WW1 100YR memorial: Trump cancels due to "weather", 69 other world leaders are going (54 & rainy)

You are making the claim that the weather affected Pres. Trump from travelling in the rain, but every other world leader was staying right next door or that they were in walking distance. You have also made the claim that Pres. Trump travelling by motorcade would tie up traffic, but every other world leader travelling wouldn't.

I've actually said none of that.

Those were the voices in your head. That is on you, not me.

Fair enough, explain to us how everyone else was able to attend but the Pres. couldn't.

You lefties are the ones claiming that everything was the same for them. It's on you to show that.

I'm the one saying we don't know what factors could have been different for them.
Everything was the same
Trump did not have different weather

So, they were all coming from the airport at the same time?

Link please.
They were not coming from the airport, Trump was at his hotel, just like other leaders

Difference was, the other leaders were not in the midst of a temper tantrum
I've actually said none of that.

Those were the voices in your head. That is on you, not me.

Fair enough, explain to us how everyone else was able to attend but the Pres. couldn't.

You lefties are the ones claiming that everything was the same for them. It's on you to show that.

I'm the one saying we don't know what factors could have been different for them.
Everything was the same
Trump did not have different weather

So, they were all coming from the airport at the same time?

Link please.
They were not coming from the airport, Trump was at his hotel, just like other leaders

Difference was, the other leaders were not in the midst of a temper tantrum

Eleven days ago and you still can't stfu about it
Fair enough, explain to us how everyone else was able to attend but the Pres. couldn't.

You lefties are the ones claiming that everything was the same for them. It's on you to show that.

I'm the one saying we don't know what factors could have been different for them.
Everything was the same
Trump did not have different weather

So, they were all coming from the airport at the same time?

Link please.
They were not coming from the airport, Trump was at his hotel, just like other leaders

Difference was, the other leaders were not in the midst of a temper tantrum

Eleven days ago and you still can't stfu about it

Obviously you can't shut your fucking DS either.
Fair enough, explain to us how everyone else was able to attend but the Pres. couldn't.

You lefties are the ones claiming that everything was the same for them. It's on you to show that.

I'm the one saying we don't know what factors could have been different for them.
Everything was the same
Trump did not have different weather

So, they were all coming from the airport at the same time?

Link please.
They were not coming from the airport, Trump was at his hotel, just like other leaders

Difference was, the other leaders were not in the midst of a temper tantrum

Eleven days ago and you still can't stfu about it

Shows the priorities of our President

Honoring our war dead on veterans day is not one of them
You lefties are the ones claiming that everything was the same for them. It's on you to show that.

I'm the one saying we don't know what factors could have been different for them.
Everything was the same
Trump did not have different weather

So, they were all coming from the airport at the same time?

Link please.
They were not coming from the airport, Trump was at his hotel, just like other leaders

Difference was, the other leaders were not in the midst of a temper tantrum

Eleven days ago and you still can't stfu about it

Obviously you can't shut your fucking DS either.


The Secret Service advised President Trump not to go! in order to protect his life while in France.....Bless President Trump's Secret Service.:clap:

There was an attempt on Macron's life ( some think.....and I do too..... it was on President Trump's life)

I can't believe this stupid thread is still going...


orange man bad? huh?:cuckoo:

No, Trump Humpers are stu…………...never mind.


poorly educated - the kind that trump loves long time?

that would be my educated guess.
his vanity & ego rule his thinking process' ?

It is sad that you can't imagine anything reasonable about your enemies. It shows a lack of maturity.

it is sad you can't imagine your president is a giant mango hued man baby who is a sociopathic malignant narcissist with arrested development.

I could imagine that. But there is no evidence to support it.

And before you ask, no, missing a memorial ceremony is not reason enough to do that.

Yale Psychiatrist: Why We Cannot Be Silent About Trump's Mental Health

How to Tell You're Dealing with a Malignant Narcissist

pretty convincing stuff.

Any psychiatrist who would give a diagnosis without meeting the patient, is not worthy reading.

the 2nd link isn't a diagnosis of anyone specific - but rather insight into a mental illness.
educate yourself for a change.

