WTF? WHO we are at WAR with is CLASSIFIED?


Old Fogey
Sep 25, 2011
Pentagon: Who We're At War With Is Classified

In a major national security speech this spring, President Obama said again and again that the U.S. is at war with “Al Qaeda, the Taliban, and their associated forces.”

So who exactly are those associated forces? It’s a secret.

At a hearing in May, Sen. Carl Levin, D-Mich., asked the Defense Department to provide him with a current list of Al Qaeda affiliates.

The Pentagon responded – but Levin’s office told ProPublica they aren’t allowed to share it. Kathleen Long, a spokeswoman for Levin, would say only that the department’s “answer included the information requested.”

A Pentagon spokesman told ProPublica that revealing such a list could cause “serious damage to national security.”

“Because elements that might be considered ‘associated forces’ can build credibility by being listed as such by the United States, we have classified the list,” said the spokesman, Lt. Col. Jim Gregory. “We cannot afford to inflate these organizations that rely on violent extremist ideology to strengthen their ranks.”

It’s not an abstract question: U.S. drone strikes and other actions frequently target “associated forces,” as has been the case with dozens of strikes against an Al Qaeda offshoot in Yemen.

This administration wants absolutely ZERO accountability for ANYTHING it does.

And the free people of a democratic republic have a RIGHT to know who we are at war with.

Which means this republic is, if not dead, damned sure close to being dead and replaced by a fucking dictator that the oligarchs work like puppet.
You guys had no problem with this sort of thing when Bush was doing it.

ah yes-----Mr. "two wrongs makes a right" shows up right on cue. :lol:

No, I just get a little bored with you guys who supported torture and warrentless searches and drone stirkes are suddenly all upset because those policies are being continued by the Black Guy.

It's the fact he's a black guy you have a problem with, not what he's doing.

I didn't have a problem with them in general as long as Congress does it's job and provides oversight and review.

We have a remedy for abuses, it's called Impeachment.
You guys had no problem with this sort of thing when Bush was doing it.

ah yes-----Mr. "two wrongs makes a right" shows up right on cue. :lol:

No, I just get a little bored with you guys who supported torture and warrentless searches and drone stirkes are suddenly all upset because those policies are being continued by the Black Guy.

It's the fact he's a black guy you have a problem with, not what he's doing.

I didn't have a problem with them in general as long as Congress does it's job and provides oversight and review.

We have a remedy for abuses, it's called Impeachment.

The policies have changed. It has nothing to do with any "black guy". If your really bored you may wanna read up and find out what people are talking about instead of vomiting " BOOSH DID IT TOO "
Now THAT'S boring.
When you're at war with a NOUN, well pretty much anyone you want to kill is a fair target.
When you're at war with a NOUN, well pretty much anyone you want to kill is a fair target.

"Jack Goldsmith, a professor at Harvard Law who served as a legal counsel during the Bush administration and has written on this question at length, told ProPublica that the Pentagon’s reasoning for keeping the affiliates secret seems weak.

“'If the organizations are "inflated" enough to be targeted with military force, why cannot they be mentioned publicly?' Goldsmith said. He added that there is 'a countervailing very important interest in the public knowing who the government is fighting against in its name.'"

Pentagon: Who We're At War With Is Classified

Yet another noun subject to the Long War:

"a group sharing the same economic or social status <the working class>"

Class - Definition and More from the Free Merriam-Webster Dictionary
You guys had no problem with this sort of thing when Bush was doing it.
And you guys have no problem when Obama does it.

So what was all that hatred directed at Bush for?

Oh yeah, blind partisanship.

God told Bush to start a war. I don't see how he can be blamed for following a direct order from the allmighty.
You guys had no problem with this sort of thing when Bush was doing it.
And you guys have no problem when Obama does it.

So what was all that hatred directed at Bush for?

Oh yeah, blind partisanship.
No -- because Bush was the worst, most loathsome, criminal President in US history, who should be hauled up before a War Crimes tribunal and punished with the greatest possible severity.

It's too bad drawing-and-quartering has fallen into disuse -- though having wild horses tear off Bush's limbs, slitting open his belly, pulling out his intestines and burning them before his still living eyes would be only an infinitesmal recompense for the evil and torture which he was involved in !!

What would Hitler have deserved if he had been caught alive?


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