WTF does the Govt need our passwords for?

LuLu's "point" is silly.

She is basically claiming that the government might as well be given the passwords since they can get any information they wish anyway.

If that were true, then they wouldn't NEED the passwords.

But of course, it's not true. LuLu is being ridiculous again.

In actuality, they do have access to a wide array of information already and nobody says they don't. But there are things they do not have ready access to. These are the things for which they need the passwords. For example, if the gubmint does not know that my username (Ilar) belongs to a real life human being named Anthony Weiner [ :lol: ] then they may not associate might more or less anonymous words here at USMB with the real life me.

If they do fucking need it someday to further a legitimate investigation into a terrorist threat or a criminal matter, they can find out who Ilar is in real life the old fashioned way: get a judge to sign a warrant. But until then, they can fumble around in the fucking dark. As it should be.
That wasn't her point, either. You're as stupid as TK.

Pretending you have point is not the same thing as making a point you dishonest hack twat. No matter how much you pretend that she has one.

Like you are, she was pointless.

Go play with your nipples, Raving Lunatic. If you can remember what box you stored the mummified remains in.
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Boe - more people need to take your posts seriously. I think we are well on our way to a dictatorial government. I shudder to think His Barackness might be our El Presidente when this term ends.

Think about who you are agreeing with for a second. Everything you say after is taken with a grain of salt because of it.
LuLu's "point" is silly.

She is basically claiming that the government might as well be given the passwords since they can get any information they wish anyway.

If that were true, then they wouldn't NEED the passwords.

But of course, it's not true. LuLu is being ridiculous again.

In actuality, they do have access to a wide array of information already and nobody says they don't. But there are things they do not have ready access to. These are the things for which they need the passwords. For example, if the gubmint does not know that my username (Ilar) belongs to a real life human being named Anthony Weiner [ :lol: ] then they may not associate might more or less anonymous words here at USMB with the real life me.

If they do fucking need it someday to further a legitimate investigation into a terrorist threat or a criminal matter, they can find out who Ilar is in real life the old fashioned way: get a judge to sign a warrant. But until then, they can fumble around in the fucking dark. As it should be.

That wasn't my point.
No. I think it flew over yours. And it then went past you, on a four lane highway. Your nonchalant attitude proves it. You've lulled yourself into a false sense of security. You don't seem to understand the scope and magnitude of what this government is doing. But it is like you to ignore reality. Carry on.

Like I said.... Flew right over your head.

:lmao: He isn't the brightest nutter on the board.

I was unaware I am a lightbulb. But unlike you, I put out.

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That wasn't her point, either. You're as stupid as TK.

Pretending you have point is not the same thing as making a point you dishonest hack twat. No matter how much you pretend that she has one.

Like you are, she was pointless.

Go play with your nipples, Raving Lunatic. If you can remember what box you stored the mummified remains in.

lol, you get more insane by the day.
I am a proponent of the USA PATRIOT Act and the NSA Surveillance Program.

My position has been that these things are needed, but that because they clearly do pose some threats to our interests in privacy and to some of our Constitutionally protected rights, these laws must be FULLY covered by close scrutiny (checks, balances, oversight).

As part of that, I think it is VERY important that Congress ask some at least OBVIOUS questions, like:

By WHAT claim of right or Constitutional authority can the government demand of internet providers that they reveal the PASSWORDS used by the People to use the internet? In fact, what gives them the "right" to even "ask" Microsoft (etc) to turn over such information?

Feds tell Web firms to turn over user account passwords | Politics and Law - CNET News

good luck getting mine I dont even remember half of them.
I don't use social media in any form. I have 1 email address that is internal corporate. My internet connection is not my own, my car is not my own, and my cell phone is not my own. I'm a ghost. I intentionally defaulted on a 300 dollar credit card just to see if the collectors can track me and five years later they have failed to do so.
"I don't use social media in any form."
then what do you call this? ...smoke signals ?
I don't use social media in any form. I have 1 email address that is internal corporate. My internet connection is not my own, my car is not my own, and my cell phone is not my own. I'm a ghost. I intentionally defaulted on a 300 dollar credit card just to see if the collectors can track me and five years later they have failed to do so.
"I don't use social media in any form."
then what do you call this? ...smoke signals ?

That wasn't her point, either. You're as stupid as TK.

Pretending you have point is not the same thing as making a point you dishonest hack twat. No matter how much you pretend that she has one.

Like you are, she was pointless.

Go play with your nipples, Raving Lunatic. If you can remember what box you stored the mummified remains in.

lol, you get more insane by the day.

Noting your dishonesty and general ignorance, stupidity and pettiness is not a hallmark of insanity.

Being a "friend" of a dipshit like you certainly is, though.

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