WTF??!! WMD's after all!!!!

Well, to start with, we had Saddam's sons in Law, who told Scott Ritter and other inspectors that we had really gotten most of the WMD's.

We had invoices from all the countries that sold Saddam components, and compared them to what was destroyed or accounted for, and we knew we got most of them.

Scott Ritter? Even a Bush hater like you knows Ritter was a leftist clown determined to embarrass the Bush WH. And what would you expect "Saddam's sons in law" to claim? Seriously? And let's say that Bush had admitted the nastiest stuff that Saddam had was trucked into Syria....imagine the outcry to go get it and engage another front when we already had Iran on opposite flank. And let's get real....the reason for the invasion of Iraq was to draw in al-Qaida to fight our Military instead of our office workers in the WTC and Pentagon. They ran from us in Afghanistan so we had to draw them to us somewhere nice and flat and open....Iraq fit the bill....and we murdered them by the bushel.
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Vigi, I know what he said, I know he retired 16 years before the bombing, I have no reason based on his statements to believe he has no critical evidence because he does not produce any.

Vigi, research, please, your statements.

He officially retired in 1986 as a two-star officer, but was later called back to active service as an Air Vice Marshall for the 1990 invasion of Kuwait. During the conflict Sada defied the orders of Saddam Hussein by refusing to execute POWs, attributing this disobedience to his strong Christian convictions. In interviews, Sada has described his attempts to persuade Saddam not to harm the prisoners (an action which would have violated the Geneva Convention and would have been a war crime): Saddam eventually relented and spared the POWs, although Sada himself was subsequently imprisoned for a time. In his book Saddam's Secrets, Sada states that Saddam did not want him harmed after his release, but wanted no further contact with him thereafter'

"Well, I want to make it clear, very clear to everybody in the world that we had the weapon of mass destruction in Iraq, and the regime used them against our Iraqi people...I know it because I have got the captains of the Iraqi airway that were my friends, and they told me these weapons of mass destruction had been moved to Syria.

This man has as much credibility as any that was close to the war!

Seems the Times today goes along with WMD being there!

No The Times does not. Your man reitred in 1991.

Yes, once upon a time in a distant galaxy SH had some bad weapons, that after 1991 fell apart, and all the tyrant's men and all the tyrant's horses could not put them back together again. Your man has no cred after 1991, and neither do you.
Yes, once upon a time in a distant galaxy SH had some bad weapons, that after 1991 fell apart, and all the tyrant's men and all the tyrant's horses could not put them back together again. Your man has no cred after 1991, and neither do you.

Ah, the FAIRYtale continues.....It's widely known Zarqawi was operating a poisons laboratory near the Iran border and Abu Nidal was in a Baghdad hospital before the invasion....yet we still hear that Saddam didn't have al-Qaida around....Saddam was a heroic figure to you stooges.....who was staging the "war on women" in his son's rape-rooms? Who had sent a team of assassins after Bush41 in Kuwait? Who sent his WMDs to Syria and his jet aircraft to Iran? Who kidnapped American nationals and held them hostage in his palace? Who used his bogus "oil for food" money to buy new munitions instead of food for his people? And who led Zarqawi to the weapons caches in the sunni triangle after the stinkin Turks reneged on their promise to allow the 4th ID to sweep through that area and secure those weapons? Good ol Saddam.....your generation's version of Ho Chi Minh. And you wonder why we find you traitorous trash?
New York Times lead today........

Should tell every board member here........the government, no matter who is in charge, is lying to us every single day!!!

I'm still reading the article, but I read this and it SCREAMED OUT TO ME...

Typical Liberal

"Participants in the chemical weapons discoveries said the United States suppressed knowledge of finds for multiple reasons, including that the government bristled at further acknowledgment it had been wrong. “They needed something to say that after Sept. 11 Saddam used chemical rounds,” Mr. Lampier said. “And all of this was from the pre-1991 era.”"


Of course no one likes criticism. But some folks expect to be able to lie their way out of being held responsible when they make a mistake.

