WTC-7 Was NOT A Controlled Demolition Inside Job

fact temperatures required to weaken steel could not be verified ..because he questions the accuracy of computer simulations etc etc...why do you lie ??

Then why does his theory state that the fires caused the STEEL trusses to fail?

You're a joke.
No sir. Your claim is very much IMPOSSIBLE and you very well know it.


Yeah, so IMPOSSIBLE that the steel structure part of this building collapsed due to fire.

I thought steel stuctures couldn't collapse from fire Terral? Yet there is the proof. Explain how that steel collpased.

this building is under is burnt to a crisp relative to wtc 7 and it is still has not collapsed in secs to an unidentifiable pile of rubble..why do you pretend ?
he wants a new investigation because he doubts the findings..

Because he believes that the trusses were at fault, not the core columns.

READ THE PAPER where he says it himself. I quoted it twice already, but your to damn stupid to comprehend. You're blinded by your biased views.
No sir. Your claim is very much IMPOSSIBLE and you very well know it.


Yeah, so IMPOSSIBLE that the steel structure part of this building collapsed due to fire.

I thought steel stuctures couldn't collapse from fire Terral? Yet there is the proof. Explain how that steel collpased.

this building is under is burnt to a crisp relative to wtc 7 and it is still has not collapsed in secs to an unidentifiable pile of rubble..why do you pretend ?

The part that did not collapse was the concrete reinforced portion. What caused the steel only part of the building in that photo to collapse?
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Dr. Quintiere, one of the world’s leading fire science researchers and safety engineers, also encouraged his audience of fellow researchers and engineers to scientifically re-examine the WTC collapses. “I hope to convince you to perhaps become 'Conspiracy Theorists', but in a proper

Dr. Quintiere said he originally “had high hopes” that NIST would do a good job with the investigation. “They’re the central government lab for fire. There are good people there and they can do a good job. But what [BI also thought they would do is to enlist the service of the ATF [Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives], [/SIZE][/B]which has an investigation force and a laboratory of their own for fire. And I thought they would put people out on the street and get gumshoe-type information. What prevented all of this? I think it’s the legal structure that cloaks the Commerce Department and therefore NIST. And so, instead of lawyers as if they were acting on a civil case trying to get depositions and information subpoenaed, those lawyers did the opposite and blocked everything.”

“I suggest that there’s an equally justifiable theory and that’s the trusses fail as they are heated by the fire with the insulation intact.

2. Why were not alternative collapse hypotheses investigated and discussed as NIST had stated repeatedly that they would do? ... 3.

Spoliation of a fire scene is a basis for destroying a legal case in an investigation. Most of the steel was discarded, although the key elements of the core steel were demographically labeled. A careful reading of the NIST report shows that they have no evidence that the temperatures they predict as necessary for failure are corroborated by findings of the little steel debris they have. Why hasn't NIST declared that this spoliation of the steel was a gross error?

4. NIST used computer models that they said have never been used in such an application before and are the state of the art. For this they should be commended for their skill. But the validation of these modeling results is in question. Others have computed aspects with different conclusions on the cause mechanism of the collapse. Moreover, it is common in fire investigation to compute a time-line and compare it to known events. NIST has not done that.

5. Testing by NIST has been inconclusive. Although they have done fire tests of the scale of several work stations, a replicate test of at least & [sic] of a WTC floor would have been of considerable value. Why was this not done? ...

OpEdNews - Page 2 of Article: Former Chief of NIST's Fire Science Division Calls for Independent Review of World Trade Center Investigation
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Dr. Quintiere, one of the world’s leading fire science researchers and safety engineers, also encouraged his audience of fellow researchers and engineers to scientifically re-examine the WTC collapses. “I hope to convince you to perhaps become 'Conspiracy Theorists', but in a proper

Dr. Quintiere said he originally “had high hopes” that NIST would do a good job with the investigation. “They’re the central government lab for fire. There are good people there and they can do a good job. But what [BI also thought they would do is to enlist the service of the ATF [Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives], [/size][/b]which has an investigation force and a laboratory of their own for fire. And I thought they would put people out on the street and get gumshoe-type information. What prevented all of this? I think it’s the legal structure that cloaks the Commerce Department and therefore NIST. And so, instead of lawyers as if they were acting on a civil case trying to get depositions and information subpoenaed, those lawyers did the opposite and blocked everything.”