How to Tell You're Dealing with a Malignant Narcissist
The intentional destruction of others while pathologically loving self.
Posted Feb 22, 2017

Narcissistic personality disorder is often equated with the selfie-loving, shallow boaster who wears on your patience. However, there is significantly more to the condition. Their behavior and mood are often dependent and driven by feedback from their environment; they typically need the message from others to be a positive one. The impression they wish to make and the intense guarding of their fragile self esteem is a strong determinant of their actions and thoughts.


Narcissistic personality disorder includes symptoms such as poor self identity, inability to appreciate others, entitlement, lack of authenticity, need for control, intolerance of the views/opinions of others, emotional detachment, grandiosity, lack of awareness or concern regarding the impact of their behavior, minimal emotional reciprocity, and a desperate need for the approval and positive attention of others.

Not everyone with pathological narcissism or narcissistic personality disorder will have the same presentation of the condition. There is heterogeneity, of course, because people are complex. There are differing levels of intensity and dimensions. For example, some with pathological narcissism are shy and avoidant (vulnerable), while others are primarily outgoing and overtly boastful (grandiose).

Malignant Narcissism

I want to explore with you the darker side of narcissistic personality disorder, where aggression, antisocial behaviors, and suspiciousness are as prominent as their poor sense of self, fragility, and egocentricity. (Below is a video clip that explores the symptoms of malignant narcissism.)

A person with malignant narcissism has the potential to destroy families, communities, nations, and work environments. This condition reflects a hybrid or blending of narcissistic and antisocial personality disorders. Psychologist Eric Fromm termed the disorder in 1964. Psychoanalyst Otto Kernberg later delineated the symptoms of the condition and presented it as an intermediary between narcissistic and antisocial personality disorders.

Why is the behavior of malignant narcissism often considered dangerous?

Individuals with this profile can form connections with others. However, they process information in ways that can hurt society in general, but also the people who love or depend on them. Family, co-workers, employees, and others in their lives often have to walk on eggshells to appease a fragile ego and minimize the occurrence of their unstable, impulsive, or aggressive behaviors.

They lash out or humiliate others for infractions of even the most frivolous nature (for example, you gave an opinion that differed from theirs; you demonstrated confidence, and it made them look bad; you told a joke that involved poking fun at them).

For some, their grandiosity and protection of their fragile "true self" can be at such extreme levels that they will lie and give the impression that simply because they say it, that makes it reality. Many will become angered if their lies are challenged with truth or facts. Of course, this can create problems for the people close to them, as this pattern of behavior can easily veer into gaslighting.

Malignant narcissism is a blend of two disorders that pose problems interpersonally for their victims — narcissistic and antisocial personality disorders. It is not uncommon for others to feel anxious, intimidated by, and fearful of people with this condition. The combination of poor empathy coupled with aggression, hypersensitivity, and suspiciousness can bring pain to others.

Those who interact with malignant narcissists often consider them jealous, petty, thin-skinned, punitive, hateful, cunning, and angry. Given their shallowness, they are not regulated emotionally and have beliefs that swing from one extreme to the next.

Their decisions can hurt others, because they rank relationships and people based on superficial standards and categories. They want to land on top, even when pretending to be altruistic or engaging in an activity that should not be "all about them." They often view the world through a primitive binary lens (for example, winner/loser; smart/dumb; rich/poor; pretty/ugly; black/white) — all the while sustaining the belief that they are superior. This is likely associated with problems processing emotional information, which reflects faulty neurobiology.


twitler is textbook.
Fair enough, explain to us how everyone else was able to attend but the Pres. couldn't.

You lefties are the ones claiming that everything was the same for them. It's on you to show that.

I'm the one saying we don't know what factors could have been different for them.
Everything was the same
Trump did not have different weather

So, they were all coming from the airport at the same time?

Link please.
They were not coming from the airport, Trump was at his hotel, just like other leaders

Difference was, the other leaders were not in the midst of a temper tantrum

Eleven days ago and you still can't stfu about it

lol................... but hillary's EMAILS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I've actually said none of that.

Those were the voices in your head. That is on you, not me.

