WTC-7 Was A Controlled Demolition Inside Job

Ex-CIA Chief James Woolsey handed down gag-order to 9/11 Firefighters
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Jerry Mazza
October 20, 2009

This tale begins during and shortly after 9/11/2001, when a writer named Randy Lavello published a story at Prison Planet, Bombs in the Building: World Trade Center ‘Conspiracy Theory’ is a Conspiracy Fact. Among the many tales in this article, a number of which were picked up in Mike Rivero’s web site, what really happened, is a conversation between Lavello and Lieutenant Fireman and former Auxiliary Police Officer, Paul Isaac Jr. It’s a head-spinner…

The Woolsey gag order created an Omerta-like mob silence that Firefighters and Police Officers have had to deal with to this day.

“[Lieutenant Fireman and former Auxiliary Police Officer, Paul Isaac Jr.] explained to me [Lavello] that, ‘many other firemen know there were bombs in the buildings, but they’re afraid for their jobs to admit it because the ‘higher-ups’ forbid discussion of this fact.” Paul further elaborated that former CIA director Robert Woolsey, as the Fire Department’s Anti-terrorism Consultant, is sending a gag order down the ranks. ‘There were definitely bombs in those buildings,’ he told me.”

Isaac also addressed the FBI gag order in an article by Greg Syzmanski, saying “It’s amazing how many people are afraid to talk for fear or retaliation or losing their jobs.” He mentions that the FBI gag order placed on law enforcement and fire department officials prevented them from openly talking about any inside knowledge of 9/11. Syzmansky praised Isaacs in a highly interesting article titled One-Man Investigative Team.

Ex-CIA Chief James Woolsey handed down gag-order to 9/11 Firefighters
Lt. Col. Shelton F. Lankford, U.S. Marine Corps (ret) – Retired U.S. Marine Corps fighter pilot with over 300 combat missions flown. Decorations include the Distinguished Flying Cross and 32 awards of the Air Medal. Aircraft flown: Douglas A-4 Skyhawk, Lockheed C-130H Hercules. 10,000+ total hours flown. 20-year Marine Corps career.

Article Twenty-five U.S. Military Officers Challenge Official Account of 9/11 1/14/08:

“September 11, 2001 seems destined to be the watershed event of our lives and the greatest test for our democracy in our lifetimes. The evidence of government complicity in the lead-up to the events, the failure to respond during the event, and the astounding lack of any meaningful investigation afterwards, as well as the ignoring of evidence turned up by others that renders the official explanation impossible, may signal the end of the American experiment. It has been used to justify all manners of measures to legalize repression at home and as a pretext for behaving as an aggressive empire abroad. Until we demand an independent, honest, and thorough investigation and accountability for those whose action and inaction led to those events and the cover-up, our republic and our Constitution remain in the gravest danger.” OpEdNews.Com Progressive, Tough Liberal News and Opinion

Statement to this website 2/20/07:

"This isn't about party, it isn't about Bush Bashing. It's about our country, our constitution, and our future. ...

Your countrymen have been murdered and the more you delve into it the more it looks as though they were murdered by our government, who used it as an excuse to murder other people thousands of miles away.

If you ridicule others who have sincere doubts and who know factual information that directly contradicts the official report and who want explanations from those who hold the keys to our government, and have motive, means, and opportunity to pull off a 9/11, but you are too lazy or fearful, or ... to check into the facts yourself, what does that make you? Scholars for 9/11 truth have developed reams of scientific data. Michael Ruppert published an exhaustive account of the case from the viewpoint of a trained investigator. David Ray Griffin provides a context for the unanswered or badly answered questions that should nag at anyone who pretends to love this country.
Are you afraid that you will learn the truth and you can't handle it?

Patriots Question 9/11 - Responsible Criticism of the 9/11 Commission Report
the same stuff ?...what ? want new truths ??


The same "When will Gam post his own thesis for a the official story" story posts. Haven't you seen a pattern eots? Whenever I ask Terral to further explain some of the bullshit explanations, he post that same crap now.

I have pointed out just a few lies/mistakes in Terral's garbage. He already admitted one mistake. Go read the post above I made. Why does Terral have to lie and stretch the truth?

