WTF. Our marines were NOT allowed Live AMMO at the embassy and now people are dead

It would be nice if the media would be asking questions about the security details at all American embassies.

I know, I dream sometimes that there was a real press corps in the US instead of the lib media continuing their daily circle jerk around their Messiah.

And don't anyone even try to dispute the lib media is in the tank for Bam Bam. The open mike between the reporters colluding on how to ambush Romney was just another piece of evidence in an overwhelming mountain of incidences where the press has been caught out.
The reports talks about Cairo, not Libya.

But it would explain why we have a dead Ambassador in Libya

Wasn't the Ambassador killed by a rocket grenade being fired at the Embassy grounds? Damn....the Marines could have shot it out of the sky.
Please, PLEASE let this not be true.

If they had our boys in that fucking shithole as security without ammo then someone needs their neck stretched.

All of our embassy security folks should be armed with live ammo. I'm flabbergasted if they don't have live ammo. Who in bloody hell would have US Marines at an embassy in the ME with no ammo??

Anyone breaking into an embassy is stepping onto US SOIL.

The guards should shoot to kill.

I guarantee they have live ammo now...and are probably in their body armor to boot.
I remember pulling guard duty with a rifle and one twenty round magazine. We were also issued two rounds of live ammunition to round out our kit. We were then ordered to under no circumstance to insert the two live rounds into the magazine they were to be put into one of our socks. The empty magazine was not allowed to be inserted into the rifles magazine well at anytime and was to be buttoned into a rear pocket of our BDU pants. Then we were ready to go.
I remember pulling guard duty with a rifle and one twenty round magazine. We were also issued two rounds of live ammunition to round out our kit. We were then ordered to under no circumstance to insert the two live rounds into the magazine they were to be put into one of our socks. The empty magazine was not allowed to be inserted into the rifles magazine well at anytime and was to be buttoned into a rear pocket of our BDU pants. Then we were ready to go.

Where was this at? What were you guarding? And in what administration?
It would be nice if the media would be asking questions about the security details at all American embassies.

I know, I dream sometimes that there was a real press corps in the US instead of the lib media continuing their daily circle jerk around their Messiah.

And don't anyone even try to dispute the lib media is in the tank for Bam Bam. The open mike between the reporters colluding on how to ambush Romney was just another piece of evidence in an overwhelming mountain of incidences where the press has been caught out.

If there is any truth to this story, the msm in the US will cover it.

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