WTF??!! WMD's after all!!!!

Why would you think we would find nuclear war heads? It was stated by Bush he was seeking nuclear weapons- not that he had them, and 550 tons of yellowcake (uranium)were removed from Iraq. He stated we know they have chemical weapons and biological weapons, which all the allies and even those not, agreed with, from all their combined intelligence. Was some intelligence faulty? Yes? Was some correct? Yes. Were some weapons moved out if Iraq before we hit them to Syria? Very likely, as Assad has used some very recently.
You have been blaming Bush for your lack of attention to what was said, and more than likely, listening to the left media crying out nothing was found and Bush lied, when indeed wmd was found.
And the definition of wmd's is-
Weapon of mass destruction

A weapon of mass destruction (WMD or WoMD) is a nuclear, radiological, biological, chemical or other weapon that can kill and bring significant harm to a large number of humans or cause great damage to man-made structures (e.g. buildings), natural structures (e.g. mountains), or the biosphere.

We know Iraq had chemical weapons all along because we sold them to them.

That may be but the punchline for the past 9 or 10 years is that there were no WMD's. Go out and ask 100 people today and 95% of them will say no WMD's.

This isnt a thread about whether we should have went or not.........its about how crooked our government is. No wonder Obama lies every day.......he got it from Bush!!!:2up:

We're getting hosed s0ns!!! They want all this partisan bickering going on while they amass more and more government power!!:eusa_dance:

It may boil down to ones definition of "weapon of mass destruction." I generally think of nuclear bombs capable of mass physical damage. I've never really thought of chemical weapons as WMDs but I suppose that they are in a sense when you think of the damage done to human life and health. So, from that perspective, I suppose WMDs did exist but I was honestly expecting our troops to find "big time" nuclear warheads. So I must say that when those types of WMDs weren't actually found I did lose confidence in Bush's administration as a result.
A weapon of mass destruction (WMD or WoMD) is a nuclear, radiological, biological, chemical or other weapon that can kill and bring significant harm to a large number of humans or cause great damage to man-made structures (e.g. buildings), natural structures (e.g. mountains), or the biosphere.

Except a Chemical Weapon barely qualifies under that definition. The fact is, Chemical weapons are only useful if you use a whole lot of them and the people you are using them on have no protection.

Bush took advantage of a period of fear after 9/11 to manipulate us into a war we had no business fighting. Shame on us for letting him do it.
Our Geaux4it has not a clue. The millennials who are becoming important every years and now outnumber the far social right in voter numbers know that the Geaux4its are propaganada low info tools on the issue of WMDs.
Why would you think we would find nuclear war heads? It was stated by Bush he was seeking nuclear weapons- not that he had them, and 550 tons of yellowcake (uranium)were removed from Iraq. He stated we know they have chemical weapons and biological weapons, which all the allies and even those not, agreed with, from all their combined intelligence. Was some intelligence faulty? Yes? Was some correct? Yes. Were some weapons moved out if Iraq before we hit them to Syria? Very likely, as Assad has used some very recently.
You have been blaming Bush for your lack of attention to what was said, and more than likely, listening to the left media crying out nothing was found and Bush lied, when indeed wmd was found.
And the definition of wmd's is-
Weapon of mass destruction

A weapon of mass destruction (WMD or WoMD) is a nuclear, radiological, biological, chemical or other weapon that can kill and bring significant harm to a large number of humans or cause great damage to man-made structures (e.g. buildings), natural structures (e.g. mountains), or the biosphere.

We know Iraq had chemical weapons all along because we sold them to them.

That may be but the punchline for the past 9 or 10 years is that there were no WMD's. Go out and ask 100 people today and 95% of them will say no WMD's.

This isnt a thread about whether we should have went or not.........its about how crooked our government is. No wonder Obama lies every day.......he got it from Bush!!!:2up:

We're getting hosed s0ns!!! They want all this partisan bickering going on while they amass more and more government power!!:eusa_dance:

It may boil down to ones definition of "weapon of mass destruction." I generally think of nuclear bombs capable of mass physical damage. I've never really thought of chemical weapons as WMDs but I suppose that they are in a sense when you think of the damage done to human life and health. So, from that perspective, I suppose WMDs did exist but I was honestly expecting our troops to find "big time" nuclear warheads. So I must say that when those types of WMDs weren't actually found I did lose confidence in Bush's administration as a result.

