WTF? Democrat House Judiciary Committee Takes First Step to Hold Bill Barr in Contempt of Congress

Barr is Trump's lap dog, he believes he's above the law and trump will exonerate anything he does (at least until he crosses the chosen one and Barr gets what Cohen got).

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Attorney General William Barr planning private holiday party at Trump's DC hotel·21 hours ago

AG William Barr Planning to Throw $30000 Party at Trump Int'l Hotel
Democracy Now!·8 hours ago

Is that illegal?

Depends. Is it a payoff for the job he got? He literally begged for the job, and promised to keep trump out of the mess he created with Russia and his BFF Putin.
This is getting out of hand. I mean how dare AG Barr release redacted Grand Jury material which in itself a federal crime. Nadler is nuts!

BREAKING: Dem-Controlled House Judiciary Committee Takes First Step to Hold Bill Barr in Contempt of Congress

Does anyone still pay any attention to what the Dims have to say in the House?

People should just smile and nod and ignore them.
Their emotion driven coup attempt is done but the wailing and flailing continues. We survived a potentially devastating usurpation of 63 million votes and had to weather a lot of childish inabilities to accept reality and outcomes but now the screw turns and it’s going to be a delight to witness the Devine retribution.

The Russian reality TV show plot continues to be the troll farm's go-to excuses for the Trump Administration's failure to allow Congressional oversight as per the Constitution.

Here's a clue Ivan, when you go throught the courts, and the judicial system, it's not a "coup". It's a constitutional crisis. Which will continue because Trump is afraid of what more will be found.

You are flailing, dude. Your heroes attempted a soft coup against a duly elected president. Heads are going to roll, and they aren't trumpsters.
Grossly over simplified
The Epstein case is much sexier than the witch hunt. So, since most of the heads that can be rolled will be rolled before the witch hunt investigation even gets started you have the wrong focus These culprits will also be more motivated to roll over on the Clinton crime family to avoid suicide while on suicide watch. Even if their stuff is made up of whole cloth they can do more damage than the people in the witch hunt. Trump for sure and possibly Barr want the Democratic party and deep state dead as fast as possible. Leading with the Witch hunt is not the fastest way to do this.

If Biden is dumped, Warren and Sanders can be shown to be thieves just as a matter of record but Biden shown as a public pervert with the Epstein revelations as background music is the ideal strategy.

What a sick fuck you are! Here you are talking about destroying the people who are elected to serve your country, not on the basis of their policy decisions or the work they've done, but on the basis of lies and politics.

This is the problem with the US today. Nobody is interested in doing what is best for the country, just what's best for their party, no matter how corrupt and venal such actions would be.
Does anyone still pay any attention to what the Dims have to say in the House?

People should just smile and nod and ignore them.
Their emotion driven coup attempt is done but the wailing and flailing continues. We survived a potentially devastating usurpation of 63 million votes and had to weather a lot of childish inabilities to accept reality and outcomes but now the screw turns and it’s going to be a delight to witness the Devine retribution.

The Russian reality TV show plot continues to be the troll farm's go-to excuses for the Trump Administration's failure to allow Congressional oversight as per the Constitution.

Here's a clue Ivan, when you go throught the courts, and the judicial system, it's not a "coup". It's a constitutional crisis. Which will continue because Trump is afraid of what more will be found.

You are flailing, dude. Your heroes attempted a soft coup against a duly elected president. Heads are going to roll, and they aren't trumpsters.
Grossly over simplified
The Epstein case is much sexier than the witch hunt. So, since most of the heads that can be rolled will be rolled before the witch hunt investigation even gets started you have the wrong focus These culprits will also be more motivated to roll over on the Clinton crime family to avoid suicide while on suicide watch. Even if their stuff is made up of whole cloth they can do more damage than the people in the witch hunt. Trump for sure and possibly Barr want the Democratic party and deep state dead as fast as possible. Leading with the Witch hunt is not the fastest way to do this.

If Biden is dumped, Warren and Sanders can be shown to be thieves just as a matter of record but Biden shown as a public pervert with the Epstein revelations as background music is the ideal strategy.

What a sick fuck you are! Here you are talking about destroying the people who are elected to serve your country, not on the basis of their policy decisions or the work they've done, but on the basis of lies and politics.

This is the problem with the US today. Nobody is interested in doing what is best for the country, just what's best for their party, no matter how corrupt and venal such actions would be.
Thank you dragon It takes an outsider to see the cancer republicans foist on America
What's a familiar pattern?
People like you trying to create distractions when they get caught committing crimes and shit. You know what I'm talking about, you're the one doing it.
The Trumpbots announce indictments against government officials any day and so far, there hasn't been a single indictment against anyone involved in the Mueller investigation, just Trump firing anyone who ever touched the investigation.
He fired Comey (on Rosenstein's recommendation). You said "anyone who ever touched the investigation". That would be a lot of people, can you name them for us?
Does anyone still pay any attention to what the Dims have to say in the House?

