WTC-7 Was A Controlled Demolition Inside Job

Hi DiveBomb:

its been shown to you over and over
at this point it would be a waste of time to continue to show it to someone as delusional as you
seek out professional help before you become a danger to yourself and/or others

Nobody asked anything of the village idiot :)confused:) . . .

then YOU should stop posting
you fucking moron
xÞx;1638153 said:
the same stuff ?...what ? want new truths ??

It would be a welcome change from everything else you've posted thusfar :eusa_hand:

you have not a clue what I have posted thus far ..and I am sure the depth of your knowledge on this subject amounts to next to nothing more than mass media sound bites who are you trying to kid

[ame=]YouTube - Eyes Wide Shut: Gross Negligence with NIST Denial of Molten Metal on 9/11[/ame]
Sorry not one bit of real evidence of molten Steel.

I would post links but haven't been here long enough yet. But I just spent an hour looking for one decent testimony or any evidence and it's all been disproved.
Sorry not one bit of real evidence of molten Steel.

I would post links but haven't been here long enough yet. But I just spent an hour looking for one decent testimony or any evidence and it's all been disproved.
it doesnt matter, they've had real evidence presented to them and they ignore it
Sorry not one bit of real evidence of molten Steel.

I would post links but haven't been here long enough yet. But I just spent an hour looking for one decent testimony or any evidence and it's all been disproved.

are you really this delusional I showed you eyewitness testimony of first responders and engineers present at the wtc..multiple reports from varied credible and independent believe them all to be lying ? ..what link are you going to post rookie ?..popular mechanics denial of the existence of the witnesses just presented ?
you are another one who probably never read the commission report or the fema report or the NIST report or the criticisms from the authors of these reports on their value or conclusiveness...popular mechanics and fox news ..its pathetic really

[ame=]YouTube - Eyes Wide Shut: Gross Negligence with NIST Denial of Molten Metal on 9/11[/ame]
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[ame=]YouTube - 9/11 Explosions Heard Loud and Clear: WTC 7[/ame]

[ame=]YouTube - 9/11: Three WTC survivors in explosive interview[/ame]

[ame=]YouTube - 9/11 Cop says numerous secondary explosions heard in WTC[/ame]

[ame=]YouTube - 9/11: Secondary Devices & Explosions (NBC)[/ame]
xÞx;1638153 said:
the same stuff ?...what ? want new truths ??

It would be a welcome change from everything else you've posted thusfar :eusa_hand:

you have not a clue what I have posted thus far ..and I am sure the depth of your knowledge on this subject amounts to next to nothing more than mass media sound bites who are you trying to kid

[ame=]YouTube - Eyes Wide Shut: Gross Negligence with NIST Denial of Molten Metal on 9/11[/ame]

Okay, fine, whatever you say. Lets assume that when we wake up tomorrow we wake up in the bizarro world and you're right for the first time ever.

What then.

What do you plan to do about it?

Not a damn thing; In 8 years, all you've accomplished is making an ass of your self and the only thing you've added to the discussion is saliva.

I don't see the next 8 being any different.

How are they treating you at the FEMA Camp dumbass?


Sorry not one bit of real evidence of molten Steel.

I would post links but haven't been here long enough yet. But I just spent an hour looking for one decent testimony or any evidence and it's all been disproved.

are you really this delusional I showed you eyewitness testimony of first responders and engineers present at the wtc..multiple reports from varied credible and independent believe them all to be lying ? ..what link are you going to post rookie ?..popular mechanics denial of the existence of the witnesses just presented ?
you are another one who probably never read the commission report or the fema report or the NIST report or the criticisms from the authors of these reports on their value or conclusiveness...popular mechanics and fox news ..its pathetic really

[ame=]YouTube - Eyes Wide Shut: Gross Negligence with NIST Denial of Molten Metal on 9/11[/ame]

Yeah. Firemen, Debris Removal Specialists, Architects, etc., can ALL make VISUAL identification of molten steel over molten aluminum or another substance. There's even a supposed quote in the video from Leslie Robertson who was asked about it. He said he never made such a statement, nor was he in position to do so.

You're a joke.

I see in your post above the crux of your biased opinions. You state "multiple reports from varied credible and independent believe them all to be lying..."

