Xi is Vanishing His Critics Already


Old Fogey
Sep 25, 2011
The Wuhan Virus is all about 'vanishing' President Trump and taking America down a notch.
No the media spin/narative of the virus is orchestrated and scripted for that tactic, but China is using this event to make the globe conveniently forget
Hong Kong and squelch that uprise.
The Wuhan Virus is all about 'vanishing' President Trump and taking America down a notch.
No the media spin/narative of the virus is orchestrated and scripted for that tactic, but China is using this event to make the globe conveniently forget
Hong Kong and squelch that uprise.
I agree with the Media's role. Just like a wildfire it takes a few components for it to spread. China started it and the Media fanned the flames.
The Chinese have effectively outmaneuvered Trump, for now. Let's look at how many birds they hit with this one Coronavirus bioweapon stone:

-The so called trade deal Trump wanted to close in order to cement his reelection is now no longer even being talked about.
-US and Western economies have been brought to complete halt and brink of financial collapse
-Trump's reelection is now in question
-They are now holding the US hostage as 80% of our drugs are manufacturered in China!
-Their Coronavirus is now in total check while they're laughing at what they did to us

I have read many articles alluding to Asians and especially Chinese having higher IQ's than the rest of the world. If this isn't proof of that I don't know what is. FYI I am still a Trump supporter and I think he will still come out a big winner in this, in more ways than one.
The Chinese have effectively outmaneuvered Trump, for now. Let's look at how many birds they hit with this one Coronavirus bioweapon stone:

-The so called trade deal Trump wanted to close in order to cement his reelection is now no longer even being talked about.
-US and Western economies have been brought to complete halt and brink of financial collapse
-Trump's reelection is now in question
-They are now holding the US hostage as 80% of our drugs are manufacturered in China!
-Their Coronavirus is now in total check while they're laughing at what they did to us

I have read many articles alluding to Asians and especially Chinese having higher IQ's than the rest of the world. If this isn't proof of that I don't know what is. FYI I am still a Trump supporter and I think he will still come out a big winner in this, in more ways than one.

Just because China has 'reported' their numbers in check & everyone is soooo much better...…..I'm not so sure that's the truth.

As for Trump & the election...…….look at the alternatives...…..yeah he's got this one in the bag, unless he's taken out in some way
I am still a Trump supporter and I think he will still come out a big winner in this, in more ways than one.
As for Trump & the election...…….look at the alternatives...…..yeah he's got this one in the bag, unless he's taken out in some way
You mean like by a highly contagious and deadly disease that is particularly deadly for people over 65?

That kind of 'taken out'?
The Chinese have effectively outmaneuvered Trump, for now. Let's look at how many birds they hit with this one Coronavirus bioweapon stone:

-The so called trade deal Trump wanted to close in order to cement his reelection is now no longer even being talked about.
-US and Western economies have been brought to complete halt and brink of financial collapse
-Trump's reelection is now in question
-They are now holding the US hostage as 80% of our drugs are manufacturered in China!
-Their Coronavirus is now in total check while they're laughing at what they did to us

I have read many articles alluding to Asians and especially Chinese having higher IQ's than the rest of the world. If this isn't proof of that I don't know what is. FYI I am still a Trump supporter and I think he will still come out a big winner in this, in more ways than one.

Just because China has 'reported' their numbers in check & everyone is soooo much better...…..I'm not so sure that's the truth.

As for Trump & the election...…….look at the alternatives...…..yeah he's got this one in the bag, unless he's taken out in some way
Trump won't get reelected if the virus isn't defeated (with minimal loss of life) and economy doesn't bounce back. Which is why he will get reelected, because at worst they're looking at this virus going away by late June or July, at which point gives Trump plenty of time to rebound the economy and take credit for it. There is no way Americans will trust that corrupt career politician goofball Biden over Trump.
For all the horse kaka from the Woketards about Trump being a dictator, this is how real dictators work.

Chinese tycoon vanishes after calling Xi a 'clown,' slamming government's handling of COVID-19

But Wokesters are so clueless, they may wind up pushing us into a dictatorship with their bullshit creating so much chaos that civilized society would rather have a dictatorship than to put up with them any more.

White western useful idiots have been praising the chicom rat bastids
There is no way Americans will trust that corrupt career politician goofball Biden over Trump.

Biden still has several months to show his supposed electability :rolleyes:

I'm not sure he'd be able to get enough votes, even if things don't get turned around. People do notice how he's been arguing with voters and making guffaws & slipping up at every turn and I don't think they're all that happy with him. They may vote for him, but even the never Trumpers will more likely stay home
Trump won't get reelected if the virus isn't defeated (with minimal loss of life) and economy doesn't bounce back. Which is why he will get reelected, because at worst they're looking at this virus going away by late June or July, at which point gives Trump plenty of time to rebound the economy and take credit for it. There is no way Americans will trust that corrupt career politician goofball Biden over Trump.
Yeah, the stupid Wokesters are setting themselves up for a colossal ass whooping this November.

By this October this thing will be forgotten, lol, in political terms, and yet the Dims are sop desperate, they are trying the Trump's Pandemic Gambit anyway.

This country really does need a better class of Oligarch Cleptocrats.
Trump won't get reelected if the virus isn't defeated (with minimal loss of life) and economy doesn't bounce back. Which is why he will get reelected, because at worst they're looking at this virus going away by late June or July, at which point gives Trump plenty of time to rebound the economy and take credit for it. There is no way Americans will trust that corrupt career politician goofball Biden over Trump.
Yeah, the stupid Wokesters are setting themselves up for a colossal ass whooping this November.

By this October this thing will be forgotten, lol, in political terms, and yet the Dims are sop desperate, they are trying the Trump's Pandemic Gambit anyway.

This country really does need a better class of Oligarch Cleptocrats.

True, they are all inbred morons.
Trump won't get reelected if the virus isn't defeated (with minimal loss of life) and economy doesn't bounce back. Which is why he will get reelected, because at worst they're looking at this virus going away by late June or July, at which point gives Trump plenty of time to rebound the economy and take credit for it. There is no way Americans will trust that corrupt career politician goofball Biden over Trump.
Yeah, the stupid Wokesters are setting themselves up for a colossal ass whooping this November.

By this October this thing will be forgotten, lol, in political terms, and yet the Dims are sop desperate, they are trying the Trump's Pandemic Gambit anyway.

This country really does need a better class of Oligarch Cleptocrats.
I think it all depends on what happens in the next two to three weeks, when the all mortgages, car payments, paychecks, rent are due. They need get enough money and relief out to the people, otherwise we'll have riots on our hands, by people of both sides of the isle.

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