Wussy Obama warns Putin on intervening in Syria's civil war!

Dec 1, Obama in France meeting Erdogan: “We all have a common enemy and that is ISIL…”
Obama 'Confident' US-led Coalition Can Destroy ISIS

But the truth is: besides ISIS we all have a couple of more common enemies, and they seem to be Obama and Erdogan, a sweet Muslim couple.

Did Obama say that to the same Erdogan who's been buying oil off ISIL/ISIS/Daesh, has just had two Turkish journalists arrested for telling the dirty truth about him and his corrupt terrorist supporting regime, and has been frequently bombing the Kurds who have been bravely fighting ISIL/ISIS/Daesh?

Is this the same Erdogan Obama's talking to? Yes.

Obama is either completely insane or he's just actually evil....he's definitely not normal.

As you say, Obama and Erdogan are enemies also, who seem to want to jointly together try and start WWIII now.

Not want to, obliged to because of NATO.
Vigilante's so unhappy to be an American. He should move to Russia to be with his one true love:

Dec 1, Obama in France meeting Erdogan: “We all have a common enemy and that is ISIL…”
Obama 'Confident' US-led Coalition Can Destroy ISIS

But the truth is: besides ISIS we all have a couple of more common enemies, and they seem to be Obama and Erdogan, a sweet Muslim couple.

Did Obama say that to the same Erdogan who's been buying oil off ISIL/ISIS/Daesh, has just had two Turkish journalists arrested for telling the dirty truth about him and his corrupt terrorist supporting regime, and has been frequently bombing the Kurds who have been bravely fighting ISIL/ISIS/Daesh?

Is this the same Erdogan Obama's talking to? Yes.

Obama is either completely insane or he's just actually evil....he's definitely not normal.

As you say, Obama and Erdogan are enemies also, who seem to want to jointly together try and start WWIII now.

Not want to, obliged to because of NATO.

NATO has been using Erdogan to depose Assad.

NATO has been complicit in the rise of ISIS and al Nusra.

In other words, we in the west have been committing crimes against humanity to try to give Syria to the Muslim Brotherhood.

We have a hell of a lot of blood on our hands. Not only just in the ME but the Ukraine as well.
Dec 1, Obama in France meeting Erdogan: “We all have a common enemy and that is ISIL…”
Obama 'Confident' US-led Coalition Can Destroy ISIS

But the truth is: besides ISIS we all have a couple of more common enemies, and they seem to be Obama and Erdogan, a sweet Muslim couple.

Did Obama say that to the same Erdogan who's been buying oil off ISIL/ISIS/Daesh, has just had two Turkish journalists arrested for telling the dirty truth about him and his corrupt terrorist supporting regime, and has been frequently bombing the Kurds who have been bravely fighting ISIL/ISIS/Daesh?

Is this the same Erdogan Obama's talking to? Yes.

Obama is either completely insane or he's just actually evil....he's definitely not normal.

As you say, Obama and Erdogan are enemies also, who seem to want to jointly together try and start WWIII now.

Not want to, obliged to because of NATO.

Erdogan has twice stated he wants to reclaim Jerusalem. This would mean Turkey would have to invade Israel. Israel would then have to bomb Turkey....then the whole of NATO would be obliged to bomb Israel.

Can you see therefore, why a) Erdogan is so dangerous and nutty and b) why it was monumentally ill-advised post-2000 to allow Turkey to remain in NATO.
Moscow: Turkey downed plane to protect ISIS oil trade - CNN.com

Russian President Vladimir Putin on Monday accused Turkey of shooting down the plane to protect secret oil trade with the terrorist group ISIS. He said the plane was actually going to attack ISIS targets in Syria.

Putin: We have just received additional information proving that unfortunately, large volumes of oil, industrial volumes coming from oil fields controlled by ISIS and other terrorist organisations, enter Turkey’s territory. And we have every reason to believe that the decision to shoot down our plane was dictated by the desire to ensure the security of these oil supply routes to Turkey – to the ports where it is shipped out in tankers, – while protecting the Turkmen is merely a pretext.

And, of course, you know that our pilots write “For our people!” on their missiles; in other words, this is revenge for our citizens who died over Sinai. They also write “For Paris!” on the missiles, as a revenge for the terrorist attacks in Paris. And yet, this bomber is shot down by the Turkish air force. What can we discuss here? What broad coalition? But we will still strive toward creating a truly effective, broad coalition, so that regional, local and financial interests will fade into the background against the global threat of terrorism.

Press statement and answers to journalists’ questions
Vigilante's so unhappy to be an American. He should move to Russia to be with his one true love:


Putin has skin in this game. We don't. Our insane leaders have no right to attempt to depose Assad. Look how well Libya worked out.