This sounds exactly like the mindset of the Liberals in the White House making the decisions which led to the deaths of four Americans in Benghazi on the day & night of 9/11/12.

Liberals can not be trusted with great power. They do this shit instinctively.


That's why Mitt Romney lost.

He isn't a well practiced liar.

Liberals LOVE a skillful liar.
One more point. It wasn't just that Bush misled on the threat Saddam posed, it was that he ineptly carried out the policy.

He went in with 150,000 troops when the Generals told him that he needed at least 500,000. But he didn't want to start a draft or try to get the allies on board.

Even worse, he made the decision to disband the Iraq Army, which pretty much meant that groups like ISIL had a large pool of disaffected young Sunni men to recruit.
We had enough troops. We just did not have the will to let them kill Iraqis.

We killed 130,000 to 1 million Iraqis. What we didn't do was secure the country.

I'm sad to realize what you say is true.
Sorry, but Gomer Bush and his henchmen/woman claimed there was an ACTIVE chemical and nuclear weapons program not a bunch of crap leftover from the 1980s. This stuff wasn`t a threat to the U.S.

That's like saying that a nuclear bomb like the ones dropped on Japan in 1945 wouldn't be a threat today because they are old.
NO, it's not the same at active nukes last for millennia, chemical and biological weapons deteriorate in relatively short periods of time.

Powell and Rice said in January of 2001 Saddam and his weapons capability were not a threat....

We also abolished 96.5% of ALL arsenal in Iraq, including chem and biological during gulf war 1, operation dessert storm...according to our military/gvt.
Sorry, but Gomer Bush and his henchmen/woman claimed there was an ACTIVE chemical and nuclear weapons program not a bunch of crap leftover from the 1980s. This stuff wasn`t a threat to the U.S.

That's like saying that a nuclear bomb like the ones dropped on Japan in 1945 wouldn't be a threat today because they are old.
NO, it's not the same at active nukes last for millennia, chemical and biological weapons deteriorate in relatively short periods of time.

Powell and Rice said in January of 2001 Saddam and his weapons capability were not a threat....

We also abolished 96.5% of ALL arsenal in Iraq, including chem and biological during gulf war 1, operation dessert storm...according to our military/gvt.

Perhaps you can provide your background in chemical and biological weaponry.
Sorry, but Gomer Bush and his henchmen/woman claimed there was an ACTIVE chemical and nuclear weapons program not a bunch of crap leftover from the 1980s. This stuff wasn`t a threat to the U.S.

That's like saying that a nuclear bomb like the ones dropped on Japan in 1945 wouldn't be a threat today because they are old.
NO, it's not the same at active nukes last for millennia, chemical and biological weapons deteriorate in relatively short periods of time.

Powell and Rice said in January of 2001 Saddam and his weapons capability were not a threat....

We also abolished 96.5% of ALL arsenal in Iraq, including chem and biological during gulf war 1, operation dessert storm...according to our military/gvt.

Binary agents do not deteriorate in relatively short periods of time. The shells discussed in the article were every bit as lethal as they were the day they were manufactured.

It seems to me that the main point of this story is that some of the old stuff was still active. We have troops that did not receive proper care because our government would have been embarrassed by the revelation.

Believe it or not, this is not the stuff we went to war for. However, we can't say there was no WMD's in Iraq any more. There were WMD's in Iraq, and it looks like we made most of it.

Politically, thats getting pumped from behind with your own boner. If I was a Republican I would tip toe around this story very carefully.
By the way--considering where some of these warheads were found, it does not seem like the Iraqi millitary under SH hid them.

In other words, they were probably stolen and the thieves were probably looking for a buyer before they were discovered. How is that for food for thought? they faked NOT finding them!!!


you do know that Russia moved them in truckloads just before the war, right?

FLASHBACK Where did Saddam s WMD go To Syria ... - World Tribune World Tribune

nice satellite image, eh?
What??? Bush invaded the wrong country??? That dumb fucking idiot. Is it too late to impeach him?

