WTF? Democrat House Judiciary Committee Takes First Step to Hold Bill Barr in Contempt of Congress

The Dem lead house is grand standing. They just can't accept the fact that the Mueller report cleared Trump his campaign.
Mueller did not clear Trump and his campaign in his report. Barr gave a conflicted and confusing summery and that is why Congress wants to review it independently of what many of them think was a distorted analysis by Barr.

Congress has a Constitutional duty and obligation to oversee the Executive Branch.
Keep the lie going, the entertainment is great.
Barr should protect the president at all costs - just like Cohen did.
More political theater.

Maybe they can order in some chicken for the vote.

If they don't think Barr reviewed THEIR options and potential consequences before making his decision they're dumber than they act...
laws do not apply to Trump or anyone in his cartel -

Barr doesn’t have to share anything, do you even Constitution?
Federal Courts disagree with you, including our Supreme Court. Barr will have to share everything with ELECTED OFFICIALS who pay his salary and legislate rules on how he performs his job.
Federal courts might since they are predominantly demoncrap legislative branch. Supreme Court will side with common sense, you idiots lose again.
laws do not apply to Trump or anyone in his cartel -

Barr doesn’t have to share anything, do you even Constitution?
Federal Courts disagree with you, including our Supreme Court. Barr will have to share everything with ELECTED OFFICIALS who pay his salary and legislate rules on how he performs his job.
dude, hly fk! did you slip and hit your head? Barr works for the President. Not the legislative branch. And we pay Barr's salary. wow, son, while you're down there, pick up the peel you slipped on.
Nah. They were all disappointed that the Mueller report didn't reveal all that they had hoped and prayed for. Instead it cleared Trump and his campaign.

Yet ANOTHER illiterate, ignorant Trump ass kisser who has not read ONE FUCKING paragraph of the Report.........LMAO
Nah. They were all disappointed that the Mueller report didn't reveal all that they had hoped and prayed for. Instead it cleared Trump and his campaign.

Yet ANOTHER illiterate, ignorant Trump ass kisser who has not read ONE FUCKING paragraph of the Report.........LMAO

No. Some one with common sense who knows the report exonerated Trump and his campaign.

I'm not a bonehead like you who won't accept the truth.

A bonehead who keeps grasping at any and all straws trying to find something, anything to hang on Trump.

If Trump were guilty the report would have stated that. It didn't. Suck it up buttercup you will have another four years to moan, groan, complain and grasp at straws.
This is getting out of hand. I mean how dare AG Barr release redacted Grand Jury material which in itself a federal crime. Nadler is nuts!

BREAKING: Dem-Controlled House Judiciary Committee Takes First Step to Hold Bill Barr in Contempt of Congress
What is clear here is that the Democrats are collectively suffering from a serious case of PTSD as a result of the Clinton debacle, and that's why they respond with hysteria to every encounter with Trump and even to the mention of his name. The Democrats on the Judiciary committee should be considering group therapy and perhaps medication to help them deal with this problem rather than acting out by wildly issuing subpoenas and contempt citations.
The Dem lead house is grand standing. They just can't accept the fact that the Mueller report cleared Trump his campaign.
Mueller did not clear Trump and his campaign in his report. Barr gave a conflicted and confusing summery and that is why Congress wants to review it independently of what many of them think was a distorted analysis by Barr.

Congress has a Constitutional duty and obligation to oversee the Executive Branch.
Keep the lie going, the entertainment is great.
What lie?
No. Some one with common sense who knows the report exonerated Trump and his campaign.

.....and a fuckhead like you knows that becuase????................Oh yeah, sorry, Hannity, Barr and Trump told you so, correct????.....................LOL
This is getting out of hand. I mean how dare AG Barr release redacted Grand Jury material which in itself a federal crime. Nadler is nuts!

BREAKING: Dem-Controlled House Judiciary Committee Takes First Step to Hold Bill Barr in Contempt of Congress
Barr must be silenced at all costs because now he’s investigating the coup conspirators.
Barr testified before the mature branch of government, no need to stand for cross examination by the junior house. The little boys and girls should be focusing on issues that directly impact their constituents and stop wasting time with political gamesmanship.

"need"? Wtf does that mean?

House of Reps have a RIGHT AND DUTY to conduct oversight over DOJ and Admin. It's not up to you or administration to tell THEM what they need or not need.
laws do not apply to Trump or anyone in his cartel -

Barr doesn’t have to share anything, do you even Constitution?
Federal Courts disagree with you, including our Supreme Court. Barr will have to share everything with ELECTED OFFICIALS who pay his salary and legislate rules on how he performs his job.
Share what?
Results of an investigation financed with taxpayer funds.

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