WTC-7 Was NOT A Controlled Demolition Inside Job

OH REALLY...then why did he use the plural...theories....IDIOT

You need to learn how to read dumbass. There is nothing more to say to you other than you are completely wrong as evidenced by his conclusion, written at the end of his paper. I'll quote it again.
3. Conclusions
I contend that the NIST analysis used a fuel load that was too low and
their fire durations are consequently too short. Only these short fires could
then heat the bare core columns as NIST reports. The fires were too short
to heat the insulated trusses to failure. The NIST analysis has flaws, is
incomplete, and has led to an unsupported conclusion on the cause of the
An alternative hypothesis with the insulated trusses at the root cause
appears to have more support. Heat transfer analyses, a scale model, and
the UL furnace tests all indicate that the steel trusses can attain temperatures
corresponding to failure based on structural analyses. This hypothesis puts
the blame on the insufficiency of the truss insulation. Something NIST says
was not an issue.
The two different hypotheses lead to very different consequences with
respect to recommendations and remedial action. I think the evidence is
strong enough to take a harder look at the current conclusions. I would
recommend that all records of the investigation be archived, that the NIST
study be subject to a peer review, and that consideration be given to reopening
this investigation to assure no lost fire safety issues.

He clearly states that he has ONE alternate theory, not THEORIES. His alternate theory is that the trusses failed due to heat.

This proves you wrong beyond a shadow of a doubt. if you have issues understanding his written statements and want to interpret it as something more than what it actually means, than I suggest you contact him to clarify.

I don't think you will because you're a coward and have no interest in the truth.

no you need learn to read it does not say the other theory it says an
but that is probably beyond you...

Yeah. AN ALTERNATE Theory. One.

Friggin' moron.


Do you see where he says "The two different hypotheses lead..." in his statement? Are you that fucking stupid?


The statement discusses two theories. Columns (NIST' theory) or trusses (Mr. Quintiere's alternate theory).

So, for the intelligence impaired, Mr. Quintiere says TWO. Which means you are either talking about ONE or the OTHER. Not ONE, THE OTHER, and an additional five MORE theories. He would have said seven then.

I suppose when you have a route mapped out to go somewhere and someone says they have an ALTERNATE ROUTE (not ROUTES with an s, but ROUTE), they have ten other routes planned out right.

Go back to school. What an complete idiot.

You need to learn how to read dumbass. There is nothing more to say to you other than you are completely wrong as evidenced by his conclusion, written at the end of his paper. I'll quote it again.

He clearly states that he has ONE alternate theory, not THEORIES. His alternate theory is that the trusses failed due to heat.

This proves you wrong beyond a shadow of a doubt. if you have issues understanding his written statements and want to interpret it as something more than what it actually means, than I suggest you contact him to clarify.

I don't think you will because you're a coward and have no interest in the truth.

no you need learn to read it does not say the other theory it says an
but that is probably beyond you...

Yeah. AN ALTERNATE Theory. One.

Friggin' moron.


Do you see where he says "The two different hypotheses lead..." in his statement? Are you that fucking stupid?


The statement discusses two theories. Columns (NIST' theory) or trusses (Mr. Quintiere's alternate theory).

So, for the intelligence impaired, Mr. Quintiere says TWO. Which means you are either talking about ONE or the OTHER. Not ONE, THE OTHER, and an additional five MORE theories. He would have said seven then.

I suppose when you have a route mapped out to go somewhere and someone says they have an ALTERNATE ROUTE (not ROUTES with an s, but ROUTE), they have ten other routes planned out right.

Go back to school. What an complete idiot.


Eots is a scared litte person.
Hi Gam:

Do you see where he says "The two different
hypotheses lead...
" in his statement? Are you that fucking stupid?

Hey, Gam is the Govt Stooge that supposedly has a "Building Fires Did It" Case. Okay hotshot, so how did 'building fires' :)cuckoo:) CUT thousands of 2800-degree red-iron girders, columns, beams and bar-joists at the VERY SAME TIME to do this?

[ame=""]WTC 7 Controlled Demolition Video Clip[/ame]

Go right ahead and start explaining . . . :popcorn:

[ame=""]OR, Are You Too Damned Stupid??? :0)[/ame]


Hi Gam:

Do you see where he says "The two different
hypotheses lead...
" in his statement? Are you that fucking stupid?