You make some good points. Ultimately, though, we didn't find all the "Weapons Of Mass Destruction" that the government and the media harped about in lock-step unison for weeks and weeks and weeks. I got so tired of that term that I wanted to choke someone. Today the "buzz words" are ISIS, ISIL, and Ebola. Everyone gets on a "scare" kick and rides the bandwagon until the wheels wear off.

Anyway, my main beef with the Bush administration was that he claimed to go to war with Iraq over WMDs when there were lots of other, more dangerous nations that have WMDs (verifiable) that we totally left alone (even to this day): Pakistan, China, North Korea, Russia, etc. (to name a few). These nations are guilty of crimes against their people and they have WMDs but we treat them as if they're cuddly and cute allies (especially China and Pakistan). So I was disgusted by this double standard.
Sarin gas -Within seconds, your muscles become paralyzed, so you cannot breathe. Then come intense vomiting and likely seizures. The heart stops beating.

That is only your opinion, joe, not the international communities opinion, though, thus why they are considered wmd.

victims of mustard gas

sarin gas victims
what do you think Hitler used? zyclon-b, a pesticide- a chemical weapon
A weapon of mass destruction (WMD or WoMD) is a nuclear, radiological, biological, chemical or other weapon that can kill and bring significant harm to a large number of humans or cause great damage to man-made structures (e.g. buildings), natural structures (e.g. mountains), or the biosphere.

Except a Chemical Weapon barely qualifies under that definition. The fact is, Chemical weapons are only useful if you use a whole lot of them and the people you are using them on have no protection.

Bush took advantage of a period of fear after 9/11 to manipulate us into a war we had no business fighting. Shame on us for letting him do it.
Why would you think we would find nuclear war heads? It was stated by Bush he was seeking nuclear weapons- not that he had them, and 550 tons of yellowcake (uranium)were removed from Iraq. He stated we know they have chemical weapons and biological weapons, which all the allies and even those not, agreed with, from all their combined intelligence. Was some intelligence faulty? Yes? Was some correct? Yes. Were some weapons moved out if Iraq before we hit them to Syria? Very likely, as Assad has used some very recently.
You have been blaming Bush for your lack of attention to what was said, and more than likely, listening to the left media crying out nothing was found and Bush lied, when indeed wmd was found.
And the definition of wmd's is-
Weapon of mass destruction

A weapon of mass destruction (WMD or WoMD) is a nuclear, radiological, biological, chemical or other weapon that can kill and bring significant harm to a large number of humans or cause great damage to man-made structures (e.g. buildings), natural structures (e.g. mountains), or the biosphere.

We know Iraq had chemical weapons all along because we sold them to them.

That may be but the punchline for the past 9 or 10 years is that there were no WMD's. Go out and ask 100 people today and 95% of them will say no WMD's.

This isnt a thread about whether we should have went or not.........its about how crooked our government is. No wonder Obama lies every day.......he got it from Bush!!!:2up:

We're getting hosed s0ns!!! They want all this partisan bickering going on while they amass more and more government power!!:eusa_dance:

It may boil down to ones definition of "weapon of mass destruction." I generally think of nuclear bombs capable of mass physical damage. I've never really thought of chemical weapons as WMDs but I suppose that they are in a sense when you think of the damage done to human life and health. So, from that perspective, I suppose WMDs did exist but I was honestly expecting our troops to find "big time" nuclear warheads. So I must say that when those types of WMDs weren't actually found I did lose confidence in Bush's administration as a result.

You make some good points. Ultimately, though, we didn't find all the "Weapons Of Mass Destruction" that the government and the media harped about in lock-step unison for weeks and weeks and weeks. I got so tired of that term that I wanted to choke someone. Today the "buzz words" are ISIS, ISIL, and Ebola. Everyone gets on a "scare" kick and rides the bandwagon until the wheels wear off.

