Wuld you on the right be concerned if the earth started to warm by 1c/decade

Most of us will agree that there is climate change, man made.... Fairly stupid to think so. BUT, no one seems to get that there is a connection with where the Earth is in space, the constant migration of the magnetic North Pole, the increased volcanic activity under the oceans, and our suns various stages of solar flares, and radiation on the planet. When someone can actually show that these and several other NATURAL events aren't directing where our climate goes, I will look at the evidence with an open mind, and decide. Until then, with all the manipulation of data, all the corruption involved in the GREEN business, and the ultimate


I'll be a disbeliever!
And you lie like hell, asshole. You have never bothered to read anything other than rightwingnut rags, and don't know shit from shinola about science. There is not even a chance that you will read anything that disagrees with your opinions.

However, it matters little. For most are now seeing what is really happening, and there will be some actions taken. Too little, too late, but better than nothing.
And you lie like hell, asshole. You have never bothered to read anything other than rightwingnut rags, and don't know shit from shinola about science. There is not even a chance that you will read anything that disagrees with your opinions.

However, it matters little. For most are now seeing what is really happening, and there will be some actions taken. Too little, too late, but better than nothing.

And a little common sense goes SOOOOO much further than all the brilliant science combined. I just love me those rightwingnut rags. They seem to be the only ones not out to make a buck off THEIR LIES. Get a life asshole.
Would you on the right be concerned(alarmed) if the earth started to warm by 1c/decade? Or would you just say that this is natural and we don't need to worry about it.

You seem to think 1c in 100 years isn't a big deal!

Be being concerned would you support action to move our cities and adapt?
Get back to us when it actually does that and ask again.
Ok, I have to say this even though the conservatives will stab me for it, but get in line assholes I don't give a shit.

I don't care whether the earth is dying or not. I'd even kill a panda and set fire to a rainforest with a cigar and not give a shit. However,

Anyone of you idiots who isn't for higher MPG vehicles for cars, suv's, trucks and yes semi's are idiots. Save on fuel you directly save thousands a year. Us conservatives need to live up to the discriptive word conservative. Save and only spend when necessary.

Anybody - that is against free college for math and science only, are a bunch of morons. Those are the 2 financial killers for under graduates. Make those free and watch our nation be very smart again and those are the fields that further our technology.

Anybody - That isn't for NASA or space exploration or another space race tough shit it's coming anyways and it will be funded. However, we need people that are smart in math and science to do it. See the connection? Jobs.

anybody, that says what politico said above and I quote,

"In 100 years we will all be dead. I could care less what they do" is a young moron on welfare, who doesn't pay taxes, and in no way helps the next generation, and therefore can't understand that everything we do should be to help the next generation our kids. I don't care what he says from here on out he just exposed himself to me. Moron. Nobody that cares for the next generation can utter those words at all with a straight face no matter what it's in reference to. btw.. notice he didn't reference anything and left it as a broad generalization?
in other words, someone who doesn't agree with you is smarter than you! As you continue with the stupid.
Most of us will agree that there is climate change, man made.... Fairly stupid to think so. BUT, no one seems to get that there is a connection with where the Earth is in space, the constant migration of the magnetic North Pole, the increased volcanic activity under the oceans, and our suns various stages of solar flares, and radiation on the planet. When someone can actually show that these and several other NATURAL events aren't directing where our climate goes, I will look at the evidence with an open mind, and decide. Until then, with all the manipulation of data, all the corruption involved in the GREEN business, and the ultimate


I'll be a disbeliever!
And you lie like hell, asshole. You have never bothered to read anything other than rightwingnut rags, and don't know shit from shinola about science. There is not even a chance that you will read anything that disagrees with your opinions.

However, it matters little. For most are now seeing what is really happening, and there will be some actions taken. Too little, too late, but better than nothing.
blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. Nothing but more stupid from the left whiners. blah, blah, blah, blah. get a job.
No matter what the earth decides to do, warm or cool. We humans can either ADAPT or kiss our asses goodbye.

there isn't a damn thing we or especially some POLITICIAN can do to stop it

but all you globull warming cult members could get together and start praying if you like
Would you on the right be concerned(alarmed) if the earth started to warm by 1c/decade? Or would you just say that this is natural and we don't need to worry about it.

You seem to think 1c in 100 years isn't a big deal!

