Ya think the Russians haven't calculated we have a weak paper-tiger for president?

The Russians are playing the brinkmanship card because the sanctions the administration slapped on them is affecting their economy, but most importantly, it is hitting the leadership in their pocketbooks. They have don't have the economic power to do much more, much less to do what they are now doing for very long. Putin is not doing what he is doing because he thinks Obama is a pussy. It is typical Russian machismo, nothing else.

Exactly that.

Looking through this thread there isn't a great deal except anti-Americanism posturing as patriotism, but here at least we see someone nail the target.

Putin is motivated far, far more by his relationship with the EU and with the Ukraine than he is with the US right now, and of course the OP wouldn't know that the air and sea space of Sweden, Estonia and Finland has also been breached recently - or do they all have lame duck presidents as well?

What does make me laugh about this thread is this myopic view that anything and everything that happens in the world is because of the US - even when the US is playing a minor role in the events themselves.

In other words.......we should continue the foreign policy of sending Blimpie Subs and cases of Coke to our enemies...........keep that comfy feeling going!!!:happy-1::happy-1:


Straw men usually crash and burn. Congratulations.
The entire world knows we have a weak leader.

And that was basically the message of the Nov. 4 elections. During the 2012 campaign, Romney stated: "This president has exhibited a failure to lead"

Another well put description by a republican candidate. Does anybody think we would be in this economic and international mess had Romney been elected in 2012?

Oh, you mean where we less than 6% unemployment, massive stock market advances, dropping oil and gas prices, and the lowest deficit in years? That economic mess? Give me a break.

1) B.S. on the 6% unemployment claim. Underemployment is gigantic.
2) Obama has zero to do with lowering fuel prices. OPEC does.
3) As for the "lowest deficit in years" why not present all of the facts? The lower deficit has zero to do with reduced spending but due to increased taxation. In fact, the Obama administration has the world's record on the most taxes collected in October:


This continues a trend seen through fiscal 2014, which ended on Sept. 30, when the federal government took in a record $3,020,809,000,000 in revenue but still ran a deficit of $483,336,000,000.

In October, the first month of fiscal 2015, total federal revenues were $212,719,000,000, according to data released by the Treasury. Federal spending was 334,432,000,000 for the month. That left a deficit of $121,713,000,000.
Tax Revenues Set Record for October Feds Still Run Monthly Deficit of 1 050 Per Household CNS News

Well one thing for sure, the IRS thanks to Obama's expansion and hiring of an additional 200,000 agents is busy destroying people's lives, auditing the entire population of America.

This is true. Obama still have 2 years of destroying America's infrastructure and Constitutional foundation. He will continue with his Draconian-style "executive orders" with or without a Republican Congress and most Congressmen and Senators (both sides of the aisle) are too weak-kneed to do anything about it.
From their moves these days it's obvious that all of our enemies including Russians have realized what kind of president they are dealing with, and are now making their moves. When did our enemies ever dare pull this kind of shit?

Russian bomber patrols to reach Gulf of Mexico

MOSCOW — Russia's long-range bombers will conduct regular patrol missions from the Arctic Ocean to the Caribbean and the Gulf of Mexico, the military said Wednesday, a show of muscle reflecting tensions with the West over Ukraine.

A statement from Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu came as NATO's chief commander accused Moscow of sending new troops and tanks into Ukraine — a claim quickly rejected by Russia.

Shoigu said the tensions with the West over Ukraine would require Russia to also beef up its forces in the Crimea, the Black Sea Peninsula that Russia annexed in March.

He said Russian long-range bombers will conduct flights along Russian borders and over the Arctic Ocean. He added that "in the current situation we have to maintain military presence in the western Atlantic and eastern Pacific, as well as the Caribbean and the Gulf of Mexico."

He said that the increasing pace and duration of flights would require stronger maintenance efforts and relevant directives have been issued to industries.

Russian nuclear-capable strategic bombers were making regular patrols across the Atlantic and the Pacific Oceans during Cold War times, but the post-Soviet money crunch forced the military to cut back. The bomber patrol flights have resumed under President Vladimir Putin's tenure.

The patrols have become even more frequent in recent weeks with NATO reporting a spike in Russian military flights over the Black, Baltic and North seas as well as the Atlantic Ocean.

"When did our enemies ever dare pull this kind of shit?"

