WTF? Democrat House Judiciary Committee Takes First Step to Hold Bill Barr in Contempt of Congress

For the same reason I do, calling out the dishonest turds who pollute our discourse.
Actually, as you did as well in your last post, you do so to insult and lie. The reason I do not have discussions with lying snowflakes is because they either can not or will not accept or acknowledge FACT and REALITY.

For example, snowflakes continue to claim Hillary committed no crime...despite the FACT that the actual laws regarding the legal handling and destruction of classified material have been posted numerous times proving unequivocally that Clinton and her team violated those laws.
-- It is undeniably illegal for anyone entrusted with classified devices to attempt to destroy them with hammers. (The legal method is clearly defined in existing law, and by their own admission the Clinton team did not comply with those methods.) To claim otherwise is to admit ignorance of existing law exponentially...but still ignorant snowflakes do so in defense of their proven criminal 2016 election loser.

And that is only one of MANY examples of either how intentionally deceitful or how completely ignorant such snowflakes are.

Instead of attempting to argue with someone so obviously false / ignorant it is better just to ignore them and let them continue to embarrass THEMSELVES as they spew such ignorance while launching insults and personal attacks against those who actually know the truth and who dare speak it.

You can identify these people quickly because they insult and personally attack others while offering nothing but their own opinions and false statements without links / evidence to substantiate what they say...which basically sums up 90% of your posts.

So forgive me if I laugh at you and ignore almost every insulting unsubstantiated thing you say...or not. I really don't care...

....but back to the topic....
Proving how desperate they are to prevent the US AG from completing on-going investigations Into the Obama DOJ's & FBI's FISA Court Abuses, FBI / Democrat Leaking of classified, the faux Hillary Clinton investigation, and more, Democrats are now talking about wanting to attempt to have the US AG PROSECUTED for refusing to illegally release Grand Jury information in the Mueller Report that Mueller's team helped him redact.

Calls to jail Attorney General Barr grow from Democratic ranks

“We know how to arrest people around here,” Rep. Jamie Raskin, D-Md., told Politico. “And if we need to arrest someone, the [House] sergeant-at-arms will know how to do it. I’m not afraid of that.”


Despite the FBI publicly stating it had recovered more than 15,000 official subpoenaed documents Hillary Clinton attempted to destroy instead of turn into the FBI as she was legally required to do, despite the fact that Hillary and her team illegally destroyed classified government devices and withheld other devices' sim cards, despite the fact that Hillary attempted to wipe her subpoenaed private hard-drive instead of turn it over to the FBI -- all of which were criminal acts of Obstruction of Justice during the FBI's investigation of her, and despite then-FBI Director James Comey publicly declaring Hillary Clinton had broken laws (but was too stupid to know she was doing so), the Democrats proved they did not even know the definition of Obstruction of Justice let alone how to hold someone accountable for doing so.

After Special Counsel Mueller's report failed to deliver the 'Guilty' verdict against the President Democrats had hoped and facing overwhelming evidence of exposed Democrat crimes and on-going DOJ and US IG investigations into those crimes, the Democrats have become desperate to 'take down' the United States Attorney General who has vowed to investigate these crimes and hold the guilty accountable before he can actually do so.

Democrats continue to insinuate that US AG has completely mis-represented Mueller's report, despite the fact that Democrats have refused to even look at the approx. 98.9% redact-LESS report the US AG has made available to them. (The redactions that remain are the ones Mueller's own investigation team helped the US AG to make.)

"The Washington Post first reported that Special Counsel Robert Mueller contacted Barr, both in a letter and in a phone call, to express concerns after Barr released his four-page summary of Mueller’s findings in March. Mueller pushed Barr to release the executive summaries written by the special counsel’s office. However, according to both the Post and the Justice Department, Mueller made clear that he did not feel that Barr’s summary was inaccurate. Instead, Mueller told Barr that media coverage of the letter had “misinterpreted” the results of the probe concerning obstruction of justice."