Which is why I stated on another thread the Leftists hypocrisy. Obama against International Law wanting to depose Assad and Obama against International Law bombing Libya and allowing Gadhaffi to be overthrown.

Were this a Republican President, the Leftists would be throwing a fit.
Dec 1, Obama in France meeting Erdogan: “We all have a common enemy and that is ISIL…”
Obama 'Confident' US-led Coalition Can Destroy ISIS

But the truth is: besides ISIS we all have a couple of more common enemies, and they seem to be Obama and Erdogan, a sweet Muslim couple.

Did Obama say that to the same Erdogan who's been buying oil off ISIL/ISIS/Daesh, has just had two Turkish journalists arrested for telling the dirty truth about him and his corrupt terrorist supporting regime, and has been frequently bombing the Kurds who have been bravely fighting ISIL/ISIS/Daesh?

Is this the same Erdogan Obama's talking to? Yes.

Obama is either completely insane or he's just actually evil....he's definitely not normal.

As you say, Obama and Erdogan are enemies also, who seem to want to jointly together try and start WWIII now.

Iraqi MP: “During last 8 months ISIS has managed to sell what’s worth 800 million dollar worth of oil in the black market of Turkey” (0.54 of the video below):

“The key gateway through that black market is the southern corridor of Turkey. Turkey is becoming part of this black economy” that funds ISIS.

putin knows all of this. He has commented MANY times on who is buying the oil and how by doing so, those nations are helping isis.
Vigilante's so unhappy to be an American. He should move to Russia to be with his one true love:


Putin has skin in this game. We don't. Our insane leaders have no right to attempt to depose Assad. Look how well Libya worked out.
Yes, Tiny, and now let's compare Putin's and Obama's actions to defeat ISIS. So, who's the man and who's the wussy?

This past week, someone finally came up with a "reason" why the Obama administration had been so impotent at denting the Islamic State's well-greased oil machine. In an interview onPBS' Charlie Rose on Tuesday, Rose pointed out that before the terrorist attacks in Paris, the U.S. had not bombed ISIS-controlled oil tankers, to which theformer CIA deputy director Michael Morell responded that Barack Obama didn’t order the bombing of ISIS’s oil transportation infrastructure until recently because he was concerned about environmental damage.

Former CIA Deputy Director Gives A Stunning Reason Why Obama Has Not Attacked ISIS' Oil Infrastructure | Zero Hedge
Dec 1, Obama in France meeting Erdogan: “We all have a common enemy and that is ISIL…”
Obama 'Confident' US-led Coalition Can Destroy ISIS

But the truth is: besides ISIS we all have a couple of more common enemies, and they seem to be Obama and Erdogan, a sweet Muslim couple.

Did Obama say that to the same Erdogan who's been buying oil off ISIL/ISIS/Daesh, has just had two Turkish journalists arrested for telling the dirty truth about him and his corrupt terrorist supporting regime, and has been frequently bombing the Kurds who have been bravely fighting ISIL/ISIS/Daesh?

Is this the same Erdogan Obama's talking to? Yes.

Obama is either completely insane or he's just actually evil....he's definitely not normal.

As you say, Obama and Erdogan are enemies also, who seem to want to jointly together try and start WWIII now.

Not want to, obliged to because of NATO.

Erdogan has twice stated he wants to reclaim Jerusalem. This would mean Turkey would have to invade Israel. Israel would then have to bomb Turkey....then the whole of NATO would be obliged to bomb Israel.

Can you see therefore, why a) Erdogan is so dangerous and nutty and b) why it was monumentally ill-advised post-2000 to allow Turkey to remain in NATO.

No because Turkey would not be attacked in that scenario. Turkey would be the attacking of Israel.
Even the Marmara incident was a turkish boat entering Israel controlled waters. Turkey was initiating the invasion not the other way around.

Russia entering turkish air space and attacking turkey and turkish planes could oblige NATO to protect Turkey and oppose Russia.

Just because Turkey might want to invade Israel would not cause NATO to have to support such an action.

Turkey and Russia have a long history of hostility. Positioning missiles on other side of Turkey and anti-aircraft is a prelude to war. Russia is flexing its muscles to frighten turkey. Putin only has to answer to Putin......and the world trembles
Dec 1, Obama in France meeting Erdogan: “We all have a common enemy and that is ISIL…”
Obama 'Confident' US-led Coalition Can Destroy ISIS

But the truth is: besides ISIS we all have a couple of more common enemies, and they seem to be Obama and Erdogan, a sweet Muslim couple.

Did Obama say that to the same Erdogan who's been buying oil off ISIL/ISIS/Daesh, has just had two Turkish journalists arrested for telling the dirty truth about him and his corrupt terrorist supporting regime, and has been frequently bombing the Kurds who have been bravely fighting ISIL/ISIS/Daesh?

Is this the same Erdogan Obama's talking to? Yes.

