WTF? Democrat House Judiciary Committee Takes First Step to Hold Bill Barr in Contempt of Congress

Collusion is not a crime, conspiracy is. Let the investigations continue, real patriots want to know why The President can continue to obstruct justice and seemingly get away scot-free.
Obstruct justice? The million and a half documents he turned over say you're a fucking liar. If he so obviously obstructed justice as you say, why the fuck haven't your commie buddies in Washington impeached him? Maybe because all they have is false accusations and no facts??? You're full of delusions as well as shit.
Collusion is not a crime, conspiracy is. Let the investigations continue, real patriots want to know why The President can continue to obstruct justice and seemingly get away scot-free.
Obstruct justice? The million and a half documents he turned over say you're a fucking liar. If he so obviously obstructed justice as you say, why the fuck haven't your commie buddies in Washington impeached him? Maybe because all they have is false accusations and no facts??? You're full of delusions as well as shit.

Post all "million and a half documents" for my review. Otherwise, you are the "fucking liar". Not that you can, and it won't matter since every time he attacked the DOJ, the AG, the Director of the FBI and all their agents + all of our security agencies trump Trump's denial of obstruction.
Collusion is not a crime, conspiracy is. Let the investigations continue, real patriots want to know why The President can continue to obstruct justice and seemingly get away scot-free.
Obstruct justice? The million and a half documents he turned over say you're a fucking liar. If he so obviously obstructed justice as you say, why the fuck haven't your commie buddies in Washington impeached him? Maybe because all they have is false accusations and no facts??? You're full of delusions as well as shit.
Did he not prevent those who knew him best ,from answering subpoenas? Threaten the bank who held his financial BS from giving it up? etc etc etc The man is a lying crook ,,a republican ,,,but I repeat myself
Trump claimed that Obama wasn't legally entitled to be President because of "birtherism", and tried to block his every move.
How did he try to block his every move? He was a private citizen, you idiot.
As for foreign spies and phony FISA warrants, those are lies without a shred of evidence to support them
It's documented, stupid. They even admitted it. What fucking planet are you living on?

One where The Gateway Pundit is not considered a credible source.
Barr knows that he will go down in history like Trump as the Hero that saved America from the crookedness of the democrats and deep state

That understanding makes him work really hard to bring down the high treason traitors

He will have hero status if he brings High Treason charges and locks the traitors up for life or more

The traitors better start running

It's why more people are watching Fox.
Fox News dominates basic cable ratings for 37th straight month; CNN’s troubles continue
Deep state!!!
Zero college.?
No telling the number of uneducated white rubes.
Did you READ?
Knees news is the leader for white men over 65!!!
What don't you look up the 9-10 time period?
This is getting out of hand. I mean how dare AG Barr release redacted Grand Jury material which in itself a federal crime. Nadler is nuts!

BREAKING: Dem-Controlled House Judiciary Committee Takes First Step to Hold Bill Barr in Contempt of Congress

Does anyone still pay any attention to what the Dims have to say in the House?

People should just smile and nod and ignore them.
Their emotion driven coup attempt is done but the wailing and flailing continues. We survived a potentially devastating usurpation of 63 million votes and had to weather a lot of childish inabilities to accept reality and outcomes but now the screw turns and it’s going to be a delight to witness the Devine retribution.

The Russian reality TV show plot continues to be the troll farm's go-to excuses for the Trump Administration's failure to allow Congressional oversight as per the Constitution.

Looking to go through the laundry and sniff his shorts does not seem constitutionally mandated on my reading of it.
I thought he asked Stormy to do that
Collusion is not a crime, conspiracy is. Let the investigations continue, real patriots want to know why The President can continue to obstruct justice and seemingly get away scot-free.
Obstruct justice? The million and a half documents he turned over say you're a fucking liar. If he so obviously obstructed justice as you say, why the fuck haven't your commie buddies in Washington impeached him? Maybe because all they have is false accusations and no facts??? You're full of delusions as well as shit.