By the way, where is YOUR FORENSIC evidence that you have seen that proves it was molten steel? Who did the testing?
Hmmm. Let's follow Terral's misleading and dishonest posts, shall we? Here is his one post I found where Terral misleads people into thinking the ENTIRE COLLAPSE of WTC7 took 6.6 seconds and even posts a video to support it. I bolded the part where Terral says the collpase took 6.6 seconds. The WHOLE collpase.
Hi Princess Lia:
Wake the hell up already. This topic was started before you joined the US Message Board. Perhaps Lia wants to explain how WTC-7 collapsed Demo-style in 6.6 seconds, after being hit by nothing at all. :0)

Watch The Clip Again

Then he later posts this little gem again trying to mislead people to think the ENTIRE WTC7 collapse took 6.6 seconds, which I bolded.
Attacking your debating opponent adds nothing to your Official Cover Story Case that building fires/debris took down WTC-7 in 6.6 seconds.

Terral later posts this. AGAIN trying to mislead anyone who reads his crap into believing that the ENTIRE WTC7 collpase took 6.6 seconds. Remember. THE ENTIRE COLLAPSE, according to Terral so far, took 6.6 seconds.
Remember that a gigantic skyscraper like this . . .


. . . was transformed into a neat little pile like this . . .


. . . in 6.6 seconds.

So then after pointing out to him the collpase STARTED with the mechanical penthouse, he posts this. He NOW starts to change his story. How can ANYONE ignore the penthouse collapse as part of the ENTIRE collpase? Sounds like Terral doesn't like the TRUE evdeince and prefers to keep using bogus, 6.6 second collapse evdidence because it fits his theory better. How quaint.
No. This time Gam is wrong. Add seven seconds to the collapse time in 'your' WTC-7 commentary if that makes sense to you and blows air up your skirt. The start of the penthouse collapse is NOT the moment when the main structure began to collapse in the CD process.



Now, after he's been shown to be mistaken AGAIN, Terral refers to the collaspe as having TWO parts. The first collapse supposedly "non controlled demolition" and the second collpase "controlled demolition". Here's his latest quote.
Sure! The 6.6 second collapse marks the time that "WTC-7" Collapsed free fall speed into its own footprint . . .

So Terral decides to change direction on his theory like a fart in a wind storm. Isn't that great folks?

He even claims that there is no evidence of MELTING or FIRE damage on the WTC7 columns yet wants you to believe that there is thermite froth/thermite cuts on those same beams!

Contradictions anyone? So where are eots and 9/11 inside job at? Why don't they come in and defend Terral's lies and mistakes.

you have debunked...nothing..your explanation for the collapse is ridiculous

Ah yes, the "biased" eots speaks.

Why have you not debated Terral to tell him his theory is ridiculous? He has less FORNSIC evidence than the official story yet you let him spew his crap without a word.

Hi Gam:

you have debunked...nothing..your explanation for the collapse is ridiculous

Ah yes, the "biased" eots speaks.

Why have you not debated Terral to tell him his theory is ridiculous? He has less FORNSIC evidence than the official story yet you let him spew his crap without a word.


WTC-7 'Was' Taken Down Using Controlled Demolition (OP). My thesis agrees 100 percent with Architects and Engineers (link), ScholarsForTruth Scholars (link) and other Demolition People (#3) who know for A FACT that WTC-7 "WAS" Taken Down Using Controlled Demolition. Eots agrees that WTC-7 'WAS' Taken Down Using Controlled Demolition, which means we are in the same CD Camp. However, Gam wants to believe in Loyal Bushie/Obama Official Cover Story Fairy Tales that WTC-7 collapsed into its own footprint in mere seconds from building fires, but where is your thesis paper with claims and evidence???? :0)

[ame=""]Controlled Demolition OR Collapse From Fire?? You Decide[/ame]

Gam is jumping up and down like an idiot :)cuckoo:) with 'no' posted thesis paper on what took WTC-7 down!! Haul out your "Building Fires Did It" thesis, claims and evidence, so these readers can begin drawing those kinds of conclusions; OR can start laughing their butts off like Terral and Eots . . . :0)

[ame=""]This Gam Guy Is An Official Cover Story Clown!!![/ame]

This is reason #9 that the USA 'IS' Worthy Of Being Destroyed Off The Face Of The Earth (my Topic) 'and' Gam is the perfect example of this kind of utter STUPIDITY. And he has "NO CLUE" :)confused:) that there is 'anything' wrong with 'his' Official Cover Story LIE. Zip, zero, nada, NONE . . .