I suppose all the engineers who participated in the studies and tests for the collapses are also lying? They are not CREDIBLE sources?

So in the end your nothing but a biased punk. Eyewitness reports are good enough when they go along with and support your thinking, but you need FORENSIC EVIDENCE instead of studies and tests done by engineers in order to prove you wrong.

Start your "Building Fires Took Down WTC-7" Topic

I don't need to. I have all the studies and tests done be engineers as my evidence. You have failed miserably to show that they are wrong with your crappy alternative theory.

I have found numerous mistakes and misleading statements that proves your theory is incorrect, but you won't address them.

What a sad individual you are.

Terral, please explain this to me.

You claim that the WTC7 columns and beams were cut using thermite. You claim that there are thermite signatures all over.

Yet you post this picture.

In this picture you make the following statements and ask the the following questions:
1. This I Beam Segment Shows No Signs Of Burns From Fire
2. Where Is Any Melting By Fire?
3. I Beam Segment Has No Burns

Then there is a statement in the photo that says this:
1. The Supporting Columns, Girders, and Beams Were Severed Using Thermite.

How ridiculous! :lol::lol::lol:

You debunk yourself in the same photo! Was this magical thermite that doesn't leave marks or melt steel? Where are all the "thermite signatures"?

What a HUGE mistake on your part.
Of course there were multiple explosions. Many many explosions. That would be things like cellphone and lap top batteries, Transformers, various office machines, water running onto a hot surface even, Pipes bursting, just use your imagination. Thousands of things in a High rise building will explode in a fire. This is known as common sense.
Hey Terral.

How did the structural steel from the Madrid Windsor Tower collapse?

Notice that what survived was the CONCRETE CORE part. So why did the structural steel part collapse after only a couple of hours? I mean, according to you, office fires don't last that long, can't reach temperatures to weaken steel, and steel transfers heat to the attached members.

Was it thermite here also?

See, here is part of my evidence that office/building fires can and do cause steel to collapse.
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Sorry not one bit of real evidence of molten Steel.

I would post links but haven't been here long enough yet. But I just spent an hour looking for one decent testimony or any evidence and it's all been disproved.

We have 'many' Official Cover Story DUPES :)confused:) waltzing around this place who really believe that WTC-7 collapsed CD-style from building fires :)cuckoo:). Welcome to the party . . .

Thank you for proving my thesis about why the USA 'is' worthy of utter destruction (#9).


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Sorry not one bit of real evidence of molten Steel.

I would post links but haven't been here long enough yet. But I just spent an hour looking for one decent testimony or any evidence and it's all been disproved.

We have 'many' Official Cover Story DUPES :)confused:) waltzing around this place who really believe that WTC-7 collapsed CD-style from building fires :)cuckoo:). Welcome to the party . . .

Thank you for proving my thesis about why the USA 'is' worthy of utter destruction (#9).



And we have many Terral dupes running around also. Following their leader who uses deceit and lies to make them believe what he says.
Hi Gam:


. . . What a HUGE mistake on your part . . .

Right. Now Gam is going to explain 'where' the missing 47 concrete slabs went in his upcoming "Building Fires Did It" explanation! According to Gam, this building burned down from building fires, which has NEVER HAPPENED in the history of this planet to 'any' steel-framed skyscraper.

[ame=""]WTC-7 Was Hit By No Jetliner . . .[/ame]

[ame=]Collapse From Controlled Demolition, OR Gam's Building Fires?? You Decide . . .[/ame]

If anybody here wants to believe Gam and 'his' unsupported argument that "Building Fires Did It," then you also have been DUPED :)confused:) by George Bush, Karl Rove, Dick Cheney, Donald Rumsfeld, John Ashcroft, Larry Silverstein, Peter Peterson and the entire Inside-Job Gang (#9)!


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Yeah. Firemen, Debris Removal Specialists, Architects, etc., can ALL make VISUAL identification of molten steel over molten aluminum or another substance. There's even a supposed quote in the video from Leslie Robertson who was asked about it. He said he never made such a statement, nor was he in position to do so.

You're a joke.

the quotes are there on video out of their own mouths and clearly say melting beams and support columns and metal in the sub-floors you are in complete denial

I see in your post above the crux of your biased opinions. You state "multiple reports from varied credible and independent believe them all to be lying..."

