WW III Has Already Begun

Once Ukraine runs out of men, democrats will demand Americans go fight.

If democrats let Poland give Ukraine migs, many Ukrainians would be alive today.

All democrats care about is the fundamental transformation of America, and they see war and economic collapse as their way to achieve it.

If a democrat tells you they support Ukraine, they are posers. Don't believe them. Ask them why they deny fighter jets? Soon they will demand troops.


According to left wing news media, anyway. I never experienced that in real life, even in the ME. The GOP also likes to peddle that crap, so all the politicos are on board. It's time to let all the gangsters and dictators run free, especially the Russians and Red Chinese. When they choke off all international trade with the U.S., send a few plagues and poison a few million Americans, we can all laugh at the globalists as they're hung from the walls of thier gated communities. Be sure and keep several different flags around, so you can change them when you need to express 'support' for whoever is winning in your neighborhood. lol
How many troops, how many different countries providing weapons / munitions and fighting their own proxy wars in this bigger war between Ukraine and Russia do you think are needed to qualify as the start of a World War?
A lot more than 97.

I agree that Biden is a disaster, and has a 50 year history of getting it wrong.

He got it wrong this time too. He was late to the party, he is totally cowed by Putin, and he only provides the absolute minimum to allow the AFU to fight to a stalemate.

Milley gave Ukraine 7 days in Feb 2022, and Biden offered to whisk Zelensky off to exile.

Ukraine needed tanks. Germany needed to give permission, but wouldn't unless the US offered first. Everyone understood the dynamics, Scholz needed the political cover.

Biden announces at midnight, the US will provide Abrams. 10 minutes later Scholz says Germany will green-light Leo's.

UK: We will provide one battalion set of Challenger in 2 months.
Germany: We will provide 2 battalion sets of LEO 2 in 2 months.
US: We will provide one battalion set of Abrams next year....

Biden got it wrong, again. This could have been over last year if Biden wasn't such a pussy.
There was a time conservatives could EASILY have changed the course of events.
Instead, they choose the easy route of not voting and gliding on past successes and sacrifices.

What we have today is a direct result of conservative failure.
But keep on blaming "them" and doing nothing. Look where it's got us so far.

As long as they got those big tax cuts for hedge fund managers and off-shoring, they had no other plans. Right now they need to sell $1.25 on hour and 7 14-hour day work weeks to the uppity proles as their patriotic duty, so Wall Street can keep living in the style its accustomed to, and to make all the corporate welfare funds flowing into the rightly deserving hands.
REd China is already setting up to interdict all shipping from Asia, The GOP doesn't seem to mind; they're busy babbling 'WARMONGERS!!!" same as all the 'anarchist Burb Brats and Jane. Fonda. lol
...according to the Pentagon's leaked classified documents.

'According to a leaked document dated March 23, 2023, the UK, the United States, and several other European nations have boots on the ground in Ukraine.'

Remember the good ol' days when Democrats hated war and weren't the ones dragging us into new ones?

Who knew Democrats would be the ones helping to start / dragging the US into WW III?!

Every foreign policy decision Joe Biden has ever made has been wrong ... but this one (Ukraine) may have topped them all.

Yet where were ya when Russian boots hit the ground in Syria. I am not glowing yet. So evidently WW3 has not started yet. Where were ya when the Russians were offering bounties on American troops in Afghanistan? Where were ya when China and Russian troops hit the ground in Nam? How about Korea? Lol do I need to go on?
Right just look at how quickly so many of the Tea Party republicans turned RINO. TRUMP proved the base will support conservatives, but so many chose to sell out to Wall Street.
This is exactly what the CCP, Socialists, amd Communists want - a divided nation turning on itself from division and destruction from within while our enemies attack us from without, turning our allies against us, isolating the US, eliminating the US as the leader of the coalition as it prepares to take Taiwan while forming an alliance with Russia.

For decades Democrats have been creating, soreading, and fanning the flames of division.

For the last 7 years Democrats have escalated its division by violating Constitution and Law to take down their political threat, Trump.

Biden, Democrats, and their xriminally partisan Gestapo govt agencies have targeted Conservatives, attempted to brand parents as domestic terrorists, and even list faith groups / religions as domestic terrorists and threats WHILE protecting liberal extremists, domestic terrorists, and politicians proven to have been compromised by our enemies, who have aided and abetted them, harbored their spies, f*ed them, and taken millions from them.

If Americans don't wake the hell up, reject all the division and destruction being done to this country internally in the name and agenda of partisanship we are setiously going to be in a world of shit.

The damage just done to this country through these leaks, for exame, is a helluva lot worse than an expired campaign finance violation being partisanly pushed to take down a political enemy.

China is setyong up the chess board, separating us from.our allies, isolating us, weakening us, inbprepatation for strolling into Taiwan to take ownership without resistance and eady to f*up anyone who.puts up resistance.

French leader Macron has already declared France will not join the US in protecting Taiwan, and after this disastrous leak of classified more.ight decide to follow his / their lead.

Ameticans need to put their partisan politics and grievances aside right now, realize what's going on, and unite.

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