WTC-7 Was A Controlled Demolition Inside Job

For the umpteenth time: Gam can show us his "Building Fires Did It" explanation in a thesis statement, claims, evidence and conclusions, if he ever grows a pair and actually wants to debate the WTC-7 Controlled Demolition Topic. Asking a billion questions does not make the Official Cover Story Case 'and' Gam very well knows it. Your problem is that thousands of massive steel-frame supports were 'cut' at the same time to allow this 47-story skyscraper . . .

For the umpteenth time, your alternate theory sucks and I've shown you many mistakes and contradictions in it. Why can't you be honest and address my quesitons instead of trying to redirect everyone with your garbage about me not making my own thread.

. . . but the steel-frame itself did not collapse CD-style like WTC-7 'and' in just a few hours.

Just answer the question. How did the STEEL STRUCTURE part of this building collapse?

Your avoidance of the questions is very telling...
Hi Gam:

For the umpteenth time, your alternate theory sucks and I've shown you many mistakes and contradictions in it . . .

Present your "Building Fires Did It" Case and perhaps we will have something to debate. You and I know that will never happen, because Gam :)confused:) HAS NO CASE. Period. Again, if ANYBODY wants to follow in your Official Cover Story STUPIDITY :)cuckoo:), then they should do so and prove my original hypothesis to be 100 percent correct (#9 again).


The fact is that Gam has 'no precedent' for overbuilt steel-frame skyscrapers collapsing CD-style from building fires. Period. Perhaps Gam would have a case, IF the Madrid skyscraper burned for a few hours and 'then' collapsed into its own footprint leaving the adjacent buildings unscathed. However, if anybody here wants to follow Gam and his "Official Cover Story LIE," then more power to you! The Official Cover Story DUPES around here help to prove my thesis that The USA "IS" Worthy Of Utter Destruction Off The Face Of The Earth (#9).

Keep up the good work . . .


Funny, but the steel structure part of that DID collapse after a couple of hours. Try explaining this one Terral.

You can't can you? I can tell because when you can't answer one of my questions, you try and change the subject to me making my own thread about fires.

All evidence you have provided AGAINST the fire theory completely idiotic. You even debunk yourself within your own photo. Care to address that little gem?

C'mon Terral you coward.

Let's see you answer to the mistakes in your theory. You can't.
Any rebuttal to my Opening Post CD Presentation 'must' be supported by a thesis statement ("Building Fires Did It")


My rebuttals contain simple evidence that you are full of crap. Let's see the thermite cut photo evidence for the columns and beams of WTC7.


What a moron.
Hi Gam:

C'mon Terral you coward . . .

Now you want to get me laughing again. If Gam really believes in his heart of hearts that ANYONE here is following in 'his' Official Cover Story "Building Fires Did It" footsteps, then Congratulations!!!


Even if Gam :)confused:) tried to make his "Building Fires Took Down WTC-7" Case (which he will never do = too chicken), then I would be the very last person with Demolition Experience (#3) to fall for that NONSENSE.

[ame=""]Gam Is Too Chicken! Get It? :0)[/ame]

Do not worry, Gam. There are plenty of Official Cover Story DUPES around here . . .


. . . so somebody :)cuckoo:) believes your Official Cover Story STUPIDITY . . .

[ame=]Gam Says Building Fires Did This . . .[/ame]


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The extensive three-year scientific and technical building and fire safety investigation found that the fires on multiple floors in WTC 7, which were uncontrolled but otherwise similar to fires experienced in other tall buildings, caused an extraordinary event. Heating of floor beams and girders caused a critical support column to fail, initiating a fire-induced progressive collapse that brought the building down.

In response to comments from the building community, NIST conducted an additional computer analysis. The goal was to see if the loss of WTC 7’s Column 79—the structural component identified as the one whose failure on 9/11 started the progressive collapse—would still have led to a complete loss of the building if fire or damage from the falling debris of the nearby WTC 1 tower were not factors. The investigation team concluded that the column’s failure under any circumstance would have initiated the destructive sequence of events.

NIST Tech Beat - November 20, 2008

Science not theory.
then I would be the very last person with Demolition Experience

I can see why you don't do it for a living anymore.


Your experience does nothing for me as you've screwed up so many times in your theory I've lost count. I have FAR more experience than you in the engineering/structural field than you'll ever have. You don't impress me one bit.

The engineers I have shown your work to just laugh.
Hi Gam:

C'mon Terral you coward . . .

Now you want to get me laughing again. If Gam really believes in his heart of hearts that ANYONE here is following in 'his' Official Cover Story "Building Fires Did It" footsteps, then Congratulations!!!


Even if Gam :)confused:) tried to make his "Building Fires Took Down WTC-7" Case (which he will never do = too chicken), then I would be the very last person with Demolition Experience (#3) to fall for that NONSENSE.

[ame=""]Gam Is Too Chicken! Get It? :0)[/ame]

Do not worry, Gam. There are plenty of Official Cover Story DUPES around here . . .


