WTC-7 Was NOT A Controlled Demolition Inside Job

yes absolutely if they sad there was an alternative route I would take it to mean there was one other reasonable alternative

So according to your own statement above, the statement by James Quintiere below quoted from his paper, you ADMIT that he was speaking of ONE OTHER THEORY.

James Quintiere said:
An alternative hypothesis with the insulated trusses at the root cause appears to have more support.

So your quote here is completely idiotic because he didn't say HYPOTHESES (which is plural for HYPOTHESIS), he said HYPOTHESIS.
and if the said there was alternative routes ..I would take it there was several options..dimbcunt...and I fear nothing..except garden gnomes

What a jackass.

once the metal was molten then insulated by the dust a debris it remained at a high temperature until it eventually cooled

Sorry, but there was no forensic evidence of MOLTEN STEEL.
Hi Gam:

So according to your own statement above, the statement by James Quintiere below quoted from his paper, you ADMIT that he was speaking of ONE OTHER THEORY.

[ame=]Death By 'Fire' OR Controlled Demolition???[/ame]

So your quote here is completely idiotic because he didn't say HYPOTHESES (which is plural for HYPOTHESIS), he said HYPOTHESIS.

[ame=]Death By Fire, OR Controlled Demolition???[/ame]

What a jackass.:lol:

Hey! Gam is the jackass saying that this . . .


. . . was transformed into this . . .


. . . by 'building fires,' after being hit by NO PLANE and nothing even remotely similar. That makes Gam a blooming idiot :)cuckoo:) . . .

Here is proof that bombs were planted inside the WTC Skyscrapers:

[ame=]9/11: Total Proof That Bombs Were Planted!!![/ame]


Hi Gam:

So according to your own statement above, the statement by James Quintiere below quoted from his paper, you ADMIT that he was speaking of ONE OTHER THEORY.

[ame=]Death By 'Fire' OR Controlled Demolition???[/ame]

So your quote here is completely idiotic because he didn't say HYPOTHESES (which is plural for HYPOTHESIS), he said HYPOTHESIS.

[ame=]Death By Fire, OR Controlled Demolition???[/ame]

What a jackass.:lol:

Hey! Gam is the jackass saying that this . . .


. . . was transformed into this . . .


. . . by 'building fires,' after being hit by NO PLANE and nothing even remotely similar. That makes Gam a blooming idiot :)cuckoo:) . . .

Here is proof that bombs were planted inside the WTC Skyscrapers:

[ame=]9/11: Total Proof That Bombs Were Planted!!![/ame]



disinfo agent trolls like him and candy corn post the funniest bullshit to try and save face with such lies that there was not evidence of molten steel its funny watching them make morons out of themselves.:lol:
Hi Gam:

So according to your own statement above, the statement by James Quintiere below quoted from his paper, you ADMIT that he was speaking of ONE OTHER THEORY.

[ame=]Death By 'Fire' OR Controlled Demolition???[/ame]

So your quote here is completely idiotic because he didn't say HYPOTHESES (which is plural for HYPOTHESIS), he said HYPOTHESIS.

[ame=]Death By Fire, OR Controlled Demolition???[/ame]

What a jackass.:lol:

Hey! Gam is the jackass saying that this . . .


. . . was transformed into this . . .


. . . by 'building fires,' after being hit by NO PLANE and nothing even remotely similar. That makes Gam a blooming idiot :)cuckoo:) . . .

Here is proof that bombs were planted inside the WTC Skyscrapers:

[ame=]9/11: Total Proof That Bombs Were Planted!!![/ame]



Where are the photos of all the thermite signatures you say existed for WTC7?

I already explained how office fires can collapse a steel structure and gave you an example. You're just to stupid to understand.
you most certainly are..

"Why were not alternative collapse hypotheses investigated and discussed as NIST had stated repeatedly that they would do" ? ...

OpEdNews - Page 2 of Article: Former Chief of NIST's Fire Science Division Calls for Independent Review of World Trade Center Investigation

You HAVE to be a troll because you cannot possibly be this stupid. Or maybe you are.

You HAVE to be a troll because you cannot possible be this stupid Or maybe you are.
disinfo agent trolls like him and candy corn post the funniest bullshit to try and save face with such lies that there was not evidence of molten steel its funny watching them make morons out of themselves.:lol:

Where's your evidence of molten steel?
once the metal was molten then insulated by the dust a debris it remained at a high temperature until it eventually cooled

Sorry, but there was no forensic evidence of MOLTEN STEEL.

JOHN GROSS caught lying.

what other lies,bullshit and propaganda do you have to tell for the day
agent Gam? they should pay you and fellow disinfo agent cornboy and SFC a LOT more than they do for the CONSTANT ass beatings you guys take around here and have to keep coming back for. you sure are good for laughs."rolls on floor with laughter howling out loud.":lol::lol::lol:
[ame=]YouTube - NIST engineer, John Gross, denies the existance of Molten Steel.[/ame]
once the metal was molten then insulated by the dust a debris it remained at a high temperature until it eventually cooled

Sorry, but there was no forensic evidence of MOLTEN STEEL.