Did you ever hear of Pearl Harbor? Or 9/11? Erection of the Berlin Wall?

"Russian nuclear-capable strategic bombers were making regular patrols across the Atlantic and the Pacific Oceans during Cold War times, but the post-Soviet money crunch forced the military to cut back."

These kind of provocations and worse (Cuban Missile crises?) went on for about 50 yrs. during the Cold War. Let's be sensibly vigilant and try not to go back to the bad old days when MAD was the only thing that kept the human race from self-annihilation. Chill just a few degrees.
The entire world knows we have a weak leader.

And that was basically the message of the Nov. 4 elections. During the 2012 campaign, Romney stated: "This president has exhibited a failure to lead"

Another well put description by a republican candidate. Does anybody think we would be in this economic and international mess had Romney been elected in 2012?

Oh, you mean where we less than 6% unemployment, massive stock market advances, dropping oil and gas prices, and the lowest deficit in years? That economic mess? Give me a break.

1) B.S. on the 6% unemployment claim. Underemployment is gigantic.
2) Obama has zero to do with lowering fuel prices. OPEC does.
3) As for the "lowest deficit in years" why not present all of the facts? The lower deficit has zero to do with reduced spending but due to increased taxation. In fact, the Obama administration has the world's record on the most taxes collected in October:


This continues a trend seen through fiscal 2014, which ended on Sept. 30, when the federal government took in a record $3,020,809,000,000 in revenue but still ran a deficit of $483,336,000,000.

In October, the first month of fiscal 2015, total federal revenues were $212,719,000,000, according to data released by the Treasury. Federal spending was 334,432,000,000 for the month. That left a deficit of $121,713,000,000.
Tax Revenues Set Record for October Feds Still Run Monthly Deficit of 1 050 Per Household CNS News

Well one thing for sure, the IRS thanks to Obama's expansion and hiring of an additional 200,000 agents is busy destroying people's lives, auditing the entire population of America.

The entire population, eh? What,exactly, have you been smoking, dude?

Okay so that was an over exaggeration. Do you have any idea what the IRS is doing nowaday? You said it yourself, TAX REVENUES ARE AT RECORD HIGHS. You think might be because Obama just added an army of 200,000 agents to go out suck the American people's blood dry? Whoopie! Govt. jobs! All created to by Hussein Obama to go and steal money from Americans.

But heck, I suppose you like IRS auditors probing into every aspect of your personal and business life, and then coming up with unreasonable fines as judge, jury and executioner, taking away everything you worked for.
Last edited:
The Russians are playing the brinkmanship card because the sanctions the administration slapped on them is affecting their economy, but most importantly, it is hitting the leadership in their pocketbooks. They have don't have the economic power to do much more, much less to do what they are now doing for very long. Putin is not doing what he is doing because he thinks Obama is a pussy. It is typical Russian machismo, nothing else.

Exactly that.

Looking through this thread there isn't a great deal except anti-Americanism posturing as patriotism, but here at least we see someone nail the target.

Putin is motivated far, far more by his relationship with the EU and with the Ukraine than he is with the US right now, and of course the OP wouldn't know that the air and sea space of Sweden, Estonia and Finland has also been breached recently - or do they all have lame duck presidents as well?

What does make me laugh about this thread is this myopic view that anything and everything that happens in the world is because of the US - even when the US is playing a minor role in the events themselves.

Russia wouldn't even THINK of invading European air space had there been a strong US president that they feared and respected.

Why do you think Russia is fucking with all these countries that happen to be US allies and NATO members? Duuuuuhhhhh. Some people really can't put two and two together.
The entire world knows we have a weak leader.

And that was basically the message of the Nov. 4 elections. During the 2012 campaign, Romney stated: "This president has exhibited a failure to lead"

Another well put description by a republican candidate. Does anybody think we would be in this economic and international mess had Romney been elected in 2012?

Oh, you mean where we less than 6% unemployment, massive stock market advances, dropping oil and gas prices, and the lowest deficit in years? That economic mess? Give me a break.

Your superficial view of the economy is what causes the economic mess. You fail to address the real issues .... the number of people without jobs who have given up looking and thus, create a massive draw on those who do produce, the lack of substantive and real growth in the business community (as opposed to the manipulation of the stock market), the fact that we have, increasingly, had to depend on borrowed money to sustain ourselves, and overall loss of spending power by the citizenry.

