Ya think the Russians haven't calculated we have a weak paper-tiger for president?

Silly salami sucker Pootin will loose his ass this winter on oil and gas prices, and the US govt. is set to release strategic oil reserves and allow US oil to be sold on the open market...

Oil price slump to trigger new US debt default crisis as Opec waits

Telegraph (UK) ^

Remember the global financial crisis, triggered six years ago when billions of dollars of dodgy loans - doled out by banks to subprime borrowers and then resold numerous times on international debt markets - began to unravel and default? Stock markets plunged, banks collapsed and the entire global financial system teetered on the brink of catastrophe. Well a similarly chilling economic scenario could be set off by the current collapse in oil prices. Based on recent stress tests of subprime borrowers in the energy sector in the US produced by Deutsche Bank, should the price of US crude fall by...
"all of our enemies including Russians"
Crazy people. Your president - the moron, and Im sorry.
But why enemies? Tell please that I would understand...)))
Mr. Putin appears to the paper tiger in the ongoing scenario.

That could be, definitely.

There is a lot of confusion in Russia right now, and a lot of anger. Interest have hit 9.5%, and hundreds of millions of euros have been pulled out of the country by foreign investors. Western brands are dumping local subsidiaries and many western products are no longer available.

Putin is still very much in power, but realistically he could be overthrown at any time. We can't know what forces are gathering around him.
Russia wouldn't even THINK of invading European air space had there been a strong US president that they feared and respected.


European airspace has very little to do with the US nor the US president.

As mentioned, there have been incursions into Swedish, Finnish and Estonian air and sea space in the past month, and those incursions were clear messages both to the EU and the individual countries involved. It is very much an issue for countries like Poland, Czech, Latvia and Azerbaijan as well, of course.

The idea that Russian policy towards Estonia changes with each US election is simply nonsense.
"all of our enemies including Russians"
Crazy people. Your president - the moron, and Im sorry.
But why enemies? Tell please that I would understand...)))

I doubt that it is possible for you to understand, but as long as Russia poses a threat to countries like the Ukraine, Azerbaijan, Estonia and their neighbours, then of course it must be considered a rogue and hostile state.

Russia is a dictaorship, and that should be opposed as a matter of principle.
Russia wouldn't even THINK of invading European air space had there been a strong US president that they feared and respected.


European airspace has very little to do with the US nor the US president.

As mentioned, there have been incursions into Swedish, Finnish and Estonian air and sea space in the past month, and those incursions were clear messages both to the EU and the individual countries involved. It is very much an issue for countries like Poland, Czech, Latvia and Azerbaijan as well, of course.

The idea that Russian policy towards Estonia changes with each US election is simply nonsense.

Yeah okay brain dead, whatever you say. Russia would be violating European NATO members' airspaces so blatantly regardless of whether we have a president perceived as weak by the international community. What a friggin idiot.
"but as long as Russia poses a threat"
What threat ? We dont threaten anyone , if you do not touch us.
"but as long as Russia poses a threat"
What threat ? We dont threaten anyone , if you do not touch us.

Perhaps you could explain the Russian view of taking Crimea, and the attacks on Ukraine?
Ya think the Russians haven't calculated we have a weak paper-tiger for president?

And what exactly would a 'strong' president do, start WWIII with Russia over Ukraine resulting in the deaths of millions.

The partisan ignorance and stupidity of you and most others on the right is truly remarkable.
Ya think the Russians haven't calculated we have a weak paper-tiger for president?

And what exactly would a 'strong' president do, start WWIII with Russia over Ukraine resulting in the deaths of millions.

The partisan ignorance and stupidity of you and most others on the right is truly remarkable.

What's he done Shyster that has made Putin leave Crimea, and stop attacking Ukraine? I'd like to know!

Mr. Putin appears to the paper tiger in the ongoing scenario.

That could be, definitely.

There is a lot of confusion in Russia right now, and a lot of anger. Interest have hit 9.5%, and hundreds of millions of euros have been pulled out of the country by foreign investors. Western brands are dumping local subsidiaries and many western products are no longer available.

Putin is still very much in power, but realistically he could be overthrown at any time. We can't know what forces are gathering around him.
From their moves these days it's obvious that all of our enemies including Russians have realized what kind of president they are dealing with, and are now making their moves. When did our enemies ever dare pull this kind of shit?

