WTC building 7

Just as i called it,I was a prophet,the paid shill cant counter facts so he gets frustrated and goes into meltdown mode.I am such a prophet.:biggrin:

Notice how just as i called it,as always,agent rosie had NOTHING but drivel to post or contribute as a rebuttal to all those facts in my videos?

Like clockwork,the 9/11 apologists are soooo predictable.they dont have a clue how to debate their postition.:lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::laugh::laugh::laugh:

agent rosie didnt even take the time to try and refute them,the others will all follow her lead of course.hee hee.
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Six really stupid 9 11 conspiracies debunked in about six seconds

PSYCHOLOGISTS will tell you that even perfectly sane people have the ability to accept wild conspiracy theories. The more powerless or alone we feel, the more likely we are to develop such theories.

It's all linked to self-esteem. If you're the sort of person who feels isolated or disenfranchised, you're much more likely to develop wild theories as a way of making you seem more knowledgeable, more powerful, more special.

Psychologists Say: ‘Conspiracy Theorists’ SANE, Government Dupes CRAZY and Hostile.

Laurie Manwell, Univ of Guelph; anti-conspiracy people are unable to think clearly due to their inability to process information that conflicts with pre-existing beliefs.

Univ of Buffalo Prof Steven Hoffman; anti-conspiracy people prone to using irrational mechanisms (such as the “CT” label) to avoid personal conflict.

Extreme irrationality of those who attack “CT's” exposed by Ginna Husting and Martin Orr of Boise State Univ. In a 2007 peer-reviewed article.

Now pro-conspiracy voices are more numerous and rational than anti-conspiracy ones and anti-CT people are like hostile, paranoid cranks.
so you prove that they lied since they admitted that they never checked for explosives, just assumed they were not used.

that fits the definition of fucktard
yep as always,the Bush dupes only prove our point FOR us.:biggrin:

all they are is trolls, they shit on the thread and cant provide any evidence! What they do post has been thoroughly proven incorrect

all they are is trolls, they shit on the thread and cant provide any evidence! What they do post has been thoroughly proven incorrect
so very,very true.:biggrin::thup::udaman:
The only thing you conspiracy theory loons have proven is that you gullible types are convinced of anything as long as it's presented in a YouTube video.


And the only thing morons like yourself have proven over and over is how gullible and delusional you all are for believing that the government has been up-front, honest, and forthcoming in every aspect of 9/11. :cuckoo: :lmao:
really? how fucking gullible do you have to be to spout the bullshit you guys do even after you've been bitch slapped by the facts.
two farts in a row from the agent troll.^:9::9:

the shills are going into meltdown mode knowing they are licked and cant counter the facts in all those four videos.:lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao:

so predictable in defeat,they did EXACTLY as i said they would,could only come back with one liners in defeat.they are soooooo predictable its too funny.:lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh:
All the drivel the DEBWUNKERS have posted here thoughout this entire thread is just that,drivel and irrelevent because they cant debunk ANY of these facts in these four videos here. The first one here Eots posted in the beginning how NIST lied about their being no molten metal.

these next three videos here of witness testimonys backs up that video that John Gross of NIST told an outright lie.

Not only that,these next three videos prove and confirm what I have been saying all along that fires cannot cause a building to collapse and there were other buildings that had far more severe fires and far more significant damage thatn bld 7 yet they did not collapse.

the photos in these buildings and what these experts say,confim that people like daws,hollie,carla and others can only post drivel and BS and have NOTHING to counter these facts in these videos but stupid rambings and debwunker links.

they will all evade these videos and change the subject GUARANTEED.:biggrin:

to not one bit of surprise,so far two 9/11 apologists have come on since this post and have yet to try and challenge the evidence in them.they just come back with childish insults in predictable its too funny.:biggrin:

glad the 9/11 apologists here were never my lawyer,the way they always evade facts and engage in name calling in defeat,they would lose every single case for me.:biggrin:

they are obviously frustrated that I have taken them to school.:lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao:
Six really stupid 9 11 conspiracies debunked in about six seconds

PSYCHOLOGISTS will tell you that even perfectly sane people have the ability to accept wild conspiracy theories. The more powerless or alone we feel, the more likely we are to develop such theories.

It's all linked to self-esteem. If you're the sort of person who feels isolated or disenfranchised, you're much more likely to develop wild theories as a way of making you seem more knowledgeable, more powerful, more special.

Psychologists Say: ‘Conspiracy Theorists’ SANE, Government Dupes CRAZY and Hostile.