When you cut through all the Democrat political theatrics about not being able to see approx. 1% of the Mueller Report still redacted by Mueller's own team IAW current law that prohibits Grand Jury Information being released - especially after they continue to refuse to make any effort to see the almost completely redacted version of the report, you get to the real reason Democrats are doing all of this:

Barr openly declared he believes the Democrats perpetrated FISA Court abuses, illegally spied on Trump and his team, and leaked classified information, and he is already conducting numerous investigations of these possible crimes.

This has put 'the fear of God' into the Democrats, and they MUST take Barr out before the US IG report on FISA Court Abuses or before Barr's DOJ complete their investigations into possible crimes.

Calls to jail Attorney General Barr grow from Democratic ranks

Sorry man but the desperation here is very apparent in your long rants!

Look at the headline and you see the BS oozing out. You refer to Dems like they are one person scared of going to jail. Why don’t you just be honest? Dems are pushing for info that Barr does not want them to have. Plain and simple. They aren’t scared of going to jail. You say shit like that and you discredit yourself. Grow up, do better
tried to talk to him about clickbait headlines yesterday but i gave up.
You also said sometimes you just have to take a break and ignore it...but still seem NOT to be ignoring it and making an effort to point out to everyone your claiming so but not doing so....

If you don't want to see / read it then ignore it. Stop whining about someone posting 'click-bait' while continuing to click on it. If you don't want to join the conversation feel free not to enter, read, or post in the thread...that applies to anyone, especially snowflakes.

No one is forcing you to...

So others notice it too but it's me.

OK fine. Ignore.
No, its not just you. Many snowflakes share your opinion. Congratulations. Ask me if I care? The answer? You said yourself your efforts / opinion has not altered what I post...
So it is now okay to ignore a subpoena or a coc claim?

Been that way since Holder was AG, he was the first AG ever charged with contempt of Congress, finally the courts ruled against him and he finally handed over the requested document.

To me it is all partisan nonsense. If they need the courts to decide, so be it.
For the same reason I do, calling out the dishonest turds who pollute our discourse.
Actually, as you did as well in your last post, you do so to insult and lie. The reason I do not have discussions with lying snowflakes is because they either can not or will not accept or acknowledge FACT and REALITY.

For example, snowflakes continue to claim Hillary committed no crime...despite the FACT that the actual laws regarding the legal handling and destruction of classified material has been posted numerous times proving unequivocally that Clinton and her team violated those laws.
-- It is undeniably illegal for anyone entrusted with classified devices to attempt to destroy them with hammers. To claim otherwise is to admit ignorance of existing law exponentially...but still ignorant snowflakes do so in defense of their proven criminal 2016 election loser.

And that is only one of MANY examples of either how intentionally deceitful or how completely ignorant such snowflakes are.

Instead of attempting to argue with someone so obviously false / ignorant it is better just to ignore them and let the continue to embarrass THEMSELVES as they spew such ignorance while launching insults and personal attacks against those who actually know the truth and who dare speak it.

You can identify these people quickly because they insult and personally attack others while offering nothing but their own opinions and false statements without links / evidence to substantiate what they say...which basically sums up 90% of your posts.

So forgive me if I laugh at you and ignore almost every insulting unsubstantiated thing you say...or not. I really don't care...

....but back to the topic....
Well it’s great to see somebody who is passionate about law and order. I’ll look forward to seeing you hold those in the Trump administration to the same standards and scrutiny as you do Hillary.

Not that you care but I trust the opinions of those who actually conducted the investigation who actually reviewed the evidence. You presume to know more than they do, this makes you sound like a pompous ass. Way to go
Dems are pushing because they are out of moves. They have access to a lot more info but at last check had to have it their way or wah.
I actually agree with you how Democrats have access to a lot more info....but that does not explain why they are trying to discredit and destroy the man capable of sending criminals within their ranks to jail.

The act of attempting to discredit / destroy the US AG is an intentional calculated move intended to undermine his credibility, his investigations, and any later attempt to bring proven criminal Democrats to justice.

Why do you think Democrats are repeating the same false talking points about how Trump is using Barr to go after his ' political enemies'?
Last edited:
I found the following statement by John Marshal interesting because it supports the Senate rules on impeachment which are criticized because they don't offered the accused the same level of legal protection as in court of law.

"Offenses by officials also include ordinary crimes, but perhaps with different standards of proof and punishment than for nonofficial, on the grounds that more is expected of officials by their oaths of office.