Fair enough, explain to us how everyone else was able to attend but the Pres. couldn't.

You lefties are the ones claiming that everything was the same for them. It's on you to show that.

I'm the one saying we don't know what factors could have been different for them.

No it's not, hell I know why he didn't show up the WH has already told us and I have heard his lame excuse.

ANd you consider it "lame" because you imagine that the factors involved made it easy to get there by motorcade.

But that is just a self serving assumption on your part.

SO, you've got nothing.

How is it a self serving assumption when everyone else was able to get there by motorcade. When the POTUS goes to another country does he only travel by helicopter would it have been the first time he rode in a motorcade.

Because you do not know that the other factors were the same for the other leaders.

You assume it, because it serves your partisan purpose of giving you something to bash the President on.

Because you are terrified of discussing actual policies.
Despite your vile sexual implications, nothing in your post, challenged my point.

Thus it stands.

That the President did not want to have one of them put together on short notice in the middle of Paris, sounds completely reasonable to me, and none of you partisan lefties have made any real argument otherwise.
Demonstrating that our president is too timid to go out in the rain

Merkle made it and she is just a woman

Um, not, you didn't demonstrate that. You're guessing a reason for some one you hate.

And what a surprise, it is a guess that puts them in a bad light.

Says more about you and how weak you are, than it does about him.
The premise that the weather was too severe is disproved by the number of world leaders who managed to appear at a ceremony honoring Americans
The premise that Trump was just not in the mood has not been disproved

THe presence of other world leaders there does not prove that the weather was not too severe for a helicopter.
It was not too severe to travel by car. If it was for golf, trump would rough a drizzle. But not to honor our fallen military. He likes soldiers who live.

Dude. GIVE IT UP. You lib fools are jumping all over the place to hide from the fact that you don't know shit about what was going on, and are just saying whatever shit lets you attack your enemies.
It is sad that you can't imagine anything reasonable about your enemies. It shows a lack of maturity.

it is sad you can't imagine your president is a giant mango hued man baby who is a sociopathic malignant narcissist with arrested development.

I could imagine that. But there is no evidence to support it.

And before you ask, no, missing a memorial ceremony is not reason enough to do that.

Yale Psychiatrist: Why We Cannot Be Silent About Trump's Mental Health

How to Tell You're Dealing with a Malignant Narcissist

pretty convincing stuff.

Any psychiatrist who would give a diagnosis without meeting the patient, is not worthy reading.
A doctor can observe a patient and conclude that they are ill

Call any of your doctors, and ask them to provide you a new prescription on the phone.

They won't.

The "psychiatrist" is a hack and completely unprofessional and unethical.
I've actually said none of that.

Those were the voices in your head. That is on you, not me.

Fair enough, explain to us how everyone else was able to attend but the Pres. couldn't.

You lefties are the ones claiming that everything was the same for them. It's on you to show that.

I'm the one saying we don't know what factors could have been different for them.
Everything was the same
Trump did not have different weather

So, they were all coming from the airport at the same time?

Link please.
They were not coming from the airport, Trump was at his hotel, just like other leaders

Difference was, the other leaders were not in the midst of a temper tantrum

What number am I thinking of?
Fair enough, explain to us how everyone else was able to attend but the Pres. couldn't.

You lefties are the ones claiming that everything was the same for them. It's on you to show that.

I'm the one saying we don't know what factors could have been different for them.
Everything was the same
Trump did not have different weather

So, they were all coming from the airport at the same time?

Link please.
They were not coming from the airport, Trump was at his hotel, just like other leaders

Difference was, the other leaders were not in the midst of a temper tantrum

Eleven days ago and you still can't stfu about it

There are desperate to distract from actual policy and/or issues.
Demonstrating that our president is too timid to go out in the rain

Merkle made it and she is just a woman

Um, not, you didn't demonstrate that. You're guessing a reason for some one you hate.

And what a surprise, it is a guess that puts them in a bad light.