Laurie Manwell, Univ of Guelph; anti-conspiracy people are unable to think clearly due to their inability to process information that conflicts with pre-existing beliefs.

Univ of Buffalo Prof Steven Hoffman; anti-conspiracy people prone to using irrational mechanisms (such as the “CT” label) to avoid personal conflict.

Extreme irrationality of those who attack “CT's” exposed by Ginna Husting and Martin Orr of Boise State Univ. In a 2007 peer-reviewed article.

Now pro-conspiracy voices are more numerous and rational than anti-conspiracy ones and anti-CT people are like hostile, paranoid cranks.
You enjoy being the village idiot. I'm happy for you.

Just remember when people point and laugh at you, it's because you're a laughable joke.
Why do these pathetic trolls always show their herd mentality with the everyone will laugh at you line //is this how they make their decisions in life ?
false .
it's you guys that rely on these fallacies to keep your fantasy alive BANDWAGON FALLACYWhen a concept is considered true because lots of people believe it's true.
When a claim is considered true because it hasn't been disproven (or vice versa).

"Since you cannot prove that Aliens do not exist, then they must exist."
"John said he saw a UFO last night, but he didn't get a photo. He must be lying."

When the statement is assumed true based on the statement itself.

"The Bible is the word of God, because it says so in the Bible."
"How do I know he's stupid? Because he doesn't know anything about anything."
"Marijuana wouldn't be illegal if it wasn't seriously harmful to your health."
When someone diverts the attention away from the topic to a NEW topic to throw you off and win the argument.

Topic A is being debated.
Topic B is introduced as being related to Topic A.
Topic A is abandoned.
Now Topic B is being used to discredit you.

"So you think abortion results in lower crime rates. Well, we've all see what happened in Nevada with that abortion doctor who killed his patients with dirty equipment. You want that? You want to see patients killed in dirty clinics? Then go ahead and support abortion."
When someone ignores the argument and replaces it with a distorted or exaggerated version of that argument.
911 Truth: Distinguished Scientist Dr. Niels Harrit Sues Danish Newspaper for Libel

Global Research, March 03, 2015

Two days ago, we announced that Dr. Niels Harrit, the distinguished co-author of the landmark nano-thermite paper, will be appearing in Danish High Court two weeks from now to bring an appeal in his libel suit against the Danish newspaper Weekendavisen.

It all started back in December 2012 with an article titled “Madness in the Royal Library.” In it, Weekendavisen writer Søren K. Villemoes referred to Dr. Harrit and his fellow 9/11 activists as “crackpots,” while also comparing them to creationists and Holocaust deniers.
911 Truth Distinguished Scientist Dr. Niels Harrit Sues Danish Newspaper for Libel Global Research - Centre for Research on Globalization
The Global Research website was established on the 9th of September 2001, two days before the tragic events of September 11. Barely a few days later, Global Research had become a major news source on the New World Order and Washington’s “war on terrorism”.
new world order? wow as all of eots sources do this one just oozes credibility ..
Just as i called it,I was a prophet,the paid shill cant counter facts so he gets frustrated and goes into meltdown mode.I am such a prophet.:biggrin:

Notice how just as i called it,as always,agent rosie had NOTHING but drivel to post or contribute as a rebuttal to all those facts in my videos?

Like clockwork,the 9/11 apologists are soooo predictable.they dont have a clue how to debate their postition.:lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::laugh::laugh::laugh:

agent rosie didnt even take the time to try and refute them,the others will all follow her lead of course.hee hee.

I am rosie-----I did not watch your video.
This thread should be moved to the conspiracy section.
why because you cant intelligently debate your position ?

No, because you're a conspiracy kook, and this is a conspiracy thread.
You fool,are the conspiracy kook.You are such a dipshit who cant think for yourself,that you believe in this wacky lunatic conspiracy theory on 9/11 below.

One of the wilder stories circulating about Sept 11 (and one that has attracted something of a cult following amongst conspiracy buffs) is that it was carried out by 19 fanatical Arab hijackers, masterminded by an evil genius named Osama bin Laden, with no apparent motivation other than that they “hate our freedoms.”

Never a group of people to be bothered by facts, the perpetrators of this cartoon fantasy have constructed an elaborately woven web of delusions and unsubstantiated hearsay in order to promote this garbage across the Internet and the media to the extent that a number of otherwise rational people have actually fallen under its spell.
Idaho Observer The looniest of all 9 11 conspiracy theories

He is cant intelligently debate your position so you go and whine to the mods like the chickenshit coward you are to have it moved here cause the truth scares you.

