WW III Has Already Begun

REd China is already setting up to interdict all shipping from Asia, The GOP doesn't seem to mind; they're busy babbling 'WARMONGERS!!!" same as all the 'anarchist Burb Brats and Jane. Fonda. lol

Election have consequences; stolen elections have far graver consequences. China got to install all their Fellow Travelers in the White House
Where is superdumbbrother or IM2 to come in here and tell me blacks are the race of peace?
<blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">“Give me my f—king phone, n—a!” <br><br>A student confronted &amp; punched a teacher at Lamar High School in Houston, Texas. <a href="https://t.co/pZr8UzVCwA">pic.twitter.com/pZr8UzVCwA</a></p>&mdash; Andy Ngô 🏳️‍🌈 (@MrAndyNgo) <a href="">April 7, 2023</a></blockquote> <script async src="https://platform.twitter.com/widgets.js" charset="utf-8"></script>
Sorry because I don't use Twitter so it makes it hard for me to embed tweets from my phone...I but this is the only unedited version I've seen and I don't know if the big media even covered it did they ?
Less than 100 special forces from 5 NATO countries is WW3?

Why do Republicans sound EXACTLY like Democrats when they were screeching about Trump and North Korea? :disbelief:
. . . and how would you feel if you found out there were 100 special forces from China, India, Iran or Brazil fighting for Russia?


Would you expect the EU, NATO, and the US to just do nothing about that?

There are very powerful economic forces in America which want (1) globalization, and (2) an American military presence all over the world. Over sixty years ago, President Eisenhower warned us about the 'military-industrial complex'. They are a major part of the Republican 'donor class'.

They're not invincible. We have to take over the Republican Party from the inside, and make it become the party of a sensible foreign policy. Here's a think tank devoted to crafting such a policy: [ https://quincyinst.org ] (Conspiracy theorists: it's funded by a Koch brother -- our side -- and by ....... George Soros!!!!!!!! Apparently both billionaires funded a study on what impact on profits an all-out global thermonuclear war would have, and the reseachers concluded it would affect profitability negatively.)

There are two good conservative journals which have good articles by heavyweight thinkers on a sensible foreign policy:
Chronicles of American Culture --- [ Home - Chronicles ]
The American Conservative --- [ Home - The American Conservative ]
If you support Ukraine then you support giving them fighter jets.

If you oppose giving Ukraine fighter jets, you're nothing but a poser doing putins bidding.
. . . and how would you feel if you found out there were 100 special forces from China, India, Iran or Brazil fighting for Russia?


Would you expect the EU, NATO, and the US to just do nothing about that?

I'd be kind of surprised if there weren't.

We knew there were Iranian trainers in Crimea teaching Russian operators how to use the Shaheed drones. We might have made some passing comment about it, but we didn't call it the start of WW3.

There will be military people in Ukraine from donor countries to monitor the logistics, there will be people providing embassy security. Those people are in Ukraine in an official capacity, and aren't engaged in combat operations.

There is the International legion, who fight under the AFU insignia, and that's not a secret. They are all volunteers, and they are not in Ukraine under military command of their home country.

None of this is remarkable in any way.
...according to the Pentagon's leaked classified documents.

'According to a leaked document dated March 23, 2023, the UK, the United States, and several other European nations have boots on the ground in Ukraine.'

Remember the good ol' days when Democrats hated war and weren't the ones dragging us into new ones?

Who knew Democrats would be the ones helping to start / dragging the US into WW III?!

Every foreign policy decision Joe Biden has ever made has been wrong ... but this one (Ukraine) may have topped them all.

WW III Yep... it's a Different Kind of war..
How many troops, how many different countries providing weapons / munitions and fighting their own proxy wars in this bigger war between Ukraine and Russia do you think are needed to qualify as the start of a World War?

more than 5

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