Wyoming Bill Would Nullify Obama Gun Control, Jail Feds

Wyoming Bill Would Nullify Obama Gun Control, Jail Feds

Actually not.

As already correctly noted in other failed threads on the same subject, per Article VI, paragraph 2 of the Constitution (Supremacy Clause), Federal law trumps state laws, states have no authority to ‘nullify’ or ignore Federal statues, and “[n]o state legislator or executive or judicial officer can war against the Constitution without violating his solemn oath to support it.” (Cooper v. Aaron (1958)).

To suggest otherwise is willful ignorance.
Marijuana. Nuff said.
Wyoming Bill Would Nullify Obama Gun Control, Jail Feds

Actually not.

As already correctly noted in other failed threads on the same subject, per Article VI, paragraph 2 of the Constitution (Supremacy Clause), Federal law trumps state laws, states have no authority to ‘nullify’ or ignore Federal statues, and “[n]o state legislator or executive or judicial officer can war against the Constitution without violating his solemn oath to support it.” (Cooper v. Aaron (1958)).

To suggest otherwise is willful ignorance.
Marijuana. Nuff said.

And IF the Obama Administration gave a fuck and went after those states they would prevail in court, same as if they cared to go after the so called sanctuary cities.

But the courts aren't going to act on their own and the federal government itself is the only party with standing to sue.

It's the same logic they ussd to go after AZ, now one could , and I certainly do, contend that Obama is derelict in his duties for not going after those states which pass laws contrary to federal immigration laws, but I suppose they do have some discretion as to who they go after. Get a President elected who is against pot and he will go after Colorado ad Washington and win.

You can of course guess that Obama would go after states which fuck with him on gun control.

And no, we are not talking about an executive order, fuck EOs they aint law and that is that.
Actually not.

As already correctly noted in other failed threads on the same subject, per Article VI, paragraph 2 of the Constitution (Supremacy Clause), Federal law trumps state laws, states have no authority to ‘nullify’ or ignore Federal statues, and “[n]o state legislator or executive or judicial officer can war against the Constitution without violating his solemn oath to support it.” (Cooper v. Aaron (1958)).

To suggest otherwise is willful ignorance.
Marijuana. Nuff said.

And IF the Obama Administration gave a fuck and went after those states they would prevail in court, same as if they cared to go after the so called sanctuary cities.

But the courts aren't going to act on their own and the federal government itself is the only party with standing to sue.

It's the same logic they ussd to go after AZ, now one could , and I certainly do, contend that Obama is derelict in his duties for not going after those states which pass laws contrary to federal immigration laws, but I suppose they do have some discretion as to who they go after. Get a President elected who is against pot and he will go after Colorado ad Washington and win.

You can of course guess that Obama would go after states which fuck with him on gun control.

And no, we are not talking about an executive order, fuck EOs they aint law and that is that.

I believe the Federal government would prevail re. sanctuary cities and immigration issues, but marijuana? not so sure.
As far as firearms. that pesky "shall not be infringed" kind of takes gun legislation out of the hands of the feds. It would be an interesting case, to be sure.
Marijuana. Nuff said.

And IF the Obama Administration gave a fuck and went after those states they would prevail in court, same as if they cared to go after the so called sanctuary cities.

But the courts aren't going to act on their own and the federal government itself is the only party with standing to sue.

It's the same logic they ussd to go after AZ, now one could , and I certainly do, contend that Obama is derelict in his duties for not going after those states which pass laws contrary to federal immigration laws, but I suppose they do have some discretion as to who they go after. Get a President elected who is against pot and he will go after Colorado ad Washington and win.

You can of course guess that Obama would go after states which fuck with him on gun control.

And no, we are not talking about an executive order, fuck EOs they aint law and that is that.

I believe the Federal government would prevail re. sanctuary cities and immigration issues, but marijuana? not so sure.
As far as firearms. that pesky "shall not be infringed" kind of takes gun legislation out of the hands of the feds. It would be an interesting case, to be sure.

Personally Ernie I believe that ANY laws which deal with gun control are unconstitutional. BUt that fight has been lost; and maybe for the better I don't know. So, that essentially means the laws we now have have been deemed constitutional. I don't believe a state would ever win a battle of trying to supersede a federal law, if the federal law has been ruled legal.