People should just smile and nod and ignore them.
Their emotion driven coup attempt is done but the wailing and flailing continues. We survived a potentially devastating usurpation of 63 million votes and had to weather a lot of childish inabilities to accept reality and outcomes but now the screw turns and it’s going to be a delight to witness the Devine retribution.

The Russian reality TV show plot continues to be the troll farm's go-to excuses for the Trump Administration's failure to allow Congressional oversight as per the Constitution.

Here's a clue Ivan, when you go throught the courts, and the judicial system, it's not a "coup". It's a constitutional crisis. Which will continue because Trump is afraid of what more will be found.

You are flailing, dude. Your heroes attempted a soft coup against a duly elected president. Heads are going to roll, and they aren't trumpsters.
Grossly over simplified
The Epstein case is much sexier than the witch hunt. So, since most of the heads that can be rolled will be rolled before the witch hunt investigation even gets started you have the wrong focus These culprits will also be more motivated to roll over on the Clinton crime family to avoid suicide while on suicide watch. Even if their stuff is made up of whole cloth they can do more damage than the people in the witch hunt. Trump for sure and possibly Barr want the Democratic party and deep state dead as fast as possible. Leading with the Witch hunt is not the fastest way to do this.

If Biden is dumped, Warren and Sanders can be shown to be thieves just as a matter of record but Biden shown as a public pervert with the Epstein revelations as background music is the ideal strategy.

What a sick fuck you are! Here you are talking about destroying the people who are elected to serve your country, not on the basis of their policy decisions or the work they've done, but on the basis of lies and politics.

This is the problem with the US today. Nobody is interested in doing what is best for the country, just what's best for their party, no matter how corrupt and venal such actions would be.

Your right
What a sick fuck you are! Here you are talking about destroying the people who are elected to serve your country, not on the basis of their policy decisions or the work they've done, but on the basis of lies and politics.
You mean like YOU wanting to destroy a President elected to serve our country, not on the basis of what he's done but on the basis of lies and politics? I'd wager to say you're one of those assfucks who is hoping for a recession too, aren't you?
What a sick fuck you are! Here you are talking about destroying the people who are elected to serve your country, not on the basis of their policy decisions or the work they've done, but on the basis of lies and politics.
You mean like YOU wanting to destroy a President elected to serve our country, not on the basis of what he's done but on the basis of lies and politics? I'd wager to say you're one of those assfucks who is hoping for a recession too, aren't you?

What a sick fuck you are! Here you are talking about destroying the people who are elected to serve your country, not on the basis of their policy decisions or the work they've done, but on the basis of lies and politics.
You mean like YOU wanting to destroy a President elected to serve our country, not on the basis of what he's done but on the basis of lies and politics? I'd wager to say you're one of those assfucks who is hoping for a recession too, aren't you?
Did you complain when republican asshats tried to ruin Obama's presidency ? And to want this trump pos to step down would be in Americas interest
What a sick fuck you are! Here you are talking about destroying the people who are elected to serve your country, not on the basis of their policy decisions or the work they've done, but on the basis of lies and politics.
You mean like YOU wanting to destroy a President elected to serve our country, not on the basis of what he's done but on the basis of lies and politics? I'd wager to say you're one of those assfucks who is hoping for a recession too, aren't you?

I want Trump punished for his crimes, and there have been a LOT of them. That\s why he's been sued over 3000 times, had 7 bankruptcies, and committed numerous crimes, including fooling around with the Russians in the last election. And yes lies have a LOT to do with it. Over 10,000 of them. Along with obstruction of justice, and dangling pardons just last week.

No one is lying about Trump. He IS that venal and corrupt. It's why all of the honourable men have left his employ. His treatment of refugee claimants is a crime against humanity. The man is not only incompetent to run the country, he's mentally incompentent, as we all see every time he gives a press conference.
Their emotion driven coup attempt is done but the wailing and flailing continues. We survived a potentially devastating usurpation of 63 million votes and had to weather a lot of childish inabilities to accept reality and outcomes but now the screw turns and it’s going to be a delight to witness the Devine retribution.

The Russian reality TV show plot continues to be the troll farm's go-to excuses for the Trump Administration's failure to allow Congressional oversight as per the Constitution.

Here's a clue Ivan, when you go throught the courts, and the judicial system, it's not a "coup". It's a constitutional crisis. Which will continue because Trump is afraid of what more will be found.