And how nice of Hussein to give away his strongest weapons as he was about to be invaded. Not too bright, huh?
It seems to me that the main point of this story is that some of the old stuff was still active. We have troops that did not receive proper care because our government would have been embarrassed by the revelation.

Believe it or not, this is not the stuff we went to war for. However, we can't say there was no WMD's in Iraq any more. There were WMD's in Iraq, and it looks like we made most of it.

Politically, thats getting pumped from behind with your own boner. If I was a Republican I would tip toe around this story very carefully.

But libertarians can still note that the leftists have again been proven wrong on their election memes right?

Good luck spinning this into a positive for Democrats. Of course the government sucks at healthcare. they faked NOT finding them!!!


you do know that Russia moved them in truckloads just before the war, right?

FLASHBACK Where did Saddam s WMD go To Syria ... - World Tribune World Tribune

nice satellite image, eh?
What??? Bush invaded the wrong country??? That dumb fucking idiot. Is it too late to impeach him?

And how nice of Hussein to give away his strongest weapons as he was about to be invaded. Not too bright, huh?

Saddam was delusional.

Saddam s Delusions Foreign Affairs they faked NOT finding them!!!


you do know that Russia moved them in truckloads just before the war, right?

FLASHBACK Where did Saddam s WMD go To Syria ... - World Tribune World Tribune

nice satellite image, eh?
What??? Bush invaded the wrong country??? That dumb fucking idiot. Is it too late to impeach him?

And how nice of Hussein to give away his strongest weapons as he was about to be invaded. Not too bright, huh?

Saddam was delusional.

Saddam s Delusions Foreign Affairs
Well to be fair, so was Bush. I'm hearing from righties that he invaded the wrong country! :eek:
Sorry, but Gomer Bush and his henchmen/woman claimed there was an ACTIVE chemical and nuclear weapons program not a bunch of crap leftover from the 1980s. This stuff wasn`t a threat to the U.S.

That's like saying that a nuclear bomb like the ones dropped on Japan in 1945 wouldn't be a threat today because they are old.
NO, it's not the same at active nukes last for millennia, chemical and biological weapons deteriorate in relatively short periods of time.

Powell and Rice said in January of 2001 Saddam and his weapons capability were not a threat....

We also abolished 96.5% of ALL arsenal in Iraq, including chem and biological during gulf war 1, operation dessert storm...according to our military/gvt.

Binary agents do not deteriorate in relatively short periods of time. The shells discussed in the article were every bit as lethal as they were the day they were manufactured.

i don't care....chemical weapons , whatever....they are not nukes, they have no mushroom cloud, they are no reason to send our men off to die for...period.
Sorry, but Gomer Bush and his henchmen/woman claimed there was an ACTIVE chemical and nuclear weapons program not a bunch of crap leftover from the 1980s. This stuff wasn`t a threat to the U.S.

That's like saying that a nuclear bomb like the ones dropped on Japan in 1945 wouldn't be a threat today because they are old.
NO, it's not the same at active nukes last for millennia, chemical and biological weapons deteriorate in relatively short periods of time.

Powell and Rice said in January of 2001 Saddam and his weapons capability were not a threat....

We also abolished 96.5% of ALL arsenal in Iraq, including chem and biological during gulf war 1, operation dessert storm...according to our military/gvt.

Binary agents do not deteriorate in relatively short periods of time. The shells discussed in the article were every bit as lethal as they were the day they were manufactured.

i don't care....chemical weapons , whatever....they are not nukes, they have no mushroom cloud, they are no reason to send our men off to die for...period.

Don't hide behind some faux concern for "our men" when you're talking to someone that has actually been there. If you have a point regarding the risk posed by Saddam having binary-agent Sarin or Mustard weapons vs. nuclear weapons then make it.

Are you saying without the "mushroom cloud" statement you would have not supported the invasion?
My sister, a far right winger in the insurance industry, had a deep belief in critical thinking, and she used to upset her peers political and business wise with her replies of, "no, go study the evidence," to their stupid comments on ACA.

This applies Vigilante and almost everything he posts: Vigi, go study the evidence.
No wonder you are so smart, your sister, great post, bravo.

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