Anyway, my main beef with the Bush administration was that he claimed to go to war with Iraq over WMDs when there were lots of other, more dangerous nations that have WMDs (verifiable) that we totally left alone (even to this day): Pakistan, China, North Korea, Russia, etc. (to name a few). These nations are guilty of crimes against their people and they have WMDs but we treat them as if they're cuddly and cute allies (especially China and Pakistan). So I was disgusted by this double standard.
What driftingsand said....AGREE!
2 and 3 belong under 1, cant get my tablet to paste in right place, sorry.

2. A 1992 IIS Document lists Osama bin Laden as an "asset."An Iraqi Intelligence memorandum dated March 28, 1992 and stamped "Top Secret" lists a number of assets. Osama bin Laden is listed on page 14 as having a "good relationship" with the Iraqi Intelligence Service's section in Syria.

3. A 1997 IIS document lists a number of meetings between Iraq, bin Laden and other al Qaeda associates. The memo recounts discussions of cooperating in attacks against American stationed in Saudi Arabia.

Read this about what journalists found in the bombed out intelligence office in Iraq, regarding al-qaida.
Report Papers Show Iraq-Al Qaeda Link - CBS News 2003
then read this
The Iraq-Al Qaeda Link Revisited - Page 2 - CBS News
Here is just a small sample of what some of the Iraqi intelligence documents and other evidence collected in postwar Iraq has revealed:

1. Saddam's Terror Training Camps & Long-Standing Relationship With Ayman al Zawahiri. As first reported in The Weekly Standard, there is extensive evidence that Saddam used Iraqi soil to train terrorists from throughout the Middle East. Among the terrorists who received Saddam's support were members of al Qaeda's Algerian affiliate, formerly known as the GSPC, which is still lethally active, though under a new name: al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb.

Much more at the link.
Why would you think we would find nuclear war heads? It was stated by Bush he was seeking nuclear weapons- not that he had them, and 550 tons of yellowcake (uranium)were removed from Iraq. He stated we know they have chemical weapons and biological weapons, which all the allies and even those not, agreed with, from all their combined intelligence. Was some intelligence faulty? Yes? Was some correct? Yes. Were some weapons moved out if Iraq before we hit them to Syria? Very likely, as Assad has used some very recently.
You have been blaming Bush for your lack of attention to what was said, and more than likely, listening to the left media crying out nothing was found and Bush lied, when indeed wmd was found.
And the definition of wmd's is-
Weapon of mass destruction

A weapon of mass destruction (WMD or WoMD) is a nuclear, radiological, biological, chemical or other weapon that can kill and bring significant harm to a large number of humans or cause great damage to man-made structures (e.g. buildings), natural structures (e.g. mountains), or the biosphere.

We know Iraq had chemical weapons all along because we sold them to them.

That may be but the punchline for the past 9 or 10 years is that there were no WMD's. Go out and ask 100 people today and 95% of them will say no WMD's.

This isnt a thread about whether we should have went or not.........its about how crooked our government is. No wonder Obama lies every day.......he got it from Bush!!!:2up:

We're getting hosed s0ns!!! They want all this partisan bickering going on while they amass more and more government power!!:eusa_dance:

It may boil down to ones definition of "weapon of mass destruction." I generally think of nuclear bombs capable of mass physical damage. I've never really thought of chemical weapons as WMDs but I suppose that they are in a sense when you think of the damage done to human life and health. So, from that perspective, I suppose WMDs did exist but I was honestly expecting our troops to find "big time" nuclear warheads. So I must say that when those types of WMDs weren't actually found I did lose confidence in Bush's administration as a result.

You make some good points. Ultimately, though, we didn't find all the "Weapons Of Mass Destruction" that the government and the media harped about in lock-step unison for weeks and weeks and weeks. I got so tired of that term that I wanted to choke someone. Today the "buzz words" are ISIS, ISIL, and Ebola. Everyone gets on a "scare" kick and rides the bandwagon until the wheels wear off.

