably grown on Long Island.

We all know how cheap those damned bankers and bean counters are.
In the democrats bylaws, they must state, there is no spending that can ever be cut and no program that can't be fixed without funding. Can someone please explain to me how a democrat could ever balance a budget?
We cant grow our way out cause Congress wont stop spending.....way past time to cut and if some seem slash and burn oh well maybe ya should have cut something else when ya had the chance
Their article starts off asking / stating the following:

"All the emphasis seems to be on cutting.
We will cut CPB, NPR, NEA."

Ummm, that's because we are $20 Trillion in debt.

"Why aren’t we talking about growing and building and knocking down barriers? Why aren’t we talking about jobs and a boom and reforming regulation and taxes so people can build and invest?"

Umm, where the hell has Peggy Noonan been? Does she still have her head up Obama's arse? The stock market spiked to record numbers, we have had a record jobs boom in the last month that hasn't been seen in over a decade - without spending a dime....

"Is cutting the absolute No. 1 priority right now?"

Again, the size of government exploded, the last President added more debt than every President in US history, we are $20 Trillion in debt...

If you can make it past this 1st part it isn't a completely bad read....BUT....

Reach Across the Aisle, Mr. President
Peggy Noonan has always been a squishy Republican.
In the democrats bylaws, they must state, there is no spending that can ever be cut and no program that can't be fixed without funding. Can someone please explain to me how a democrat could ever balance a budget?
The Democrats can't cut anything because a large segment of the party consists of government employees.
There is no choice any more. The people of this country have had wages stagnant since 1978 and we cannot pay more in taxes while the rich simply flee the country.

The Dimmocrat election strategy of simply promising MOAR and MOAR free goodies to their constituents is a dead end political system that is either going to bankrupt the country and/or see the Dimmocrats a permanent minority party.

Might as well man up and change that bullshit now, Dimms, while the money is still worth something.
Stop whining. All that matters is that taxes be slashed for drumpf's 1% cronies and he and R congress already have a start on that.
Stop whining. All that matters is that taxes be slashed for drumpf's 1% cronies and he and R congress already have a start on that.
B.S. One percenters are going to make money and get richer regardless of what happens to taxes. This 1% crap is getting to be nauseous.
Noonan's suggestion is to reach across the aisle...WHY? What in the HELL makes Noonan think anyone on the other side of the aisle wants to HELP President Trump make anything BETTER?

AS SOON AS HE WAS ELECTED those 'across the aisle' were calling for his Impeachment before he was ever sworn in, were calling for military coups, and were even calling for his assassination.

AS SOON AS HE WAS ELECTED those 'across the aisle' were already carrying out the attempted political assassinations of Flynn and Sessions and were illegally leaking information out about the Trump administration.

AS SOON AS HE WAS ELECTED those 'across the aisle' were openly declaring they were committed to shut down government through complete obstructionism. ... because anything GOOD that happens during the Trump administration is BAD for the Democratic Party, and the Democratic party's #1 goal is to GET BACK POWER!

Every time the GOP F*s UP and loses power is when the Democrats - who seek their destruction - are obstructing progress of the US govt and when the GOP decides the best thing they can do is capitulate and give in to the Democrats - to 'work together'.

AGAIN, the Democrats have no desire to HELP the GOP in any way. They have an agenda they want passed and they want power - to get it they will obstruct government, stop all progress, and will throw them - the GOP - and this country, if they have to, under the bus to get it. They have proven that time and time again.

So Ms. Noonan needs to pull her head out of her delusional arse and wake up. What is going on is a fight for the soul / direction of this country. There is a reason the Democrats have lost more than 1,000 political positions in 8 years and have lost the last 2 massive elections in historic, record-setting fashion. That is because the American people do not want the Socialist agenda, do not want the direction down which Obama was dragging the country!

Americans who cast the Democrats out of power and who elected Trump and the GOP do NOT want the GOP to cede the power given to them, do NOT want the GOP to turn to those who seek their destruction for 'help'!
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Noonan's suggestion is to reach across the aisle...WHY? What in the HELL makes Noonan think anyone on the other side of the aisle wants to HELP President Trump make anything BETTER?

AS SOON AS HE WAS ELECTED those 'across the aisle' were calling for his Impeachment before he was ever sworn in, were calling for military coups, and were even calling for his assassination.

AS SOON AS HE WAS ELECTED those 'across the aisle' were already carrying out the attempted political assassinations of Flynn and Sessions and were illegally leaking information out about the Trump administration.

AS SOON AS HE WAS ELECTED those 'across the aisle' were openly declaring they were committed to shut down government through complete obstructionism. ... because anything GOOD that happens during the Trump administration is BAD for the Democratic Party, and the Democratic party's #1 goal is to GET BACK POWER!

Every time the GOP F*s UP and loses power is when the Democrats - who seek their destruction - is obstructing progress of the US govt and when the GOP decides the best thing they can do is capitulate and give in to the Democrats - to 'work together'. AGAIN, the democrats have no desire to HELP the GOP in any way. They have an agenda they want passed and they want power - to get it they will obstruct government, stop all progress, and will thrown them - the GOP - and this country, if they have to, under the bust to get it. They have proven that time and time again.

So Ms. Noonan needs to pull her head out of her delusional arse and wake up. What is going on is a fight for the soul / direction of this country. There is a reason the Democrats have lost more than 1,000 political positions in 8 years and have lost the last 2 massive elections in historic, record-setting fashion. That is because the American people do not want the Socialist agenda, do not want the direction down which Obama was dragging the country!

Americans who cast the democrats out of power and who elected Trump and the GOP do NOT want the GOP to cede the power given to them, do NOT want the GOP to turn to those who seek their destruction for 'help'!
and why party trumps country now for the democrats. Also for the Republicans and why trump won again!

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