WTC-7 Was A Controlled Demolition Inside Job

. . . in 6.6 seconds.

You sure do lie quite a bit, you know that?

The entire building did not collapse in 6.6 seconds. It was much more than that. The collapse started with the mechanical penthouse falling into the building as shown here.
[ame=]YouTube - WTC7 NIST Clip with east penthouse[/ame]

You choose to ignore this fact. That video length is more than DOUBLE the 6.6 seconds you continue to spout. Can you explain why you ignore the penthouse collapse as the start of the WTC7 building collapse?
Hi Gam:

You choose to ignore this fact. That video length is more than DOUBLE the 6.6 seconds you continue to spout. Can you explain why you ignore the penthouse collapse as the start of the WTC7 building collapse?

Sure! The 6.6 second collapse marks the time that "WTC-7" Collapsed free fall speed into its own footprint . . .

. . .


Only Gam seems to care about the penthouse collapse, which is just one very small component of the WTC-7 Controlled Demolition Implosion Process. Please start your "Building Fires Did It" Topic :)cuckoo:) right away, so the rest of us can start laughing . . .

[ame=]Oh Yeah! Gam Has NO Building Fires Did It Case!![/ame]


Here's why you're wrong. Again. Look at this photo I marked up.

As the text in the picture asks, how in the hell did a shape charge, placed parallel to the face of the plate make 45 degree angle jagged cuts (shown with the red lines on the photo) THROUGH the plate?



Hey Terral. No explanation for this eh?

No Terral. I am discussing YOUR thesis and what is wrong with it (which is quite a bit). No wonder you won't answer my questions.

So for the THIRD time now, explain to all of us here how a thermite charge, placed parallel to the face of the plate that made up the box columns, made 45 degree angle, jagged groove markings across the width of said plate. I guess the blast from the charge went against physics that day and decided to redirect itself to go 45 degrees?

See the photo I marked up with the red lines and quit avoiding the question.

Also, where are all your WTC7 photos showing the thermite froth covered beam and column ends?

Still waiting on your explanation of this.
Hi Gam:

You choose to ignore this fact. That video length is more than DOUBLE the 6.6 seconds you continue to spout. Can you explain why you ignore the penthouse collapse as the start of the WTC7 building collapse?

Sure! The 6.6 second collapse marks the time that "WTC-7" Collapsed free fall speed into its own footprint . . .

. . .


Only Gam seems to care about the penthouse collapse, which is just one very small component of the WTC-7 Controlled Demolition Implosion Process. Please start your "Building Fires Did It" Topic :)cuckoo:) right away, so the rest of us can start laughing . . .

[ame=]Oh Yeah! Gam Has NO Building Fires Did It Case!![/ame]



Funny, but you haven't provided me the proof that thermite was used to bring down WTC7. You said there that thermite was used and then go on to blab about thermite signatures everywhere.

Can you show me the pictures you have that show thermite froth on the column and beam ends that prove thermite was used?

You have no proof that thermite did it.
Molten metal. You keep saying this yet cannot answer my question. Aluminum or steel? Which was found?

I would like to see the forensic evidence you have in your possession that proves molten steel was found which leads you to believe thermite was used in a controlled demolition. Otherwise, you need to question your theory like you do the official story.

man I have posted everytime and everytime you say the same was STEEL and just and there are multiple official witnesses

[ame=]YouTube - Eyes Wide Shut: Gross Negligence with NIST Denial of Molten Metal on 9/11[/ame]

Since you are such a big supporter of forensic evidence eots, can you please show me the link or source to the forensic evidence used to prove that the molten metal was indeed steel and not something else?

I mean, eyewitness testimony is NOT forensic evidence is it?

the forensic evidence is in the control of the perps...clearly the testimony of expert eyewitnesses establishes molten steel..and if it did not then where is nists forensic test to show it is not steel ? there are no such test because nist just denies any such testimony
all together
man I have posted everytime and everytime you say the same was STEEL and just and there are multiple official witnesses

YouTube - Eyes Wide Shut: Gross Negligence with NIST Denial of Molten Metal on 9/11

Since you are such a big supporter of forensic evidence eots, can you please show me the link or source to the forensic evidence used to prove that the molten metal was indeed steel and not something else?

I mean, eyewitness testimony is NOT forensic evidence is it?

the forensic evidence is in the control of the perps...clearly the testimony of expert eyewitnesses establishes molten steel..and if it did not then where is nists forensic test to show it is not steel ? there are no such test because nist just denies any such testimony
all together


Sorry Mr. Double Standard. I want forensic proof that supports your eyewitnesses claims. You don't have any and neither do they. So, according to your OWN standards of proof, you cannot believe what these eyewitnesses say.