JOHN GROSS caught lying.

what other lies,bullshit and propaganda do you have to tell for the day
agent Gam? they should pay you and fellow disinfo agent cornboy and SFC a LOT more than they do for the CONSTANT ass beatings you guys take around here and have to keep coming back for. you sure are good for laughs."rolls on floor with laughter howling out loud.":lol::lol::lol:
[ame=]YouTube - NIST engineer, John Gross, denies the existance of Molten Steel.[/ame]
you morons are the ones taking the beating
Hi Gam:

Where's your evidence of molten steel?

We show these Govt Cover Story Stooges the same 'molten steel' evidence over and over and over again, but they continue pushing Official cover Story LIES anyway:

[ame=""]Molten Iron FLOWING LIKE LAVA . . .[/ame]

Building fires do NOT burn hot enough to melt 2800-degree Red-Iron Structural Steel! WTC-7 was brought down using Controlled Demolition (my Topic), which created the massive temperatures required to give us Molten Iron FLOWING LIKE LAVA . . .

WTC Molten Iron Biscuit << check this out

Gam << Govt Stooge :)cool:)!


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Hi Gam:

Where's your evidence of molten steel?

We show these Govt Cover Story Stooges the same 'molten steel' evidence over and over and over again, but they continue pushing Official cover Story LIES anyway:

Building fires do NOT burn hot enough to melt 2800-degree Red-Iron Structural Steel! WTC-7 was brought down using Controlled Demolition (my Topic), which created the massive temperatures required to give us Molten Iron FLOWING LIKE LAVA . . .

WTC Molten Iron Biscuit << check this out

Gam << Govt Stooge :)cool:)!


terral, the fires didnt have to get "hot enough to MELT steel"
they only had to get hot enough to weaken the structural integrity
and they DID
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you most certainly are..

"Why were not alternative collapse hypotheses investigated and discussed as NIST had stated repeatedly that they would do" ? ...

OpEdNews - Page 2 of Article: Former Chief of NIST's Fire Science Division Calls for Independent Review of World Trade Center Investigation

You HAVE to be a troll because you cannot possibly be this stupid. Or maybe you are.

You HAVE to be a troll because you cannot possible be this stupid Or maybe you are.

Hi Gam:

So according to your own statement above, the statement by James Quintiere below quoted from his paper, you ADMIT that he was speaking of ONE OTHER THEORY.

[ame=]Death By 'Fire' OR Controlled Demolition???[/ame]

[ame=]Death By Fire, OR Controlled Demolition???[/ame]

What a jackass.:lol:

Hey! Gam is the jackass saying that this . . .


. . . was transformed into this . . .


. . . by 'building fires,' after being hit by NO PLANE and nothing even remotely similar. That makes Gam a blooming idiot :)cuckoo:) . . .

Here is proof that bombs were planted inside the WTC Skyscrapers:

[ame=]9/11: Total Proof That Bombs Were Planted!!![/ame]



Where are the photos of all the thermite signatures you say existed for WTC7?

I already explained how office fires can collapse a steel structure and gave you an example. You're just to stupid to understand.

thanks for proving as always,that you never watch videos,that you only see what you WANT to see and hear only what you WANT to hear.that lady at the end of that video was talking about you and cornboy. she hit the nail right on the head saying-anybody who doesnt believe this was done by our own government is an idiot.she was addressing you two.:lol::lol:
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Hi Gam:

Where's your evidence of molten steel?

We show these Govt Cover Story Stooges the same 'molten steel' evidence over and over and over again, but they continue pushing Official cover Story LIES anyway:

[ame=""]Molten Iron FLOWING LIKE LAVA . . .[/ame]

Building fires do NOT burn hot enough to melt 2800-degree Red-Iron Structural Steel! WTC-7 was brought down using Controlled Demolition (my Topic), which created the massive temperatures required to give us Molten Iron FLOWING LIKE LAVA . . .

WTC Molten Iron Biscuit << check this out

Gam << Govt Stooge :)cool:)!



might as well walk away from these trolls Gam,Ditzcon, and Cornboy, Terral,our videos are making WAY to much sense for them to comprehend as you know.:lol::lol::lol:
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so, the fires that weren't hot enough to "weaken" steel, were somehow able to make MOLTEN steal?

thats right diveconman the fires where not hot enough to weaken steel however the charges used to cut the steel were

forget it Eots,your making WAY too much sense for Ditzcon to comprehend.:lol: also did you notice the truth is really starting to hurt Cornboy kids feelings? you made him cry.did you notice that? lol.
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so, the fires that weren't hot enough to "weaken" steel, were somehow able to make MOLTEN steal?

thats right diveconman the fires where not hot enough to weaken steel however the charges used to cut the steel were

forget it Eots,your making WAY too much sense for Ditzcon to comprehend.:lol: also did you notice the truth is really starting to hurt Cornboy kids feelings? you made him cry.did you notice that? lol.
you have ZERO sense
just applaud the other troofer morons like you usually do
In twoofer world, nothing is evidence unless its backed by a good youtube video

gotta love em :lol:

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