Be being concerned would you support action to move our cities and adapt?
Historically,the earths living creatures have done much better when its been warmer,why this hysterical fear?
Could use some warming -20 projected for the weekend,and more snow,setting cold records and snow fall,damn that warming all to hell.
Most of us will agree that there is climate change, man made.... Fairly stupid to think so. BUT, no one seems to get that there is a connection with where the Earth is in space, the constant migration of the magnetic North Pole, the increased volcanic activity under the oceans, and our suns various stages of solar flares, and radiation on the planet. When someone can actually show that these and several other NATURAL events aren't directing where our climate goes, I will look at the evidence with an open mind, and decide. Until then, with all the manipulation of data, all the corruption involved in the GREEN business, and the ultimate


I'll be a disbeliever!
And you lie like hell, asshole. You have never bothered to read anything other than rightwingnut rags, and don't know shit from shinola about science. There is not even a chance that you will read anything that disagrees with your opinions.

However, it matters little. For most are now seeing what is really happening, and there will be some actions taken. Too little, too late, but better than nothing.
What actions? How much of an effect will they have and ultimately, why is it better than nothing if the sky actually is falling?

My biggest beef with AGW is the utter lack of actual workable solutions.
Most of us will agree that there is climate change, man made.... Fairly stupid to think so. BUT, no one seems to get that there is a connection with where the Earth is in space, the constant migration of the magnetic North Pole, the increased volcanic activity under the oceans, and our suns various stages of solar flares, and radiation on the planet. When someone can actually show that these and several other NATURAL events aren't directing where our climate goes, I will look at the evidence with an open mind, and decide. Until then, with all the manipulation of data, all the corruption involved in the GREEN business, and the ultimate


I'll be a disbeliever!
And you lie like hell, asshole. You have never bothered to read anything other than rightwingnut rags, and don't know shit from shinola about science. There is not even a chance that you will read anything that disagrees with your opinions.

However, it matters little. For most are now seeing what is really happening, and there will be some actions taken. Too little, too late, but better than nothing.
What actions? How much of an effect will they have and ultimately, why is it better than nothing if the sky actually is falling?

My biggest beef with AGW is the utter lack of actual workable solutions.

The simple answer is it ruins peoples lives, and livelihoods! How many coal workers, and their assorted businesses associated with them have been closed? The war on FOSSIL FUELS is another hoax, and face it, it is all about MONEY and control of the people!

Soon we may have our thermostats controlled automatically regardless of what we want them set to. We may soon be forced to drive smaller vehicles even though many want to drive larger, safer cars and trucks. Our money may be taken in the form of new taxes based on our overuse (at least as the government sees it) of electricity and gas, and there is NO PROOF that it actually exists. Climate change is part of nature, what did humans do to cause the ICE AGE?...NOTHING, it just happened!
Matthew- what would be the cause of this 1C per decade warming? Obviously everyone would be concerned. Are you trying to imply CO2 is the same thing on a smaller scale? I am concerned with CO2 but we certainly don't have evidence that even the 1C per doubling that has some hypothetical backing is coming to pass. The ridiculous 3x positive feedbacks are absurd. The cost to civilization to remove CO2 is our actual civilization, and no one will go along with it.

The hiatus has given us much more time to deal with the problem, if one even exists. We should spend our resources on new solutions that can possibly work rather that just run around declaring the sky is falling.
Most of us will agree that there is climate change, man made.... Fairly stupid to think so. BUT, no one seems to get that there is a connection with where the Earth is in space, the constant migration of the magnetic North Pole, the increased volcanic activity under the oceans, and our suns various stages of solar flares, and radiation on the planet. When someone can actually show that these and several other NATURAL events aren't directing where our climate goes, I will look at the evidence with an open mind, and decide. Until then, with all the manipulation of data, all the corruption involved in the GREEN business, and the ultimate


I'll be a disbeliever!
And you lie like hell, asshole. You have never bothered to read anything other than rightwingnut rags, and don't know shit from shinola about science. There is not even a chance that you will read anything that disagrees with your opinions.

However, it matters little. For most are now seeing what is really happening, and there will be some actions taken. Too little, too late, but better than nothing.
What actions? How much of an effect will they have and ultimately, why is it better than nothing if the sky actually is falling?

My biggest beef with AGW is the utter lack of actual workable solutions.
how about any evidence?
Matthew- what would be the cause of this 1C per decade warming? Obviously everyone would be concerned. Are you trying to imply CO2 is the same thing on a smaller scale? I am concerned with CO2 but we certainly don't have evidence that even the 1C per doubling that has some hypothetical backing is coming to pass. The ridiculous 3x positive feedbacks are absurd. The cost to civilization to remove CO2 is our actual civilization, and no one will go along with it.

The hiatus has given us much more time to deal with the problem, if one even exists. We should spend our resources on new solutions that can possibly work rather that just run around declaring the sky is falling.

Want to get rid of CO2...plant more greens, or control mans birth rate!
Wuld I, WULD I!

BTW moron, there hasn't been a 1° rise over the last hundred years

That the priests of your stupid little cult have to cook up fraudulent numbers should be a clue to you,,,,

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