WW III Has Already Begun

Just to be clear are you saying that MAGAt insurrectionists trying to destroy our democracy from the inside wasn't really a very big deal?

Because that would indicate a very BAD case of TWS.
Americans don't care about Jan 6th. Only NWO shillbots and NPCs do.
threat to world peace map



. . . and how would you feel if you found out there were 100 special forces from China, India, Iran or Brazil fighting for Russia?


Would you expect the EU, NATO, and the US to just do nothing about that?

And you guys moved my thread to the basement while this nonsense stays up here?
We do have a history Dudley, much of which includes a manufactured threat sold to the public


Like what? Every country that has allied with us has prospered; those that allied with our enemies are all shitholes. Do away with the U.S. honoring its treaties and you vastly increase a chance of nukes flying and a 'WW III' scenario, not the opposite.
Like what? Every country that has allied with us has prospered; those that allied with our enemies are all shitholes. Do away with the U.S. honoring its treaties and you vastly increase a chance of nukes flying and a 'WW III' scenario, not the opposite.
yes, much like the English & Spanish empires before us , those that signed onto it all prospered Dudley

yet their boogeyman shtick was no different that that of any recent empire(s) expressed by the nazi meme

yes, much like the English & Spanish empires before us , those that signed onto it all prospered Dudley

And they were all far better than what they replaced, a fact left wing history pointedly fails to ever mention.
yet their boogeyman shtick was no different that that of any recent empire(s) expressed by the nazi meme

What boogey men were those? As for the Nazis, if it weren't for the Communists they would never have been elected in the first place, also a fact left wingers never fail to leave out of their fantasy narratives.
And they were all far better than what they replaced, a fact left wing history pointedly fails to ever mention.

What boogey men were those? As for the Nazis, if it weren't for the Communists they would never have been elected in the first place, also a fact left wingers never fail to leave out of their fantasy narratives.
Immaterial comment. They were elected. That's history, not your vapors. Your thinking is the of the caliber that if Parliament gave the North American colonies representation, there would have been no rise of revolutionary Washington, Jefferson, Adams, so on.
Immaterial comment. They were elected. That's history, not your vapors. Your thinking is the of the caliber that if Parliament gave the North American colonies representation, there would have been no rise of revolutionary Washington, Jefferson, Adams, so on.

So you don't have anything either. Nearly all of the U.S.'s problems are a result of encouraging minorities to immigrate and allowing criminals to stay, and of course letting black people stay after they were freed. A Democracy works a lot better when the voters are mostly on the same page morally, intellectually, and culturally, which is all the European model actually proves. They're losing that, so no point in bragging about how they're doing. They're being overrun with criminally inclined feral immigrants now as well. That's the facts, not your vapors. Maybe if you smoke another rock it will all look different.
So you don't have anything either. Nearly all of the U.S.'s problems are a result of encouraging minorities to immigrate and allowing criminals to stay, and of course letting black people stay after they were freed. A Democracy works a lot better when the voters are mostly on the same page morally, intellectually, and culturally, which is all the European model actually proves. They're losing that, so no point in bragging about how they're doing. They're being overrun with criminally inclined feral immigrants now as well.
So you "nuh uh" and shift the argument. History is what it is. A nationalist, populist model as you propound would work more smoothly. However, you want to lock the barn door after the voters escape. "feral" applies to all American demographies.
So you "nuh uh" and shift the argument. History is what it is. A nationalist, populist model as you propound would work more smoothly. However, you want to lock the barn door after the voters escape. "feral" applies to all American demographies.

You're just babbling now. If you think the position 'shifted' you're just not good at reading or have crappy memory. Actually few are nearly as feral as minorities, including 'native Americans' and their massive slave empires in the South and their inferior northern American outcast scavengers.
You're just babbling now. If you think the position 'shifted' you're just not good at reading or have crappy memory. Actually few are nearly as feral as minorities, including 'native Americans' and their massive slave empires in the South and their inferior northern American outcast scavengers.
You dither, so I won't see you again.

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