Anyway, my main beef with the Bush administration was that he claimed to go to war with Iraq over WMDs when there were lots of other, more dangerous nations that have WMDs (verifiable) that we totally left alone (even to this day): Pakistan, China, North Korea, Russia, etc. (to name a few). These nations are guilty of crimes against their people and they have WMDs but we treat them as if they're cuddly and cute allies (especially China and Pakistan). So I was disgusted by this double standard.
"Participants in the chemical weapons discoveries said the United States suppressed knowledge of finds for multiple reasons, including that the government bristled at further acknowledgment it had been wrong. “They needed something to say that after Sept. 11 Saddam used chemical rounds,” Mr. Lampier said. “And all of this was from the pre-1991 era.”"


Of course no one likes criticism. But some folks expect to be able to lie their way out of being held responsible when they make a mistake.

This sounds exactly like the mindset of the Liberals in the White House making the decisions which led to the deaths of four Americans in Benghazi on the day & night of 9/11/12.

Liberals can not be trusted with great power. They do this shit instinctively.


That's why Mitt Romney lost.

He isn't a well practiced liar.

Romney is a Mormon. Mormons can't tell the difference between truth and lies. They are really that stupid.


Mitt Romney. Spencer Platt/Getty Images
Circulating via email and social media, details of Mitt Romney's participation in efforts to locate and rescue the missing daughter of business colleague Robert Gay in 1996.

Description: Forwarded email
Circulating since: Jan. 2012
Status: True (see details below)

Email text contributed by J. Moore, Feb. 2, 2012:

Subject: Fwd: Mitt Romney's Personality!

On Romney's character....

Sometimes, this facet of Romney’s personality isn’t so subtle. In July 1996, the 14-year-old daughter of Robert Gay, a partner at Bain Capital, had disappeared. She had attended a rave party in New York City and gotten high on ecstasy. Three days later, her distraught father had no idea where she was. Romney took immediate action. He closed down the entire firm and asked all 30 partners and employees to fly to New York to help find Gay’s daughter. Romney set up a command center at the LaGuardia Marriott and hired a private detective firm to assist with the search. He established a toll-free number for tips, coordinating the effort with the NYPD, and went through his Rolodex and called everyone Bain did business with in New York, and asked them to help find his friend’s missing daughter. Romney’s accountants at Price Waterhouse Cooper put up posters on street poles, while cashiers at a pharmacy owned by Bain put fliers in the bag of every shopper. Romney and the other Bain employees scoured every part of New York and talked with everyone they could – prostitutes, drug addicts – anyone.

That day, their hunt made the evening news, which featured photos of the girl and the Bain employees searching for her. As a result, a teenage boy phoned in, asked if there was a reward, and then hung up abruptly. The NYPD traced the call to a home in New Jersey, where they found the girl in the basement, shivering and experiencing withdrawal symptoms from a massive ecstasy dose. Doctors later said the girl might not have survived another day. Romney’s former partner credits Mitt Romney with saving his daughter’s life, saying, “It was the most amazing thing, and I’ll never forget this to the day I die.”

So, here’s my epiphany: Mitt Romney simply can’t help himself. He sees a problem, and his mind immediately sets to work solving it, sometimes consciously, and sometimes not-so-consciously. He doesn’t do it for self-aggrandizement, or for personal gain. He does it because that’s just how he’s wired.

Many people are unaware of the fact that when Romney was asked by his old employer, Bill Bain, to come back to Bain & Company as CEO to rescue the firm from bankruptcy, Romney left Bain Capital to work at Bain & Company for an annual salary of one dollar. When Romney went to the rescue of the 2002 Salt Lake Olympics, he accepted no salary for three years, and wouldn’t use an expense account. He also accepted no salary as Governor of Massachusetts.

Character counts!! (and yes...that's worth reading again!)

Analysis: Apart from a dollop of hyperbole and a few minor details that conflict with contemporary press reports (most notably the claim that the missing girl was suffering from serious drug withdrawals and "might not have survived another day" if she hadn't been found when she was), this account comports with the known facts.