The bar should be higher for government officials than ordinary citizens. This is why in the Senate trial the prosecution, the committee of managers do not need to establish guilt beyond a shadow of doubt. Rules of evidence do not preclude as much as in a case being tried in criminal court. Hearsay evidence may also be admissible and intent without actual action can be admissible.

Well, it's not surprising that impeachment doesn't offer the same level of legal protection as a court of law, since it's not a criminal prosecution. Looked at one way, it's more akin to your boss firing you.
Yes, that's a pretty good analogy. Just as an election is a political process so is impeachment.

I find it strange that today, articles of impeachment must include at least one or more violations of the law when it's clear that an official can be impeached without actually violating the law. IMHO, there are actions or inaction of a president that can be far more serious than a claim of obstruction of justice or lying to congress. In other countries where there is legal or constitution basis for removing a leader, the question of leadership, bad decisions, and catastrophic results seem to be at the top of the list of reasons for removal from office. In the US, the primary reason for removal from office is being caught in lie, something every president does with great frequency.
That is complete and utter bullshit.

"The primary reason for removal from office is being caught in lie" hahahaha

Seriously, you mentally ill leftists just make shit up and bloviate and think nobody notices. It's how I can tell that the only people you ever talk to or listen to are retards just like yourself.
I suggest you read some Articles of Impeachment.
Completely irrelevant to my comment.You people have cognitive dissonance.

I suggest you take your meds, fruitcake.
Translated that means I have nothing to offer but insults.
Well it’s great to see somebody who is passionate about law and order. I’ll look forward to seeing you hold those in the Trump administration to the same standards and scrutiny as you do Hillary.
Well since Mueller already stated no one connected to Trump colluded with the Russisns - which can not be said for Hillary, Rosenstein, Clapper, Brennan, and Comey - they have already proven their standards to be higher.
Proving how desperate they are to prevent the US AG from completing on-going investigations Into the Obama DOJ's & FBI's FISA Court Abuses, FBI / Democrat Leaking of classified, the faux Hillary Clinton investigation, and more, Democrats are now talking about wanting to attempt to have the US AG PROSECUTED for refusing to illegally release Grand Jury information in the Mueller Report that Mueller's team helped him redact.

Calls to jail Attorney General Barr grow from Democratic ranks

“We know how to arrest people around here,” Rep. Jamie Raskin, D-Md., told Politico. “And if we need to arrest someone, the [House] sergeant-at-arms will know how to do it. I’m not afraid of that.”


Despite the FBI publicly stating it had recovered more than 15,000 official subpoenaed documents Hillary Clinton attempted to destroy instead of turn into the FBI as she was legally required to do, despite the fact that Hillary and her team illegally destroyed classified government devices and withheld other devices' sim cards, despite the fact that Hillary attempted to wipe her subpoenaed private hard-drive instead of turn it over to the FBI -- all of which were criminal acts of Obstruction of Justice during the FBI's investigation of her, and despite then-FBI Director James Comey publicly declaring Hillary Clinton had broken laws (but was too stupid to know she was doing so), the Democrats proved they did not even know the definition of Obstruction of Justice let alone how to hold someone accountable for doing so.

After Special Counsel Mueller's report failed to deliver the 'Guilty' verdict against the President Democrats had hoped and facing overwhelming evidence of exposed Democrat crimes and on-going DOJ and US IG investigations into those crimes, the Democrats have become desperate to 'take down' the United States Attorney General who has vowed to investigate these crimes and hold the guilty accountable before he can actually do so.

Democrats continue to insinuate that US AG has completely mis-represented Mueller's report, despite the fact that Democrats have refused to even look at the approx. 98.9% redact-LESS report the US AG has made available to them. (The redactions that remain are the ones Mueller's own investigation team helped the US AG to make.)

"The Washington Post first reported that Special Counsel Robert Mueller contacted Barr, both in a letter and in a phone call, to express concerns after Barr released his four-page summary of Mueller’s findings in March. Mueller pushed Barr to release the executive summaries written by the special counsel’s office. However, according to both the Post and the Justice Department, Mueller made clear that he did not feel that Barr’s summary was inaccurate. Instead, Mueller told Barr that media coverage of the letter had “misinterpreted” the results of the probe concerning obstruction of justice."