Obama is either completely insane or he's just actually evil....he's definitely not normal.

As you say, Obama and Erdogan are enemies also, who seem to want to jointly together try and start WWIII now.

Iraqi MP: “During last 8 months ISIS has managed to sell what’s worth 800 million dollar worth of oil in the black market of Turkey” (0.54 of the video below):

“The key gateway through that black market is the southern corridor of Turkey. Turkey is becoming part of this black economy” that funds ISIS.

putin knows all of this. He has commented MANY times on who is buying the oil and how by doing so, those nations are helping isis.

Crazy Erdogan now deliberately trying to provoke Putin, whilst a new video appears calling Erdogan "the conqueror of Temple Mount", for latter watch the short video contained within the link:

Turkish Submarine Provoking War Against Russian Ship As Erdogan Promotes An Invasion Of Jerusalem Where Muslims Embrace Him As Savior - Walid Shoebat
Dec 1, Obama in France meeting Erdogan: “We all have a common enemy and that is ISIL…”
Obama 'Confident' US-led Coalition Can Destroy ISIS

But the truth is: besides ISIS we all have a couple of more common enemies, and they seem to be Obama and Erdogan, a sweet Muslim couple.

Did Obama say that to the same Erdogan who's been buying oil off ISIL/ISIS/Daesh, has just had two Turkish journalists arrested for telling the dirty truth about him and his corrupt terrorist supporting regime, and has been frequently bombing the Kurds who have been bravely fighting ISIL/ISIS/Daesh?

Is this the same Erdogan Obama's talking to? Yes.

Obama is either completely insane or he's just actually evil....he's definitely not normal.

As you say, Obama and Erdogan are enemies also, who seem to want to jointly together try and start WWIII now.

Not want to, obliged to because of NATO.

Erdogan has twice stated he wants to reclaim Jerusalem. This would mean Turkey would have to invade Israel. Israel would then have to bomb Turkey....then the whole of NATO would be obliged to bomb Israel.

Can you see therefore, why a) Erdogan is so dangerous and nutty and b) why it was monumentally ill-advised post-2000 to allow Turkey to remain in NATO.

No because Turkey would not be attacked in that scenario. Turkey would be the attacking of Israel.
Even the Marmara incident was a turkish boat entering Israel controlled waters. Turkey was initiating the invasion not the other way around.

Russia entering turkish air space and attacking turkey and turkish planes could oblige NATO to protect Turkey and oppose Russia.

Just because Turkey might want to invade Israel would not cause NATO to have to support such an action.

Turkey and Russia have a long history of hostility. Positioning missiles on other side of Turkey and anti-aircraft is a prelude to war. Russia is flexing its muscles to frighten turkey. Putin only has to answer to Putin......and the world trembles

Dream on.
Dec 1, Obama in France meeting Erdogan: “We all have a common enemy and that is ISIL…”
Obama 'Confident' US-led Coalition Can Destroy ISIS

But the truth is: besides ISIS we all have a couple of more common enemies, and they seem to be Obama and Erdogan, a sweet Muslim couple.

Did Obama say that to the same Erdogan who's been buying oil off ISIL/ISIS/Daesh, has just had two Turkish journalists arrested for telling the dirty truth about him and his corrupt terrorist supporting regime, and has been frequently bombing the Kurds who have been bravely fighting ISIL/ISIS/Daesh?

Is this the same Erdogan Obama's talking to? Yes.

Obama is either completely insane or he's just actually evil....he's definitely not normal.

As you say, Obama and Erdogan are enemies also, who seem to want to jointly together try and start WWIII now.

Turkey has been obtaining (ISIS) fuel via Assad
Dec 1, Obama in France meeting Erdogan: “We all have a common enemy and that is ISIL…”
Obama 'Confident' US-led Coalition Can Destroy ISIS

But the truth is: besides ISIS we all have a couple of more common enemies, and they seem to be Obama and Erdogan, a sweet Muslim couple.

Did Obama say that to the same Erdogan who's been buying oil off ISIL/ISIS/Daesh, has just had two Turkish journalists arrested for telling the dirty truth about him and his corrupt terrorist supporting regime, and has been frequently bombing the Kurds who have been bravely fighting ISIL/ISIS/Daesh?

Is this the same Erdogan Obama's talking to? Yes.

Obama is either completely insane or he's just actually evil....he's definitely not normal.

As you say, Obama and Erdogan are enemies also, who seem to want to jointly together try and start WWIII now.

Iraqi MP: “During last 8 months ISIS has managed to sell what’s worth 800 million dollar worth of oil in the black market of Turkey” (0.54 of the video below):

“The key gateway through that black market is the southern corridor of Turkey. Turkey is becoming part of this black economy” that funds ISIS.

putin knows all of this. He has commented MANY times on who is buying the oil and how by doing so, those nations are helping isis.