On the night of July 6, 1996, 14-year-old Melissa Gay, daughter of Bain Capital executive Robert Gay, went missing after attending a late-night rave in New York City. Gay recruited his business partners, including Mitt Romney, and the Boston-based firm's 200 employees to help him conduct a city-wide search.

"And so I said," Romney recalled when asked about the incident during a town hall meeting in March 2012, "‘Let’s close the firm, let’s close the company. Let’s all of us fly down to New York and try to find her.’ And so we closed the business, we went home and packed our things, we got a hotel near the airport where we all went to, we set up a headquarters, we met with the detectives with the New York City Police Department, we hired a private investigative firm to help guide us through this process."

Gay, Romney, and team literally fanned out on the streets of Manhattan in suits and ties, distributing 300,000 fliers and asking passersby point-blank if they had seen the missing girl. Their efforts quickly paid off in the form of a phone call from a private residence in Montville, New Jersey, where it turned out Melissa was staying with acquaintances. She was retrieved by police and reunited with her parents in the early morning hours of July 12.

"She's OK," Robert Gay said in a statement to the Associated Press. "How can you ask for anything more than that?"

In a 2008 campaign video for his friend and former business partner, Gay described Romney's role in the rescue effort as follows: "My business partner stepped forward to take charge. He closed the company and brought almost all our employees to New York. He said, `I don't care how long it takes. We're going to find her.' He set up a command center and searched through the night. The man who helped save my daughter was Mitt Romney."

Urban Legends - Search Results


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A weapon of mass destruction (WMD or WoMD) is a nuclear, radiological, biological, chemical or other weapon that can kill and bring significant harm to a large number of humans or cause great damage to man-made structures (e.g. buildings), natural structures (e.g. mountains), or the biosphere.

Except a Chemical Weapon barely qualifies under that definition. The fact is, Chemical weapons are only useful if you use a whole lot of them and the people you are using them on have no protection.

Bush took advantage of a period of fear after 9/11 to manipulate us into a war we had no business fighting. Shame on us for letting him do it.

Bush saved us from the war Obama is trying to start.
From a practical perspective, what is your opinion of the effects of VX vs. say, Ebola?

If you had a choice, which one would you choose?


It would depend what protective equipment I had. Ebola is only spread through the passing of bodily fluids.

The effects are similar, and you would wear the same equipment in order to avoid both of them. They are both WMDs.
Not that I buy for a moment that Saddam trucked his goodies to Syria when Bashir Assad was his enemy. But what you are saying is that Bush lied about where the weapons went.

And, no, invading a country that had nothing to do with Al Qaeda did not diminish Al Qaeda. IN fact, what it did do was lose most of the international sympathy we had with the rest of the world, as we kind of looked like the jackasses when there wreen't any WMD's found.

:laugh: Hey, I told ya what happened and why......not my duty to correct your sorry horseshit further. Just understand that when you spew your ignorant crap around folks who know better....well, you'll just get laughed at.

Okay, guy, nobody looks at the Iraq War and says, "What a great thing that was".

s0n.....did you get exposed to mustard gas or something along the way somehow?:ack-1:

This per usual......misses the entire point of the thread ( I let this thread lay for a few days to see which of the partisan hacks would pop in here and display hideous levels of naïve.)

Of course, what meathead is saying here is that only one side of the political spectrum lies to us.:biggrin::biggrin::boobies:

Hey the new avatar!!!
Sarin gas -Within seconds, your muscles become paralyzed, so you cannot breathe. Then come intense vomiting and likely seizures. The heart stops beating.

That is only your opinion, joe, not the international communities opinion, though, thus why they are considered wmd.

Ignoring your torture porn- as a tactical weapon, chemical munitions aren't very useful, which is why no one used them much after WWI.

Yeah, if you bombard a civilian population iwth them for days and they don't have protective gear, it kind of sucks.

But we didn't go to war because of shit that happened 20 years earlier, and we didn't go to war over expired Sarin.

