Ya think the Russians haven't calculated we have a weak paper-tiger for president?

Roudy -

Was JFK a lame duck president at the time of the Cuban missile crisis?

Was Truman a lame duck during the Korean War?

Try to use a little common sense,nrather than just repeating the same empty myths.
Roudy -

Was JFK a lame duck president at the time of the Cuban missile crisis?

Was Truman a lame duck during the Korean War?

Try to use a little common sense,nrather than just repeating the same empty myths.

Yet Obama has been a lame duck President since day one..

Interesting how the far left can not see that..
Roudy -

Russia is behaving the same way that it has for a century, at least. Russia has been an aggressive, expansionist power under every president since FDR, ar least, and one could go back much further.

Was Ike a lame duck president? JFK? Truman?

Was the Soviet Union not agressive and expansionist during their terms in office?

It really is worth reading a bit of history, on this. You might be surprised how similar Putin is to the Russiand leaders who came a century before him.

The far left no matter what country they reside in, will protect Obama at all costs and never admit when they are wrong!
People, who has told you that Russia and Putin are your enemies??? Before Obama appeared these 2 countries were able to agree on fighting international terrorism, worked together at space programs and did it quite efficiently. Obama lies about so many things, so think: Russia may not be your enemy, just may be a competitor. Besides nobody likes Obama too much in Russia either. Obama was the one who pulled out an informational war on Russia and its president along with informational war against ethnic Russians in Ukraine. Whoever has eyes will see, whoever has ears will hear.

Russia's leader is an ex KGB apparatchik who runs the country like a mafia leader, and is not any about his intention to take Russia back to the "Glory Days" of the Soviet Union being a feared superpower, who has now seen an opening to achieve some of those goals, with a weak US president in power.
Putin has an approval rating of 90%. You might think he runs Russia like a mafia leader. Russians adore him and think he's doing a good job.
Putin's popularity rises out of a general felling of national pride. he is adored by the Russian people because he is credited with bringing Russia back from near ruin.
Roudy -

Was JFK a lame duck president at the time of the Cuban missile crisis?

Was Truman a lame duck during the Korean War?

Try to use a little common sense,nrather than just repeating the same empty myths.

Yet Obama has been a lame duck President since day one..

Interesting how the far left can not see that..
Obama has never been a "president". He has been a speech maker. A campaigner.
Obama's entire net worth as president has been wrapped up in politicking for the retention of democrat power in Washington.
Everything Obama does is rooted in politics. The guy has not made a single decision without considering the political ramifications.
If he felt he could get away with doing something and it not cost him politically, he'd do it.
With his reign over the country coming to an end, he no longer cares about anyone but himself and his legacy. He has to know, his legacy is destroyed.
That combined with his arrogance and enormous ego, makes him that much more dangerous.
This threat, yes threat of an exec order essentially wiping out US Immigration law is just one example.
Another Putin mancrush thread, nice!

Listen, this horseshit that Obama is week and perceived that way abroad is absolute balderdash. I thought that Obummer, or whatever you guys call him, indiscriminately took out his foes with drone-strikes?

Putin is getting his ass kicked by sanctions and he isn't talking so tough these days. Don't let that keep you traitors from bopping your Bologna, though!
Are you kidding. Putin is a scumbag. This is not about Putin and any popularity you may believe he may have. Putin is a rogue leader. His regime has no fear of the US. Hence the reason the Russian military is now circling the globe with aircraft and naval fleet. Putin and his advisers know Obama will do nothing.
Putin flips the bird in Obama's face and he just sits there like the school yard wimp and welcomes getting his ass kicked.
The Russians are playing the brinkmanship card because the sanctions the administration slapped on them is affecting their economy, but most importantly, it is hitting the leadership in their pocketbooks. They have don't have the economic power to do much more, much less to do what they are now doing for very long. Putin is not doing what he is doing because he thinks Obama is a pussy. It is typical Russian machismo, nothing else.

Actually, it's pretty obvious Putin and the rest of America's enemies and competitors are constantly sticking their fingers in America's eyes because they know Obama won't do a thing about it. It's just a question of how far they think they can push the envelope without further consequences.

What, exactly, do you believe Obama should be doing about it that he isn't already doing?
First...As in the past while Russia's aircraft were watching US, our aircraft were watching them. Just a reminder that no matter how many bombers and reconnaissance aircraft Russia has in close proximity to our airspace, there was always US aircraft within spitting distance, just in case Russia tried anything stupid.
Our guys are under Obama's order to sit on the ground.
Now you libs will shriek that under international law, the Russians have a right to make these flights. That is true, but WE also have the right to make our presence known just let te enemy know we are not going to take any shit from them.
And yes, Russia IS the enemy.
Another Putin mancrush thread, nice!

Listen, this horseshit that Obama is week and perceived that way abroad is absolute balderdash. I thought that Obummer, or whatever you guys call him, indiscriminately took out his foes with drone-strikes?

Putin is getting his ass kicked by sanctions and he isn't talking so tough these days. Don't let that keep you traitors from bopping your Bologna, though!

You're right, of course ... how could we have been so foolish?

Putin isn't talking tough today .... he's just rolling troops into a sovereign country. Man, that Obama just scares the bejesus out of him, doesn't he?