You talk about lower oil and gas prices, and try to intimate that is the result of our government. Isn't it more truthful to say that this has happened DESPITE our government? It has been private development on private lands - something the government has prevented on public lands and has TRIED to stop on private lands - that has resulted in the lowering prices.

Lowest deficit in years is, frankly, a joke ... we should be proud that we are going bankrupt slower than we did last year? What kind of perverted logic is that? That is just a panacea to keep you misdirected from reality. Then, to add insult to injury, when you look at the deficit, you allow yourself to be bamboozled. You willingly drink from the fount of misinformation, not because you are intentionally misled, but because you WANT to be misled.

The deficit in 2008 was $458 billion - in 2009, it increased to $1.4 trillion, and has $1.2 trillion in 2010 and 2011, dropped all the way to $1 trillion in 2012 (notice this is an election year?), and $680 billion in 2013. Now, in 2014, it is projected to be about $480 billion, and to rise to $540 billion in 2015. US Federal Deficit Definition - plus charts and analysis

That means, in the past 6 years, we have spent about $8 trillion more than we took in ... and THIS is something you're proud of? Hardly an indicator of a robust economy and a facile government, wouldn't you say?

Wake up and look at the facts!!!

Your superficial view of the economy is what causes the economic mess.

So now it is my fault? That's hilarious. You 'pubicans' will blame everyone and everything but yourselves. Amazing,

It is the apparent unwillingness of the ignorant to expend the effort necessary to become conversant about our economy that is the problem. You accept the government pablum, unwilling to admit that it is in their interests to keep you unaware.

The government position on our economy doesn't pass the reality test ...
From their moves these days it's obvious that all of our enemies including Russians have realized what kind of president they are dealing with, and are now making their moves. When did our enemies ever dare pull this kind of shit?

Russian bomber patrols to reach Gulf of Mexico

MOSCOW — Russia's long-range bombers will conduct regular patrol missions from the Arctic Ocean to the Caribbean and the Gulf of Mexico, the military said Wednesday, a show of muscle reflecting tensions with the West over Ukraine.

A statement from Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu came as NATO's chief commander accused Moscow of sending new troops and tanks into Ukraine — a claim quickly rejected by Russia.

Shoigu said the tensions with the West over Ukraine would require Russia to also beef up its forces in the Crimea, the Black Sea Peninsula that Russia annexed in March.

He said Russian long-range bombers will conduct flights along Russian borders and over the Arctic Ocean. He added that "in the current situation we have to maintain military presence in the western Atlantic and eastern Pacific, as well as the Caribbean and the Gulf of Mexico."

He said that the increasing pace and duration of flights would require stronger maintenance efforts and relevant directives have been issued to industries.

Russian nuclear-capable strategic bombers were making regular patrols across the Atlantic and the Pacific Oceans during Cold War times, but the post-Soviet money crunch forced the military to cut back. The bomber patrol flights have resumed under President Vladimir Putin's tenure.

The patrols have become even more frequent in recent weeks with NATO reporting a spike in Russian military flights over the Black, Baltic and North seas as well as the Atlantic Ocean.

"When did our enemies ever dare pull this kind of shit?"

Did you ever hear of Pearl Harbor? Or 9/11? Erection of the Berlin Wall?

"Russian nuclear-capable strategic bombers were making regular patrols across the Atlantic and the Pacific Oceans during Cold War times, but the post-Soviet money crunch forced the military to cut back."

These kind of provocations and worse (Cuban Missile crises?) went on for about 50 yrs. during the Cold War. Let's be sensibly vigilant and try not to go back to the bad old days when MAD was the only thing that kept the human race from self-annihilation. Chill just a few degrees.

Me, chill? You and I are nobody's in the scheme of things. I just don't want to wake up one morning to find out that we are in the midst of an all out war with the Russians, with nuclear implications. Even Gorbachev predicted that we are heading towards another Cold War the way things are going. Thanks to the US president who promised a "reset" with the Russians. Yeah, reset my ass. It reset for the much worse.
Obama is a PUSSY cat, he is helping degrade America. The Russians love his sorry ass. Besides, all those Russians hacking into American accounts from target to Home depot , Obama isn't stopping that . Obama isn't up on all that stopping threats to Americans, Illegal aliens to Muslim terrorist to Russian hackers, he's more of a lackadaisical who gives a crap president. You voted for the man, not me, hell no. He's YOUR PRESIDENT.
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And that was basically the message of the Nov. 4 elections. During the 2012 campaign, Romney stated: "This president has exhibited a failure to lead"

Another well put description by a republican candidate. Does anybody think we would be in this economic and international mess had Romney been elected in 2012?