When you cut through all the Democrat political theatrics about not being able to see approx. 1% of the Mueller Report still redacted by Mueller's own team IAW current law that prohibits Grand Jury Information being released - especially after they continue to refuse to make any effort to see the almost completely redacted version of the report, you get to the real reason Democrats are doing all of this:

Barr openly declared he believes the Democrats perpetrated FISA Court abuses, illegally spied on Trump and his team, and leaked classified information, and he is already conducting numerous investigations of these possible crimes.

This has put 'the fear of God' into the Democrats, and they MUST take Barr out before the US IG report on FISA Court Abuses or before Barr's DOJ complete their investigations into possible crimes.

Calls to jail Attorney General Barr grow from Democratic ranks

Sorry man but the desperation here is very apparent in your long rants!

Look at the headline and you see the BS oozing out. You refer to Dems like they are one person scared of going to jail. Why don’t you just be honest? Dems are pushing for info that Barr does not want them to have. Plain and simple. They aren’t scared of going to jail. You say shit like that and you discredit yourself. Grow up, do better
tried to talk to him about clickbait headlines yesterday but i gave up.
You also said sometimes you just have to take a break and ignore it...but still seem NOT to be ignoring it and making an effort to point out to everyone your claiming so but not doing so....

If you don't want to see / read it then ignore it. Stop whining about someone posting 'click-bait' while continuing to click on it. If you don't want to join the conversation feel free not to enter, read, or post in the thread...that applies to anyone, especially snowflakes.

No one is forcing you to...

So others notice it too but it's me.

OK fine. Ignore.
No, its not just you. Many snowflakes share your opinion. Congratulations. Ask me if I care? The answer? You said yourself your efforts / opinion has not altered what I post...
True, your arrogance is obvious. Doesn’t make you beyond reproach and critique
Well it’s great to see somebody who is passionate about law and order. I’ll look forward to seeing you hold those in the Trump administration to the same standards and scrutiny as you do Hillary.
Well since Mueller already stated no one connected to Trump colluded with the Russisns - which can not be said for Hillary, Rosenstein, Clapper, Brennan, and Comey - they have already proven their standards to be higher.
I’m not talking about them, I’m talking about you. Nice that you respect what Mueller said about Trump. I notice you did not treat Comey with the same respect with what he said about Clinton.
Dems are pushing because they are out of moves. They have access to a lot more info but at last check had to have it their way or wah.
I actually agree with you how Democrats have access to a lot more info....but that does not explain why they are trying to discredit and destroy the man capable of sending criminals within their ranks to jail.

The act of attempting to discredit / destroy the US AG is an intentional calculated move intended to undermine his credibility, his investigations, and any later attempt to bring proven criminal Democrats to justice.

Why do you think Democrats are repeating the same false talking points about how Trump is using Barr to go after his ' political enemies'?
same reason you do the WE GOT THEM THIS TIME!!! headlines?

it's how they get their kicks?
lol I'm just editing the bullshit out of your post. Your whole argument is that High Crimes and Misdemeanors is whatever the crazy House Democrats want it to be. To abide by the Constitution the President must be found guilty of a real crime, as Clinton was clearly guilty of perjury.

As much as I hate to say it, Flopper's actually correct. The phrase "high crimes and misdemeanors" doesn't actually refer to just indictable criminal actions.

Jon Roland, of the Constitution Society, explains it this way: "[T]he key to understanding it is the word "high". It does not mean "more serious". It refers to those punishable offenses that only apply to high persons, that is, to public officials, those who, because of their official status, are under special obligations that ordinary persons are not under, and which could not be meaningfully applied or justly punished if committed by ordinary persons.

Offenses of this kind survive today in the Uniform Code of Military Justice. It recognizes as punishable offenses such things as perjury of oath, refusal to obey orders, abuse of authority, dereliction of duty, failure to supervise, moral turpitude, and conduct unbecoming."
I found the following statement by John Marshal interesting because it supports the Senate rules on impeachment which are criticized because they don't offered the accused the same level of legal protection as in court of law.

