Xi will use the Pelosi visit as a reason to invade Taiwan.

The issue is and it is not good, is that Pelosi has been uplifted by the 95% Prog loving media and entertainers. endlessly. This while spewing vindictive comments constantly against people who may not vote Prog. She is hated. And rightfully so. The Progs have systematically broken-down institution after institution in the nation. The military has been affected also. There are problems in it. With a percentage not very good even with constant training. Changing the culture a bit is one thing, but now some parts are in disarray. Wasted resources by corrupted and inept politicians and military brass totaling hundreds of billions of dollars and more on hardware not very good is also a problem.
She’s a patriot. Republicans hate America and love them some Handmaiden’s Tale theocracy. She believes in all of what America stands for and that really riles up the traitors that wanted to overturn a rightfully elected landslide winner in the last election.

The remnants of insurrectionist traitors in the government has deleted all those Jan 6 text messages in a shockingly illegal wiping of phones.

Now the military has looked at rooting out white supremacy and i can see how some people would be upset. But that’s the medicine we need.

Pelosi supports Taiwan and you should too.
The issue is and it is not good, is that Pelosi has been uplifted by the 95% Prog loving media and entertainers. endlessly. This while spewing vindictive comments constantly against people who may not vote Prog. She is hated. And rightfully so. The Progs have systematically broken-down institution after institution in the nation. The military has been affected also. There are problems in it. With a percentage not very good even with constant training. Changing the culture a bit is one thing, but now some parts are in disarray. Wasted resources by corrupted and inept politicians and military brass totaling hundreds of billions of dollars and more on hardware not very good is also a problem.
None of that explains why the right is rooting for China!
America's allies, Afghan, Ukrainian, and Taiwanese will all suffer the same fate. America's enemies know their window is closing. The Taiwan invasion must happen before 2023.

Xi will use the Pelosi visit to justify his invasion.
Are you doing a Hedda Hopper imitation.? Your paranoia is getting a little annoying. I bet you no invasion occurs over Nancy going to Taiwan.
The 7th Fleet works for the compromised, dementia-ravaged Criminal And Chief...

The one who did nothing after Xi released COVID....who said / did nothing when Xi told Biden if he did anything over COVID he would kill million of Americans by withholding drugs they supply to Americans dependent on them every day...
Except Biden was not president in 2019.
She’s a patriot. Republicans hate America and love them some Handmaiden’s Tale theocracy. She believes in all of what America stands for and that really riles up the traitors that wanted to overturn a rightfully elected landslide winner in the last election.

The remnants of insurrectionist traitors in the government has deleted all those Jan 6 text messages in a shockingly illegal wiping of phones.

Now the military has looked at rooting out white supremacy and i can see how some people would be upset. But that’s the medicine we need.

Pelosi supports Taiwan and you should too.
In what world do you see The Handmaids Tale. Theocracy? Everything you Progs do is on the stage. There was no theocracy when America was more God fearing before the transition to a godless human intensive system in the early 1970's. All of these messages we do can mean nothing. Before social media people spewed crap and you know it. The fact is there is very little push back by what you call Deplorables. Pelosi was not professional is corrupted. Trump pushed populist agendas that all politicians backed at one time or another including Pelosi. Today, the 95% Prog media will stomp on the necks of Deplorables again spewing what you did about her. She is just not worth dying for.
She is just not worth dying for
America is worth it though. You guys won’t turn this place into your cathedral of worship. It’s a country where all are welcome to pursue life liberty and happiness. All.
The natural result of having enemies more friendly now and less harmful than our own democrat party "government."

It is NOT "our own" ANYTHING, you Russian piece of shit.

Putin is "your own", Russkie.

No surprise the usual suspects are shitting their pants over Pelosi, and you're there to make them even more hysterical and pathetic.
It is NOT "our own" ANYTHING, you Russian piece of shit.
You're right. The democrat party is not our own, but the property and work of grunting slob seditionist Soros and whatever other pig shit Marxists you subscribe to.

Meantime, McShitstain Pelousi flies out of Taiwan on her Airforce One for greener pastures after making an ass of McBiden again directly contradicting the mumbling McFuckwad. She better enjoy her time now because come January, McNancy will be looking for a McJob.

And so the clean-up on you McSlobs has begun by Donald Trump:
  1. Rusty Bowers, pig shit #1 aced out in AZ by MAGA candidate Farnsworth for cooperating in the J6 witch trials. By, Rusty!
  2. MAGA candidate Blake Masters handily wins AZ senate race to go toe to toe with Demscum this Fall.
  3. MAGA candidate the great Kari Lake leading for AZ governor and most likely to win.
  4. And Tudor Dixon supported by Trump likely takes on Gretchen Whitmer.
Poor MegaSlob Demslime getting McGround into the McDirt left and right as Trump continues his almost perfect track stomping all over democrats and RINOS alike!!!

America First, you commie pig fart!
America's allies, Afghan, Ukrainian, and Taiwanese will all suffer the same fate. America's enemies know their window is closing. The Taiwan invasion must happen before 2023.

Xi will use the Pelosi visit to justify his invasion.

have they invaded yet?
America's allies, Afghan, Ukrainian, and Taiwanese will all suffer the same fate. America's enemies know their window is closing. The Taiwan invasion must happen before 2023.

Xi will use the Pelosi visit to justify his invasion.
Kind of doubtful. China doesn’t want to suffer the international embarrassment as Russia is getting from their Idiotic and ill advised invasion of Ukraine.
In what world do you see The Handmaids Tale. Theocracy? Everything you Progs do is on the stage. There was no theocracy when America was more God fearing before the transition to a godless human intensive system in the early 1970's. All of these messages we do can mean nothing. Before social media people spewed crap and you know it. The fact is there is very little push back by what you call Deplorables. Pelosi was not professional is corrupted. Trump pushed populist agendas that all politicians backed at one time or another including Pelosi. Today, the 95% Prog media will stomp on the necks of Deplorables again spewing what you did about her. She is just not worth dying for.
The only place we see the Handmaids is those women in Little-Red-Riding-Hoods shrieking around Congress when Kavanaugh was appointed to the USSC. And they were radical dems. So don't blame us for that atrocity.
America is worth it though. You guys won’t turn this place into your cathedral of worship. It’s a country where all are welcome to pursue life liberty and happiness. All.
Ha. No longer.

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