Oh, you mean where we less than 6% unemployment, massive stock market advances, dropping oil and gas prices, and the lowest deficit in years? That economic mess? Give me a break.

1) B.S. on the 6% unemployment claim. Underemployment is gigantic.
2) Obama has zero to do with lowering fuel prices. OPEC does.
3) As for the "lowest deficit in years" why not present all of the facts? The lower deficit has zero to do with reduced spending but due to increased taxation. In fact, the Obama administration has the world's record on the most taxes collected in October:


This continues a trend seen through fiscal 2014, which ended on Sept. 30, when the federal government took in a record $3,020,809,000,000 in revenue but still ran a deficit of $483,336,000,000.

In October, the first month of fiscal 2015, total federal revenues were $212,719,000,000, according to data released by the Treasury. Federal spending was 334,432,000,000 for the month. That left a deficit of $121,713,000,000.
Tax Revenues Set Record for October Feds Still Run Monthly Deficit of 1 050 Per Household CNS News

Well one thing for sure, the IRS thanks to Obama's expansion and hiring of an additional 200,000 agents is busy destroying people's lives, auditing the entire population of America.

The entire population, eh? What,exactly, have you been smoking, dude?

Okay so that was an over exaggeration. Do you have any idea what the IRS is doing nowaday? You said it yourself, TAX REVENUES ARE AT RECORD HIGHS. You think might be because Obama just added an army of 200,000 agents to go out suck the American people's blood dry? Whoopie! Govt. jobs! All created to by Hussein Obama to go and steal money from Americans.

But heck, I suppose you like IRS auditors probing into every aspect of your personal and business life, and then coming up with unreasonable fines as judge, jury and executioner, taking away everything you worked for.

Yes, it is an over exaggeration, by several orders of magnitude. I said nothing else about the IRS. Perhaps you need to re-read the thread. And dude, whenever unemployment rebounds, so do tax revenues. Next.
The Russians are playing the brinkmanship card because the sanctions the administration slapped on them is affecting their economy, but most importantly, it is hitting the leadership in their pocketbooks. They have don't have the economic power to do much more, much less to do what they are now doing for very long. Putin is not doing what he is doing because he thinks Obama is a pussy. It is typical Russian machismo, nothing else.

Exactly that.

Looking through this thread there isn't a great deal except anti-Americanism posturing as patriotism, but here at least we see someone nail the target.

Putin is motivated far, far more by his relationship with the EU and with the Ukraine than he is with the US right now, and of course the OP wouldn't know that the air and sea space of Sweden, Estonia and Finland has also been breached recently - or do they all have lame duck presidents as well?

What does make me laugh about this thread is this myopic view that anything and everything that happens in the world is because of the US - even when the US is playing a minor role in the events themselves.

Russia wouldn't even THINK of invading European air space had there been a strong US president that they feared and respected.

Why do you think Russia is fucking with all these countries that happen to be US allies and NATO members? Duuuuuhhhhh. Some people really can't put two and two together.

I've already stated my thoughts on Putin and why Russia is doing what it is doing. Did you miss it, above?
The entire world knows we have a weak leader.

And that was basically the message of the Nov. 4 elections. During the 2012 campaign, Romney stated: "This president has exhibited a failure to lead"

Another well put description by a republican candidate. Does anybody think we would be in this economic and international mess had Romney been elected in 2012?

Oh, you mean where we less than 6% unemployment, massive stock market advances, dropping oil and gas prices, and the lowest deficit in years? That economic mess? Give me a break.

Your superficial view of the economy is what causes the economic mess. You fail to address the real issues .... the number of people without jobs who have given up looking and thus, create a massive draw on those who do produce, the lack of substantive and real growth in the business community (as opposed to the manipulation of the stock market), the fact that we have, increasingly, had to depend on borrowed money to sustain ourselves, and overall loss of spending power by the citizenry.

You talk about lower oil and gas prices, and try to intimate that is the result of our government. Isn't it more truthful to say that this has happened DESPITE our government? It has been private development on private lands - something the government has prevented on public lands and has TRIED to stop on private lands - that has resulted in the lowering prices.