Why do you believe them? Why the two sets of standards? You're a fraud. The only reason you have to support the conspiracy theories is the fact that you don't like government and are completely biased.

What a joke.

You have NOTHING!

Since you are such a big supporter of forensic evidence eots, can you please show me the link or source to the forensic evidence used to prove that the molten metal was indeed steel and not something else?

I mean, eyewitness testimony is NOT forensic evidence is it?

the forensic evidence is in the control of the perps...clearly the testimony of expert eyewitnesses establishes molten steel..and if it did not then where is nists forensic test to show it is not steel ? there are no such test because nist just denies any such testimony
all together


Sorry Mr. Double Standard. I want forensic proof that supports your eyewitnesses claims. You don't have any and neither do they. So, according to your OWN standards of proof, you cannot believe what these eyewitnesses say.

Why do you believe them? Why the two sets of standards? You're a fraud. The only reason you have to support the conspiracy theories is the fact that you don't like government and are completely biased.

What a joke.

You have NOTHING!


bullshit the fact is the perps control the evidence the meteorite was displayed and shown to the media in the weeks following 9/11 but they are not offering it up or any of the other evidence for independent testing..someone is lying either it is NIST or the first responders and engineers on is that simple

[ame=]YouTube - 9/11 Incontravertable Proof the Government is Lying[/ame]
the forensic evidence is in the control of the perps...clearly the testimony of expert eyewitnesses establishes molten steel..and if it did not then where is nists forensic test to show it is not steel ? there are no such test because nist just denies any such testimony
all together


Sorry Mr. Double Standard. I want forensic proof that supports your eyewitnesses claims. You don't have any and neither do they. So, according to your OWN standards of proof, you cannot believe what these eyewitnesses say.

Why do you believe them? Why the two sets of standards? You're a fraud. The only reason you have to support the conspiracy theories is the fact that you don't like government and are completely biased.

What a joke.

You have NOTHING!


bullshit the fact is the perps control the evidence the meteorite was displayed and shown to the media in the weeks following 9/11 but they are not offering it up or any of the other evidence for independent testing..someone is lying either it is NIST or the first responders and engineers on is that simple

[ame=]YouTube - 9/11 Incontravertable Proof the Government is Lying[/ame]

And you're missing my point.

You want forensic evidence of temperatures of the steel even though there are studies, and expert opinions that the steel was affected by temperatures.

Now you choose to believe that there was thermite used WITHOUT any forensic evdience whatsoever. Only eyewitness accounts of what people THINK it was.

Why are you not vehemently going after the conspiracy theorists claims like you are the official story? Why the double standard eots?
the forensic evidence is in the control of the perps...

So you admit that there is no forensic evidence that you have seen to be absolutely sure it was steel? Yet you believe it was molten steel? Based on eyewitness reports?

Sorry eots, but by your own standards, this does not work.

You're so biased it's not even funny.

Why are you not debating the merits of Terral's thermite garbage? There are TONS of mistakes in his theory, yet I don't see you debating him. What about Christophera?

You aren't interested in the truth at all are you? You're just a government hating individual who will support ANYTHING that makes it look bad.

Your postings PROVE that.
Here's another question for you eots.

If thermite supposedly caused the steel to melt in the first place during the supposed "demolition", then what kept it molten for all that time until it was able to be seen by "eyewitnesses"?

What maintained the temperature for days, even weeks?

According to this photo from Terral, notice the "thermite froth" on the columns? Why did this particular bit of MOLTEN STEEL/THERMITE FROTH harden right below the "cut" and not drip down to pool along the lower levels?

So again, what maintained the high temperatures? Are you suggesting that therite was still burning a day/days after the collapse?

This should be interesting...
Hi Gam:

Here's another question for you eots.

The folly in your supposition is that asking 1000 questions makes the "Building Fires Did It" Case. Gam does NOT even begin to understand even the basics about Controlled Demolition, so he is reduced to asking question after question after question . . .

If thermite supposedly caused the steel to melt in the first place during the supposed "demolition", then what kept it molten for all that time until it was able to be seen by "eyewitnesses"?

Gam is talking about these molten metal pools:

[ame=]WTC Molten Metal[/ame]

Here is the deal: WTC-7 (like all skyscrapers) was built upon massive concrete pads with anchor bolts holding massive red-iron columns that hold beams that hold bar-joists that carry concrete slabs. The massive beams are bolted and welded to the columns on floor after floor after floor going skyward for 47 stories. All of the massive red-iron connections were 'cut' using thermate shape charges that melted the steel instantly at more than 2500 degrees. However, the thermate residue/froth dripped STRAIGHT DOWN like the acid blood in the 'Alien' Movies.