"Offenses by officials also include ordinary crimes, but perhaps with different standards of proof and punishment than for nonofficial, on the grounds that more is expected of officials by their oaths of office.

The bar should be higher for government officials than ordinary citizens. This is why in the Senate trial the prosecution, the committee of managers do not need to establish guilt beyond a shadow of doubt. Rules of evidence do not preclude as much as in a case being tried in criminal court. Hearsay evidence may also be admissible and intent without actual action can be admissible.

Well, it's not surprising that impeachment doesn't offer the same level of legal protection as a court of law, since it's not a criminal prosecution. Looked at one way, it's more akin to your boss firing you.
Actually, in this case, it's more akin to your boss gossiping about you.

In this case, if it gets as far as actual impeachment proceedings, it would be the equivalent of members of upper management trying to fire you over gossip they themselves spread about you.
lol Yep, it's just that ridiculous.
Read the OP again. the dems want to throw Barr into their "jail" in the House without charges, arrest warrant, Miranda rights, a trial, Judges, appeals, etc.

The Dems demonstrated they believe they have the authority / power to 'un-do' a national Presidential election by removing a president from power via a they are trying to destroy / remove from office / power a US AG who has threatened to hold their party members accountable for crimes.

They are completely out of control, proving more and more they have become a party of domestic enemies to this nation.

I'd agree they've taken obstruction of the opposing party to a whole new level, which is not a healthy place at all for our government.

Let Barr run his investigations to determine what happened, who was responsible and whether or not they were acting in a legal fashion. I do not see the problem with that at all, given what they've subjected Trump and the nation to. We deserve an explanation, IMO.
interesting on why so many dems are so concerned where Barr goes with this. What was the statement about mueller, what are you afraid of? well what are you afraid of? STFU otherwise, let it play out just like mueller's investigation. two faced punk asses in here.
Read the OP again. the dems want to throw Barr into their "jail" in the House without charges, arrest warrant, Miranda rights, a trial, Judges, appeals, etc.

The Dems demonstrated they believe they have the authority / power to 'un-do' a national Presidential election by removing a president from power via a they are trying to destroy / remove from office / power a US AG who has threatened to hold their party members accountable for crimes.

They are completely out of control, proving more and more they have become a party of domestic enemies to this nation.

I'd agree they've taken obstruction of the opposing party to a whole new level, which is not a healthy place at all for our government.

Let Barr run his investigations to determine what happened, who was responsible and whether or not they were acting in a legal fashion. I do not see the problem with that at all, given what they've subjected Trump and the nation to. We deserve an explanation, IMO.
interesting on why so many dems are so concerned where Barr goes with this. What was the statement about mueller, what are you afraid of? well what are you afraid of? STFU otherwise, let it play out just like mueller's investigation. two faced punk asses in here.

Exactly what I'm thinking about this. It was fine when they were assailing Trump with the Collusion accusations. "Don't you want to know if this happened" "He should want to know too, as he's the President"

We'll see how supportive they are of an investigation into whether or not abuse of power occurred to impact an election before the election, and then after the guy was elected to question the actual outcome.

If there was an abuse of power here in terms of these collusion investigations it undermines our electoral system. Everyone should be concerned about that.

We'll see how supportive the Dems are of these investigations. My feeling is they'll keep slamming on Barr and anyone he appoints, question any outcomes, accuse Trump of using these as diversions etc. If so, they'll look like morons.
EVERYTHING the Democrats do or say about Barr and his new special attorney looking into the Russia Hoax is OBSTRUCTION OF JUSTICE......according to their own standards.
Proving how desperate they are to prevent the US AG from completing on-going investigations Into the Obama DOJ's & FBI's FISA Court Abuses, FBI / Democrat Leaking of classified, the faux Hillary Clinton investigation, and more, Democrats are now talking about wanting to attempt to have the US AG PROSECUTED for refusing to illegally release Grand Jury information in the Mueller Report that Mueller's team helped him redact.

Calls to jail Attorney General Barr grow from Democratic ranks

“We know how to arrest people around here,” Rep. Jamie Raskin, D-Md., told Politico. “And if we need to arrest someone, the [House] sergeant-at-arms will know how to do it. I’m not afraid of that.”