Lowest deficit in years is, frankly, a joke ... we should be proud that we are going bankrupt slower than we did last year? What kind of perverted logic is that? That is just a panacea to keep you misdirected from reality. Then, to add insult to injury, when you look at the deficit, you allow yourself to be bamboozled. You willingly drink from the fount of misinformation, not because you are intentionally misled, but because you WANT to be misled.

The deficit in 2008 was $458 billion - in 2009, it increased to $1.4 trillion, and has $1.2 trillion in 2010 and 2011, dropped all the way to $1 trillion in 2012 (notice this is an election year?), and $680 billion in 2013. Now, in 2014, it is projected to be about $480 billion, and to rise to $540 billion in 2015. US Federal Deficit Definition - plus charts and analysis

That means, in the past 6 years, we have spent about $8 trillion more than we took in ... and THIS is something you're proud of? Hardly an indicator of a robust economy and a facile government, wouldn't you say?

Wake up and look at the facts!!!

Your superficial view of the economy is what causes the economic mess.

So now it is my fault? That's hilarious. You 'pubicans' will blame everyone and everything but yourselves. Amazing,

It is the apparent unwillingness of the ignorant to expend the effort necessary to become conversant about our economy that is the problem. You accept the government pablum, unwilling to admit that it is in their interests to keep you unaware.

The government position on our economy doesn't pass the reality test ...

So now it is the fault of people who don't know anything or care anything about the economy (as opposed to those who do and have a long history of trashing it for self-gain) is it?
The entire world knows we have a weak leader.

And that was basically the message of the Nov. 4 elections. During the 2012 campaign, Romney stated: "This president has exhibited a failure to lead"

Another well put description by a republican candidate. Does anybody think we would be in this economic and international mess had Romney been elected in 2012?

Oh, you mean where we less than 6% unemployment, massive stock market advances, dropping oil and gas prices, and the lowest deficit in years? That economic mess? Give me a break.
How does that translate to median family income???

Give real people a break!
The entire world knows we have a weak leader.

And that was basically the message of the Nov. 4 elections. During the 2012 campaign, Romney stated: "This president has exhibited a failure to lead"

Another well put description by a republican candidate. Does anybody think we would be in this economic and international mess had Romney been elected in 2012?

Oh, you mean where we less than 6% unemployment, massive stock market advances, dropping oil and gas prices, and the lowest deficit in years? That economic mess? Give me a break.
How does that translate to median family income???

Give real people a break!
So the govt. controls what companies will pay?
From their moves these days it's obvious that all of our enemies including Russians have realized what kind of president they are dealing with, and are now making their moves. When did our enemies ever dare pull this kind of shit?

Russian bomber patrols to reach Gulf of Mexico

MOSCOW — Russia's long-range bombers will conduct regular patrol missions from the Arctic Ocean to the Caribbean and the Gulf of Mexico, the military said Wednesday, a show of muscle reflecting tensions with the West over Ukraine.

A statement from Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu came as NATO's chief commander accused Moscow of sending new troops and tanks into Ukraine — a claim quickly rejected by Russia.

Shoigu said the tensions with the West over Ukraine would require Russia to also beef up its forces in the Crimea, the Black Sea Peninsula that Russia annexed in March.

He said Russian long-range bombers will conduct flights along Russian borders and over the Arctic Ocean. He added that "in the current situation we have to maintain military presence in the western Atlantic and eastern Pacific, as well as the Caribbean and the Gulf of Mexico."

He said that the increasing pace and duration of flights would require stronger maintenance efforts and relevant directives have been issued to industries.

Russian nuclear-capable strategic bombers were making regular patrols across the Atlantic and the Pacific Oceans during Cold War times, but the post-Soviet money crunch forced the military to cut back. The bomber patrol flights have resumed under President Vladimir Putin's tenure.

The patrols have become even more frequent in recent weeks with NATO reporting a spike in Russian military flights over the Black, Baltic and North seas as well as the Atlantic Ocean.

"When did our enemies ever dare pull this kind of shit?"

Did you ever hear of Pearl Harbor? Or 9/11? Erection of the Berlin Wall?

"Russian nuclear-capable strategic bombers were making regular patrols across the Atlantic and the Pacific Oceans during Cold War times, but the post-Soviet money crunch forced the military to cut back."

