Ya think the Russians haven't calculated we have a weak paper-tiger for president?

Sonc -

I have been to Kyev twice, and have also been to Odessa and Transnistria. I have not been to the Crimea.

I am aware of Ukrainian history - particularly the great famine of the 1930's, when Stalin tried to starve the Ukrainian people to death.

What this has to do with Russian troops/militants shooting down passenger planes or invading the Ukarine, I have no idea.

It is simply a fact that Russia has effectively annexed the Crimea, and is now occupying Eastern Ukraine.
I asked a specific question.
We had to give our military base fascists?
Sonc -

What you had to do was respect an independent country with a democratically elected government.

Is Putin a fascist?
And you respect the law?

I'll tell you the facts.
Fact 1 - President of Ukraine was dismissed illegally.
Fact 2 - people who seized power in Kiev, nobody chose.
Fact 3 - Crimea has its own legitimate government.
Fact 4 - This is a legitimate government decided to vote.
Fact 5 - Crimean population chose to join Russia.


I have a question for you.
Why you do not respect the legality of decisions of the Crimean population?
And call it the Russian aggression?
I asked a specific question.
We had to give our military base fascists?
Sevastopol was never under any threat. Sevastopol port was being respected and treaty that allowed it was being honored. Elections of Ukraine government were monitored by international observers and international press. They were recognized as legitimate elections and are recognized by the world.
Elections in Crimea, Luhansk and Donetsk are not recognized by world as legitimate. No observers or freedom of media. Only Russia recognized them as real countries. The rest of the world still views them as part of Ukraine. Even China refused to recognize elections in Crimea at the UN by abstaining from vote at Security Council and has called for integrity of Ukraine borders.
Why you do not respect the legality of decisions of the Crimean population?

Because Russia invaded the Crimea. Because it was an act of Russian aggression. Without Russian military support, Crimea would still be a part of the Ukraine.

The fact that some of those Russians lived in Crimea to begin with has nothing to do with it. A Finn living in Russia has no right to call in the Finnish army if he doesn't like the Russian goverment.
Why you do not respect the legality of decisions of the Crimean population?

Because Russia invaded the Crimea. Because it was an act of Russian aggression. Without Russian military support, Crimea would still be a part of the Ukraine.

The fact that some of those Russians lived in Crimea to begin with has nothing to do with it. A Finn living in Russia has no right to call in the Finnish army if he doesn't like the Russian goverment.
I asked a simple question for the children.
Ok . Let us first .
1. Legitimate President illegally suspended .
2. The power grab people . I no longer important to prove you fascists or not. I do not know what kind of education in Finland. Simply power grab some people .
3. These people are aggressive mood . They kill policemen. They threaten to kill Russian .

We have reason to worry for our military assets in the Crimea ?
Please no more moronic comments . Answer a simple question. YES or NO . Please.
"The fact that some of those Russians lived in Crimea to begin with has nothing to do with it. A Finn living in Russia has no right to call in the Finnish army if he doesn't like the Russian goverment."
What 's the problem?

If Finn has Russian citizenship , he can vote in presidential elections in Russia .
And no one cares , Finn he, or Chukchi .
Do you believe one country has the right to invade another country?
As the US and NATO in Iraq , Syria, Libya?
They can invade a country that cant even show on the map .
And we can not protect our military bases . This is regarded as an "act of aggression" .
Yes , you 're crazy .
Sonc -

No, I'm not crazy - I just have access to real news and information that you do not have access to.

Firstly - no one has invaded Syria except ISIS. There are no western troops in Syria. There are no western troops in Libya either, and never were.

Yes, the US did invade Iraq, and were probably wrong to do so. Yes, the west did support the overthrow of Qaddaffi, because it seemed clear that most Libyans wanted him gone.

This is not the case in Ukraine, where most Ukrainians lived a free life and were able to vote in democratic elections.

Russia is NOT a democracy, so perhaps it is difficult for you to understand what democracy is.
Sonc -

Yes, really.

It was explained to you earlier that international observers considered the elections free and fair.

The last Russian elections, on the other hand, were not considered free and fair.
Do you believe one country has the right to invade another country?
As the US and NATO in Iraq , Syria, Libya?
They can invade a country that cant even show on the map .
And we can not protect our military bases . This is regarded as an "act of aggression" .
Yes , you 're crazy .
When were Russian bases in need of protecting? Who were they protecting them from? What Russian base was under attack or threat?
We have reason to worry for our military assets in the Crimea ?
Oh. Really?=))
Democratic peaceful elections . There is no reason to worry .

Why do you think Russia has authority to be unilaterally involved in how Ukraine conducts it's business? Russia has signed treaties and agreed to follow specific procedures when and if Russia has a problem or complaint about another country. What makes Russia so special that they can ignore those agreements and treaties? This is the basis for the world turning against Russia. Russia is breaking international agreements and using it's military and threats of wide scale war and violence to defend it's law breaking illegal behavior.
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"I just have access to real news and information that you do not have access to. "
Can i see this source?
You know the Russian language?
You can read the Crimean forum and learn what think Crimeans?
Russians are getting a bad deal but it's not from other countries but rather their own government. Corruption is endemic. oligarchs have stolen everything that wasn't nailed down and those that attempt reform in Russia are frequently either killed or imprisoned. All most Russians have left are dreams of past glories. There are alot of good people in Russia and it is sad that they must endure this travesty.

On the international level Central Asia is moving towards an alliance with China - essentially distancing itself from Russia. Russia has failed to invest in it's own future and has but two industrial sectors driving the economy: raw materials (including energy) and military hardware. Unfortunately the price of oil is continuing to drop and will continue to do so through 2015. Sadly Russians seem to be heading for a very bleak future.

Can only hope Russians will be able to demand that their government begins to address the needs of the average Russian rather than continuing to finance the ambitions of Russia's elite.

Good luck.

Sonc -

I have been to Kyev twice, and have also been to Odessa and Transnistria. I have not been to the Crimea.

I am aware of Ukrainian history - particularly the great famine of the 1930's, when Stalin tried to starve the Ukrainian people to death.

What this has to do with Russian troops/militants shooting down passenger planes or invading the Ukarine, I have no idea.

It is simply a fact that Russia has effectively annexed the Crimea, and is now occupying Eastern Ukraine.

Yeah so? And Russia would never be behaving so belligerently if we didn't have a weak presidency. That is an obvious fact, that does not require "travel to Kiev".

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