You are flailing, dude. Your heroes attempted a soft coup against a duly elected president. Heads are going to roll, and they aren't trumpsters.
Grossly over simplified
The Epstein case is much sexier than the witch hunt. So, since most of the heads that can be rolled will be rolled before the witch hunt investigation even gets started you have the wrong focus These culprits will also be more motivated to roll over on the Clinton crime family to avoid suicide while on suicide watch. Even if their stuff is made up of whole cloth they can do more damage than the people in the witch hunt. Trump for sure and possibly Barr want the Democratic party and deep state dead as fast as possible. Leading with the Witch hunt is not the fastest way to do this.

If Biden is dumped, Warren and Sanders can be shown to be thieves just as a matter of record but Biden shown as a public pervert with the Epstein revelations as background music is the ideal strategy.

What a sick fuck you are! Here you are talking about destroying the people who are elected to serve your country, not on the basis of their policy decisions or the work they've done, but on the basis of lies and politics.

This is the problem with the US today. Nobody is interested in doing what is best for the country, just what's best for their party, no matter how corrupt and venal such actions would be.
Thank you dragon It takes an outsider to see the cancer republicans foist on America

I read her post as a description of the venal democrats.
1. Trump was elected to serve the country and drain the swamp
2. The MSM and dems always foist fake news and "Russia collusion" lies on the public
3. Nancy and the dems didn't do anything positive in the 2020 budget, they didn't fix Medicare or SS, or even try to raise taxes on the top tax rate.
What a sick fuck you are! Here you are talking about destroying the people who are elected to serve your country, not on the basis of their policy decisions or the work they've done, but on the basis of lies and politics.
You mean like YOU wanting to destroy a President elected to serve our country, not on the basis of what he's done but on the basis of lies and politics? I'd wager to say you're one of those assfucks who is hoping for a recession too, aren't you?

I want Trump punished for his crimes, and there have been a LOT of them. That\s why he's been sued over 3000 times, had 7 bankruptcies, and committed numerous crimes, including fooling around with the Russians in the last election. And yes lies have a LOT to do with it. Over 10,000 of them. Along with obstruction of justice, and dangling pardons just last week.

No one is lying about Trump. He IS that venal and corrupt. It's why all of the honorable men have left his employ. His treatment of refugee claimants is a crime against humanity. The man is not only incompetent to run the country, he's mentally incompetent, as we all see every time he gives a press conference.

Stop posting garbage.
1. There are no Trump crimes, just your wish list
2. There was no Russian collusion, just ask Mueller
3. All politicians lie. How can you tell when they're lying? (when their lips move)
4. No obstruction of justice, just ask Dershowitz

Alan Dershowitz: Barr is right, Mueller is wrong
5. Trump gives press conferences daily, Biden is being coddled by the media. Trump will devour any dem candidate unlucky enough to be nominated.
6. I hope you enjoy 4-more years of president Trump
Gee wasn't Holder charged with Contempt of Congress over Fast and Furious??

As I recall nothing happened to that POS.

I doubt anything will happen to Barr either.

Barr lied to Congress... totally different...

Democrats are right to hold Barr's feet to the fire for lying...

My attitude for now is put these guys under investigations... Get Trump voted out...

Let the FBI criminal investigate Trump and others... No compromise on sentencing, if Trump opens mouth, do him for obstruction as well...

Using the US Presidency as a get rich quick scheme should be highly punished by both sides...
What a sick fuck you are! Here you are talking about destroying the people who are elected to serve your country, not on the basis of their policy decisions or the work they've done, but on the basis of lies and politics.
You mean like YOU wanting to destroy a President elected to serve our country, not on the basis of what he's done but on the basis of lies and politics? I'd wager to say you're one of those assfucks who is hoping for a recession too, aren't you?
Did you complain when republican asshats tried to ruin Obama's presidency ? And to want this trump pos to step down would be in Americas interest
No one used illegal means to try to remove Obama from office. Republicans didn't try to frame him for crimes he didn't commit. They didn't pay foreign spies to invent stories they knew to be false in order to seek a FISA warrant to spy on his campaign. I could go on but we all know the various attempts made by the left to unseat this President.
Barr lied to Congress... totally different...
No he didn't.
Democrats are right to hold Barr's feet to the fire for lying...
About what?
My attitude for now is put these guys under investigations... Get Trump voted out...
That's always your attitude. How has it worked out for you so far?
Let the FBI criminal investigate Trump and others...
They already did, and they used illegal means to do it. And they're about to be held responsible for it.
No compromise on sentencing, if Trump opens mouth, do him for obstruction as well...
Keep dreaming. LOL
Using the US Presidency as a get rich quick scheme should be highly punished by both sides...
Good, we can start with the Clintons, then Obama.
What a sick fuck you are! Here you are talking about destroying the people who are elected to serve your country, not on the basis of their policy decisions or the work they've done, but on the basis of lies and politics.
You mean like YOU wanting to destroy a President elected to serve our country, not on the basis of what he's done but on the basis of lies and politics? I'd wager to say you're one of those assfucks who is hoping for a recession too, aren't you?
Did you complain when republican asshats tried to ruin Obama's presidency ? And to want this trump pos to step down would be in Americas interest
No one used illegal means to try to remove Obama from office. Republicans didn't try to frame him for crimes he didn't commit. They didn't pay foreign spies to invent stories they knew to be false in order to seek a FISA warrant to spy on his campaign. I could go on but we all know the various attempts made by the left to unseat this President.