Russian bomber patrols to reach Gulf of Mexico

MOSCOW — Russia's long-range bombers will conduct regular patrol missions from the Arctic Ocean to the Caribbean and the Gulf of Mexico, the military said Wednesday, a show of muscle reflecting tensions with the West over Ukraine.

A statement from Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu came as NATO's chief commander accused Moscow of sending new troops and tanks into Ukraine — a claim quickly rejected by Russia.

Shoigu said the tensions with the West over Ukraine would require Russia to also beef up its forces in the Crimea, the Black Sea Peninsula that Russia annexed in March.

He said Russian long-range bombers will conduct flights along Russian borders and over the Arctic Ocean. He added that "in the current situation we have to maintain military presence in the western Atlantic and eastern Pacific, as well as the Caribbean and the Gulf of Mexico."

He said that the increasing pace and duration of flights would require stronger maintenance efforts and relevant directives have been issued to industries.

Russian nuclear-capable strategic bombers were making regular patrols across the Atlantic and the Pacific Oceans during Cold War times, but the post-Soviet money crunch forced the military to cut back. The bomber patrol flights have resumed under President Vladimir Putin's tenure.

The patrols have become even more frequent in recent weeks with NATO reporting a spike in Russian military flights over the Black, Baltic and North seas as well as the Atlantic Ocean.

"When did our enemies ever dare pull this kind of shit?"

Did you ever hear of Pearl Harbor? Or 9/11? Erection of the Berlin Wall?

"Russian nuclear-capable strategic bombers were making regular patrols across the Atlantic and the Pacific Oceans during Cold War times, but the post-Soviet money crunch forced the military to cut back."

These kind of provocations and worse (Cuban Missile crises?) went on for about 50 yrs. during the Cold War. Let's be sensibly vigilant and try not to go back to the bad old days when MAD was the only thing that kept the human race from self-annihilation. Chill just a few degrees.

Me, chill? You and I are nobody's in the scheme of things. I just don't want to wake up one morning to find out that we are in the midst of an all out war with the Russians, with nuclear implications. Even Gorbachev predicted that we are heading towards another Cold War the way things are going. Thanks to the US president who promised a "reset" with the Russians. Yeah, reset my ass. It reset for the much worse.

Okay, you ignored the main thrust of my post (that these threats and worse have been faced before) and jumped on the chill comment, I shouldn't have added that bit of frivolity. Anyway I stand by my post, you're accusing Obama of causing geopolitical tensions that have been going on since WWll. Hopefully someday Russia will have a leader closer to the mindset of a Gorbachev and not a corrupt ultra-nationalist autocrat like Putin. That leader may be successful in "resetting" a relationship with the west that doesn't involve constant conflict and confrontation. It pays to remember who the bad guys are here and it's not the West, or Obama. Being open to conversation and compromise is the only way, the adult way, to develop international cooperation and peace. Again, we should place the blame where it belongs for Putin's foreign policy, on Putin.

So, Putin as a strong leader has perceived a weakness in our president and dwindling support both domestically and worldwide, and is making a calculated move knowing well that Obama won't do anything to stop him.

If on the other hand Obama was a different type of leader, Putin would make a different calculation not to mess with the commander of the world's mightiest armed forces.

Bottom line is, Obama is not only weak and indecisive, but very predictable.
Ya think the Russians haven't calculated we have a weak paper-tiger for president?

And what exactly would a 'strong' president do, start WWIII with Russia over Ukraine resulting in the deaths of millions.

The partisan ignorance and stupidity of you and most others on the right is truly remarkable.

If Obama wasn't weak and indecisive, Putin wouldn't have done what he did. Duh. The denial and stupidity is astounding.
"but as long as Russia poses a threat"
What threat ? We dont threaten anyone , if you do not touch us.

Russia has entered the airspace of THREE countries in the past month - Finland, Sweden and Estonia.

In the past year, Russia has shot down a civilian air liner flying from Holland and invaded The Ukraine.

So yes - Russia is very much a threat.
Yeah okay brain dead, whatever you say. Russia would be violating European NATO members' airspaces so blatantly regardless of whether we have a president perceived as weak by the international community. What a friggin idiot.