These kind of provocations and worse (Cuban Missile crises?) went on for about 50 yrs. during the Cold War. Let's be sensibly vigilant and try not to go back to the bad old days when MAD was the only thing that kept the human race from self-annihilation. Chill just a few degrees.

Me, chill? You and I are nobody's in the scheme of things. I just don't want to wake up one morning to find out that we are in the midst of an all out war with the Russians, with nuclear implications. Even Gorbachev predicted that we are heading towards another Cold War the way things are going. Thanks to the US president who promised a "reset" with the Russians. Yeah, reset my ass. It reset for the much worse.

Okay, you ignored the main thrust of my post (that these threats and worse have been faced before) and jumped on the chill comment, I shouldn't have added that bit of frivolity. Anyway I stand by my post, you're accusing Obama of causing geopolitical tensions that have been going on since WWll. Hopefully someday Russia will have a leader closer to the mindset of a Gorbachev and not a corrupt ultra-nationalist autocrat like Putin. That leader may be successful in "resetting" a relationship with the west that doesn't involve constant conflict and confrontation. It pays to remember who the bad guys are here and it's not the West, or Obama. Being open to conversation and compromise is the only way, the adult way, to develop international cooperation and peace. Again, we should place the blame where it belongs for Putin's foreign policy, on Putin.
And that was basically the message of the Nov. 4 elections. During the 2012 campaign, Romney stated: "This president has exhibited a failure to lead"

Another well put description by a republican candidate. Does anybody think we would be in this economic and international mess had Romney been elected in 2012?

Oh, you mean where we less than 6% unemployment, massive stock market advances, dropping oil and gas prices, and the lowest deficit in years? That economic mess? Give me a break.

Your superficial view of the economy is what causes the economic mess. You fail to address the real issues .... the number of people without jobs who have given up looking and thus, create a massive draw on those who do produce, the lack of substantive and real growth in the business community (as opposed to the manipulation of the stock market), the fact that we have, increasingly, had to depend on borrowed money to sustain ourselves, and overall loss of spending power by the citizenry.

You talk about lower oil and gas prices, and try to intimate that is the result of our government. Isn't it more truthful to say that this has happened DESPITE our government? It has been private development on private lands - something the government has prevented on public lands and has TRIED to stop on private lands - that has resulted in the lowering prices.

Lowest deficit in years is, frankly, a joke ... we should be proud that we are going bankrupt slower than we did last year? What kind of perverted logic is that? That is just a panacea to keep you misdirected from reality. Then, to add insult to injury, when you look at the deficit, you allow yourself to be bamboozled. You willingly drink from the fount of misinformation, not because you are intentionally misled, but because you WANT to be misled.

The deficit in 2008 was $458 billion - in 2009, it increased to $1.4 trillion, and has $1.2 trillion in 2010 and 2011, dropped all the way to $1 trillion in 2012 (notice this is an election year?), and $680 billion in 2013. Now, in 2014, it is projected to be about $480 billion, and to rise to $540 billion in 2015. US Federal Deficit Definition - plus charts and analysis

That means, in the past 6 years, we have spent about $8 trillion more than we took in ... and THIS is something you're proud of? Hardly an indicator of a robust economy and a facile government, wouldn't you say?

Wake up and look at the facts!!!

Your superficial view of the economy is what causes the economic mess.

So now it is my fault? That's hilarious. You 'pubicans' will blame everyone and everything but yourselves. Amazing,

It is the apparent unwillingness of the ignorant to expend the effort necessary to become conversant about our economy that is the problem. You accept the government pablum, unwilling to admit that it is in their interests to keep you unaware.

The government position on our economy doesn't pass the reality test ...

So now it is the fault of people who don't know anything or care anything about the economy (as opposed to those who do and have a long history of trashing it for self-gain) is it?

Let's try to be more accurate ... twisting words serves no purpose.

I said it is "... the fault of people who don't know anything or care anything ..." about the government that are directly contributory to the state of our economy. You were charged with the responsibility of monitoring the actions/programs of the government, and you abdicated your responsibility, allowing the government to use the economy as tool to keep you entrenched.
"ultra-nationalist autocrat like Putin"
Lol what? =))) Putin ultra-nationalist bugaga... write more.
Silly salami sucker Pootin will loose his ass this winter on oil and gas prices, and the US govt. is set to release strategic oil reserves and allow US oil to be sold on the open market...

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