WWII Survivor: Trump isn't like Hitler, the Leftists are!

Book of Jeremiah

Platinum Member
Nov 3, 2012
A woman who was born in Nazi Germany and survived WWII is speaking out about about her experience. She states that Trump isn't like Hitler! The rioting leftists are! This woman presents some excellent points and offers some much needed insight into what took place during the reign of Hitler. Please be sure to share this much needed truth with others.

Woman Born in Nazi Germany: Trump Isn’t Like Hitler, Rioting Leftists Are

“What is going on in this country is giving me chills. Trump is not like Hitler. Just because a leader wants order doesn’t mean they’re like a dictator. What reminds me more of Hitler than anything else isn’t Trump, it’s the destruction of freedom of speech on the college campuses — the agendas fueled by the professors.

That’s how Hitler started, he pulled in the youth to miseducate them, to brainwash them, it’s happening today.”

America needs to grow up. The young people who are rioting and destroying property, who have no respect for elders and freedom of speech, I was so proud to become a citizen of this country.

Professors shouldn’t be telling their students to go after freedom of speech. They should be telling them that this is the greatest country in the world. The demonstrators can’t tell you why they’re demonstrating. I’m not a Republican. I’m not a Democrat. I just want the country to be at peace.

I see what is happening here reflecting some of the things we saw in Germany, and it’s terrifying. It’s sad. But it’s not because of Trump. It’s because of poor education.

Trump is not like Hitler. The theory that he is is propaganda. Yes, I lived through some of Nazi Germany, but all you have to do is read some books about that period to see how wrong that theory is.”
Is he saying that the ones who support beatings and assassination of the POTUS are more like Nazis than the ones siding against violence... and for freedom of speech?

No shit... The left is now openly advocating people to beat up Trump supporters, burn shit down etc. In their imaginary fight against the Nazis, they have become the Nazis!

(In case it wasn't clear to everyone, they are indeed claiming that a gay Jewish man who praises black cock is a Nazi and thus needs to be beaten up - that's how insane they have become!)
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A woman who was born in Nazi Germany and survived WWII is speaking out about about her experience. She states that Trump isn't like Hitler! The rioting leftists are! This woman presents some excellent points and offers some much needed insight into what took place during the reign of Hitler. Please be sure to share this much needed truth with others.

Woman Born in Nazi Germany: Trump Isn’t Like Hitler, Rioting Leftists Are

“What is going on in this country is giving me chills. Trump is not like Hitler. Just because a leader wants order doesn’t mean they’re like a dictator. What reminds me more of Hitler than anything else isn’t Trump, it’s the destruction of freedom of speech on the college campuses — the agendas fueled by the professors.

That’s how Hitler started, he pulled in the youth to miseducate them, to brainwash them, it’s happening today.”

America needs to grow up. The young people who are rioting and destroying property, who have no respect for elders and freedom of speech, I was so proud to become a citizen of this country.

Professors shouldn’t be telling their students to go after freedom of speech. They should be telling them that this is the greatest country in the world. The demonstrators can’t tell you why they’re demonstrating. I’m not a Republican. I’m not a Democrat. I just want the country to be at peace.

I see what is happening here reflecting some of the things we saw in Germany, and it’s terrifying. It’s sad. But it’s not because of Trump. It’s because of poor education.

Trump is not like Hitler. The theory that he is is propaganda. Yes, I lived through some of Nazi Germany, but all you have to do is read some books about that period to see how wrong that theory is.”
Jeremiah, at 20 some days in office, Hitler wasn't like Hitler either...not the one he turned into that this woman remembers. It took him years to discredit every German constitutional protection and fill the government with judicial and miliraty flunkies....and nobody protested.
Neither the left, nor the right, is like Hitler. Such references are fucking retarded and show a serious lack of historical knowledge
Only one side owns fascism.....

Actually, I would agree that Trump is not like Hitler.....Much more like Idi Amin.
A woman who was born in Nazi Germany and survived WWII is speaking out about about her experience. She states that Trump isn't like Hitler! The rioting leftists are! This woman presents some excellent points and offers some much needed insight into what took place during the reign of Hitler. Please be sure to share this much needed truth with others.

Woman Born in Nazi Germany: Trump Isn’t Like Hitler, Rioting Leftists Are

“What is going on in this country is giving me chills. Trump is not like Hitler. Just because a leader wants order doesn’t mean they’re like a dictator. What reminds me more of Hitler than anything else isn’t Trump, it’s the destruction of freedom of speech on the college campuses — the agendas fueled by the professors.

That’s how Hitler started, he pulled in the youth to miseducate them, to brainwash them, it’s happening today.”

America needs to grow up. The young people who are rioting and destroying property, who have no respect for elders and freedom of speech, I was so proud to become a citizen of this country.

Professors shouldn’t be telling their students to go after freedom of speech. They should be telling them that this is the greatest country in the world. The demonstrators can’t tell you why they’re demonstrating. I’m not a Republican. I’m not a Democrat. I just want the country to be at peace.

I see what is happening here reflecting some of the things we saw in Germany, and it’s terrifying. It’s sad. But it’s not because of Trump. It’s because of poor education.

Trump is not like Hitler. The theory that he is is propaganda. Yes, I lived through some of Nazi Germany, but all you have to do is read some books about that period to see how wrong that theory is.”

Well said and oh so true!

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