WTF? Democrat House Judiciary Committee Takes First Step to Hold Bill Barr in Contempt of Congress

Barr testified before the mature branch of government, no need to stand for cross examination by the junior house. The little boys and girls should be focusing on issues that directly impact their constituents and stop wasting time with political gamesmanship.

"need"? Wtf does that mean?

House of Reps have a RIGHT AND DUTY to conduct oversight over DOJ and Admin. It's not up to you or administration to tell THEM what they need or not need.
we elect them, the fk it isn't.
Barr testified before the mature branch of government, no need to stand for cross examination by the junior house. The little boys and girls should be focusing on issues that directly impact their constituents and stop wasting time with political gamesmanship.

"need"? Wtf does that mean?

House of Reps have a RIGHT AND DUTY to conduct oversight over DOJ and Admin. It's not up to you or administration to tell THEM what they need.
Cut the bullshit. The Democrats in the House are only interested in trashing Trump on TV. They have a right and duty to carry on the business of government, not to use the House to campaign for the next election.
Barr testified before the mature branch of government, no need to stand for cross examination by the junior house. The little boys and girls should be focusing on issues that directly impact their constituents and stop wasting time with political gamesmanship.

"need"? Wtf does that mean?

House of Reps have a RIGHT AND DUTY to conduct oversight over DOJ and Admin. It's not up to you or administration to tell THEM what they need.
Cut the bullshit. The Democrats in the House are only interested in trashing Trump on TV. They have a right and duty to carry on the business of government, not to use the House to campaign for the next election.

No you cut the bullshit, your little theories on motiovations is MOOT. Congress has the RIGHT to conduct investigastions for WHATEVER REASON THEY MAY SEE FIT. PERIOD.

If Republicans can have 8 fucking Benghazi investigations, then surely Democrats are entitled to conduct their own investigations no matter what you rightwingers may feel about them.
Barr testified before the mature branch of government, no need to stand for cross examination by the junior house. The little boys and girls should be focusing on issues that directly impact their constituents and stop wasting time with political gamesmanship.

"need"? Wtf does that mean?

House of Reps have a RIGHT AND DUTY to conduct oversight over DOJ and Admin. It's not up to you or administration to tell THEM what they need.
Cut the bullshit. The Democrats in the House are only interested in trashing Trump on TV. They have a right and duty to carry on the business of government, not to use the House to campaign for the next election.

No you cut the bullshit, your little theories on rationalle's is MOOT. Congress has the RIGHT to conduct investigastions for WHATEVER REASON THEY MAY SEE FIT. PERIOD.
but they have no judicial power, so they actually can't do anything about anything. fk you're stupid.
No. Some one with common sense who knows the report exonerated Trump and his campaign.

.....and a fuckhead like you knows that becuase????................Oh yeah, sorry, Hannity, Barr and Trump told you so, correct????.....................LOL

Have you read the report?? Have you watched the news?? Do you have a brain cell to do either??

Trump and his campaign were exonerated. Not my fault you are a bonehead who won't accept the truth.

Buckle up buttercup. Its going to be a bumpy ride. Trump will win in 2020 and you will have four more years to moan, groan, complain and come up with more bonehead ideas.

I'll be LMAO watching you.
Barr testified before the mature branch of government, no need to stand for cross examination by the junior house. The little boys and girls should be focusing on issues that directly impact their constituents and stop wasting time with political gamesmanship.

LMAO, whats little billy barr got to hide in the most transparent presidency ever....
laws do not apply to Trump or anyone in his cartel -

Barr doesn’t have to share anything, do you even Constitution?
Federal Courts disagree with you, including our Supreme Court. Barr will have to share everything with ELECTED OFFICIALS who pay his salary and legislate rules on how he performs his job.
Share what?
Results of an investigation financed with taxpayer funds.
Well, clearly this issue will go into the federal courts and in three or four years the SC will issue a decision on what, if anything, Barr has to sare with Nadler.
Let's see if the courts want to maintain our democracy......or if the courts are also into Trump ass kissing......