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What's the matter Terral? Can't own up to your lies and deceit? You have to keep posting the same "Gam doesn't have a thesis" drivel?

I see the pattern. Pretend you know what you're talking about, but when someone sees the baloney in it, redirect the debate about your own theory's shortcomings elsewhere.

You're on the same level with your truther brother Christophera now. You can't even answer questions about mistakes and bad assumptions.

What a team you two are!
Hi Gam:


What's the matter Terral? Can't own up to your lies and deceit? You have to keep posting the same "Gam doesn't have a thesis" drivel? . . .

Start your "Building Fires Took Down WTC-7" Topic using whatever Gam calls 'credible evidence.' That way everyone here will see how really STUPID you look :)confused:) for even suggesting that the Official Cover Story LIE has any substance in reality whatsoever. The simple fact is that you have "NO" opposing thesis to my CD case in the Opening Post. Right? Of course. And yet, 'my' work is laid out with the verifiable references for everyone to see. Right? Of course. Step up to the plate and take a few "Building Fires Did It" swings and I will come behind and write my rebuttals to your NONSENSE.

The 911Truth is that Gam will NEVER even begin to draft that "Building Fires Did It" Paper, because you have no precedent and no evidence that building fires can even begin to take down overbuilt steel-framed skyscrapers. :0)

You are too scared to write any "Building Fires Did It" Paper, because then these readers would know that you are an Official Cover Story Idiot :)cuckoo:), just like I already know for A FACT . . .


Hi Gam:


What's the matter Terral? Can't own up to your lies and deceit? You have to keep posting the same "Gam doesn't have a thesis" drivel? . . .

Start your "Building Fires Took Down WTC-7" Topic using whatever Gam calls 'credible evidence.' That way everyone here will see how really STUPID you look :)confused:) for even suggesting that the Official Cover Story LIE has any substance in reality whatsoever. The simple fact is that you have "NO" opposing thesis to my CD case in the Opening Post. Right? Of course. And yet, 'my' work is laid out with the verifiable references for everyone to see. Right? Of course. Step up to the plate and take a few "Building Fires Did It" swings and I will come behind and write my rebuttals to your NONSENSE.

The 911Truth is that Gam will NEVER even begin to draft that "Building Fires Did It" Paper, because you have no precedent and no evidence that building fires can even begin to take down overbuilt steel-framed skyscrapers. :0)

You are too scared to write any "Building Fires Did It" Paper, because then these readers would know that you are an Official Cover Story Idiot :)cuckoo:), just like I already know for A FACT . . .



Why do I need an opposing thesis when I'm proving your theory invalid? I've asked you a bunch of questions concerning the validity of what YOU say is what happened. Obviously the mistakes and lies that have been shown in your "slam dunk" theory of what happened have made you a mute when it comes to addressing them.

Just like Christophera.

Your theory has a bunch of holes in it which I have shown. Care to debate them? I didn't thinks so.

The simple fact is that you have "NO" opposing thesis to my CD case in the Opening Post. Right? Of course. And yet, 'my' work is laid out with the verifiable references for everyone to see. Right? Of course. Step up to the plate and take a few "Building Fires Did It" swings and I will come behind and write my rebuttals to your NONSENSE.

I have written rebuttals to your nonsense, but you refuse to address them.

Hi Gam:

I have written rebuttals to your nonsense, but you refuse to address them.


Your points have been addressed to 'my' complete satisfaction. If you really feel that anyone has been moved in the direction of 'your' unwritten "Building Fires Did It" Case :)cuckoo:), then congratulations!!!


[ame=]And their hands never get tired . . .[/ame]


you have debunked...nothing..your explanation for the collapse is ridiculous

Ah yes, the "biased" eots speaks.