Post all "million and a half documents" for my review. Otherwise, you are the "fucking liar". Not that you can, and it won't matter since every time he attacked the DOJ, the AG, the Director of the FBI and all their agents + all of our security agencies trump Trump's denial of obstruction.
Blah, blah, blah, where's the impeachment, asswipe?
Collusion is not a crime, conspiracy is. Let the investigations continue, real patriots want to know why The President can continue to obstruct justice and seemingly get away scot-free.
Obstruct justice? The million and a half documents he turned over say you're a fucking liar. If he so obviously obstructed justice as you say, why the fuck haven't your commie buddies in Washington impeached him? Maybe because all they have is false accusations and no facts??? You're full of delusions as well as shit.
Did he not prevent those who knew him best ,from answering subpoenas? Threaten the bank who held his financial BS from giving it up? etc etc etc The man is a lying crook ,,a republican ,,,but I repeat myself
Where's the crime and where's the impeachment, asswipe2?
Trump claimed that Obama wasn't legally entitled to be President because of "birtherism", and tried to block his every move.
How did he try to block his every move? He was a private citizen, you idiot.
As for foreign spies and phony FISA warrants, those are lies without a shred of evidence to support them
It's documented, stupid. They even admitted it. What fucking planet are you living on?

One where The Gateway Pundit is not considered a credible source.
Ooh, you really got me there.
Which will continue because Trump is afraid of what more will be found.
MORE? They haven't found a fucking thing yet. Whaddya mean MORE?
That's because he's hiding evidence white boy rube.
How do you find something if none are allowed to testify?
Nice foul mouth.
I assume zero college?
Aw, what's wrong, boy? You mad because a white man outsmarted your dumb ass?
Collusion is not a crime, conspiracy is. Let the investigations continue, real patriots want to know why The President can continue to obstruct justice and seemingly get away scot-free.
Obstruct justice? The million and a half documents he turned over say you're a fucking liar. If he so obviously obstructed justice as you say, why the fuck haven't your commie buddies in Washington impeached him? Maybe because all they have is false accusations and no facts??? You're full of delusions as well as shit.

Post all "million and a half documents" for my review. Otherwise, you are the "fucking liar". Not that you can, and it won't matter since every time he attacked the DOJ, the AG, the Director of the FBI and all their agents + all of our security agencies trump Trump's denial of obstruction.
Blah, blah, blah, where's the impeachment, asswipe?
Where's the wall?
Collusion is not a crime, conspiracy is. Let the investigations continue, real patriots want to know why The President can continue to obstruct justice and seemingly get away scot-free.
Obstruct justice? The million and a half documents he turned over say you're a fucking liar. If he so obviously obstructed justice as you say, why the fuck haven't your commie buddies in Washington impeached him? Maybe because all they have is false accusations and no facts??? You're full of delusions as well as shit.

Post all "million and a half documents" for my review. Otherwise, you are the "fucking liar". Not that you can, and it won't matter since every time he attacked the DOJ, the AG, the Director of the FBI and all their agents + all of our security agencies trump Trump's denial of obstruction.
Blah, blah, blah, where's the impeachment, asswipe?
Where's the wall?

Right where it's supposed to be.
After refusing to prosecute coup co-conspirators McCabe & Comey, Democrats & snowflakes should throw Barr a parade.
Collusion is not a crime, conspiracy is. Let the investigations continue, real patriots want to know why The President can continue to obstruct justice and seemingly get away scot-free.
Obstruct justice? The million and a half documents he turned over say you're a fucking liar. If he so obviously obstructed justice as you say, why the fuck haven't your commie buddies in Washington impeached him? Maybe because all they have is false accusations and no facts??? You're full of delusions as well as shit.

Post all "million and a half documents" for my review. Otherwise, you are the "fucking liar". Not that you can, and it won't matter since every time he attacked the DOJ, the AG, the Director of the FBI and all their agents + all of our security agencies trump Trump's denial of obstruction.
Blah, blah, blah, where's the impeachment, asswipe?
Where's the wall?

Right where it's supposed to be.
In Trumps warped mind???
Collusion is not a crime, conspiracy is. Let the investigations continue, real patriots want to know why The President can continue to obstruct justice and seemingly get away scot-free.
Obstruct justice? The million and a half documents he turned over say you're a fucking liar. If he so obviously obstructed justice as you say, why the fuck haven't your commie buddies in Washington impeached him? Maybe because all they have is false accusations and no facts??? You're full of delusions as well as shit.

Post all "million and a half documents" for my review. Otherwise, you are the "fucking liar". Not that you can, and it won't matter since every time he attacked the DOJ, the AG, the Director of the FBI and all their agents + all of our security agencies trump Trump's denial of obstruction.
Blah, blah, blah, where's the impeachment, asswipe?
Where's the wall?
Don't try to change the subject, asswipe. Where's the impeachment?

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