Wtc 7

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no fly list
Jan 6, 2007
[ame=]9/11 - NIST FOIA WTC7 Collapse including Penthouse.(with audio) - YouTube[/ame]

but what caused the the NIST Theory correct
NIST is either mistaken or flat out lying.

I would have to agree

I agree too. In my opinion, the portion of the building above the fire, unaffected by heat, should have retained structural integrity enough to fallover still intact (somewhat) to the side, not having been pulverized as we see here.

I digress, but similarly, in the case of WTC I and II, I would say the portion of the buildings below the fire, should have had enough structural integrity to create resistance would that have deflected the falling portion of the building off to the side.
NIST is either mistaken or flat out lying.

I would have to agree

I agree too. In my opinion, the portion of the building above the fire, unaffected by heat, should have retained structural integrity enough to fallover still intact (somewhat) to the side, not having been pulverized as we see here.

I digress, but similarly, in the case of WTC I and II, I would say the portion of the buildings below the fire, should have had enough structural integrity to create resistance would that have deflected the falling portion of the building off to the side.

that would seem logical..
I would have to agree

I agree too. In my opinion, the portion of the building above the fire, unaffected by heat, should have retained structural integrity enough to fallover still intact (somewhat) to the side, not having been pulverized as we see here.

I digress, but similarly, in the case of WTC I and II, I would say the portion of the buildings below the fire, should have had enough structural integrity to create resistance would that have deflected the falling portion of the building off to the side.

that would seem logical..

right? After what we KNOW about the Gulf of Tonkin being faked which resulted in the death of 58,000 americans during the Vietnam War, why does it seem so far-fetched that the government has some hand in this? If you see the world in terms of corporations and not countries, it becomes easier to imagine I think.
I agree too. In my opinion, the portion of the building above the fire, unaffected by heat, should have retained structural integrity enough to fallover still intact (somewhat) to the side, not having been pulverized as we see here.

I digress, but similarly, in the case of WTC I and II, I would say the portion of the buildings below the fire, should have had enough structural integrity to create resistance would that have deflected the falling portion of the building off to the side.

that would seem logical..

right? After what we KNOW about the Gulf of Tonkin being faked which resulted in the death of 58,000 americans during the Vietnam War, why does it seem so far-fetched that the government has some hand in this? If you see the world in terms of corporations and not countries, it becomes easier to imagine I think.

It seems suspect that the use of explosives be it by foreign or domestic entities was given so little investigation and instead it seems the 8 yrs was spent trying to come up with any other explanation regardless of how implausible....they even say in there own report.."the best hypothesis has only a low probability of occurrence." .
Nist says repetitively that the reason for ruling out explosives and not investigating was that the explosives required would be and I quote "as loud as a gunshot blast or speakers at a rock concert " and seeing as this sound was reported by no one it could not have happened...this does not seem like scientific procedure to account was taken for sound damping or alternative explosives further more there are in fact many reports of such explosions that seem to be simply ignored by NIST

[ame=]No witnesses to this huge explosion 9/11 - YouTube[/ame]
[ame=]Kevin Mcpadden 9/11 First Responder: Building 7 Countdown, Explosions, Controlled Demolition - YouTube[/ame]

eots signature: "Remember, remember, the 11th of september The Gunpowder Treason and plot;
I see of no reason why Gunpowder Treason
Should ever be forgot.."

The humanity tragedy, said the radio yesterday. (according time-zone hungary it "yesterday")
Perhaps a bit of context is needed.

Imagine your place of business on Anystreet in Anytown, USA. Across the street are two buildings; two of the largest in the world. Suddenly there is a jumbo jet crash into one of the buildings. Then a few minutes later is a second jumbo jet crash. An hour later one of the buildings collapses sending debris all over the place...including tons of rubble being sent into your place of business. Next the second building collapses sending even more crap into your building.

Four major events have taken place right across the street. There is seismic activity from the events themselves, pyro phenomenon from fires caused by jet fuel that sent flames into your buildings, countless secondary and tertiary explosions from gas tanks in vehicles that were involved in the flames and pressure explosions due to unimaginable forces.

It is impossible to calculate the stresses WTC 7 was under on that day.
NIST is either mistaken or flat out lying.

I would have to agree

I agree too. In my opinion, the portion of the building above the fire, unaffected by heat, should have retained structural integrity enough to fallover still intact (somewhat) to the side, not having been pulverized as we see here.

I digress, but similarly, in the case of WTC I and II, I would say the portion of the buildings below the fire, should have had enough structural integrity to create resistance would that have deflected the falling portion of the building off to the side.

Your narrative doesn't make any sense. The gravity load of the upper floors is transmitted around the lower floors to bedrock via perfectly aligned vertical columns. WTC 1 or 2 both had multi story sections that were falling onto those sections below. Not via perfectly aligned columns...but thousands of tons of concrete and steel slamming into it accelerated by gravity.

What structure within the WTC 1 or 2 could have withstood such an impact?

There isn't one. Once the collapse began, it would continue until it reached something that could withstand the force of such an impact:

The ground.
Perhaps a bit of context is needed.

Imagine your place of business on Anystreet in Anytown, USA. Across the street are two buildings; two of the largest in the world. Suddenly there is a jumbo jet crash into one of the buildings. Then a few minutes later is a second jumbo jet crash. An hour later one of the buildings collapses sending debris all over the place...including tons of rubble being sent into your place of business. Next the second building collapses sending even more crap into your building.

Four major events have taken place right across the street. There is seismic activity from the events themselves, pyro phenomenon from fires caused by jet fuel that sent flames into your buildings, countless secondary and tertiary explosions from gas tanks in vehicles that were involved in the flames and pressure explosions due to unimaginable forces.

It is impossible to calculate the stresses WTC 7 was under on that day.

The New York City Fire Department anticipated the collapse of WTC 7 due to fire and structural damage hours before it came down. They noted massive, uncontrolled fires, significant structural damage from impacts of debris from the falling WTC, buckling and leaning.

The FDNY put a transit on the buidling and measured its slow structural failure over hours as the building began to lean. They evacuated all their people from the area, created a perimeter, and were able to correctly predict the collapse of the building to within about an hour.
I would have to agree

I agree too. In my opinion, the portion of the building above the fire, unaffected by heat, should have retained structural integrity enough to fallover still intact (somewhat) to the side, not having been pulverized as we see here.

I digress, but similarly, in the case of WTC I and II, I would say the portion of the buildings below the fire, should have had enough structural integrity to create resistance would that have deflected the falling portion of the building off to the side.

that would seem logical..

right? After what we KNOW about the Gulf of Tonkin being faked which resulted in the death of 58,000 americans during the Vietnam War, why does it seem so far-fetched that the government has some hand in this? If you see the world in terms of corporations and not countries, it becomes easier to imagine I think.

yes indeed.people cant seem to think for themselves around here.
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