Idiot, you should be thanking me. Had you posted this in the CDZ, your post would have been removed, and then there's the possibility of you getting banned.

So.....You're Welcome, 9-11 inside job, quack! LOL!
why would any be banned for debating the conclusions of the NIST report you coward
don't you mean you specious speculation on the nist report?
that, is very debatable.
Arthur DelBianco – WTC Survivor. An American Building Maintenance employee. Worked 15 years at the World Trade Center.
  • Video interview 9/11/01: "...and then all of a sudden it started like -- It sounded like gunfire. You know, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang. And then all of a sudden three big explosions."
ok. but what exploded? or could it have been something approximating the sound of an explosion
fact :no evidence of any explosives explosive, devices or accelerants were found at any of the impact zones
I have no doubt that lots of things exploded-----INTENSE HEAT----remember?---
it causes gases encased to EXPAND. and then BANG!!!! ---even a potato in
a very hot oven can avoid----prick the skin with a fork
But I believe that in this, as well, you taught me to distinguish between the important and the unimportant, and concentrate on the important,” said Benjamin Netanyahu. “The same foresight led Father to say dozens of years ago that the threat to world peace would emerge from the same parts of the Muslim world where oil, terrorism and nuclear go together. And it is also what led him to tell me in the early 1990s that the Muslim extremists would not rest and would attempt to bring down the Twin Towers in New York, a prediction that I included in one my books in 1995.”

Benzion Netanyahu father of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu dies at 102 - Israel News Haaretz

Everyone is waiting for the end time prophecies, well some are, but this man knew more than God I guess, he got it right. (the towers went down, who did it is another story)

Also this is not saying Muslims will attack the US but is specific, Muslims will attack the twin towers.

the disgusting bitch seems to have forgotten that her people
tried to knock the WTC down in 1993-----that Netanyahu correctly
predicted that her people would try again is no surprise to anyone with
a brain.. The disgusting bitch is DESPERATE

Well a dumb prediction then hey ,esp to get in his book of 1995. Really I read originally that the prediction was in early 90's , and it was that Muslims would fly planes into the twin towers.
your god is a lying weasel doing fake science
false he not lying there was no molten steel at the wtc.

Conspiracy sites like to bring up molten metal found 6 weeks after the buildings fell to suggest a bomb must have created the effect. The explanation doesn't go into the amount of explosive material needed because it would be an absurd amount. There is another explanation which is more plausible.

Before reading the below, it might be a good idea for the novice to read Mark Ferran's explanation on how "Iron Burns!!!"


Oxidation of iron by air is not the only EXOTHERMIC reaction of iron (= structural steel which is about 98 % Fe, 1 % Mn, 0.2 % C, 0.2 % Si.....). There is at least one additional reaction of iron with the capability of keeping the rubble pile hot and cooking!

The reaction between IRON AND STEAM is also very EXOTHERMIC and fast at temperatures above 400 deg C. This reaction produces Fe3O4 AND HYDROGEN. It is the classic example of a REVERSIBLE REACTION studied in Chemistry labs at high school. But believe it or not, back at the turn of the century, the reaction of iron and steam was used as an industrial process for the manufacture of hydrogen.

I think iron and steam could have reacted in this way (at least for a while) and generated a lot of heat. What is more, the hydrogen released would have been converted back to water by reaction with oxygen, thereby generating even more heat. In this case spraying water on the rubble pile was like adding fuel to a fire!

Now add in gypsum reactions with H2 and CO and we have a great source of SO2 and/or H2S to sulfide the steel!

Perhaps the endless spraying of water on the rubble pile was not such a good idea!

In the usual lab experiment on the reversible reaction of iron and "steam", nitrogen (or some inert gas) is bubbled through water to create a gas stream saturated with water vapor at room temperature. This gas is then allowed to flow into a glass tube about 1 meter long containing iron in an inert boat at its center. This assembly is heated in a tube furnace to some desired temperature, say 500 deg C. The hydrogen/ nitrogen gas mixture is collected at the outlet of the tube furnace.

In the industrial process the feed gas might also be "water gas" which is a mixture of CO and water vapor. The outlet gas contains mostly H2 and CO2.

I am sure there was plenty of water vapor AND oxygen in the void spaces in the rubble pile. This is the "steam" I am referring to.

Please remember that the recovered pieces of structural steel were heavily OXIDIZED as well as sulfided. The most important oxidizing agents available in the rubble pile were obviously O2 and H2O.