Says more about you and how weak you are, than it does about him.
The premise that the weather was too severe is disproved by the number of world leaders who managed to appear at a ceremony honoring Americans
The premise that Trump was just not in the mood has not been disproved

THe presence of other world leaders there does not prove that the weather was not too severe for a helicopter.
It was not too severe to travel by car. If it was for golf, trump would rough a drizzle. But not to honor our fallen military. He likes soldiers who live.

Dude. GIVE IT UP. You lib fools are jumping all over the place to hide from the fact that you don't know shit about what was going on, and are just saying whatever shit lets you attack your enemies.
I know that trump refused to show up and blamed it on the rain.

Like I said, if it were for golf, he would have made the effort to show up.

It is sad that you can't imagine anything reasonable about your enemies. It shows a lack of maturity.

it is sad you can't imagine your president is a giant mango hued man baby who is a sociopathic malignant narcissist with arrested development.

I could imagine that. But there is no evidence to support it.

And before you ask, no, missing a memorial ceremony is not reason enough to do that.

Yale Psychiatrist: Why We Cannot Be Silent About Trump's Mental Health

How to Tell You're Dealing with a Malignant Narcissist

pretty convincing stuff.

Any psychiatrist who would give a diagnosis without meeting the patient, is not worthy reading.

the 2nd link isn't a diagnosis of anyone specific - but rather insight into a mental illness.
educate yourself for a change.

How to Tell You're Dealing with a Malignant Narcissist
The intentional destruction of others while pathologically loving self.
Posted Feb 22, 2017

Narcissistic personality disorder is often equated with the selfie-loving, shallow boaster who wears on your patience. However, there is significantly more to the condition. Their behavior and mood are often dependent and driven by feedback from their environment; they typically need the message from others to be a positive one. The impression they wish to make and the intense guarding of their fragile self esteem is a strong determinant of their actions and thoughts.


Narcissistic personality disorder includes symptoms such as poor self identity, inability to appreciate others, entitlement, lack of authenticity, need for control, intolerance of the views/opinions of others, emotional detachment, grandiosity, lack of awareness or concern regarding the impact of their behavior, minimal emotional reciprocity, and a desperate need for the approval and positive attention of others.

Not everyone with pathological narcissism or narcissistic personality disorder will have the same presentation of the condition. There is heterogeneity, of course, because people are complex. There are differing levels of intensity and dimensions. For example, some with pathological narcissism are shy and avoidant (vulnerable), while others are primarily outgoing and overtly boastful (grandiose).

Malignant Narcissism

I want to explore with you the darker side of narcissistic personality disorder, where aggression, antisocial behaviors, and suspiciousness are as prominent as their poor sense of self, fragility, and egocentricity. (Below is a video clip that explores the symptoms of malignant narcissism.)

A person with malignant narcissism has the potential to destroy families, communities, nations, and work environments. This condition reflects a hybrid or blending of narcissistic and antisocial personality disorders. Psychologist Eric Fromm termed the disorder in 1964. Psychoanalyst Otto Kernberg later delineated the symptoms of the condition and presented it as an intermediary between narcissistic and antisocial personality disorders.

Why is the behavior of malignant narcissism often considered dangerous?

Individuals with this profile can form connections with others. However, they process information in ways that can hurt society in general, but also the people who love or depend on them. Family, co-workers, employees, and others in their lives often have to walk on eggshells to appease a fragile ego and minimize the occurrence of their unstable, impulsive, or aggressive behaviors.

They lash out or humiliate others for infractions of even the most frivolous nature (for example, you gave an opinion that differed from theirs; you demonstrated confidence, and it made them look bad; you told a joke that involved poking fun at them).

For some, their grandiosity and protection of their fragile "true self" can be at such extreme levels that they will lie and give the impression that simply because they say it, that makes it reality. Many will become angered if their lies are challenged with truth or facts. Of course, this can create problems for the people close to them, as this pattern of behavior can easily veer into gaslighting.

Malignant narcissism is a blend of two disorders that pose problems interpersonally for their victims — narcissistic and antisocial personality disorders. It is not uncommon for others to feel anxious, intimidated by, and fearful of people with this condition. The combination of poor empathy coupled with aggression, hypersensitivity, and suspiciousness can bring pain to others.

