WTC building 7

but there is no steel that failed due to fire that I can find

can you show us any wtc steel that looks like this?

no of course you canr, but you can show us lots of steel that was cut, well if you had even a remote clue what to look for.
wrong as always !
you are the queen of no clue..

I already know what your bullshit defense will be .
you'll blather some nonsense about it not being exactly the same as yours.

your first pic isnt the core

the second has a nice clean cut that you are hiding.

in fact its one of the all time favs for proving explosive demolition!

yer doing great! keep up the good work!

lol.. you do not give a shit what you post do you..did you even watch that 15 sec video ? it couldn't be anymore should be fired.. you should at least be required to try to put up some kind of coherent counter argument

beat me to the draw, never seen such absurd useless posts as comes from these duhbwunker dopes out here.

but there is no steel that failed due to fire that I can find

can you show us any wtc steel that looks like this?

no of course you canr, but you can show us lots of steel that was cut, well if you had even a remote clue what to look for.
wrong as always !
you are the queen of no clue..

I already know what your bullshit defense will be .
you'll blather some nonsense about it not being exactly the same as yours.

your first pic isnt the core

the second has a nice clean cut that you are hiding.

in fact its one of the all time favs for proving explosive demolition!

yer doing great! keep up the good work!

lol.. you do not give a shit what you post do you..did you even watch that 15 sec video ? it couldn't be anymore should be fired.. you should at least be required to try to put up some kind of coherent counter argument

beat me to the draw, never seen such absurd useless posts as comes from these duhbwunker dopes out here.

  • Eddy Shalom, BS Physics, BS EEAerospace Engineer and Technical Manager with over 30 years of experience working in NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory in flight electronics and other areas.
    • Statement in support of Architects and Engineers petition: "As a physics major, it has been clear to me for some time that the 'Official Conspiracy Theory' is totally absurd. It is not clear to me why so many intelligent people with the same education and training refuse to even review the evidence with an open mind. This is our greatest challenge and under-utilized resource."
love that laughable garbage these shills keep spewing out that the fires caused the collapse of bld 7 crap.

as always they prove they wont watch my 4 videos i have challenged them over and over and over again since they know those videos show what a bunch of stupid liars they all are.:biggrin:
Your goofy videos are nothing but hysterical conspiracy theory drivel.
you can not explain the freefall collapse of building 7 anymore than NIST could..this is why you do not even attempt to and post you 5 word post of drivel and denial

this is what the debwunker is reduced to when presented with the facts as they have no way of explaining the free fall of building 7

beat me to the draw, never seen such absurd useless posts as comes from these duhbwunker dopes out here.
love that laughable garbage these shills keep spewing out that the fires caused the collapse of bld 7 crap.

as always they prove they wont watch my 4 videos i have challenged them over and over and over again since they know those videos show what a bunch of stupid liars they all are.:biggrin:
Your goofy videos are nothing but hysterical conspiracy theory drivel.
you can not explain the freefall collapse of building 7 anymore than NIST could..this is why you do not even attempt to and post you 5 word post of drivel and denial

this is what the debwunker is reduced to when presented with the facts as they have no way of explaining the free fall of building 7

beat me to the draw, never seen such absurd useless posts as comes from these duhbwunker dopes out here.
In every case, the twoofers are debunked.
All the drivel the DEBWUNKERS have posted here thoughout this entire thread is just that,drivel and irrelevent because they cant debunk ANY of these facts in these four videos here. The first one here Eots posted in the beginning how NIST lied about their being no molten metal.

these next three videos here of witness testimonys backs up that video that John Gross of NIST told an outright lie.

Not only that,these next three videos prove and confirm what I have been saying all along that fires cannot cause a building to collapse and there were other buildings that had far more severe fires and far more significant damage than bld 7 yet they did not collapse.

the photos in these buildings and what these experts say,confim that people like daws,hollie,carla and others can only post drivel and BS and have NOTHING to counter these facts in these videos but stupid rambings and debwunker links.

they will all evade these videos and change the subject GUARANTEED.:biggrin:

I don't know how anyone can watch these videos and esp. the 3rd one by Richard Gage, and not without a shadow of a doubt believe that the story the Gov. is giving, NIST, is not a made up lie and cover up of the conspirators.
love that laughable garbage these shills keep spewing out that the fires caused the collapse of bld 7 crap.

as always they prove they wont watch my 4 videos i have challenged them over and over and over again since they know those videos show what a bunch of stupid liars they all are.:biggrin:
Your goofy videos are nothing but hysterical conspiracy theory drivel.
you can not explain the freefall collapse of building 7 anymore than NIST could..this is why you do not even attempt to and post you 5 word post of drivel and denial

this is what the debwunker is reduced to when presented with the facts as they have no way of explaining the free fall of building 7

beat me to the draw, never seen such absurd useless posts as comes from these duhbwunker dopes out here.
In every case, the twoofers are debunked.
and the comments on debwunker videos are always disabled so no one can point out all their errors
love that laughable garbage these shills keep spewing out that the fires caused the collapse of bld 7 crap.