“I suggest that there’s an equally justifiable theory and that’s the trusses fail as they are heated by the fire with the insulation intact.

2. Why were not alternative collapse hypotheses investigated and discussed as NIST had stated repeatedly that they would do? ... 3.

Spoliation of a fire scene is a basis for destroying a legal case in an investigation. Most of the steel was discarded, although the key elements of the core steel were demographically labeled. A careful reading of the NIST report shows that they have no evidence that the temperatures they predict as necessary for failure are corroborated by findings of the little steel debris they have. Why hasn't NIST declared that this spoliation of the steel was a gross error?

4. NIST used computer models that they said have never been used in such an application before and are the state of the art. For this they should be commended for their skill. But the validation of these modeling results is in question. Others have computed aspects with different conclusions on the cause mechanism of the collapse. Moreover, it is common in fire investigation to compute a time-line and compare it to known events. NIST has not done that.

5. Testing by NIST has been inconclusive. Although they have done fire tests of the scale of several work stations, a replicate test of at least & [sic] of a WTC floor would have been of considerable value. Why was this not done? ...

OpEdNews - Page 2 of Article: Former Chief of NIST's Fire Science Division Calls for Independent Review of World Trade Center Investigation

you seem to miss the subtle details
Dr. Quintiere, one of the world’s leading fire science researchers and safety engineers, also encouraged his audience of fellow researchers and engineers to scientifically re-examine the WTC collapses. “I hope to convince you to perhaps become 'Conspiracy Theorists', but in a proper

Dr. Quintiere said he originally “had high hopes” that NIST would do a good job with the investigation. “They’re the central government lab for fire. There are good people there and they can do a good job. But what [BI also thought they would do is to enlist the service of the ATF [Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives], [/SIZE][/B]which has an investigation force and a laboratory of their own for fire. And I thought they would put people out on the street and get gumshoe-type information. What prevented all of this? I think it’s the legal structure that cloaks the Commerce Department and therefore NIST. And so, instead of lawyers as if they were acting on a civil case trying to get depositions and information subpoenaed, those lawyers did the opposite and blocked everything.”

“I suggest that there’s an equally justifiable theory and that’s the trusses fail as they are heated by the fire with the insulation intact.

2. Why were not alternative collapse hypotheses investigated and discussed as NIST had stated repeatedly that they would do? ... 3.

Spoliation of a fire scene is a basis for destroying a legal case in an investigation. Most of the steel was discarded, although the key elements of the core steel were demographically labeled. A careful reading of the NIST report shows that they have no evidence that the temperatures they predict as necessary for failure are corroborated by findings of the little steel debris they have. Why hasn't NIST declared that this spoliation of the steel was a gross error?

4. NIST used computer models that they said have never been used in such an application before and are the state of the art. For this they should be commended for their skill. But the validation of these modeling results is in question. Others have computed aspects with different conclusions on the cause mechanism of the collapse. Moreover, it is common in fire investigation to compute a time-line and compare it to known events. NIST has not done that.

5. Testing by NIST has been inconclusive. Although they have done fire tests of the scale of several work stations, a replicate test of at least & [sic] of a WTC floor would have been of considerable value. Why was this not done? ...

OpEdNews - Page 2 of Article: Former Chief of NIST's Fire Science Division Calls for Independent Review of World Trade Center Investigation


It's because he thinks the TRUSSES were what failed, not the columns.