Hey, Gam is the Govt Stooge that supposedly has a "Building Fires Did It" Case. Okay hotshot, so how did 'building fires' :)cuckoo:) CUT thousands of 2800-degree red-iron girders, columns, beams and bar-joists at the VERY SAME TIME to do this?

Go right ahead and start explaining . . . :popcorn:


no, terral, it's YOU that is too damned stupid
what do you think Jesus would say about your lies here?
no you need learn to read it does not say the other theory it says an
but that is probably beyond you...

Yeah. AN ALTERNATE Theory. One.

Friggin' moron.


Do you see where he says "The two different hypotheses lead..." in his statement? Are you that fucking stupid?


The statement discusses two theories. Columns (NIST' theory) or trusses (Mr. Quintiere's alternate theory).

So, for the intelligence impaired, Mr. Quintiere says TWO. Which means you are either talking about ONE or the OTHER. Not ONE, THE OTHER, and an additional five MORE theories. He would have said seven then.

I suppose when you have a route mapped out to go somewhere and someone says they have an ALTERNATE ROUTE (not ROUTES with an s, but ROUTE), they have ten other routes planned out right.

Go back to school. What an complete idiot.


Eots is a scared litte person.

yes absolutely if they sad there was an alternative route I would take it to mean there was one other reasonable alternative and if the said there was alternative routes ..I would take it there was several options..dimbcunt...and I fear nothing..except garden gnomes
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I knew the disinfo agents would come back and not do the mature thing and admit defeat.Lol after all their bosses would never pay them if they gave according to their logic,even though the only 3 towers that collapsed emitted intense heat readings far too extreme to be office fires 3 weeks later,they were caused by office fires,priceless.i love it."rolls on floor with laughter." they exposed themselves as the disinfo agents they are.

people who are just in denial,when confronted with irrefutable evidence,they dont come back and post.disinfo agents DO. those 3 towers were the ONLY ones with intense readings of heat even though some of the other buildings were far more severely burned yet according to them,it was caused by office fires.priceless.i love the logic of disinfo agents.great entertainment.hee hee hee hee hee.

Ever seen thermite in action? It burns through in seconds to minutes it does not burn for a week. Do you understand? Let me type it slower so you understand better.

T h e r m i t e o n l y b u r n s f o r a f e w m o m e n t s !.

D o Y o u U n d e r s t a n d ?

So what was it that burned for weeks afterward?
Yeah. AN ALTERNATE Theory. One.

Friggin' moron.


Do you see where he says "The two different hypotheses lead..." in his statement? Are you that fucking stupid?


The statement discusses two theories. Columns (NIST' theory) or trusses (Mr. Quintiere's alternate theory).

So, for the intelligence impaired, Mr. Quintiere says TWO. Which means you are either talking about ONE or the OTHER. Not ONE, THE OTHER, and an additional five MORE theories. He would have said seven then.

I suppose when you have a route mapped out to go somewhere and someone says they have an ALTERNATE ROUTE (not ROUTES with an s, but ROUTE), they have ten other routes planned out right.

Go back to school. What an complete idiot.


Eots is a scared litte person.

yes absolutely if they sad there was an alternative route I would take it to mean there was one other reasonable alternative and if the said there was alternative routes ..I would take it there was several options..dimbcunt...and I fear nothing..except garden gnomes
once the metal was molten then insulated by the dust a debris it remained at a high temperature until it eventually cooled
the deniers have been reduced to inane childish smileys as their words fail them
Hi Eots:

the deniers have been reduced to inane childish smileys as their words fail them

Anyone who thinks that 'building fires' :)cuckoo:) can do this . . .

[ame=]WTC 7 Controlled Demolition Implosion[/ame]

. . . is either a Loyal Bushie/Obama DUPE :)confused:) or an Official Govt Cover Story STOOGE :)cool:). Take your pick . . .

WTC-7 Was DEFINITELY (#3) Taken Down Using Controlled Demolition ( + My Topic). That is 'the' very simple 911Truth . . .

The Destruction Of WTC-7 Google Video << Click here



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