The 2500-degree Celsius molten metal accumulated in the basement under each column line, until the ground around the molten pools melted into silica glass; which contained the enriched sulfur/thermate metal within the glass-like containers. The demolition workers then breached the molten metal compartments weeks later, which exposed the molten metal to the open air.

What maintained the temperature for days, even weeks?

The molten metal was contained inside the glass-like molten silica subcompartments like the coffee in your thermos. These molten metal pools could not form in any typical 'building fire' situation, because those fires simply do not burn with sufficient heat energy to melt 2800-degree Fahrenheit steel.

According to this photo from Terral, notice the "thermite froth" on the columns? Why did this particular bit of MOLTEN STEEL/THERMITE FROTH harden right below the "cut" and not drip down to pool along the lower levels?

The molten metal had low enough mass and density to stick to the side of the massive column. Imagine a 'beam' cut at 90 degrees (perpendicular) to the ground 'and' then multiply that by 47 stories 'and' then realize that some massive girders stood 9-feet tall!


So again, what maintained the high temperatures? Are you suggesting that therite was still burning a day/days after the collapse?

This should be interesting...

No. The 2500-degree Celsius Sulfur-enriched Thermate Molten Metal Pools accumulated in the basement of all three WTC Skycrapers.

[ame=]Dr. Steven Jones Explains[/ame]


Hi Gam:

Here's another question for you eots.

The folly in your supposition is that asking 1000 questions makes the "Building Fires Did It" Case. Gam does NOT even begin to understand even the basics about Controlled Demolition, so he is reduced to asking question after question after question . . .

If thermite supposedly caused the steel to melt in the first place during the supposed "demolition", then what kept it molten for all that time until it was able to be seen by "eyewitnesses"?

Gam is talking about these molten metal pools:

[ame=]WTC Molten Metal[/ame]

Here is the deal: WTC-7 (like all skyscrapers) was built upon massive concrete pads with anchor bolts holding massive red-iron columns that hold beams that hold bar-joists that carry concrete slabs. The massive beams are bolted and welded to the columns on floor after floor after floor going skyward for 47 stories. All of the massive red-iron connections were 'cut' using thermate shape charges that melted the steel instantly at more than 2500 degrees. However, the thermate residue/froth dripped STRAIGHT DOWN like the acid blood in the 'Alien' Movies.

The 2500-degree Celsius molten metal accumulated in the basement under each column line, until the ground around the molten pools melted into silica glass; which contained the enriched sulfur/thermate metal within the glass-like containers. The demolition workers then breached the molten metal compartments weeks later, which exposed the molten metal to the open air.

The molten metal was contained inside the glass-like molten silica subcompartments like the coffee in your thermos. These molten metal pools could not form in any typical 'building fire' situation, because those fires simply do not burn with sufficient heat energy to melt 2800-degree Fahrenheit steel.

According to this photo from Terral, notice the "thermite froth" on the columns? Why did this particular bit of MOLTEN STEEL/THERMITE FROTH harden right below the "cut" and not drip down to pool along the lower levels?

The molten metal had low enough mass and density to stick to the side of the massive column. Imagine a 'beam' cut at 90 degrees (perpendicular) to the ground 'and' then multiply that by 47 stories 'and' then realize that some massive girders stood 9-feet tall!


So again, what maintained the high temperatures? Are you suggesting that therite was still burning a day/days after the collapse?

This should be interesting...

No. The 2500-degree Celsius Sulfur-enriched Thermate Molten Metal Pools accumulated in the basement of all three WTC Skycrapers.

[ame=]Dr. Steven Jones Explains[/ame]



I'll call your bluff Terral.

You contradict yourself in your own annotated photo here.

In that above photo, you even ASK the question "Where is any melting by fire" and make a statement of "This I beam Segment Shows No Signs Of Burns From Fire". How stupid are you? What kind of games are you playing Terral? You're having trouble keeping your lies straight as you try to change your story over time. How can you sit there and say that the steel in that photo shows cuts by thermite yet "there are no signs of burns"???

What a friggin' joke.


Damn that sounds just like Christophera doesn't it? Making shit up as you go along only to forget the story along the way and post something that actually debunks yourself.

Let's see those pictures of all the WTC7 column and beam ends covered in thermite froth Terral. I love how I've asked you to provide this and you can't.
Here's why you're wrong. Again. Look at this photo I marked up.

As the text in the picture asks, how in the hell did a shape charge, placed parallel to the face of the plate make 45 degree angle jagged cuts (shown with the red lines on the photo) THROUGH the plate?



Hey Terral. No explanation for this eh?

Still no explanation for this genius?
Hi Gam:

I'll call your bluff Terral. You contradict yourself in your own annotated photo here . . .