You can't spin his words to mean anything else because in his conclusion in the paper, he says that there is sufficient evidence to put the blame on the trusses failing due to fire.

Why don't you write and ask him if you can't understand his words?
Dr. Quintiere, one of the world’s leading fire science researchers and safety engineers, also encouraged his audience of fellow researchers and engineers to scientifically re-examine the WTC collapses. “I hope to convince you to perhaps become 'Conspiracy Theorists', but in a proper

Dr. Quintiere said he originally “had high hopes” that NIST would do a good job with the investigation. “They’re the central government lab for fire. There are good people there and they can do a good job. But what I also thought they would do is to enlist the service of the ATF [Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives], which has an investigation force and a laboratory of their own for fire. And I thought they would put people out on the street and get gumshoe-type information. What prevented all of this? I think it’s the legal structure that cloaks the Commerce Department and therefore NIST. And so, instead of lawyers as if they were acting on a civil case trying to get depositions and information subpoenaed, those lawyers did the opposite and blocked everything.”

“I suggest that there’s an equally justifiable theory and that’s the trusses fail as they are heated by the fire with the insulation intact.

2. Why were not alternative collapse hypotheses investigated and discussed as NIST had stated repeatedly that they would do? ...

3. Spoliation of a fire scene is a basis for destroying a legal case in an investigation. Most of the steel was discarded, although the key elements of the core steel were demographically labeled. A careful reading of the NIST report shows that they have no evidence that the temperatures they predict as necessary for failure are corroborated by findings of the little steel debris they have. Why hasn't NIST declared that this spoliation of the steel was a gross error?

4. NIST used computer models that they said have never been used in such an application before and are the state of the art. For this they should be commended for their skill. But the validation of these modeling results is in question. Others have computed aspects with different conclusions on the cause mechanism of the collapse. Moreover, it is common in fire investigation to compute a time-line and compare it to known events. NIST has not done that.

5. Testing by NIST has been inconclusive. Although they have done fire tests of the scale of several work stations, a replicate test of at least & [sic] of a WTC floor would have been of considerable value. Why was this not done? ...

OpEdNews - Page 2 of Article: Former Chief of NIST's Fire Science Division Calls for Independent Review of World Trade Center Investigation

It's because he thinks the TRUSSES were what failed, not the columns. You can't spin his words to mean anything else because in his conclusion in the paper, he says that there is sufficient evidence to put the blame on the trusses failing due to fire. Why don't you write and ask him if you can't understand his words?

The ASCE structural experts did several analyses and posited that the trusses failed first for several reasons:
1. The truss steel is MUCH THINNER than the column steel so it would heat up much faster.
2. As the floor trusses started to fail, the lower floor got the load from upper floors, overloading that floor & columns
3. As the plane flew thru the perimeter wall it severed many perimeter columns which put much more load on the undamaged columns.
4. As the columns heated they lost strength and eventually failed. It looked to me from the collapse photos that the corner columns, which are the lightest, failed first, then the building collapsed as the upper floors overwhelmed the lower floors.

This sequence is simply a structural-fire analysis. There is no conspiracy here. The conspiracy is who drove the planes into the WTC and why, and why they weren't stopped before it happened.
Hi Gam:

I thought steel stuctures couldn't collapse from fire Terral? Yet there is the proof. Explain how that steel collpased.

Gam's job is to prove that WTC-7 collapsed CD-style into its own footprint . . .

[ame=""]. . . In 6.6 Seconds . . .[/ame]

. . . from building fires! Okay hotshot: Tell everyone here how 'thousands' of 2800-degree red-iron Girders, Columns, Beams and Bar-joists were 'cut' at the very same time from building fires :)cuckoo:)!!

Gam is doing everything possible to divert attention 'away' from the fact that 'he' (Govt Stooge = :cool:) has no "Building Fires Did It" Case!

[ame=""]Come On Stooge! Carry The Official Cover Story Ball!!![/ame]


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Hi Gam:

I thought steel stuctures couldn't collapse from fire Terral? Yet there is the proof. Explain how that steel collpased.