I suppose all the engineers who participated in the studies and tests for the collapses are also lying? They are not CREDIBLE sources?

they where not witness to these events and can only study the evidence supplied to them do the experiments they are funded to do...NIST admits their scenario to be questionable and of a low probability

So in the end your nothing but a biased punk. Eyewitness reports are good enough when they go along with and support your thinking, but you need FORENSIC EVIDENCE instead of studies and tests done by engineers in order to prove you wrong

the perpetrators control the evidence and deny the eyewitnesses and those involved in the reports call their own studies flawed and inconclusive and a cover-up
hey candycornhole

xÞx;1638153 said:
It would be a welcome change from everything else you've posted thusfar :eusa_hand]

you have not a clue what I have posted thus far ..and I am sure the depth of your knowledge on this subject amounts to next to nothing more than mass media sound bites who are you trying to kid

YouTube - Eyes Wide Shut: Gross Negligence with NIST Denial of Molten Metal on 9/11

Okay, fine, whatever you say. Lets assume that when we wake up tomorrow we wake up in the bizarro world and you're right for the first time ever.

What then.

What do you plan to do about it?

Not a damn thing; In 8 years, all you've accomplished is making an ass of your self and the only thing you've added to the discussion is saliva
I don't see the next 8 being any different.

How are they treating you at the FEMA Camp dumbass?


you do not abandon the pursuit of justice in a mass murder because it has not come in 8 how is your search for bin laden going....****
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are you really this delusional I showed you eyewitness testimony of first responders and engineers present at the wtc..multiple reports from varied credible and independent believe them all to be lying ?

So you have deemed these people, these CREDIBLE, INDEPENDENT EYEWITNESSES as folks who know what they are talking about and trustworthy right?

Good. Let's take Abolhassan Astaneh-Asl for example. You have used his quote, “I saw melting of girders in [the] World Trade Center.” as supporting eyewitness testimony to lend credence to your beliefs. Let's look at some other comments and findigs he has made shall we?

1. He notes that steel has bent at several connection points that had joined the floors of the WTC to the vertical columns. He describes the connections as being smoothly warped, saying, “If you remember the Salvador Dali paintings with the clocks that are kind of melted—it’s kind of like that.” He adds, “That could only happen if you get steel yellow hot or white hot—perhaps around 2,000 degrees.”

2. At a recycling center in New Jersey, he sees 10-ton steel beams from the towers that look “like giant sticks of twisted licorice.”

3. He finds “severely scorched [steel] members from 40 or so floors below the points of impact [by the planes].” He believes this is the result of the planes having destroyed the elevator walls, thereby allowing burning jet fuel to pour down into the building, igniting fires hundreds of feet below the impact floors.

4. He shows the San Francisco Chronicle a “banana-shaped, rust-colored piece of steel” that has “twisted like toffee during the terrorist attack.”

So let's see. This PROFESSIONAL, CREDIBLE, INDEPENDENT, EYEWITNESS engineer says he has seen steel smoothly warped connections which can only occur in steel which reached temperatures of 2000 degrees. Yet you tell me that there was no FORENSIC proof of that.

Is he lying? Is his CREDIBLE, INDEPENDENT, and PROFESSIONAL statement a bunch of crap? I thought you said no steel reached temperatures that high?

Go read for yourself.

Abolhassan Astaneh-Asl

Damn are you a biased twit.
Eots, let's talk about Leslie Robertson's supposed quote in that video above about there being molten steel at the site.

Mr. Robertson is quoted as describing the "molten steel" still running after 21 days in a supposed quote from an SEAUNews pdf. I took a look at it. I don't see any quotes from Robertson in that article that state he saw "molten steel" 21 days after. I see a facts written by Mike Williams, but nothing quoted from Mr. Robertson.

Here is the link to the pdf.

On top of that, someone questioned him on it and he replied in an email.
Leslie Robertson email said:
I've no recollection of having made any such statements...nor was I in a position to have the required knowledge.

Did you actually email Mr. Robertson and ask him about this supposed quote? My guess is no. As usual, you probably saw the quote in the video and since it supported your claims and thinking, stopped right there.

Like I said. You are nothing more than a biased twit. Above is just another example how you and your ilk stop looking for the truth as soon as you find evidence which supports what you believe and leave it at that.

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