WTF, Give Christine Blasey Ford Her Chance To Testify “On the Record”


Diamond Member
Jul 15, 2016

The accusation made by Christine Blasey Ford against Brett Kavanaugh should be heard by the Judicial Committee in its entirety. Permitting Ford's interview to go on the record will give an added appearance of legitimacy to this sham hearing for Kavanaugh's confirmation.

Her testimony will not change the minds of any Republican or conservative, so why is there so much rancor concerning this issue.

The idiot trump has openly admitted his record of sexual assaults, and his fans and the congressional Republicans still love him. Kavanaugh could be proven to be a serial rapist, and it would have no negative effect on his chances of winning unanimous support from the GOP Senate majority.

Only Democrats have willingly stepped down after sexual misconduct accusations. Some of their actions have been nothing more than joking around, which during the era it occurred was considered acceptable. But, they did step down anyway. Only conservatives feel that men have the God given right to sexually assault women at will. Their consistent support for known pedophiles and admitted sexual abusers proves this.

So, let Christine Blasey Ford waste her time testifying before the Republicans’ deaf ears on the Judiciary Committee. The conservatives on the panel are well established misogynists who proved long ago they have no honor or ethics, which means Kavanaugh’s confirmation was assured the moment he was selected by the idiot trump.

Be warned, the righties' comments in response to this OP will be their typical nonsense, which deserves no reply from any rational person.



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The accusation made by Christine Blasey Ford against Brett Kavanaugh should be heard by the Judicial Committee in its entirety. Permitting Ford's interview to go on the record will give an added appearance of legitimacy to this sham hearing for Kavanaugh's confirmation.

Her testimony will not change the minds of any Republican or conservative, so why is there so much rancor concerning this issue.

The idiot trump has openly admitted his record of sexual assaults, and his fans and the congressional Republicans still love him. Kavanaugh could be proven to be a serial rapist, and it would have no negative effect on his chances of winning unanimous support from the GOP Senate majority.

Only Democrats have willingly stepped down after sexual misconduct accusations. Some of their actions have been nothing more than joking around, which during the era it occurred was considered acceptable. But, they did step down anyway. Only conservatives feel that men have the God given right to sexually assault women at will. Their consistent support for known pedophiles and admitted sexual abusers proves this.

So, let Christine Blasey Ford waste her time testifying before the Republicans’ deaf ears on the Judiciary Committee. The conservatives on the panel are well established misogynists who proved long ago they have no honor or ethics, which means Kavanaugh’s confirmation was assured the moment he was selected by the idiot trump.

Be warned, the righties' comments in response to this OP will be their typical nonsense, which deserves no reply from any rational person.

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Hold on a minute...isn’t it you Democrats who normally do the raping and invite more rapists in?
California: The Color of Crime
:2up::abgg2q.jpg::21::04:So Kavanaugh’s Mom was a judge who presided over foreclosure proceedings against Christine Blasey (Ford) parents!

Isn't this some bs from high school?

are we really going to judge a man on something he was not accused of, based on hear say, of something that might have occurred over 50 years ago?

this is just more tears in my cup

The accusation made by Christine Blasey Ford against Brett Kavanaugh should be heard by the Judicial Committee in its entirety. Permitting Ford's interview to go on the record will give an added appearance of legitimacy to this sham hearing for Kavanaugh's confirmation.

Her testimony will not change the minds of any Republican or conservative, so why is there so much rancor concerning this issue.

The idiot trump has openly admitted his record of sexual assaults, and his fans and the congressional Republicans still love him. Kavanaugh could be proven to be a serial rapist, and it would have no negative effect on his chances of winning unanimous support from the GOP Senate majority.

Only Democrats have willingly stepped down after sexual misconduct accusations. Some of their actions have been nothing more than joking around, which during the era it occurred was considered acceptable. But, they did step down anyway. Only conservatives feel that men have the God given right to sexually assault women at will. Their consistent support for known pedophiles and admitted sexual abusers proves this.

So, let Christine Blasey Ford waste her time testifying before the Republicans’ deaf ears on the Judiciary Committee. The conservatives on the panel are well established misogynists who proved long ago they have no honor or ethics, which means Kavanaugh’s confirmation was assured the moment he was selected by the idiot trump.

Be warned, the righties' comments in response to this OP will be their typical nonsense, which deserves no reply from any rational person.

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Fine. They have until the close of business on Wednesday to get it taken care of.
Her story has a lot of holes. Doesn't mean it isn't true but it has a lot of holes.
Why did Feinstein sit on Ford's letter for MONTHS until days before the Kavanaugh decision? If it were credible, it would have come out immediately.
It is reported that she passed a polygraph exam. I know that they are not always accurate and are not admissible in court.

If I were in Kavanaugh’s position, and knew I was innocent, I would demand a polygraph conducted by the FBI given by their top test expert.
You want a woman who can't remember where the house is or who owned it, attending the party that she does remember how she got there, but remembers there were five, no two guys in the room with her? More likely she was tripping and fantasized the whole thing.

Then it takes until 2012 in a marriage counseling session to conveniently remember it to most likely explain her marital problems? Interesting her husband didn't want to press charges since it caused him so much trauma, but no she waits until two months prior to confirmation hearings and lets a Senator sit on it for a month plus. It will be fun watching her perjure herself.
Humm, the other person that Ford says was in the room says he doesn't know what Ford is talking about.

Ford says she didn't tell anyone about the incident until 2012, when she revealed it to a therapist. But the therapist's notes say nothing about Kavanaugh, and the notes seem to indicate that Ford claimed that more than just two boys were involved.

I think Ford is taking an event that occurred during high school and falsely accusing Kavanaugh of having been the main offender. The therapist's notes indicate that Ford did not ID anyone as the main offender but that she described it as a group assault carried out by several boys from an elite school.
Humm, the other person that Ford says was in the room says he doesn't know what Ford is talking about.

Ford says she didn't tell anyone about the incident until 2012, when she revealed it to a therapist. But the therapist's notes say nothing about Kavanaugh, and the notes seem to indicate that Ford claimed that more than just two boys were involved.

I think Ford is taking an event that occurred during high school and falsely accusing Kavanaugh of having been the main offender. The therapist's notes indicate that Ford did not ID anyone as the main offender but that she described it as a group assault carried out by several boys from an elite school.
Plus Kavanaugh’s mom who was a judge presided over a foreclosure case against the accuser’s parents! This smells like democrat shit! BTW, the accuser is a Democrat political activist!

Kavanaugh’s Mother Presided Over Foreclosure Of Accuser’s Family Home. But The Facts Are Complicated

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