This Wyoming state law is about bluster, which is mostly what we'll get from Obama as concerns new gun control. Just a lot of people on both sides getting worked up over nothing.
And IF the Obama Administration gave a fuck and went after those states they would prevail in court, same as if they cared to go after the so called sanctuary cities.

But the courts aren't going to act on their own and the federal government itself is the only party with standing to sue.

It's the same logic they ussd to go after AZ, now one could , and I certainly do, contend that Obama is derelict in his duties for not going after those states which pass laws contrary to federal immigration laws, but I suppose they do have some discretion as to who they go after. Get a President elected who is against pot and he will go after Colorado ad Washington and win.

You can of course guess that Obama would go after states which fuck with him on gun control.

And no, we are not talking about an executive order, fuck EOs they aint law and that is that.

I believe the Federal government would prevail re. sanctuary cities and immigration issues, but marijuana? not so sure.
As far as firearms. that pesky "shall not be infringed" kind of takes gun legislation out of the hands of the feds. It would be an interesting case, to be sure.

Personally Ernie I believe that ANY laws which deal with gun control are unconstitutional. BUt that fight has been lost; and maybe for the better I don't know. So, that essentially means the laws we now have have been deemed constitutional. I don't believe a state would ever win a battle of trying to supersede a federal law, if the federal law has been ruled legal.

This Wyoming state law is about bluster, which is mostly what we'll get from Obama as concerns new gun control. Just a lot of people on both sides getting worked up over nothing.
Of course it's bluster, but it is going to bring states rights vs questionable federal law to the forefront. The debate will be informative.
I believe the Federal government would prevail re. sanctuary cities and immigration issues, but marijuana? not so sure.
As far as firearms. that pesky "shall not be infringed" kind of takes gun legislation out of the hands of the feds. It would be an interesting case, to be sure.

Personally Ernie I believe that ANY laws which deal with gun control are unconstitutional. BUt that fight has been lost; and maybe for the better I don't know. So, that essentially means the laws we now have have been deemed constitutional. I don't believe a state would ever win a battle of trying to supersede a federal law, if the federal law has been ruled legal.

This Wyoming state law is about bluster, which is mostly what we'll get from Obama as concerns new gun control. Just a lot of people on both sides getting worked up over nothing.
Of course it's bluster, but it is going to bring states rights vs questionable federal law to the forefront. The debate will be informative.

That issue was settled in 1865 bruh.
Wyoming Bill Would Nullify Obama Gun Control, Jail Feds

Actually not.

As already correctly noted in other failed threads on the same subject, per Article VI, paragraph 2 of the Constitution (Supremacy Clause), Federal law trumps state laws, states have no authority to ‘nullify’ or ignore Federal statues, and “[n]o state legislator or executive or judicial officer can war against the Constitution without violating his solemn oath to support it.” (Cooper v. Aaron (1958)).

To suggest otherwise is willful ignorance.
Marijuana. Nuff said.

But federal law still trumps state laws. One can still get in trouble with the DEA etc. Nuff said.
Actually not.

As already correctly noted in other failed threads on the same subject, per Article VI, paragraph 2 of the Constitution (Supremacy Clause), Federal law trumps state laws, states have no authority to ‘nullify’ or ignore Federal statues, and “[n]o state legislator or executive or judicial officer can war against the Constitution without violating his solemn oath to support it.” (Cooper v. Aaron (1958)).

To suggest otherwise is willful ignorance.
Marijuana. Nuff said.

But federal law still trumps state laws. One can still get in trouble with the DEA etc. Nuff said.

and as far as i know no one in Colorado or Washington has been stupid enough to even propose a bill that jails federal law enforcement officers for doing their jobs LOL

All this posturing is getting ridiculous.

Buy all the fucking pot you want, just stay home and smoke it, don't get caught with it.

Same with guns, for fucks sakes I bet I have 20K rounds of ammunition to go with my 57 weapons, and enough lead to pour probably another 10K rounds . And no one cares or will even know to care if I keep that shit to myself.

The idea of the bogeyman going door to door to collect guns is beyond preposterous.
All the ultra radicals are utterly insane: nothing is going to happen.
Marijuana. Nuff said.

