WTF. Our marines were NOT allowed Live AMMO at the embassy and now people are dead

So the fuck what if somebody pisses of Haji??!!

People are insulted every fucking day.

That does NOT give them the right to kill
It does when they worship satan. Fools care about the crazy moooslims feelings.

I rest my fucking case....thanks for getting our embassies attacked and ambassadors killed you fucking traitorous assholes.
Fools like you are the idiots to blame. Obamaturd is to blame, idiot.
I will not blame Obama for the attack. That blame lies squarely with the Muslims. I don't think that who was in the Oval Office on 9/11 would have made any difference.

BUT I do blame Obama for his incompetent response, first with the apology from the Cairo embassy, then his own apology yesterday. Obama has proven that he is incompetent and has no business as president of this nation.
If this turns out to be true, there needs to be some serious housecleaning of the diplomatic corp.
How can the Marine officer in charge of the guards even allow this to happen?
Seem there should be a court martial in his future too.
If this turns out to be true, there needs to be some serious housecleaning of the diplomatic corp.
How can the Marine officer in charge of the guards even allow this to happen?
Seem there should be a court martial in his future too.

More like an impeachment, except the incompetent fucktard Obama will be long gone before it can proceed.
It does when they worship satan. Fools care about the crazy moooslims feelings.

I rest my fucking case....thanks for getting our embassies attacked and ambassadors killed you fucking traitorous assholes.
Fools like you are the idiots to blame. Obamaturd is to blame, idiot.'s extremists like you and your Muslim brethren over there who stir the shit and demonize "other" people are to blame. You are cut out of the exact same mold as them. You're just too fucking stupid to realize it.
Another typical example of our government making our military fight with their hands tied behind their backs. I’m outraged by the whole Obama Administration!

"Ambassador to Egypt Anne Patterson “did not permit U.S. Marine guards to carry live ammunition”

Here’s the culprit:

Anne Woods Patterson
We elected the enemy in 08, what did any of you think would happen? Obama is an America hater.
The demostration acted as "cover" for an organiaed SWAT team with heavy weapons that set the Lybian Cconsulate on fire. The Ambassador died of smoke inhallation.

Ten Lybian security guards also died protecting the American Consulate and presumably they were armed with live ammunition.

The so-called "apology memo" that Romney made reference to actually occured hours before the attack - no during or after it as our Republican "friends" have suggested. Israel has issued a similar memo denouncing the "intolerance" of those who produced the anti-Islam movie - wlll Romney now criticize them?
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Ten Lybian security guards also died protecting the Consulate and presumably they were armed with live ammunition.[/b]

More great leadership.

Like Afghanistan .....home security forces kill our soldiers too.

Make sure they are armed.

Using bullets to kill is offensive to Muslims.....they like to chop off heads.

yep...keep up the crazy shit..... that's how all this got started. Maybe you are this mystery film maker.

Um first off I think Terry Jones (florida pastor who made the film, not a mystery) is a moron. That being said, we did not start shit with the protestors. They can make their own movies showing jewish people killing muslim children and drinking blood, and american catholics eating people, but as soon as anyone says anything critical about Islam, they have to kill somebody innocent. Does that sound like a mentality that has any sort of functionality in the modern world, or that they are somehow justified for what they are doing. Is there any way to blame anyone in the US for what is going on, considering that the type of mentality these people have.

Also, Its looking more and more like this was a planned assault by terrorist, using the cover of this "movie". A "movie" btw which no one can find, except for a trailer of it, and no records at all of the movie being made. It is also interesting that these attacks just happen to take place on 9/11, and the "protestors" are writing bin laden 's name on the embassies.
btw, according to the article in the OP:

The U.S. ambassador to any nation ultimately decides whether Marines are authorized to carry ammunition, according to a GOP national security adviser knowledgeable about American embassy protocols

Not the point anyone with Military experience knows that.

The point is you shoulnd't disarm your troops in a hostile situation.

You wouldn't anything about that, you live in a theoretical world.
I rest my fucking case....thanks for getting our embassies attacked and ambassadors killed you fucking traitorous assholes.
Fools like you are the idiots to blame. Obamaturd is to blame, idiot.'s extremists like you and your Muslim brethren over there who stir the shit and demonize "other" people are to blame. You are cut out of the exact same mold as them. You're just too fucking stupid to realize it.
Muslim brethren? Not likely, they are your brethren.
Um first off I think Terry Jones (florida pastor who made the film, not a mystery) is a moron.

Terry Jones didn't make the film, was no way involved.

{Law enforcement has identified Nakoula Basseley Nakoula as the man behind "Innocence of Muslims," the anti-Islam movie that is widely blamed for riots around the world, the AP reports.

Nakoula had previously claimed he had a role in the film's creation, but insisted he was not the director. Earlier reports centered around a certain Sam Bacile, but many doubts have been cast on Bacile's identity. Cell phones tied to Bacile and Nakoula traced to the same address.}

'Innocence Of Muslims' Filmmaker Identified By Law Enforcement As Nakoula Basseley Nakoula

That being said, we did not start shit with the protestors. They can make their own movies showing jewish people killing muslim children and drinking blood, and american catholics eating people, but as soon as anyone says anything critical about Islam, they have to kill somebody innocent. Does that sound like a mentality that has any sort of functionality in the modern world, or that they are somehow justified for what they are doing. Is there any way to blame anyone in the US for what is going on, considering that the type of mentality these people have.

Also, Its looking more and more like this was a planned assault by terrorist, using the cover of this "movie". A "movie" btw which no one can find, except for a trailer of it, and no records at all of the movie being made. It is also interesting that these attacks just happen to take place on 9/11, and the "protestors" are writing bin laden 's name on the embassies.

Not just planned, but the "film" was a fake, made by a Muslim Brotherhood member Nakoula Basseley Nakoula.
I think having our Marines in foreign embassies go unarmed (or at least without live ammo) a ridiculously stupid idea.

That said, I have yet to see anything resembling evidence this is the case. The OP and Time articles linked in this thread have not provided anything more than some unnamed sources on an unnamed Marine blog. A quick search of the story brought me no new evidence, either. No one seems to know what the blog(s) are, who wrote about this on said blog(s), nothing at all but completely unsubstantiated rumor at this point.

I think we should wait to find out if this is true or not before we start attacking or defending anyone about it (at least too rigorously). Not that I expect too many posters here to avoid the normal knee-jerk reactions. :)

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