Those who interact with malignant narcissists often consider them jealous, petty, thin-skinned, punitive, hateful, cunning, and angry. Given their shallowness, they are not regulated emotionally and have beliefs that swing from one extreme to the next.

Their decisions can hurt others, because they rank relationships and people based on superficial standards and categories. They want to land on top, even when pretending to be altruistic or engaging in an activity that should not be "all about them." They often view the world through a primitive binary lens (for example, winner/loser; smart/dumb; rich/poor; pretty/ugly; black/white) — all the while sustaining the belief that they are superior. This is likely associated with problems processing emotional information, which reflects faulty neurobiology.


twitler is textbook.

Are all grandiose and boastful people suffering from "malignant narcissism"?
Um, not, you didn't demonstrate that. You're guessing a reason for some one you hate.

And what a surprise, it is a guess that puts them in a bad light.

Says more about you and how weak you are, than it does about him.
The premise that the weather was too severe is disproved by the number of world leaders who managed to appear at a ceremony honoring Americans
The premise that Trump was just not in the mood has not been disproved

THe presence of other world leaders there does not prove that the weather was not too severe for a helicopter.
It was not too severe to travel by car. If it was for golf, trump would rough a drizzle. But not to honor our fallen military. He likes soldiers who live.

Dude. GIVE IT UP. You lib fools are jumping all over the place to hide from the fact that you don't know shit about what was going on, and are just saying whatever shit lets you attack your enemies.
I know that trump refused to show up and blamed it on the rain.

Like I said, if it were for golf, he would have made the effort to show up.


Funny, you leftards haven't shown any pictures of how light the rain was on that day.

Reeeeeaaaaaal, funny.
The premise that the weather was too severe is disproved by the number of world leaders who managed to appear at a ceremony honoring Americans
The premise that Trump was just not in the mood has not been disproved

THe presence of other world leaders there does not prove that the weather was not too severe for a helicopter.
It was not too severe to travel by car. If it was for golf, trump would rough a drizzle. But not to honor our fallen military. He likes soldiers who live.

Dude. GIVE IT UP. You lib fools are jumping all over the place to hide from the fact that you don't know shit about what was going on, and are just saying whatever shit lets you attack your enemies.
I know that trump refused to show up and blamed it on the rain.

Like I said, if it were for golf, he would have made the effort to show up.


Funny, you leftards haven't shown any pictures of how light the rain was on that day.

Reeeeeaaaaaal, funny.
So? I haven’t seen any. Didn’t prevent anyone else from attending.
The premise that the weather was too severe is disproved by the number of world leaders who managed to appear at a ceremony honoring Americans
The premise that Trump was just not in the mood has not been disproved

THe presence of other world leaders there does not prove that the weather was not too severe for a helicopter.
It was not too severe to travel by car. If it was for golf, trump would rough a drizzle. But not to honor our fallen military. He likes soldiers who live.

Dude. GIVE IT UP. You lib fools are jumping all over the place to hide from the fact that you don't know shit about what was going on, and are just saying whatever shit lets you attack your enemies.
I know that trump refused to show up and blamed it on the rain.

Like I said, if it were for golf, he would have made the effort to show up.


Funny, you leftards haven't shown any pictures of how light the rain was on that day.

Reeeeeaaaaaal, funny.

Actually, here is a link that tells you what the actual conditions were on that day, as told to you by a licensed pilot..........................

Can Trump's Helicopter, Marine One, Fly in the Rain? - The Atlantic

I am not going to bother to decode this all. (Being able to read METARs is part of ground school in the learning-to-fly process.) But here are the essentials:

  • On Saturday morning, the weather in Paris was rainy and overcast—bad weather, but not any exceptional aeronautical challenge. The worst conditions during the day in Paris were at noon, when there was an overcast ceiling of 600 feet. (“101100Z 19011KT 2700 -RA BR OVC006.” The -RA means “light rain.” The BR means “mist,” and the mnemonic for remembering it is “Baby Rain.”) As a benchmark: To get an instrument rating, whether in an airplane or a helicopter, you have to show the ability to fly an approach “to minimums,” which (depending on the airport and the approach system) can be as low as 200 to 300 feet. Still, on Saturday morning, a helicopter trip from Paris would probably have meant spending part of the time in the clouds.
  • The temperature in Paris through the morning was 11 to 12 degrees Centigrade, or the low 50s Fahrenheit. That is not very cold. The normal “lapse rate” for air temperature is about 2 degrees Centigrade colder for each thousand feet you go up. In normal circumstances, that would mean the freezing level was at an altitude of around 6,000 feet. (To spell it out: 12 degrees Centigrade at ground level, minus 2 degrees for each thousand feet, means that you reach 0 degrees Centigrade around 6,000 feet up.) So at an altitude of 3,000 or 4,000 feet, this would not be an icing-peril scenario.
  • It was not very windy. Through the morning, the wind was reported at 11 or 12 knots—not enough to worry about.

The pilot said that there would have been zero problems with Marine 1 flying in the light rain.
THe presence of other world leaders there does not prove that the weather was not too severe for a helicopter.
It was not too severe to travel by car. If it was for golf, trump would rough a drizzle. But not to honor our fallen military. He likes soldiers who live.

Dude. GIVE IT UP. You lib fools are jumping all over the place to hide from the fact that you don't know shit about what was going on, and are just saying whatever shit lets you attack your enemies.
I know that trump refused to show up and blamed it on the rain.

Like I said, if it were for golf, he would have made the effort to show up.


Funny, you leftards haven't shown any pictures of how light the rain was on that day.

Reeeeeaaaaaal, funny.
So? I haven’t seen any. Didn’t prevent anyone else from attending.

A factoid which by itself means nothing.

If the rain was not a real problem, you leftards would have plastered photos of it all over the place. And you know it.
THe presence of other world leaders there does not prove that the weather was not too severe for a helicopter.
It was not too severe to travel by car. If it was for golf, trump would rough a drizzle. But not to honor our fallen military. He likes soldiers who live.

Dude. GIVE IT UP. You lib fools are jumping all over the place to hide from the fact that you don't know shit about what was going on, and are just saying whatever shit lets you attack your enemies.
I know that trump refused to show up and blamed it on the rain.

Like I said, if it were for golf, he would have made the effort to show up.


Funny, you leftards haven't shown any pictures of how light the rain was on that day.

Reeeeeaaaaaal, funny.

Actually, here is a link that tells you what the actual conditions were on that day, as told to you by a licensed pilot..........................

Can Trump's Helicopter, Marine One, Fly in the Rain? - The Atlantic

I am not going to bother to decode this all. (Being able to read METARs is part of ground school in the learning-to-fly process.) But here are the essentials:

  • On Saturday morning, the weather in Paris was rainy and overcast—bad weather, but not any exceptional aeronautical challenge. The worst conditions during the day in Paris were at noon, when there was an overcast ceiling of 600 feet. (“101100Z 19011KT 2700 -RA BR OVC006.” The -RA means “light rain.” The BR means “mist,” and the mnemonic for remembering it is “Baby Rain.”) As a benchmark: To get an instrument rating, whether in an airplane or a helicopter, you have to show the ability to fly an approach “to minimums,” which (depending on the airport and the approach system) can be as low as 200 to 300 feet. Still, on Saturday morning, a helicopter trip from Paris would probably have meant spending part of the time in the clouds.
  • The temperature in Paris through the morning was 11 to 12 degrees Centigrade, or the low 50s Fahrenheit. That is not very cold. The normal “lapse rate” for air temperature is about 2 degrees Centigrade colder for each thousand feet you go up. In normal circumstances, that would mean the freezing level was at an altitude of around 6,000 feet. (To spell it out: 12 degrees Centigrade at ground level, minus 2 degrees for each thousand feet, means that you reach 0 degrees Centigrade around 6,000 feet up.) So at an altitude of 3,000 or 4,000 feet, this would not be an icing-peril scenario.
  • It was not very windy. Through the morning, the wind was reported at 11 or 12 knots—not enough to worry about.

The pilot said that there would have been zero problems with Marine 1 flying in the light rain.

Sorry, never heard of him. Is there any reason I should trust this guy?

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