We went to war because Saddam had a nuke, and he was going to get us!!!!
Sometimes, this facet of Romney’s personality isn’t so subtle. In July 1996, the 14-year-old daughter of Robert Gay, a partner at Bain Capital, had disappeared. She had attended a rave party in New York City and gotten high on ecstasy. Three days later, her distraught father had no idea where she was. Romney took immediate action. He closed down the entire firm and asked all 30 partners and employees to fly to New York to help find Gay’s daughter.

Wow, so a fellow Rich Mormon Douchebag had a daughter who went out and had a little fun, and gosh darn, the police weren't treating it like big deal.

Maybe that kid just wanted to get the fuck out of that sick ass cult.

Do you think he would have went ahead and shut down the whole company because some Lady at AmPad's daughter didn't come home from a party? Fuck no, he'd give her a pink slip for not showing up.
You haven't the slightest idea what you are talking about.
Sometimes, this facet of Romney’s personality isn’t so subtle. In July 1996, the 14-year-old daughter of Robert Gay, a partner at Bain Capital, had disappeared. She had attended a rave party in New York City and gotten high on ecstasy. Three days later, her distraught father had no idea where she was. Romney took immediate action. He closed down the entire firm and asked all 30 partners and employees to fly to New York to help find Gay’s daughter.

Wow, so a fellow Rich Mormon Douchebag had a daughter who went out and had a little fun, and gosh darn, the police weren't treating it like big deal.

Maybe that kid just wanted to get the fuck out of that sick ass cult.

Do you think he would have went ahead and shut down the whole company because some Lady at AmPad's daughter didn't come home from a party? Fuck no, he'd give her a pink slip for not showing up.
Sometimes, this facet of Romney’s personality isn’t so subtle. In July 1996, the 14-year-old daughter of Robert Gay, a partner at Bain Capital, had disappeared. She had attended a rave party in New York City and gotten high on ecstasy. Three days later, her distraught father had no idea where she was. Romney took immediate action. He closed down the entire firm and asked all 30 partners and employees to fly to New York to help find Gay’s daughter.

Wow, so a fellow Rich Mormon Douchebag had a daughter who went out and had a little fun, and gosh darn, the police weren't treating it like big deal.

Maybe that kid just wanted to get the fuck out of that sick ass cult.

Do you think he would have went ahead and shut down the whole company because some Lady at AmPad's daughter didn't come home from a party? Fuck no, he'd give her a pink slip for not showing up.

You are just trying to use bluster to avoid the comparison to Eboma, who you KNOW never did anything like this for anyone.

Hell, he let a US Ambassador die just to preserve a re-election campaign lie to us.

You are a foreigner who wants America to suffer.

Anyone who loves America would have a different way of posting than you.

Bush saved us from the war Obama is trying to start.

Obama wouldn't have to fight a war if Bush hadn't fucked up and deposed Saddam.

There's always some poor dumb bastard who fails to read the memo.

The news came out just this week...they found the WMD's.

They'd found them early on after the libs had already declared there weren't any and that W had lied.

Well, he didn't lie. He just didn't bother to defend the truth, which was that they found lots of WMD's! But W decided not to publicize it on the belief that it would help nothing to try to defend the administration which was already hated by the left so they figured "why bother setting the record straight?"

Bush saved us from the war Obama is trying to start.

Obama wouldn't have to fight a war if Bush hadn't fucked up and deposed Saddam.

There's always some poor dumb bastard who fails to read the memo.

The news came out just this week...they found the WMD's.

They'd found them early on after the libs had already declared there weren't any and that W had lied.

Well, he didn't lie. He just didn't bother to defend the truth, which was that they found lots of WMD's! But W decided not to publicize it on the belief that it would help nothing to try to defend the administration which was already hated by the left so they figured "why bother setting the record straight?"
They found not a single WMD! They found Ws that lacked any MD. Not only did the Ws lack any MD, they lacked any D!!!!!. That's right, some of the Ws went off or leaked as they were being transported and NO ONE DIED!!!!!!!

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