WTF??!! WMD's after all!!!!

Prior to the Halabja incident there were at least 21 documented smaller-scale chemical attacks against Iraqi Kurds, none of which prompted any serious response from the international community.[12]wiki

and he used multiple chemical agents, including nerve gas and hydrogen cyanide. Do you realize what the later effects were on those that survived and their children born?

You also realize overall anywhere from 50,00 to 182,000 kurds were killed by Saddam?

Well Saddam didn't kill all those Kurds with his good looks.

I never thought he had nuclear weapons but I knew he had chemical because he used them on the Kurds.

He also ingnored the UN after his Kuwait debacle.

I didn't agree with invading Iraq but I could understand it. WMD's aren't anything to take lightly especially when in the hands of a psycho like Saddam and his minions.
Exactly, people forget we went into Iraq because saddam ignored and outright violated UN sanctions.

That he did. All nineteen resolutions.

We went into Iraq after every major intelligence agency in the world said he had WMD's. Every one.

Saddam sure killed over five thousand Kurds with something and it wasn't conventional weapons.
He used mustard gas twice, one time on the Kurds in Iraq.
No way would our Govt lie to us. They're not like that. If they said there were no WMD's...there were no WMD's.


In all fairness to the Pentagon, chemical filled artillery shells aren't classified as WMD...especially after their effectiveness is degraded over time....what's there now is useless as weaponry unless ISIS has found precursors and can refill them. I doubt very much if the Pentagon has any vendettas against Bush43....he pretty much let them conduct the Iraq war as they pleased.
No way would our Govt lie to us. They're not like that. If they said there were no WMD's...there were no WMD's.


If the government ever quit lying to us I'd move to another country and renounce my citizenship. The world can suck. The last thing I want is an unfiltered description of just how much it can suck. :)
One more point. It wasn't just that Bush misled on the threat Saddam posed, it was that he ineptly carried out the policy.

He went in with 150,000 troops when the Generals told him that he needed at least 500,000. But he didn't want to start a draft or try to get the allies on board.

Even worse, he made the decision to disband the Iraq Army, which pretty much meant that groups like ISIL had a large pool of disaffected young Sunni men to recruit.
We had enough troops. We just did not have the will to let them kill Iraqis.

We killed 130,000 to 1 million Iraqis. What we didn't do was secure the country.
I agree...and to do that we had to disarm them and prevent chaos. How could we have done that? By slaughtering any one who stood againSt. us. We need to learn to do that.

No, we just slaughtered women and children and became more hated than Saddam was on his worst day.
09/18/2002, Donald Rumsfeld, Secretary of Defense (before Congress)

“We do know that the Iraqi regime has chemical and biological weapons. His regime has amassed large, clandestine stockpiles of chemical weapons — including VX, sarin, cyclosarin and mustard gas. … His regime has amassed large, clandestine stockpiles of biological weapons—including anthrax and botulism toxin, and possibly smallpox.” (presentation to Congress)

10/7/2002, George W. Bush, President

“The Iraqi regime . . . possesses and produces chemical and biological weapons. It is seeking nuclear weapons. We know that the regime has produced thousands of tons of chemical agents, including mustard gas, sarin nerve gas, VX nerve gas.”

Okay, so the claims about the biological and nuclear turned out to be bunk, so that just leaves the Chemical.

Bush said he was "producing" them.

Except that none of these were being currently produced. Almost all these weapons dated before 1991.

Since I'm the only one who apparently bothered to read the entire article, one of the stockpiles mentioned that injured our soldiers was buried by the Iraqis in 1991 to protect it from bombing and they never bothered to dig it back up.
I have always believed we had the larger intention to reverse the trend toward terror and dictators in the ME. The wmd and sanctions and inspectors et al were peripheral to the larger goal. We picked Saddam to make our point. We didn't get the job done because we are not cruel enough. We don't understand the mindset of the Muzzie. We still don't.

So let me get this straight, we need to murder them more than we did (and again, we probably killed about half a million Iraqis) because they are Muslims and that's the only way they'd understand?

Really? This is your argument?
Okay, all you Bush haters, explain this.

Reports: U.S. Kept Intelligence on Iraqi Chemical Weapons Secret

As far back as 2003, American soldiers and Iraqi police were injured by chemical weapons that were misdiagnosed and mistreated,. They found nerve-carrying rockets. Ot also means IS barbarians may be gathering up – and using – chemical weapons.

Read more @ Report U.S. Kept Mum After Finding Old Chemical Weapons in Iraq

And - US Troops Found Huge Caches Of Chemical Weapons In Iraq — And The Pentagon Tried To Keep It A Secret Read more: US Troops Found Chemical Weapons In Iraq - Business Insider
Between 2004 and 2010, according to The Times, troops found thousands of rusty, corroded chemical munitions throughout Iraq, though all were manufactured before 1991.

Hmmmm . . . they were not operative, could not be made operative, and had not yet been destroyed, nor did they fall into the categories as described by senior Bushies as causus belli.

Go into a high school chemistry lab, son, start playing around, and see what happens.

Reactionary far right foolhardy statements.
Hmmmm . . . they were not operative, could not be made operative, and had not yet been destroyed, nor did they fall into the categories as described by senior Bushies as causus belli.

Go into a high school chemistry lab, son, start playing around, and see what happens.

Reactionary far right foolhardy statements.

Useless old junk! LOL!
This isn't "news". We've known that Saddam still had some old, decrepit inoperable chemical weapons from the first Gulf War the whole time, that wasn't what Bush and company were claiming.

They were claiming that Saddam had an active chemical weapons program - which is still as completely false now as it was then.
General Sada says you are all wrong, even Bush himself, and as the General in charge of Saddam's movement of all WMD's, he should know.... But you :ahole-1:'s may continue to speak as if YOU were there, as he was, and you know! :lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao:


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