WTC building 7

Wow you idiots are still carrying on with this shit?
Just having a little fun at the loons' expense.

the shit will never go away------every once in awhile----islamo Nazis REPLAY some of the most idiotic stuff that I read way back circa 1960. In fact islamo Nazi leaders, now and then pop up with the "BLOOD IN THE MATZOH" libel-----nothing is too
idiotic for an islamo nazi
physics and science care not about your islamonazi clap trap and little stories

Physics and science do not "care" about anything. Your anthromorphizing is
idiotic----so typical of morons of your ilk
but there is no steel that failed due to fire that I can find

can you show us any wtc steel that looks like this?

no of course you canr, but you can show us lots of steel that was cut, well if you had even a remote clue what to look for.
wrong as always !
you are the queen of no clue..

I already know what your bullshit defense will be .
you'll blather some nonsense about it not being exactly the same as yours.

your first pic isnt the core

the second has a nice clean cut that you are hiding.

in fact its one of the all time favs for proving explosive demolition!

yer doing great! keep up the good work!

lol.. you do not give a shit what you post do you..did you even watch that 15 sec video ? it couldn't be anymore should be fired.. you should at least be required to try to put up some kind of coherent counter argument

You poor, dear. Your cult of conspiracy theory loons has been made a laughing stock and you're angry.

what a dumb fucking thing to say, so you do not know the difference between a conspiracy and forensic evidence.
a little question for the TROOFER TROOP ----assuming that the 9-11-01 event was a preplanned false flag operation----for what purpose was building 7demolished-----some six or so hours after one and two got demolished?
wrong as always !
you are the queen of no clue..

I already know what your bullshit defense will be .
you'll blather some nonsense about it not being exactly the same as yours.

your first pic isnt the core

the second has a nice clean cut that you are hiding.

in fact its one of the all time favs for proving explosive demolition!

yer doing great! keep up the good work!

lol.. you do not give a shit what you post do you..did you even watch that 15 sec video ? it couldn't be anymore should be fired.. you should at least be required to try to put up some kind of coherent counter argument

You poor, dear. Your cult of conspiracy theory loons has been made a laughing stock and you're angry.

what a dumb fucking thing to say, so you do not know the difference between a conspiracy and forensic evidence.

I do. You silly twoofers do not.

Joel S. Hirschhorn, BS Metallurgical Engineering, MS Metallurgical Engineering, PhD Materials Engineering Professor of Metallurgical Engineering, University of Wisconsin, Madison 1965 - 1978. Senior Staff Member, Congressional Office of Technology Assessment 1978 - 1990. Testified more than 50 times before Congress on technology, science, and environmental issues. Former Director of Environment, Energy and Natural Resources, National Governors Association. Dr. Hirschhorn has been a consultant to industrial and chemical companies, DOE laboratories, state governments, and public interest
  • Member: Political Leaders for 9/11 Truth Association Statement: "Scholars and professionals with various kinds of expertise---including architects, engineers, firefighters, intelligence officers, lawyers, medical professionals, military officers, philosophers, religious leaders, physical scientists, and pilots---have spoken out about radical discrepancies between the official account of the 9/11 attacks and what they, as independent researchers, have learned. They have established beyond any reasonable doubt that the official account of 9/11 is false and that, therefore, the official “investigations” have really been cover-up operations.
  • Patriots Question 9 11 - Responsible Criticism of the 9 11 Commission Report

ok they found discrepancies-------I know all about Monday morning quarterbacking. In the practice of medicine there exist something called
MORTALITY AND MORBIDITY conferences during which time every aspect of
the care of ----usually the patients who died---is EXAMINED IN DETAIL------
and in all cases----------something is so OBVIOUSLY wrong as an afterthought...
I am not impressed. By the same kind of reasoning-----it was PROVEN that
JFK was murdered by LBJ

lol...An esteemed professor BS Metallurgical Engineering, MS Metallurgical Engineering, PhD Materials Engineering .....hundreds of his peers..all see the collapse could only of been a controlled demolition...but they have been debwunked by rosies rambling anecdotal stories you are a hoot !