Gam's job is to prove that WTC-7 collapsed CD-style into its own footprint . . .

[ame=""]. . . In 6.6 Seconds . . .[/ame]

. . . from building fires! Okay hotshot: Tell everyone here how 'thousands' of 2800-degree red-iron Girders, Columns, Beams and Bar-joists were 'cut' at the very same time from building fires :)cuckoo:)!!

Gam is doing everything possible to divert attention 'away' from the fact that 'he' (Govt Stooge = :cool:) has no "Building Fires Did It" Case!

[ame=""]Come On Stooge! Carry The Official Cover Story Ball!!![/ame]



I think you MEANT to say his job is to prove that it didnt collapse CD style in its own footprint Terral? which of of course the Bush dupe cant do that.He has made pathetic attempts to convince us that it didnt fall at 6.5 seconds freefall speed to no avail and also satalite photos taken a week after the towers collapsed showed fires still going with temps that were far too hot and intense to be office fires.:lol:

the fires had been hosed down everyday for that whole much so one firefighter said it was like a lake because there was so much water sprayed down on the fires.impossible for office fires to STILL be burning at that point.:lol:

However molten metal which many rescue workers spotted underneath all three towers at the bottom of the towers which was still burning despite all the fires put on it,IS a consistant sign of thermite.Not to mention that 7 of the most renowed scientists discovered through samples taken that nano thermite was found. office fires would have been put out several days ago being :cuckoo: thermite though and molten metal still burning at high intense temps after that period of time days later is consistant with explosives being used.which pretty much ends this debate and why this whole discussion is mute at this point.The agent as usual of course,will make some more pitiful attempts to try debunk it to no avail as we know.:lol:
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Hi Gam:

I thought steel stuctures couldn't collapse from fire Terral? Yet there is the proof. Explain how that steel collpased.

Gam's job is to prove that WTC-7 collapsed CD-style into its own footprint . . .

[ame=""]. . . In 6.6 Seconds . . .[/ame]

. . . from building fires! Okay hotshot: Tell everyone here how 'thousands' of 2800-degree red-iron Girders, Columns, Beams and Bar-joists were 'cut' at the very same time from building fires :)cuckoo:)!!

Gam is doing everything possible to divert attention 'away' from the fact that 'he' (Govt Stooge = :cool:) has no "Building Fires Did It" Case!

[ame=""]Come On Stooge! Carry The Official Cover Story Ball!!![/ame]



I think you MEANT to say his job is to prove that it didnt collapse CD style in its own footprint Terral? which of of course the Bush dupe cant do that.He has made pathetic attempts to convince us that it didnt fall at 6.5 seconds freefall speed to no avail and also satalite photos taken a week after the towers collapsed showed fires still going with temps that were far too hot and intense to be office fires.:lol:

the fires had been hosed down everyday for that whole much so one firefighter said it was like a lake because there was so much water sprayed down on the fires.impossible for office fires to STILL be burning at that point.:lol:

However molten metal which many rescue workers spotted underneath all three towers at the bottom of the towers which was still burning despite all the fires put on it,IS a consistant sign of thermite.Not to mention that 7 of the most renowed scientists discovered through samples taken that nano thermite was found. office fires would have been put out several days ago being :cuckoo: thermite though and molten metal still burning at high intense temps after that period of time days later is consistant with explosives being used.which pretty much ends this debate and why this whole discussion is mute at this point.The agent as usual of course,will make some more pitiful attempts to try debunk it to no avail as we know.:lol:

Ever seen thermite in action? It burns through in seconds to minutes it does not burn for a week. Do you understand? Let me type it slower so you understand better.

T h e r m i t e o n l y b u r n s f o r a f e w m o m e n t s !.

D o Y o u U n d e r s t a n d ?
Hi Gam:

Gam's job is to prove that WTC-7 collapsed CD-style into its own footprint . . .