Crazy Erdogan now deliberately trying to provoke Putin, whilst a new video appears calling Erdogan "the conqueror of Temple Mount", for latter watch the short video contained within the link:

Turkish Submarine Provoking War Against Russian Ship As Erdogan Promotes An Invasion Of Jerusalem Where Muslims Embrace Him As Savior - Walid Shoebat

Every country has gone through the idea of being the modern "Saladin". They want to be the one the region looks to for authority and leadership or to unite the region, even to become the religious center.

Russia wants the Haggai Sophia returned to the ROC. This is normal
Dec 1, Obama in France meeting Erdogan: “We all have a common enemy and that is ISIL…”
Obama 'Confident' US-led Coalition Can Destroy ISIS

But the truth is: besides ISIS we all have a couple of more common enemies, and they seem to be Obama and Erdogan, a sweet Muslim couple.

Did Obama say that to the same Erdogan who's been buying oil off ISIL/ISIS/Daesh, has just had two Turkish journalists arrested for telling the dirty truth about him and his corrupt terrorist supporting regime, and has been frequently bombing the Kurds who have been bravely fighting ISIL/ISIS/Daesh?

Is this the same Erdogan Obama's talking to? Yes.

Obama is either completely insane or he's just actually evil....he's definitely not normal.

As you say, Obama and Erdogan are enemies also, who seem to want to jointly together try and start WWIII now.

Not want to, obliged to because of NATO.

Erdogan has twice stated he wants to reclaim Jerusalem. This would mean Turkey would have to invade Israel. Israel would then have to bomb Turkey....then the whole of NATO would be obliged to bomb Israel.

Can you see therefore, why a) Erdogan is so dangerous and nutty and b) why it was monumentally ill-advised post-2000 to allow Turkey to remain in NATO.

No because Turkey would not be attacked in that scenario. Turkey would be the attacking of Israel.
Even the Marmara incident was a turkish boat entering Israel controlled waters. Turkey was initiating the invasion not the other way around.

Russia entering turkish air space and attacking turkey and turkish planes could oblige NATO to protect Turkey and oppose Russia.

Just because Turkey might want to invade Israel would not cause NATO to have to support such an action.

Turkey and Russia have a long history of hostility. Positioning missiles on other side of Turkey and anti-aircraft is a prelude to war. Russia is flexing its muscles to frighten turkey. Putin only has to answer to Putin......and the world trembles

Dream on.

What dream? Just observation and knowing the area.

I have no desire to see turkey and russia at war or it widening through the region of world. Much of my work for years was to bring peace.

Turkey attacking Israel/Jerusalem would not be backed by NATO. Does not work that way. Turkey attacked by Russia could if the situation does not cool down, soon.

Both side are shoveling coal not snow right now.
He has to be kidding... what NO RED LINE??? ROTFLMAO at the Manchurian muslim!

CNN ^ | 12/01*2015 | Kevin Liptak
President Barack Obama warned his Russian counterpart Tuesday against intervening in Syria's civil war, suggesting that Vladimir Putin is aware of the dangers his country faces by entering the bloody conflict. "I think Mr. Putin understands that ... with Afghanistan fresh in the memory, for him to simply get bogged down in an inconclusive and paralyzing civil conflict is not the outcome that he's looking for," Obama said at a news conference in Paris.


With which part of Obama's comments do you take issue, Vag?

Being he's showed the world he was a COWARD and LIAR about his last Syrian Red Line... what else would you like to know, NeedleDickTheBugFucker?

I'd like to know if you have any idea what happened when Obama indicated that he would seek congressional approval for military action against Assad....

and also how a gung ho comfort bitch like you could wind up dishonorable discharged from the service......
He has to be kidding... what NO RED LINE??? ROTFLMAO at the Manchurian muslim!

CNN ^ | 12/01*2015 | Kevin Liptak
President Barack Obama warned his Russian counterpart Tuesday against intervening in Syria's civil war, suggesting that Vladimir Putin is aware of the dangers his country faces by entering the bloody conflict. "I think Mr. Putin understands that ... with Afghanistan fresh in the memory, for him to simply get bogged down in an inconclusive and paralyzing civil conflict is not the outcome that he's looking for," Obama said at a news conference in Paris.


With which part of Obama's comments do you take issue, Vag?

Being he's showed the world he was a COWARD and LIAR about his last Syrian Red Line... what else would you like to know, NeedleDickTheBugFucker?

I'd like to know if you have any idea what happened when Obama indicated that he would seek congressional approval for military action against Assad....

and also how a gung ho comfort bitch like you could wind up dishonorable discharged from the service......

I see you have been listening to the JakeAss about my military service, I could have been fucking your mother, but Vietnam got in my way. NeedleDickTheBugFucker NEVER fails to entertain me!

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