Let's see . . . Gam has no "Building Fires Did It" Case, so he stumbles around asking stupid questions. WTC-7 was still brought down using Controlled Demolition ( . . .

[ame=]WTC-7 Controlled Demolition[/ame]

. . . even if Gam :)confused:) cannot understand what that means . . .


Watch the WTC-7 Collapse Video again:

Use your curser to hold the round scrollbar and move WTC-7 up and down repeatedly. The roof section and the center of the building collapse first, then the two sides plummet at ‘free fall’ velocity like any successful controlled demolition. Before looking at the details of how WTC-7 was built using Compartmentalization of all the steel supports, we need to take a look at the massive building itself.
Here is the video Terral posted from the above quote
[ame=]YouTube - wtc 7 collapse[/ame]

Lie #1 from Terral.
The roof section and center of the building in that video above DID NOT collapse first. Terral uses a video that has cut out the mechanical penthouse falling into the building FIRST. THEN the roof and center of the building collapse. Here is the true collapse video, INCLUDING the penthouse collapse.
[ame=]YouTube - WTC7 NIST Clip with east penthouse[/ame]

Why the lie Terral?

The melting point of WTC-7 structural steel is 1535 degrees Celsius or 2795 degrees Fahrenheit. The first problem with the ‘Fire Caused The Collapse’ Theory is that building fires burn between 800 and 1000 degrees Fahrenheit, or about one third the required temperature to melt structural steel.

Lie #2 from Terral. Why do you use the term "melt" when everyone is saying that steel loses it's strength at much lower temperatures and that is the main point. Steel loses 40%-50% of it's strength at about 900-1100 degrees.

This information is very important, because remember WTC-7 collapsed in one single smooth motion, which means extra attention was paid to placing charges to sever these thicker and stronger steel supports. Try to imagine the amount of energy required to break all of these connections simultaneously and you begin to see

Lie #3 from Terral.
One smooth motion? "Break all connections simultaneously"? Ummm, this video shows otherwise. First the penthouse, then the center, then the roof. FAR from ONE SMOOTH MOTION.
[ame=]YouTube - WTC7 NIST Clip with east penthouse[/ame]

The damage from a thermite/thermate shaped charge is exactly what you see above the confused fireman’s head. Note the size of the massive column and the molten iron residue that flowed inside and outside the column.


Lie #4 from Terral.
The cuts above look exaclty like the torch cuts shown in the two photos below.


Notice that "jagged" edges of the cut in the first photo and the :lol: "thermite froth" in the second photo. No differences whatsoever.

as any torch cut would blow the molten iron off the column entirely away from the worker.

Lie #5 from Terral.
Torch cut here. Notice the slag is NOT being blown off the steel.

There is no cut from any torch that would leave molten iron residue on the inside and outside of 'all' the sides of a column this way.

Lie #6 from Terral.
Notice the wording in his explanation. In this photo he posts here

Can you honestly see BOTH sides of EACH steel plate to say that there slag on ALL sides? I see no SLAG or "thermite froth" on the outside of the steel plate with the jagged cut on top.

None of the demolition workers in the picture above climbed up any ladder forty or fifty feet in the air to make that 45-degree angle cut, because that was part of the original ‘Controlled Demolition’ ( of WTC-7.

Lie #7 from Terral.
Terral already admitted that this claim was a "mistake".
Hi Gam:

I'll call your bluff Terral. You contradict yourself in your own annotated photo here . . .

Let's see . . . Gam has no "Building Fires Did It" Case, so he stumbles around asking stupid questions. WTC-7 was still brought down using Controlled Demolition ( . . .

[ame=]WTC-7 Controlled Demolition[/ame]

. . . even if Gam :)confused:) cannot understand what that means . . .



Hmmm. Wonder why you are starting to post the same stuff over and over again when you get pinned into a corner Terral.

Did you go to Christophera's school of how to debate? Maybe we should start calling you Terrala.

What's the matter Terral. Someone throw a few monkey wrenches into your "airtight" theory?

Hi Gam:

I'll call your bluff Terral. You contradict yourself in your own annotated photo here . . .

Let's see . . . Gam has no "Building Fires Did It" Case, so he stumbles around asking stupid questions. WTC-7 was still brought down using Controlled Demolition ( . . .

[ame=]WTC-7 Controlled Demolition[/ame]

. . . even if Gam :)confused:) cannot understand what that means . . .



Hmmm. Wonder why you are starting to post the same stuff over and over again when you get pinned into a corner Terral.

Did you go to Christophera's school of how to debate? Maybe we should start calling you Terrala.

What's the matter Terral. Someone throw a few monkey wrenches into your "airtight" theory?

they always do that
the same debunked lies over and over

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