You Alex Jones groupies are a hoot!

How funny that you twoofers are relegated to village ideots.

the idiot is clearly you...your repetitive alex jones strawman only proves your denial and inability to recognise the thousands of Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth.


they always retreat to the strawman argument that we only go by what alex jones says when they know they are licked.they cover their eyes ignoring that link which is not one of their DEBWUNKER links they post all the time:lmao::lmao::lmao::laugh:
Joel S. Hirschhorn, BS Metallurgical Engineering, MS Metallurgical Engineering, PhD Materials Engineering Professor of Metallurgical Engineering, University of Wisconsin, Madison 1965 - 1978. Senior Staff Member, Congressional Office of Technology Assessment 1978 - 1990. Testified more than 50 times before Congress on technology, science, and environmental issues. Former Director of Environment, Energy and Natural Resources, National Governors Association. Dr. Hirschhorn has been a consultant to industrial and chemical companies, DOE laboratories, state governments, and public interest
  • Member: Political Leaders for 9/11 Truth Association Statement: "Scholars and professionals with various kinds of expertise---including architects, engineers, firefighters, intelligence officers, lawyers, medical professionals, military officers, philosophers, religious leaders, physical scientists, and pilots---have spoken out about radical discrepancies between the official account of the 9/11 attacks and what they, as independent researchers, have learned. They have established beyond any reasonable doubt that the official account of 9/11 is false and that, therefore, the official “investigations” have really been cover-up operations.
  • Patriots Question 9 11 - Responsible Criticism of the 9 11 Commission Report

ok they found discrepancies-------I know all about Monday morning quarterbacking. In the practice of medicine there exist something called
MORTALITY AND MORBIDITY conferences during which time every aspect of
the care of ----usually the patients who died---is EXAMINED IN DETAIL------
and in all cases----------something is so OBVIOUSLY wrong as an afterthought...
I am not impressed. By the same kind of reasoning-----it was PROVEN that
JFK was murdered by LBJ
lol...An esteemed professor BS Metallurgical Engineering, MS Metallurgical Engineering, PhD Materials Engineering .....hundreds of his peers..all see the collapse could only of been a controlled demolition...but they have been debwunked by rosies rambling anecdotal stories you are a hoot !

You Alex Jones groupies are a hoot!

How funny that you twoofers are relegated to village ideots.
the idiot is clearly you...your repetitive alex jones strawman only proves your denial and inability to recognise the thousands of Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth.

they always retreat to the strawman argument that we only go by what alex jones says when they know they are licked.:lmao::lmao::lmao::laugh:

so when do you think muslim terrorists got into building 1 and wired it
with explosives for the CONTROLLED DEMOLITION?
wrong as always !
you are the queen of no clue..

I already know what your bullshit defense will be .
you'll blather some nonsense about it not being exactly the same as yours.

your first pic isnt the core

the second has a nice clean cut that you are hiding.

in fact its one of the all time favs for proving explosive demolition!

yer doing great! keep up the good work!

lol.. you do not give a shit what you post do you..did you even watch that 15 sec video ? it couldn't be anymore should be fired.. you should at least be required to try to put up some kind of coherent counter argument

You poor, dear. Your cult of conspiracy theory loons has been made a laughing stock and you're angry.

what a dumb fucking thing to say, so you do not know the difference between a conspiracy and forensic evidence.

Sorry, I did not look at all 105 pages here.
And, I am an independent. I have no political entity and I'm not dependent on religions too.