as always they prove they wont watch my 4 videos i have challenged them over and over and over again since they know those videos show what a bunch of stupid liars they all are.:biggrin:
Your goofy videos are nothing but hysterical conspiracy theory drivel.
you can not explain the freefall collapse of building 7 anymore than NIST could..this is why you do not even attempt to and post you 5 word post of drivel and denial

this is what the debwunker is reduced to when presented with the facts as they have no way of explaining the free fall of building 7

beat me to the draw, never seen such absurd useless posts as comes from these duhbwunker dopes out here.
In every case, the twoofers are debunked.
and the comments on debwunker videos are always disabled so no one can point out all their errors

you can post up your objections on this board
Your goofy videos are nothing but hysterical conspiracy theory drivel.
you can not explain the freefall collapse of building 7 anymore than NIST could..this is why you do not even attempt to and post you 5 word post of drivel and denial

this is what the debwunker is reduced to when presented with the facts as they have no way of explaining the free fall of building 7

beat me to the draw, never seen such absurd useless posts as comes from these duhbwunker dopes out here.
In every case, the twoofers are debunked.
and the comments on debwunker videos are always disabled so no one can point out all their errors

you can post up your objections on this board
clearly not everyone who watches the video comes to this board.
All the drivel the DEBWUNKERS have posted here thoughout this entire thread is just that,drivel and irrelevent because they cant debunk ANY of these facts in these four videos here. The first one here Eots posted in the beginning how NIST lied about their being no molten metal.

these next three videos here of witness testimonys backs up that video that John Gross of NIST told an outright lie.

Not only that,these next three videos prove and confirm what I have been saying all along that fires cannot cause a building to collapse and there were other buildings that had far more severe fires and far more significant damage than bld 7 yet they did not collapse.

the photos in these buildings and what these experts say,confim that people like daws,hollie,carla and others can only post drivel and BS and have NOTHING to counter these facts in these videos but stupid rambings and debwunker links.

they will all evade these videos and change the subject GUARANTEED.:biggrin:

I don't know how anyone can watch these videos and esp. the 3rd one by Richard Gage, and not without a shadow of a doubt believe that the story the Gov. is giving, NIST, is not a made up lie and cover up of the conspirators.

yeah exactly.:thup: my thoughts as well how anyone can watch them and STILL defend the lie of NIST that the fires brought down bld 7.

Im glad you agree with me that the 3rd one with Gage is the best of the four as well.:thup: the fourth one is right up there and a close second to the Gage video as being the best of the four Im sure you agree?

that was WHY i posted those two for the last two since they are the best of the four.I should have posted Gages video for last though to save the very best for last but oh well,the last again,is a very close second to Gages video as the best of the four.

the fourth one i really like a lot as well because you hear the words of a retired FIRE CHIEF of the NYFD for 23 years who would know a thing or two about fires being able to cause a collapse of a building,a fact these shills blatantly ignore.:rolleyes-41:
Last edited:
you can not explain the freefall collapse of building 7 anymore than NIST could..this is why you do not even attempt to and post you 5 word post of drivel and denial

this is what the debwunker is reduced to when presented with the facts as they have no way of explaining the free fall of building 7

beat me to the draw, never seen such absurd useless posts as comes from these duhbwunker dopes out here.
In every case, the twoofers are debunked.
and the comments on debwunker videos are always disabled so no one can point out all their errors

you can post up your objections on this board
clearly not everyone who watches the video comes to this board.

So? what does that have to do with you and us?


why are debwunkers always in contradiction with NIST in your videos ? do they not believe the NIST report ?

Joel S. Hirschhorn, BS Metallurgical Engineering, MS Metallurgical Engineering, PhD Materials Engineering Professor of Metallurgical Engineering, University of Wisconsin, Madison 1965 - 1978. Senior Staff Member, Congressional Office of Technology Assessment 1978 - 1990. Testified more than 50 times before Congress on technology, science, and environmental issues. Former Director of Environment, Energy and Natural Resources, National Governors Association. Dr. Hirschhorn has been a consultant to industrial and chemical companies, DOE laboratories, state governments, and public interest
  • Member: Political Leaders for 9/11 Truth Association Statement: "Scholars and professionals with various kinds of expertise---including architects, engineers, firefighters, intelligence officers, lawyers, medical professionals, military officers, philosophers, religious leaders, physical scientists, and pilots---have spoken out about radical discrepancies between the official account of the 9/11 attacks and what they, as independent researchers, have learned. They have established beyond any reasonable doubt that the official account of 9/11 is false and that, therefore, the official “investigations” have really been cover-up operations.
  • Patriots Question 9 11 - Responsible Criticism of the 9 11 Commission Report

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