But federal law still trumps state laws. One can still get in trouble with the DEA etc. Nuff said.

and as far as i know no one in Colorado or Washington has been stupid enough to even propose a bill that jails federal law enforcement officers for doing their jobs LOL

All this posturing is getting ridiculous.

Buy all the fucking pot you want, just stay home and smoke it, don't get caught with it.

Same with guns, for fucks sakes I bet I have 20K rounds of ammunition to go with my 57 weapons, and enough lead to pour probably another 10K rounds . And no one cares or will even know to care if I keep that shit to myself.

The idea of the bogeyman going door to door to collect guns is beyond preposterous.

Yeah I know, I live in Washington State. I might have a small amount of pot, but not about to get in the business.

As the Obama administration plots various assaults on gun rights by “executive order” and legislation, proposals described as “very extreme” even by some Democrats, state lawmakers in Wyoming have another idea. Republican legislators are rallying behind nullification legislation that would void unconstitutional infringements on the right to keep and bear arms, even providing prison time for any federal agents who may try to enforce Washington, D.C., gun control in the state. Lawmakers expect it to pass.

The new bill, H.B. 0104 or the “Firearms Protection Act,” would nullify any new federal infringements on the constitutionally protected gun rights of state residents — who enjoy some of the lowest crime rates while being among the most heavily armed people in America. Unconstitutional federal gun registration schemes, as well as restrictions on semi-automatic guns or standard-capacity magazines, would also be nullified under the legislation.

There are teeth in the proposed law too: Any federal official attempting to enforce unconstitutional statutes or decrees infringing on gun rights passed after January 1 of this year would be charged with a felony. If convicted, criminal officials would be punished by up to five years in state prison and a $5,000 fine. The legislation also authorizes the state attorney general to defend citizens of Wyoming if federal authorities seek prosecutions under unconstitutional gun control rules.

At least eight state representatives and two state senators have already sponsored the legislation. And nationwide, support for similar measures is exploding.

Wyoming Bill Would Nullify Obama Gun Control, Jail Feds

Laughable shit. Gotta love it. The Feds will be sending in the US Army to take over as soon as Wyoming illegally convicts and incarcerates a federal agent.
All these central planners gathered in one thread. Oh my!

Must have struck a nerve.

There are no ‘central planners’ in a Constitutional Republic, which is a Republic in jeopardy when citizens ignore the Constitution, its case law, and seek to undermine the rule of law, such as in Wyoming.

Apparently, you do not understand states rights and unconstitutional edicts from assholes that think they are above the Constitution.

Our Bill of Rights is intended to protect the people from the federal government.
All these central planners gathered in one thread. Oh my!

Must have struck a nerve.

There are no ‘central planners’ in a Constitutional Republic, which is a Republic in jeopardy when citizens ignore the Constitution, its case law, and seek to undermine the rule of law, such as in Wyoming.

Apparently, you do not understand states rights and unconstitutional edicts from assholes that think they are above the Constitution.

Our Bill of Rights is intended to protect the people from the federal government.

You're as demented as Cujo...
There are no ‘central planners’ in a Constitutional Republic, which is a Republic in jeopardy when citizens ignore the Constitution, its case law, and seek to undermine the rule of law, such as in Wyoming.

Apparently, you do not understand states rights and unconstitutional edicts from assholes that think they are above the Constitution.

Our Bill of Rights is intended to protect the people from the federal government.

You're as demented as Cujo...
What a brilliant argument! You should take up debating as a profession. Clearly, you would win all debates with that single ASININE statement!:clap2:

Actually, you have provided significant evidence to support my posit that liberals actually believe their personal attacks trump logic, reason and facts.

I recommend you pick your nose and stop breathing through your mouth.
Apparently, you do not understand states rights and unconstitutional edicts from assholes that think they are above the Constitution.

Our Bill of Rights is intended to protect the people from the federal government.

You're as demented as Cujo...
What a brilliant argument! You should take up debating as a profession. Clearly, you would win all debates with that single ASININE statement!:clap2:

Actually, you have provided significant evidence to support my posit that liberals actually believe their personal attacks trump logic, reason and facts.

I recommend you pick your nose and stop breathing through your mouth.

You correctly project that you "have provided significant evidence to support my posit that liberals actually believe their personal attacks trump logic, reason and facts."

You radicals are idiots.

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