Yes they did. Trump claimed that Obama wasn't legally entitled to be President because of "birtherism", and tried to block his every move.

Republicans have been trying to frame the Clintons for crimes they didn't commit for years. 6 1/2 years of a special counsel who investigated everything from Whitewater to Vince Foster's death, and all they got was a lie about a blow job.

As for foreign spies and phony FISA warrants, those are lies without a shred of evidence to support them, but one which Russian trolls keep repeating endlessly, because of all of their other lies and deflections have been thoroughly debunked. The only reason that you're not saying the entire Mueller investigation was based on the phony Dossier is because that lie has been so thoroughly debunked, that you've moved onto the "hiring foreign spies" lie.
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What a sick fuck you are! Here you are talking about destroying the people who are elected to serve your country, not on the basis of their policy decisions or the work they've done, but on the basis of lies and politics.
You mean like YOU wanting to destroy a President elected to serve our country, not on the basis of what he's done but on the basis of lies and politics? I'd wager to say you're one of those assfucks who is hoping for a recession too, aren't you?

I want Trump punished for his crimes, and there have been a LOT of them. That\s why he's been sued over 3000 times, had 7 bankruptcies, and committed numerous crimes, including fooling around with the Russians in the last election. And yes lies have a LOT to do with it. Over 10,000 of them. Along with obstruction of justice, and dangling pardons just last week.

No one is lying about Trump. He IS that venal and corrupt. It's why all of the honourable men have left his employ. His treatment of refugee claimants is a crime against humanity. The man is not only incompetent to run the country, he's mentally incompentent, as we all see every time he gives a press conference.
To be punished you have to had committed one. In fact, not in feeling.
Kinda like you got to already have some before you get more of same-that eluded you earlier.
Trump claimed that Obama wasn't legally entitled to be President because of "birtherism", and tried to block his every move.
How did he try to block his every move? He was a private citizen, you idiot.
As for foreign spies and phony FISA warrants, those are lies without a shred of evidence to support them
It's documented, stupid. They even admitted it. What fucking planet are you living on?
Barr lied to Congress... totally different...
No he didn't.
Democrats are right to hold Barr's feet to the fire for lying...
About what?
My attitude for now is put these guys under investigations... Get Trump voted out...
That's always your attitude. How has it worked out for you so far?
Let the FBI criminal investigate Trump and others...
They already did, and they used illegal means to do it. And they're about to be held responsible for it.
No compromise on sentencing, if Trump opens mouth, do him for obstruction as well...
Keep dreaming. LOL
Using the US Presidency as a get rich quick scheme should be highly punished by both sides...
Good, we can start with the Clintons, then Obama.

Fact check: Did William Barr perjure himself to Congress? - CNNPolitics

IT is not illegal for FBI to investigate suspicious activity... No matter how much you say it is illegal for the FBI to there job, they will still do their job. We have shown time and time again that this is a lie...

Your problem is that you are getting your information within the RW bubble... Fact checkers have shown these guys to be liars...
What a sick fuck you are! Here you are talking about destroying the people who are elected to serve your country, not on the basis of their policy decisions or the work they've done, but on the basis of lies and politics.
You mean like YOU wanting to destroy a President elected to serve our country, not on the basis of what he's done but on the basis of lies and politics? I'd wager to say you're one of those assfucks who is hoping for a recession too, aren't you?
Did you complain when republican asshats tried to ruin Obama's presidency ? And to want this trump pos to step down would be in Americas interest
No one used illegal means to try to remove Obama from office. Republicans didn't try to frame him for crimes he didn't commit. They didn't pay foreign spies to invent stories they knew to be false in order to seek a FISA warrant to spy on his campaign. I could go on but we all know the various attempts made by the left to unseat this President.

These "various attempts made by the left" need to be supported by evidence. Begin by defining the "left, if you can. Then explain why the Trump's family and other members of his inner circle met with Russians in Trump Tower, and lied about the reason for this meeting?

Collusion is not a crime, conspiracy is. Let the investigations continue, real patriots want to know why The President can continue to obstruct justice and seemingly get away scot-free.

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