The rubble pile was not only inhomogeneous with regard to its composition, it was inhomogeneous with regard to its temperature. This was due to localized chemical reactions. Such reactions were capable of generating high temperatures in these localized hot spots.


It is irrelevant whether or not the steam was wet or dry, that is a chemical engineering notion only of interest in a closed and controlled system, usually under high-pressure, such as a steam generator in a power station.

Water vapor was present in the rubble pile and water vapor reacts with iron releasing HYDROGEN.




But I believe that in this, as well, you taught me to distinguish between the important and the unimportant, and concentrate on the important,” said Benjamin Netanyahu. “The same foresight led Father to say dozens of years ago that the threat to world peace would emerge from the same parts of the Muslim world where oil, terrorism and nuclear go together. And it is also what led him to tell me in the early 1990s that the Muslim extremists would not rest and would attempt to bring down the Twin Towers in New York, a prediction that I included in one my books in 1995.”

Benzion Netanyahu father of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu dies at 102 - Israel News Haaretz

Everyone is waiting for the end time prophecies, well some are, but this man knew more than God I guess, he got it right. (the towers went down, who did it is another story)

Also this is not saying Muslims will attack the US but is specific, Muslims will attack the twin towers.

the disgusting bitch seems to have forgotten that her people
tried to knock the WTC down in 1993-----that Netanyahu correctly
predicted that her people would try again is no surprise to anyone with
a brain.. The disgusting bitch is DESPERATE

Well a dumb prediction then hey ,esp to get in his book of 1995. Really I read originally that the prediction was in early 90's , and it was that Muslims would fly planes into the twin towers.

1993 is EARLY 90s -----the bomb in the parking lot did not work as well as
you guys wanted it to. The obvious aim was to knock the building upon Manhattan killing hundreds of thousands. I will explain------an explosion at the
base can cause IMPLOSION------not good enough. The plane method was supposed to knock the buildings into a few hundred thousand people-----
simple logic. During the 60s ---70s. islamo Nazi pigs became adept at
planehijackings------that's how you and yours caused the death of Johnathan
Netanyahu. It would be logical for Benzion Netanyahu to have plane
Hijacking on his mind. They used to be one of your fave modalities for terrorism
purposes. Homeland security people had no doubt that you and yours would
bomb crowds with those little nail bomb devices at SPORTING EVENTS-----
I heard about more than five years ago------gee----how did they know?-------well....
it really does not take that much GENIUS
What you aren't aware of is that Alex Jones is the founder, executive officer and head mucky muck who actually manages and controls the 9/11 Twoof Organization. Alex Jones is also a former Rabbi. I'll bet you didn't know that.
Ultra Orthodox rabbi and world famous Talmudic scholar. :beer:
Why People Believe Conspiracy Theories

Why People Believe Conspiracy Theories - Scientific American

The authors begin by defining a conspiracy theory as “a proposed plot by powerful people or organizations working together in secret to accomplish some (usually sinister) goal” that is “notoriously resistant to falsification … with new layers of conspiracy being added to rationalize each new piece of disconfirming evidence.” Once you believe that “one massive, sinister conspiracy could be successfully executed in near-perfect secrecy, [it] suggests that many such plots are possible.” With this cabalistic paradigm in place, conspiracies can become “the default explanation for any given event—a unitary, closed-off worldview in which beliefs come together in a mutually supportive network known as a monological belief system.”

Because the conspirators think everyone is so stupid and they are the smart ones. They also have people who protect them, can clean up the proof. Only people in high places can do this kind of job and quite frankly those who think 19 young little Muslims did this is " not really using their head".
Ah yes. How lucky you are to understand the twoof. You and a select few from the Alex Jones Institute for Exposing the Twoof.

Come on. Spill it. I'm going to preemptively be the spoiler and implicate the Jooooooos as a party to your conspiracy theory.
Is that why there are so many Hired Israeli firster trolls in 9/11 threads because of the apparent prior knowledge of 9/11 by Israeli intelligence..I would not blame the jooos for that anymore that the average american is responsible for lies of weapons of mass destruction or the bay of tonkin

It was only a matter of a little nudge, a gentle prod and the twoofer loons are all too anxious to rattle of the conspiracy theories involving the Joooooos.