. . . In 6.6 Seconds . . .

. . . from building fires! Okay hotshot: Tell everyone here how 'thousands' of 2800-degree red-iron Girders, Columns, Beams and Bar-joists were 'cut' at the very same time from building fires :)cuckoo:)!!

Gam is doing everything possible to divert attention 'away' from the fact that 'he' (Govt Stooge = :cool:) has no "Building Fires Did It" Case!

Come On Stooge! Carry The Official Cover Story Ball!!!



I think you MEANT to say his job is to prove that it didnt collapse CD style in its own footprint Terral? which of of course the Bush dupe cant do that.He has made pathetic attempts to convince us that it didnt fall at 6.5 seconds freefall speed to no avail and also satalite photos taken a week after the towers collapsed showed fires still going with temps that were far too hot and intense to be office fires.:lol:

the fires had been hosed down everyday for that whole much so one firefighter said it was like a lake because there was so much water sprayed down on the fires.impossible for office fires to STILL be burning at that point.:lol:

However molten metal which many rescue workers spotted underneath all three towers at the bottom of the towers which was still burning despite all the fires put on it,IS a consistant sign of thermite.Not to mention that 7 of the most renowed scientists discovered through samples taken that nano thermite was found. office fires would have been put out several days ago being :cuckoo: thermite though and molten metal still burning at high intense temps after that period of time days later is consistant with explosives being used.which pretty much ends this debate and why this whole discussion is mute at this point.The agent as usual of course,will make some more pitiful attempts to try debunk it to no avail as we know.:lol:

Ever seen thermite in action? It burns through in seconds to minutes it does not burn for a week. Do you understand? Let me type it slower so you understand better.

T h e r m i t e o n l y b u r n s f o r a f e w m o m e n t s !.

D o Y o u U n d e r s t a n d ?

and the relevence of that is what ???????
the floor truss was just an example of another theory

You must be brain damaged.

It's not just an example. It's the ALTERNATE THEORY based on what evidence he has seen.

OH REALLY...then why did he use the plural...theories....IDIOT

You need to learn how to read dumbass. There is nothing more to say to you other than you are completely wrong as evidenced by his conclusion, written at the end of his paper. I'll quote it again.
3. Conclusions
I contend that the NIST analysis used a fuel load that was too low and
their fire durations are consequently too short. Only these short fires could
then heat the bare core columns as NIST reports. The fires were too short
to heat the insulated trusses to failure. The NIST analysis has flaws, is
incomplete, and has led to an unsupported conclusion on the cause of the
An alternative hypothesis with the insulated trusses at the root cause
appears to have more support. Heat transfer analyses, a scale model, and
the UL furnace tests all indicate that the steel trusses can attain temperatures
corresponding to failure based on structural analyses. This hypothesis puts
the blame on the insufficiency of the truss insulation. Something NIST says
was not an issue.
The two different hypotheses lead to very different consequences with
respect to recommendations and remedial action. I think the evidence is
strong enough to take a harder look at the current conclusions. I would
recommend that all records of the investigation be archived, that the NIST
study be subject to a peer review, and that consideration be given to reopening
this investigation to assure no lost fire safety issues.

He clearly states that he has ONE alternate theory, not THEORIES. His alternate theory is that the trusses failed due to heat.

This proves you wrong beyond a shadow of a doubt. if you have issues understanding his written statements and want to interpret it as something more than what it actually means, than I suggest you contact him to clarify.

I don't think you will because you're a coward and have no interest in the truth.
Tell everyone here how 'thousands' of 2800-degree red-iron Girders, Columns, Beams and Bar-joists were 'cut' at the very same time from building fires :)cuckoo:)!!

Thousands at the same time?!

Are you stupid or what?

Tell you what genius. In order to answer such a ridiculous question, you need to provide me your proof that "THOUSANDS" of columns, beams, girders, and bar-joists were actually cut with thermite as you claim.

