WTC-7 Was A Controlled Demolition Inside Job

why do you pretend not understand.. NIST reported the temperatures confirmed in forensic test showed temperatures from fire and no where near that required to weaken steel from the materials the perpetrators supplied for testing ..they could of supplied the twisted pieces and huge beams bent like horseshoes but then they would have another problem because to bend steel beams in such away they would have to be softened or they would crack or break and that would require temperatures far in excess of what can be created by fire are in fact suppling evidence of controled demoliton becuse it would indeed require tempatures in excesss of 2000 you now agree there is clear evidence of tempatures of at least 2000

Are you really that stupid? Let me help you figure this out. I'll even bold and enlarge the important words for you.

Abolhassan Astaneh-Asl findings said:
1. He notes that steel has bent at several connection points that had joined the floors of the WTC to the vertical columns. He describes the connections as being smoothly warped, saying, “If you remember the Salvador Dali paintings with the clocks that are kind of melted—it’s kind of like that.” He adds, “That could only happen if you get steel yellow hot or white hot—perhaps around 2,000 degrees

Thermite doesn't bend or warp steel? Do you get it yet? It burns/melts through it. Thermite produces temps of 2500C or 4500F. Are you telling me that they used thermite to bend and warp/bend the steel to collapse the towers?


what happens to the temperature of a piece of metal over-all if you apply temperatures of 4500degrees to a portion of that metal...moron


Jesus H Christ.

Explain this photo then.

Where are the damn bends and warps in this column like you say should be there due to the "thermite cuts" Terral says were made?

Heat energy will always 'travel' to cooler areas of any steel-framed network. Period. Hydrocarbon fires simply DO NOT burn hot enough to melt 2800-degree red-iron structural steel. Period.l

But they burn hot enough to make steel start to lose it's strength. That's at about 650F when it starts.
If fires can't affect steel, why did this portion of the Windsor building collapse Terral? I see you keep avoiding this. With good reason I might add. I completely destroys your claims.
Who the fuck is XP?

Bullony! Heat energy is constantly moving in any steel-framed network and NEVER remains stationary. Period. Heat energy from any fire source is transported 'away' into cooler areas of the steel-frame network more quickly than 'any' single support can be softened.


then this should be impossible, yes?


Nobody here has presented 'any' Building Fires Did It hypothesis using claims nor 'any' kind of evidence.

Scroll, dude. there's a picture of this building in Madrid...

XP is running his mouth, when I 'do'
Heat energy will always 'travel' to cooler areas of any steel-framed network. Period. Hydrocarbon fires simply DO NOT burn hot enough to melt 2800-degree red-iron structural steel. Period.


especially since only you and eots have said anything was melted
xÞx;1644460 said:
Anyone else starting to feel bad about picking on the retarded kid?
no, because this stuff has been explained to them on so many occasion that now it is them being WILLFULLY stupid
Are you really that stupid? Let me help you figure this out. I'll even bold and enlarge the important words for you.

Thermite doesn't bend or warp steel? Do you get it yet? It burns/melts through it. Thermite produces temps of 2500C or 4500F. Are you telling me that they used thermite to bend and warp/bend the steel to collapse the towers?


what happens to the temperature of a piece of metal over-all if you apply temperatures of 4500degrees to a portion of that metal...moron

IT MELTS IT ASSHOLE!!! if you had a 30 ft beam and heated one end to 4500 degrees the whloe beam would happens to the tempature of the rest of the beam that the heat is not directly applied to..
xÞx;1644545 said:
Nothing at all if you only apply the heat for .5 seconds >.>

You people are slow

so you believe it would take .5 of a second to cut through a core column and there would be no change in tempature to the rest of the column

I do?

Do state where I said that.

You're horrible at the psychic thing.
xÞx;1644545 said:
Nothing at all if you only apply the heat for .5 seconds >.>

You people are slow

so you believe it would take .5 of a second to cut through a core column and there would be no change in tempature to the rest of the column
so, when you cut a 10" piece of steel on the last 2" of it, he other end becomes too hot to hold?

btw, thats a question for you, not that I actually believe it does
(i KNOW better)
what happens to the temperature of a piece of metal over-all if you apply temperatures of 4500degrees to a portion of that metal...moron

IT MELTS IT ASSHOLE!!! if you had a 30 ft beam and heated one end to 4500 degrees the whloe beam would happens to the tempature of the rest of the beam that the heat is not directly applied to..


Wow eots! look at the heat from the torch, WHICH IS MELTING THE STEEL, spread from the cut outward!!!!!

I can see the yellow to orange color of the HEATED steel radiating outward from the cut!!!!!

Again eots, why didn't the steel plates of this column, which you guys say was cut by thermite, show any signs of warping or bending?
what happens to the temperature of a piece of metal over-all if you apply temperatures of 4500degrees to a portion of that metal...moron

IT MELTS IT ASSHOLE!!! if you had a 30 ft beam and heated one end to 4500 degrees the whloe beam would happens to the tempature of the rest of the beam that the heat is not directly applied to..

Where is the radiating heat in these photos eots that you are assuming should be showing up where the torch is cutting? Where is the heated yellow or orange colored steel?

xÞx;1644545 said:
Nothing at all if you only apply the heat for .5 seconds >.>

You people are slow

so you believe it would take .5 of a second to cut through a core column and there would be no change in tempature to the rest of the column

This ought to be good.

How long to you think it would take thermite to cut through the 4" plate that made up this columns here?

Be careful now eots...Your pal Terral already gave a length of time according to this video he linked to here. Looks pretty INSTANTANEOUS to me.
Shaped Charges and the World Trade Center Collapses

IT MELTS IT ASSHOLE!!! if you had a 30 ft beam and heated one end to 4500 degrees the whloe beam would happens to the tempature of the rest of the beam that the heat is not directly applied to..

Where is the radiating heat in these photos eots that you are assuming should be showing up where the torch is cutting? Where is the heated yellow or orange colored steel?


I have done a lot of cutting and I love to invite you to place your hand on that steel plate
As a person who has used thermite grenades, thermite plates, thermite powder, and a cutting torch I can promise you that that beam was cut with a torch. if you had a 30 ft beam and heated one end to 4500 degrees the whloe beam would happens to the tempature of the rest of the beam that the heat is not directly applied to..

Where is the radiating heat in these photos eots that you are assuming should be showing up where the torch is cutting? Where is the heated yellow or orange colored steel?


I have done a lot of cutting and I love to invite you to place your hand on that steel plate

Great comeback. The temperature, according to you would be hot enough to bend steel, which is yellow or white hot from what your CREDIBLE eyewitmness said. You are implying that the thermite heated the surrounding steel to that temperature.

What an idiot.


You're backed into a corner now and all you can come up with it that shit?

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