Really, sweety. You're a mess. You should fix that.
no conspiracy.. its all well documented
false it's a well document conspiracy note the difference.
Journal of Debunking 911 Conspiracy Theories, Volume 1, Issue 4
Journal Of Debunking 9 11 Conspiracy Theories

Bunch of wacked out debwunkers

Peer-reviewed 9/11 Truth

Academic Papers on 9/11
Compiled by University of Waterloo 9/11 Research Group
Debunking the Debunkers Peer-reviewed 9 11 Truth
Disclaimer: We do not in any way represent or speak on behalf of the University of Waterloo.

The UW 9/11 Research Group is a group under the Federation of Students at the University of Waterloo. The group consists of UW students, professors and members of the general public. The group promotes interest, activism, academic research, and discussion on the events of September 11, 2001, by organizing public conferences, documentary nights and local meetings. In the period since 9/11, many researchers outside the mainstream of public discourse have increasingly been discovering and presenting evidence that contradicts the official account of what happened that day, including the official account of who was ultimately responsible for the attacks. 9/11 has served as the rationale both for a global “war on terror,” which has thus far targeted Afghanistan and Iraq, and for extreme reductions in civil liberties around the world. The UW 9/11 Research Group investigates all aspects of 9/11.

Our Mission
TO EXPOSE the official lies and cover-up surrounding the events of September 11th, 2001 in a way that inspires the people to overcome denial and understand the truth; namely, that elements within the US government and covert policy apparatus must have orchestrated or participated in the execution of the attacks for these to have happened in the way that they did.

TO PROMOTE, and in part to provide, the best in investigative reporting, scholarly research and public education regarding the suppressed realities of September 11th, its aftermath and exploitation for political ends, the toxic air cover-up, and the anthrax attacks; mindful always of standards of fact and logic, the limits of what we know in the absence of official investigative powers, and the dangers of rumor and unconfirmed or false claims.

TO SEEK justice and redress for those wronged on September 11th, or as a result of the events, beginning with complete disclosure of all records and evidence; reversal of all domestic and foreign policies following from the false premises of the official story; and full accountability for any and all individuals inside and outside the US government involved in the attacks who engaged in crimes of commission, facilitation, complicity, gross negligence, cover-up or obstruction of justice after the fact.

TO ADVANCE the insight that ending a world in which 9/11-type and other “synthetic” events dictate the agenda requires the fall of the present US and global system of warfare and fraud, of secret government and hidden economics, of power concentrated in the hands of the vanishingly few; the rebirth of constitutional, open and accountable republican institutions with absolute protection for the natural rights and liberties of human beings; the rise of popular sovereignty over polity and economy; and commitment to the purposes of truth and justice, freedom and equality, peace and solidarity among human beings of all lands, and security and a sustainable living for all; cognizant that the tensions inherent among these purposes are to be addressed and resolved only in an open and peaceful fashion by a sovereign, educated and fully informed people who always hold truth first.

TO END, by way of integrity and god-given creativity, the regime and illicit power structures responsible for 9/11 and to replace the system that made 9/11 necessary. We solicit collaboration with others who are committed to achieving these goals by way of peaceful transformation.

all of the sources koko sited are bias in the extreme.
Scientific bias is the assumption that a theory is true or false without evidence one way or another, or the attempt to dismiss or discourage research efforts to confirm or deny the theory - often on political or ideological grounds. This is generally seen as an obstacle to applying the scientific method.
what would be the earth-shattering implications of molten steel at the WTC site?
what would be the earth-shattering implications of molten steel at the WTC site?
that jet fuel burns hotter than the twoofers will admit.
when you get a chance watch the documentary national geographic science and conspiracy .
there's a chapter in the film that explodes (pun intended) all the twoofer bullshit about jet fuel and it's effect on the twin towers,
what would be the earth-shattering implications of molten steel at the WTC site?
that jet fuel burns hotter than the twoofers will admit.
when you get a chance watch the documentary national geographic science and conspiracy .
there's a chapter in the film that explodes (pun intended) all the twoofer bullshit about jet fuel and it's effect on the twin towers,

Last time I looked thru my little chemistry textbook---(about 50 years ago) I learned words like -----FLASH POINT----and EXOTHERMIC REACTION -----
and I learned that burning fires are EXOTHERMIC----they produce lots of
heat and once that heat gets on something else to the point of its FLASH
point-----a new exothermic reaction starts up -------SMOKEY THE BEAR told
me that one little lit cigarette can cause EXOTHERMIC REACTIONS
that can bring a WHOLE forest down. I fail to see the issue-----what is the
controversy-----what difference does the specific heat producted by airplane
fuel have to do with anything? The heat produced by a LIT CIG is not all that
much either.

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