Why have you not debated Terral to tell him his theory is ridiculous? He has less FORNSIC evidence than the official story yet you let him spew his crap without a word.


because you are the one spewing crap..pretending anyone but maybe NIST investigators would be supplied the withheld evidence for forensic testing and for ignoring reports of first responders and engineers on site at wtc reporting molten metal and temperatures far in excess of those produced by fire...the only answer you have to this is to ignore its existence..and the saddest part is you some how think you are...clever
you have debunked...nothing..your explanation for the collapse is ridiculous

Ah yes, the "biased" eots speaks.

Why have you not debated Terral to tell him his theory is ridiculous? He has less FORNSIC evidence than the official story yet you let him spew his crap without a word.


because you are the one spewing crap..pretending anyone but maybe NIST investigators would be supplied the withheld evidence for forensic testing and for ignoring reports of first responders and engineers on site at wtc reporting molten metal and temperatures far in excess of those produced by fire...the only answer you have to this is to ignore its existence..and the saddest part is you some how think you are...clever

Blah, blah, blah.

No forensic evidence to back your claim of molten steel eh?

Guess that means you haven't proven SHIT!!!

You, Terral, 9/11 inside job, and Christophera. All in the same boat.

No wonder it's sinking.
Hi Gam:

Run Terral. Hide behind your lies and deceit. I hope you and Christophera have fun together.



Let's see. Reality Check Time:

Gam is whining on 'my' WTC-7 Topic where 'my' CD proposal, claims, evidence and conclusions appear in the Opening Post. However, Gam has no "Building Fires Did It" Case and has no "Building Fires Did It" Topic and no "Building Fires Did It" paper posted anywhere on this fine USMB Board. Therefore, nobody has the opportunity to 'run' over to 'his' Building Fires Did It series of supported arguments to begin asking questions about anything.

Therefore, Gam :)confused:) is the one who needs to run, run, run to start his "Building Fires Did It" Propaganda Topic for the out-of-control Bush/Obama Administration Cover Story.

Chop, chop . . . We are all waiting . . .


WTC 7 fell as a result of 7 hours of unfought fire and the extensive damage it received from the collapse of the WTC Tower. Nothing more, nothing less.

WTC 7 fell as a result of 7 hours of unfought fire and the extensive damage it received from the collapse of the WTC Tower. Nothing more, nothing less.

That is an interesting unsupported opinion (see #9). Please lay out your theory, claims and evidence, so the rest of us can begin drawing 'your' Official Cover Story Conclusions :)cuckoo:). Here is one problem with your 'Building Fires Did It" theory:

911Research Website:


WTC-7 is already imploding at free fall speed, but there is 'no' sign of any building fires through any of the unbroken windows! And yet, this same skyscraper was reduced to this little pile . . .


. . . in mere seconds. I would like to know 'your' precedent for modern-day steel-frame skyscrapers collapsing CD-style into their own footprints (look at the adjacent building faces = no damage) in a 'symmetrical collapse.'

[ame=]WTC-7 In Freefall . . .[/ame]

In other words, WTC-7 fell 'straight down' and this side of the building has 'no damage.' Therefore, any damage on the 'other' side of the building should have caused the skyscraper to fall in 'that' direction; which never happened . . .

[ame=""]Smoking Gun Evidence: WTC 7 Controlled Demolition[/ame]

Thanks in advance,

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WTC 7 fell as a result of 7 hours of unfought fire and the extensive damage it received from the collapse of the WTC Tower. Nothing more, nothing less.

That is an interesting unsupported opinion (see #9). Please lay out your theory, claims and evidence, so the rest of us can begin drawing 'your' Official Cover Story Conclusions :)cuckoo:) . . .

Thanks in advance,

its been shown to you over and over
at this point it would be a waste of time to continue to show it to someone as delusional as you
seek out professional help before you become a danger to yourself and/or others
Hi DiveBomb:

its been shown to you over and over
at this point it would be a waste of time to continue to show it to someone as delusional as you
seek out professional help before you become a danger to yourself and/or others

Nobody asked anything of the village idiot :)confused:) . . .


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