Despite the FBI publicly stating it had recovered more than 15,000 official subpoenaed documents Hillary Clinton attempted to destroy instead of turn into the FBI as she was legally required to do, despite the fact that Hillary and her team illegally destroyed classified government devices and withheld other devices' sim cards, despite the fact that Hillary attempted to wipe her subpoenaed private hard-drive instead of turn it over to the FBI -- all of which were criminal acts of Obstruction of Justice during the FBI's investigation of her, and despite then-FBI Director James Comey publicly declaring Hillary Clinton had broken laws (but was too stupid to know she was doing so), the Democrats proved they did not even know the definition of Obstruction of Justice let alone how to hold someone accountable for doing so.

After Special Counsel Mueller's report failed to deliver the 'Guilty' verdict against the President Democrats had hoped and facing overwhelming evidence of exposed Democrat crimes and on-going DOJ and US IG investigations into those crimes, the Democrats have become desperate to 'take down' the United States Attorney General who has vowed to investigate these crimes and hold the guilty accountable before he can actually do so.

Democrats continue to insinuate that US AG has completely mis-represented Mueller's report, despite the fact that Democrats have refused to even look at the approx. 98.9% redact-LESS report the US AG has made available to them. (The redactions that remain are the ones Mueller's own investigation team helped the US AG to make.)

"The Washington Post first reported that Special Counsel Robert Mueller contacted Barr, both in a letter and in a phone call, to express concerns after Barr released his four-page summary of Mueller’s findings in March. Mueller pushed Barr to release the executive summaries written by the special counsel’s office. However, according to both the Post and the Justice Department, Mueller made clear that he did not feel that Barr’s summary was inaccurate. Instead, Mueller told Barr that media coverage of the letter had “misinterpreted” the results of the probe concerning obstruction of justice."

When you cut through all the Democrat political theatrics about not being able to see approx. 1% of the Mueller Report still redacted by Mueller's own team IAW current law that prohibits Grand Jury Information being released - especially after they continue to refuse to make any effort to see the almost completely redacted version of the report, you get to the real reason Democrats are doing all of this:

Barr openly declared he believes the Democrats perpetrated FISA Court abuses, illegally spied on Trump and his team, and leaked classified information, and he is already conducting numerous investigations of these possible crimes.

This has put 'the fear of God' into the Democrats, and they MUST take Barr out before the US IG report on FISA Court Abuses or before Barr's DOJ complete their investigations into possible crimes.

Calls to jail Attorney General Barr grow from Democratic ranks


Isn't there a village in a Banana Republic somewhere missing someone like you?
Isn't there a village in a Banana Republic somewhere missing someone like you?

You're obviously thinking of Barak Obama and Hillary Clinton....

That is not what I'm thinking, right now I'm thinking you are the missing village idiot (of course that's not based on anything new you've posted, in fact all that you produce is thoughtless).
Well, it's not surprising that impeachment doesn't offer the same level of legal protection as a court of law, since it's not a criminal prosecution. Looked at one way, it's more akin to your boss firing you.
Yes, that's a pretty good analogy. Just as an election is a political process so is impeachment.

I find it strange that today, articles of impeachment must include at least one or more violations of the law when it's clear that an official can be impeached without actually violating the law. IMHO, there are actions or inaction of a president that can be far more serious than a claim of obstruction of justice or lying to congress. In other countries where there is legal or constitution basis for removing a leader, the question of leadership, bad decisions, and catastrophic results seem to be at the top of the list of reasons for removal from office. In the US, the primary reason for removal from office is being caught in lie, something every president does with great frequency.
That is complete and utter bullshit.

"The primary reason for removal from office is being caught in lie" hahahaha

Seriously, you mentally ill leftists just make shit up and bloviate and think nobody notices. It's how I can tell that the only people you ever talk to or listen to are retards just like yourself.
I suggest you read some Articles of Impeachment.
Completely irrelevant to my comment.You people have cognitive dissonance.

I suggest you take your meds, fruitcake.
Translated that means I have nothing to offer but insults.

No, what that means is I'm not going to respond to irrelevant garbage that you spew, that has nothing to do with anything.

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