Yes, that is correct.

And we know this because Sweden is not actually a member of NATO, of course - hence, their seaspace has nothing whatsoever to do with the US in anyway.
"but as long as Russia poses a threat"
What threat ? We dont threaten anyone , if you do not touch us.
Perhaps you could explain the Russian view of taking Crimea, and the attacks on Ukraine?
Ok. Sry my Eng=)
We did not attack the Ukraine. Legitimate Ukrainian president was overthrown . It was not a lawful dismissal .
The Nazis came to power in Kiev. About Ukrainian fascists you can read here ( for example). In Crimea, we have a naval base . We paid money for it .
You want that we gave nuclear weapons ( submarine ) to the fascists?
Crimean population voted for joining the Federation. This is not surprising , because there are Russian population .

1783 y . Sevastopol . South of Russia (!)

In Crimea, nobody died.
In eastern Ukraine, now a civil (!!!) war.
If we wanted to join them , we would have done as well as in the Crimea. Or at least try.
But now there are 3 countries . Dontskaya and Lugansk People's Republic and the Ukraine . And we none of them captured .
Sonc -

Do you honestly believe that nonsense about fascists - or are you just concerned that Putin's thugs will arrest if you if you do not support them?

If we wanted to join them , we would have done as well as in the Crimea. Or at least try.

You have joined them, genius.

Nato has seen Russian military equipment and Russian combat troops entering Ukraine this week, its top commander Gen Philip Breedlove says.

Nato chief Jens Stoltenberg later urged Russia to pull back its forces.

Russia's defence ministry denied sending troops to eastern Ukraine to help pro-Russian separatists there.

The European OSCE monitoring mission has warned of "a real risk" of further escalation in a conflict that has killed more than 4,000 people.

Heavy artillery fire rocked the east Ukrainian city of Donetsk, the industrial hub held by pro-Russian separatist rebels, on Wednesday.

There were also reports of fighting near the rebel-held city of Luhansk, with one Ukrainian soldier killed and another injured, according to Ukrainian security forces.

BBC News - Ukraine crisis Russian troops crossed border Nato says
Sonc -

Do you honestly believe that nonsense about fascists - or are you just concerned that Putin's thugs will arrest if you if you do not support them?

If we wanted to join them , we would have done as well as in the Crimea. Or at least try.

You have joined them, genius.

Nato has seen Russian military equipment and Russian combat troops entering Ukraine this week, its top commander Gen Philip Breedlove says.

Nato chief Jens Stoltenberg later urged Russia to pull back its forces.

Russia's defence ministry denied sending troops to eastern Ukraine to help pro-Russian separatists there.

The European OSCE monitoring mission has warned of "a real risk" of further escalation in a conflict that has killed more than 4,000 people.

Heavy artillery fire rocked the east Ukrainian city of Donetsk, the industrial hub held by pro-Russian separatist rebels, on Wednesday.

There were also reports of fighting near the rebel-held city of Luhansk, with one Ukrainian soldier killed and another injured, according to Ukrainian security forces.

BBC News - Ukraine crisis Russian troops crossed border Nato says

And this is what happens when you have the far left in charge..

It is proof that the far left should not be in charge of anything in government.

Obama is a weak leader, except to the far left!

Putin is exercising his political and military muscles and is getting away with it.

How many have to die in the Ukraine for the far left to finally say, "Hey maybe we should do something about that".

Poll shows more Swedes in favor of NATO for first time Reuters
"Do you honestly believe that nonsense about fascists "
I do not believe , I know.
My grandfather died in the war . Another survived.
Do you think this is a lie to? Or "nonsense"?
Many times I was in the Kiev. In the Crimea I am rest in the summer. My wife's relatives from Ukraine.
How many times have you been in the Crimea and Ukraine?
Do you know the Russian language?
To understand that people are screaming at the video from the Maidan.
Or you do not understand anything of what was happening?
Leading news says it's bad, it's good.

Here's a video of crimes Ukrainian nationalists. It is a historical fact.

Do you think that the people who did it then , now disappeared? And those people who are in the Maidan shouting Nazi slogans and burned people - this is a coincidence?


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