I have asked you this before and you provide NO evidence for your claim whatsoever. You claim that there are "thermite signatures" everywhere for WTC7, yet you can't provide ONE photo of them. As a matter of fact, you even debunk your "tons of thermite signatures" claim with your own, annotated photo here. In this photo you have provided your proof saying that there is no evidence of MELTED or BURNED steel.

What a complete dumbass.

The penthouse fell inside the building FIRST. That doesn't represent your " AT SAME TIME" bullshit claim does it? As the penthouse structure fell into the building, can you tell me why windows on the facade broke in a downward succession as the structure inside fell downward? Same time eh? Can you please show me the "THOUSANDS" of flashes within WTC7 that represent the "THOUSANDS" of thermite cuts?

Can you tell me why this structure is still together and not CUT by thermite? I see none of your bullshit "thermite froth" on that assembly anywhere.

If "thousands" of cuts were made "AT THE SAME TIME", why did the collapse initiate towards the bottom and why did the penthouse fall inward first?

No sir. Your claim is very much IMPOSSIBLE and you very well know it.


Yeah, so IMPOSSIBLE that the steel structure part of this building collapsed due to fire.

I thought steel stuctures couldn't collapse from fire Terral? Yet there is the proof. Explain how that steel collpased.

this building is under is burnt to a crisp relative to wtc 7 and it is still has not collapsed in secs to an unidentifiable pile of rubble..why do you pretend ?

Still won't answer? How did the steel structure part of this building, shown in the photo, collapse?
You must be brain damaged.

It's not just an example. It's the ALTERNATE THEORY based on what evidence he has seen.

OH REALLY...then why did he use the plural...theories....IDIOT

You need to learn how to read dumbass. There is nothing more to say to you other than you are completely wrong as evidenced by his conclusion, written at the end of his paper. I'll quote it again.
3. Conclusions
I contend that the NIST analysis used a fuel load that was too low and
their fire durations are consequently too short. Only these short fires could
then heat the bare core columns as NIST reports. The fires were too short
to heat the insulated trusses to failure. The NIST analysis has flaws, is
incomplete, and has led to an unsupported conclusion on the cause of the
An alternative hypothesis with the insulated trusses at the root cause
appears to have more support. Heat transfer analyses, a scale model, and
the UL furnace tests all indicate that the steel trusses can attain temperatures
corresponding to failure based on structural analyses. This hypothesis puts
the blame on the insufficiency of the truss insulation. Something NIST says
was not an issue.
The two different hypotheses lead to very different consequences with
respect to recommendations and remedial action. I think the evidence is
strong enough to take a harder look at the current conclusions. I would
recommend that all records of the investigation be archived, that the NIST
study be subject to a peer review, and that consideration be given to reopening
this investigation to assure no lost fire safety issues.

He clearly states that he has ONE alternate theory, not THEORIES. His alternate theory is that the trusses failed due to heat.

This proves you wrong beyond a shadow of a doubt. if you have issues understanding his written statements and want to interpret it as something more than what it actually means, than I suggest you contact him to clarify.

I don't think you will because you're a coward and have no interest in the truth.

no you need learn to read it does not say the other theory it says an
but that is probably beyond you...
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I knew the disinfo agents would come back and not do the mature thing and admit defeat.Lol after all their bosses would never pay them if they gave according to their logic,even though the only 3 towers that collapsed emitted intense heat readings far too extreme to be office fires 3 weeks later,they were caused by office fires,priceless.i love it."rolls on floor with laughter." they exposed themselves as the disinfo agents they are.

people who are just in denial,when confronted with irrefutable evidence,they dont come back and post.disinfo agents DO. those 3 towers were the ONLY ones with intense readings of heat even though some of the other buildings were far more severely burned yet according to them,it was caused by office fires.priceless.i love the logic of disinfo agents.great entertainment.hee hee hee hee hee.

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