. . . so somebody :)cuckoo:) believes your Official Cover Story STUPIDITY . . .

[ame=]Gam Says Building Fires Did This . . .[/ame]





Terral gets his ass handed to him and all he can do is post about me not having a "fires did it" thread.


Pssssst. I made one for you Terral. Can I ignore your evidence that disputes my explanation like you ignore mine?
I KNOW FOR A FACT that WTC-7 was taken down using Controlled Demolition by all of these Controlled Demolition Signatures,

Are you going to ever show us these "THERMITE SIGNATURES" you have photos of for WTC7 columns and beams that were "CUT"?

I have yet to see any of them.
Bullony! Heat energy is constantly moving in any steel-framed network and NEVER remains stationary.

Can you tell me why I can heat up my STEEL kettle over a gas flame and then grab the STEEL handle that is attached to the STEEL kettle by STEEL bolts?

What a jackass.

I'm going to guess C) Steel is not a 'perfect conductor'
CBI :)confused:) cannot even spell legitimate, argument nor construction,

Which does nothing to invalidate his (?) points?
AND the notion that WTC-7 collapsed from building fires is a Govt Cover-Story Fantasy. Period. There is 'no precedent' for overbuilt skyscrapers collapsing CD-style from building fires and CBI very well knows it.

Someone already posted the Madrid fire
Holy Molies! This guy cannot even spell parameters nor possibility!

Pathetic ad homs, dude.

Man up and either admit to being a dumbass or actually address what the user has posted.
Hi Gam:

I have yet to see any of them.

No wonder (pic < Gam)!

[ame=]This Short Video Might Help[/ame]



Of course Terral.

I asked you to provide me with the photos you are using to show all of us your thermite signatures that show up on ALL the WTC7 you keep clammering about.

How about it? Where are they? Even one good one?
Hi Gam:

I have yet to see any of them.

No wonder (pic < Gam)!

[ame=]This Short Video Might Help[/ame]




What an idiot. That video starts off speaking of steel melting. TOTALLY unrelated and dishonest. Nobody talks of steel melting.

Why are you so dishonest?

Here's a video for you about one of the REAL reasons why WTC7 collapsed.
[ame=]YouTube - Lecture Thermal Expansion[/ame]
One of America&#8217;s most prominent scientists, Dr. Margulis is Distinguished University Professor in the Department of Geosciences, University of Massachusetts - Amherst. She was elected to the National Academy of Sciences in 1983 and served as Chairman of the Academy&#8217;s Space Science Board Committee on Planetary Biology and Chemical Evolution. In 1999, President Bill Clinton presented Dr. Margulis with the National Medal of Science, America's highest honor for scientific achievement, "for her outstanding contributions to understanding of the development, structure, and evolution of living things, for inspiring new research in the biological, climatological, geological and planetary sciences, and for her extraordinary abilities as a teacher and communicator of science to the public."

In her statement on, Dr. Margulis referred to 9/11 as &#8220;this new false-flag operation, which has been used to justify the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq as well as unprecedented assaults on research, education, and civil liberties&#8221;. She compared 9/11 to several self-inflicted attacks that had been used in the past to arouse people&#8217;s fear and hatred and justify war, including the sinking of the USS Maine in Havana Harbor, the Reichstag Fire, and Operation Himmler, which Germany used to justify the invasion of Poland, the trigger for World War II.

In her statement on, Dr. Margulis referred to 9/11 as &#8220;this new false-flag operation, which has been used to justify the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq as well as unprecedented assaults on research, education, and civil liberties&#8221;. She compared 9/11 to several self-inflicted attacks that had been used in the past to arouse people&#8217;s fear and hatred and justify war, including the sinking of the USS Maine in Havana Harbor, the Reichstag Fire, and Operation Himmler, which Germany used to justify the invasion of Poland, the trigger for World War II.

In her statement, Dr. Margulis cites &#8220;the research and clear writing by David Ray Griffin in his fabulous books about 9/11&#8221; as a useful source of information and analysis of problems with the official account of 9/11. She specifically lauded The New Pearl Harbor and The 9/11 Commission Report: Omissions and Distortions, &#8220;which provides overwhelming evidence that the official story is contradictory, incomplete, and unbelievable.&#8221;
Internationally acclaimed for her ground-breaking scientific work, Dr. Margulis is an elected member of The World Academy of Art and Science, an organization of 500 of the world&#8217;s leading thinkers, chosen for eminence in art, the natural and social sciences, and the humanities. And in 2006, she was selected as one of &#8220;The 20th Century's 100 Most Important Inspirational Leaders&#8221; by the editors of Resurgence magazine.

Dr. Margulis&#8217; full statement can be read at More information about Dr. Margulis&#8217; career can be found at Sciencewriters.

OpEdNews - Article: National Academy of Sciences Member Calls for New 9/11 Investigation
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