I got this information years ago. It is possible that true or this is conspiracy theory? ( English language speaking in video)
Last edited:
funny thing about it is it's a red herring.
the steel beams did not need to melt and did not .
all that was required was for them to be weakened and to bend shifting the load and gravity did the rest.
the amount of melted "metal" is so small it's inconsequential.
funny thing is there was molten metal and fire would not weaken a concrete a steel hi -rise to the point of collapse never has before 9/`11 or afterView attachment 40559
only because the same condition are not!
really since 911 have there been any aircraft strikes on high rises ? any that were damaged by other collapsing high rises.
any long burning fires that were not fought for long because of no water?
the answer is no so the conditions are not present and you tripped over your dick again.
why do you say that when NIST says fire not damage brought done the wtc7..who is it you are trying to deceive
non sequitur
really since 911 have there been any aircraft strikes on high rises ? any that were damaged by other collapsing high rises.
any long burning fires that were not fought for long because of no water?
the answer is no so the conditions are not present and you tripped over your dick again.
why do you say that when NIST says fire not damage brought done the wtc7..who is it you are trying to deceive

I just read Daw's post. Nowhere does he claim that the damage from falling buildings brought down WTC7. It did, however, cause the fires that did bring down WTC7.
So who is it you are trying to deceive?
"really since 911 have there been any aircraft strikes on high rises ? any that were damaged
by other collapsing high rises."

He is claiming wtc 7 can not be compared to all other skyscraper fires because it was damaged by falling debris, knowing full well NIST say damage was not a factor other than igniting the then it can be compared to other hi-rise fires...
no it can't. if it had not been damaged it would not have caught fire..
again you are fucked.
please explain the freefall collapse of wtc 7
if wtc 7 was in freefall what does that mean..
standard eots disclaimer ...he and every one else knows what it means so foe all intents and purposes it's been ask and answered.
to keep bringing up is a chicken shit dodge...
please explain the freefall collapse of wtc 7
if wtc 7 was in freefall what does that mean..

sweetums ----FREE FALL means that the force exerted upon the MASS is G (G stands for GRAVITY)------you did not know that? you need an apple to fall on your EOTDIOT head? ------ how about you climb up on a tower and drop a peach pit and see what happens

The twoof is out there.

"24 Hard Facts About 9/11 That Cannot Be Debunked"
(January 18, 2013 by Joe Martino)
9/11 has been one of the biggest events in recent history that sparked a mass awakening across the world. There has been much debate as to how it happened, who is responsible and why. To this day about 1/3 of americans do not believe the official story. In other areas of the world as much as 90% of the country does not believe the official story.

Here is a list of 24 facts that cannot be debunked about 9/11
: 24 Hard Facts About 9 11 That Cannot Be Debunked Collective-Evolution

The twoof is out there.

"24 Hard Facts About 9/11 That Cannot Be Debunked"
(January 18, 2013 by Joe Martino)
9/11 has been one of the biggest events in recent history that sparked a mass awakening across the world. There has been much debate as to how it happened, who is responsible and why. To this day about 1/3 of americans do not believe the official story. In other areas of the world as much as 90% of the country does not believe the official story.

Here is a list of 24 facts that cannot be debunked about 9/11
: 24 Hard Facts About 9 11 That Cannot Be Debunked Collective-Evolution

Maggdy-----Not only was I there at the time-----I treated survivors for the next several years-----your entire list of "NON DEBUNKABLES" is a pile of shit.

The twoof is out there.

"24 Hard Facts About 9/11 That Cannot Be Debunked"
(January 18, 2013 by Joe Martino)
9/11 has been one of the biggest events in recent history that sparked a mass awakening across the world. There has been much debate as to how it happened, who is responsible and why. To this day about 1/3 of americans do not believe the official story. In other areas of the world as much as 90% of the country does not believe the official story.

Here is a list of 24 facts that cannot be debunked about 9/11
: 24 Hard Facts About 9 11 That Cannot Be Debunked Collective-Evolution
why would anyone care what caused the collapse of building 7? The people were all out------the air was already poisoned. I have heard 'stories' that it was demolished
as if were it demolished that would be a REALLY BIG DEAL Even I can think of reasons why it would be a good idea to put it down. People later died
of inhaling that poisoned air-------did anyone miss that fact?. If it contained fires---
that would be another good reason to put it down -----fires spread----the sky was
BLACK over manhattan. Can someone explain this giant issue to me?
you are getting can not explain the free fall collapse of building 7 is the issue
There was no free fall collapse.... except that of your silly conspiracy theories.
there was Hollie for 2.5 sec it's a meaningless stat it has no investigative Relevance.

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