WTF? Democrat House Judiciary Committee Takes First Step to Hold Bill Barr in Contempt of Congress

Which will continue because Trump is afraid of what more will be found.
MORE? They haven't found a fucking thing yet. Whaddya mean MORE?
Yeah I think you gotta have something before you get More of it.
That's the M.O. of the left. Speak as if something happened and hope people will believe it has.
It’s the number one MO of fakery.
Propose something that is non existent to establish the need to refute it (when it’s non existent to begin with)
Which will continue because Trump is afraid of what more will be found.
MORE? They haven't found a fucking thing yet. Whaddya mean MORE?

Barr, Horowitz and crew must be getting close if this is a story again!
Precisely. It's become a familiar pattern. Impeachment proceedings will begin the minute the first indictment comes down.

What's a familiar pattern? The Trumpbots announce indictments against government officials any day and so far, there hasn't been a single indictment against anyone involved in the Mueller investigation, just Trump firing anyone who ever touched the investigation.
Most reasonable representatives agree that Nadler is in way over his head as a representative. Whether his many deficiencies are the result his diet, some environmental factor or maybe he's just a bad result of inbreeding. Nobody knows.
Once you go for the Hairy Man Butt Lovin like Nadler did, you have no sanity left.
Another thread of disbelief in how far the Left will go.......

Lemme axe you a question........
If robbers knew for certain that no Police would respond if they robbed a bank......would more or less banks get robbed?
If people with drug addictive personalities knew they would not be prosecuted for doing drugs.....would there be more or less drug addicts?
If speeders knew there would be no enforcement of speed limits, would there be more reckless speeders or less speeders?

So then, if the Left knows that no one is going to stand up to their assault on America, morality and the Constitution.....what do you think will happen?

All that is required for evil people to prevail is for "good people" to do nothing...or wait for someone ELSE to "do something".
This is exactly the reason the nation has fallen as far as it has already.
Is this kind of behavior okay with rank and file democrats?....are they not embarrassed?......what will it take before some sane dems step up and try and save their party from these TDS nut jobs?....
I'm going to give them the benefit of doubt and say that the sane dems stopped posting here a while ago because of the over the top game plan by their elected dems...and so I think only the real nut jobs are left here on USMB to scream their lungs out and puke up their hatred for Trump....the rest of the party can't be like Nat and his band of crazies.....
Did you ask this of Trey Gowdy?
Is this kind of behavior okay with rank and file democrats?....are they not embarrassed?......what will it take before some sane dems step up and try and save their party from these TDS nut jobs?....
I'm going to give them the benefit of doubt and say that the sane dems stopped posting here a while ago because of the over the top game plan by their elected dems...and so I think only the real nut jobs are left here on USMB to scream their lungs out and puke up their hatred for Trump....the rest of the party can't be like Nat and his band of crazies.....
Did you ask this of Trey Gowdy?
Gowdy is a blowhard showboat...swamp creature...
Is this kind of behavior okay with rank and file democrats?....are they not embarrassed?......what will it take before some sane dems step up and try and save their party from these TDS nut jobs?....
I'm going to give them the benefit of doubt and say that the sane dems stopped posting here a while ago because of the over the top game plan by their elected dems...and so I think only the real nut jobs are left here on USMB to scream their lungs out and puke up their hatred for Trump....the rest of the party can't be like Nat and his band of crazies.....
Did you ask this of Trey Gowdy?
Gowdy is a blowhard showboat...swamp creature...
Who nforces the law when the president and the attorney general break it? Blowhard showboats and swamp creatures?
Is this kind of behavior okay with rank and file democrats?....are they not embarrassed?......what will it take before some sane dems step up and try and save their party from these TDS nut jobs?....
I'm going to give them the benefit of doubt and say that the sane dems stopped posting here a while ago because of the over the top game plan by their elected dems...and so I think only the real nut jobs are left here on USMB to scream their lungs out and puke up their hatred for Trump....the rest of the party can't be like Nat and his band of crazies.....
Did you ask this of Trey Gowdy?
Gowdy is a blowhard showboat...swamp creature...
Who nforces the law when the president and the attorney general break it? Blowhard showboats and swamp creatures?
When has Gowdy ever followed through with anything regarding capitol hill corruption?...he talks a good game on TV but he is where investigations go to die...unfortunately in DC if you want to cover up a crime just place it under investigation...
Is this kind of behavior okay with rank and file democrats?....are they not embarrassed?......what will it take before some sane dems step up and try and save their party from these TDS nut jobs?....
I'm going to give them the benefit of doubt and say that the sane dems stopped posting here a while ago because of the over the top game plan by their elected dems...and so I think only the real nut jobs are left here on USMB to scream their lungs out and puke up their hatred for Trump....the rest of the party can't be like Nat and his band of crazies.....
Did you ask this of Trey Gowdy?
Gowdy is a blowhard showboat...swamp creature...
Who nforces the law when the president and the attorney general break it? Blowhard showboats and swamp creatures?
When has Gowdy ever followed through with anything regarding capitol hill corruption?...he talks a good game on TV but he is where investigations go to die...unfortunately in DC if you want to cover up a crime just place it under investigation...
Then again he found nothing to confirm the rumors spun by Right Wing conspiracy fans
Barr is Trump's lap dog, he believes he's above the law and trump will exonerate anything he does (at least until he crosses the chosen one and Barr gets what Cohen got).
Barr is Trump's lap dog, he believes he's above the law and trump will exonerate anything he does (at least until he crosses the chosen one and Barr gets what Cohen got).

Hmmm, the only people we KNOW thought that are the Dem aparatchiks who tried the coup attempt. And obummer of course, he seems to have thought he was king or something.
Barr is Trump's lap dog, he believes he's above the law and trump will exonerate anything he does (at least until he crosses the chosen one and Barr gets what Cohen got).

View attachment 276434
Attorney General William Barr planning private holiday party at Trump's DC hotel·21 hours ago

AG William Barr Planning to Throw $30000 Party at Trump Int'l Hotel
Democracy Now!·8 hours ago

Is that illegal?

Nope. Might not look good, but is perfectly legal.

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