Are you ever going to pull your clueless head out of your ass and realize that you live in a Republic and not a democracy?
laws do not apply to Trump or anyone in his cartel -

Barr doesn’t have to share anything, do you even Constitution?
Federal Courts disagree with you, including our Supreme Court. Barr will have to share everything with ELECTED OFFICIALS who pay his salary and legislate rules on how he performs his job.
Federal courts might since they are predominantly demoncrap legislative branch. Supreme Court will side with common sense, you idiots lose again.
Have you ever heard of a guy named Nixon on how he thought he could refuse to answer subpoenas in a thing called Watergate?
the House are only interested in trashing Trump on TV.

"Trashing" is the DIRECT RESULT of a fucked up, corrupt and unethical administration.

What is the orange moron AFRAID of????...A little scrutiny...a little transparency...a little expose' of the TRUTH???
Barr testified before the mature branch of government, no need to stand for cross examination by the junior house. The little boys and girls should be focusing on issues that directly impact their constituents and stop wasting time with political gamesmanship.

LMAO, whats little billy barr got to hide in the most transparent presidency ever....
integrity! and ten times what any of those leftists clowns in the house have. they eat his shit.
laws do not apply to Trump or anyone in his cartel -
Could you explain the reasoning that you used to come to that ridiculous conclusion so that I may rip it to shreds and shove it up your ass?
laws do not apply to Trump or anyone in his cartel -

Barr doesn’t have to share anything, do you even Constitution?
Federal Courts disagree with you, including our Supreme Court. Barr will have to share everything with ELECTED OFFICIALS who pay his salary and legislate rules on how he performs his job.
Federal courts might since they are predominantly demoncrap legislative branch. Supreme Court will side with common sense, you idiots lose again.
Have you ever heard of a guy named Nixon on how he thought he could refuse to answer subpoenas in a thing called Watergate?
there was a crime. name a crime here. I've been waiting all day for one of you leftists to post it. so your turn now.
laws do not apply to Trump or anyone in his cartel -
Could you explain the reasoning that you used to come to that ridiculous conclusion so that I may rip it to shreds and shove it up your ass?

Trump Obstructed Justice and there is only one reason he is not getting into the orange jumpsuit right now - he happens to be slightly-above-the-law POTUS. Special investigator felt he COULD NOT indict a sitting president and it's up to Congress to keep his corrupt ass in check.
laws do not apply to Trump or anyone in his cartel -
Could you explain the reasoning that you used to come to that ridiculous conclusion so that I may rip it to shreds and shove it up your ass?

Trump Obstructed Justice and there is only one reason he is not getting into the orange jumpsuit right now - he is the President.
what obstruction did he do? please, name a crime he obstructed.
Barr testified before the mature branch of government, no need to stand for cross examination by the junior house. The little boys and girls should be focusing on issues that directly impact their constituents and stop wasting time with political gamesmanship.

"need"? Wtf does that mean?

House of Reps have a RIGHT AND DUTY to conduct oversight over DOJ and Admin. It's not up to you or administration to tell THEM what they need.
Cut the bullshit. The Democrats in the House are only interested in trashing Trump on TV. They have a right and duty to carry on the business of government, not to use the House to campaign for the next election.

No you cut the bullshit, your little theories on motiovations is MOOT. Congress has the RIGHT to conduct investigastions for WHATEVER REASON THEY MAY SEE FIT. PERIOD.

If Republicans can have 8 Benghazi investigations, then sure Democrats are intitled to conduct their own investigation no matter what you rightwingers may feel about them.
No, you are mistaken. Oversight is not an enumerated power of Congress, but the courts have held Congress must have oversight powers to do its legitimate work of crafting and passing legislation. Unless the Congress has opened impeachment hearings, it has no right to investigate the President. However you don't have to take my word for it. All of this will go to federal courts and in three or four years the SC will issue a decision. So will the Democrats in Congress go on ranting and raging while they wait, or will they move on to some serious work?
still no crime, still waiting!!! why can't you leftists post the crime for fk sake?

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