Saber rattling is not the act of a confident man.
Putin is not rattling sabres. People in Ukraine are dying. Cities are under siege with the presence of Russian troops.
The Russians shot down a commercial aircraft and our Dear Leader pissed his pants.
Now you will query once again in an attempt to ask a "trap" question, "what should Obama have done?"
Well step one would have been to freeze all Russian assets in US banks. Also, ban Russian stocks from being traded on any US Based exchange. Ban trading in the US of Russian based oil.
See, we could bring Russia to its knees without so much as mentioning sanctions. And that is because Russia's economy rises and falls on oil and natural gas.
From their moves these days it's obvious that all of our enemies including Russians have realized what kind of president they are dealing with, and are now making their moves. When did our enemies ever dare pull this kind of shit?

Russian bomber patrols to reach Gulf of Mexico

MOSCOW — Russia's long-range bombers will conduct regular patrol missions from the Arctic Ocean to the Caribbean and the Gulf of Mexico, the military said Wednesday, a show of muscle reflecting tensions with the West over Ukraine.

A statement from Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu came as NATO's chief commander accused Moscow of sending new troops and tanks into Ukraine — a claim quickly rejected by Russia.

Shoigu said the tensions with the West over Ukraine would require Russia to also beef up its forces in the Crimea, the Black Sea Peninsula that Russia annexed in March.

He said Russian long-range bombers will conduct flights along Russian borders and over the Arctic Ocean. He added that "in the current situation we have to maintain military presence in the western Atlantic and eastern Pacific, as well as the Caribbean and the Gulf of Mexico."

He said that the increasing pace and duration of flights would require stronger maintenance efforts and relevant directives have been issued to industries.

Russian nuclear-capable strategic bombers were making regular patrols across the Atlantic and the Pacific Oceans during Cold War times, but the post-Soviet money crunch forced the military to cut back. The bomber patrol flights have resumed under President Vladimir Putin's tenure.

The patrols have become even more frequent in recent weeks with NATO reporting a spike in Russian military flights over the Black, Baltic and North seas as well as the Atlantic Ocean.
You should definitely defect to Russia.

Why would I do that? :cuckoo:

Because Putin looks really hot without a shirt.

Maybe he would give you an autograph.

Also, you really seem to be a big fan of how they do things over there ... to the point where your nipples are visibly erect.
The Russians are playing the brinkmanship card because the sanctions the administration slapped on them is affecting their economy, but most importantly, it is hitting the leadership in their pocketbooks. They have don't have the economic power to do much more, much less to do what they are now doing for very long. Putin is not doing what he is doing because he thinks Obama is a pussy. It is typical Russian machismo, nothing else.

Actually, it's pretty obvious Putin and the rest of America's enemies and competitors are constantly sticking their fingers in America's eyes because they know Obama won't do a thing about it. It's just a question of how far they think they can push the envelope without further consequences.

What, exactly, do you believe Obama should be doing about it that he isn't already doing?
First...As in the past while Russia's aircraft were watching US, our aircraft were watching them. Just a reminder that no matter how many bombers and reconnaissance aircraft Russia has in close proximity to our airspace, there was always US aircraft within spitting distance, just in case Russia tried anything stupid.
Our guys are under Obama's order to sit on the ground.
Now you libs will shriek that under international law, the Russians have a right to make these flights. That is true, but WE also have the right to make our presence known just let te enemy know we are not going to take any shit from them.
And yes, Russia IS the enemy.

And you know that our strategic forces are sitting on the ground, how?
Another Putin mancrush thread, nice!

Listen, this horseshit that Obama is week and perceived that way abroad is absolute balderdash. I thought that Obummer, or whatever you guys call him, indiscriminately took out his foes with drone-strikes?

Putin is getting his ass kicked by sanctions and he isn't talking so tough these days. Don't let that keep you traitors from bopping your Bologna, though!

You're right, of course ... how could we have been so foolish?

Putin isn't talking tough today .... he's just rolling troops into a sovereign country. Man, that Obama just scares the bejesus out of him, doesn't he?

Saber rattling is not the act of a confident man.
Putin is not rattling sabres. People in Ukraine are dying. Cities are under siege with the presence of Russian troops.
The Russians shot down a commercial aircraft and our Dear Leader pissed his pants.
Now you will query once again in an attempt to ask a "trap" question, "what should Obama have done?"
Well step one would have been to freeze all Russian assets in US banks. Also, ban Russian stocks from being traded on any US Based exchange. Ban trading in the US of Russian based oil.
See, we could bring Russia to its knees without so much as mentioning sanctions. And that is because Russia's economy rises and falls on oil and natural gas.

So we should take steps that the Europeans (who are at far more risk than we are) aren't taking, why? I agree that Russia's economy depends on oil and gas. So does ours. And since the price of oil and gas is plummeting, do you not understand what effect that is having in Russia?
Roudy -

Was JFK a lame duck president at the time of the Cuban missile crisis?

Was Truman a lame duck during the Korean War?

Try to use a little common sense,nrather than just repeating the same empty myths.

So what you're saying is that despite all the international experts and political thinkers that have made observations about Obama being perceived as a weak and indecisive president by both our allies and enemies, which has contributed to the way countries like Russia are behaving today, you know better.
From their moves these days it's obvious that all of our enemies including Russians have realized what kind of president they are dealing with, and are now making their moves. When did our enemies ever dare pull this kind of shit?

Russian bomber patrols to reach Gulf of Mexico

MOSCOW — Russia's long-range bombers will conduct regular patrol missions from the Arctic Ocean to the Caribbean and the Gulf of Mexico, the military said Wednesday, a show of muscle reflecting tensions with the West over Ukraine.

A statement from Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu came as NATO's chief commander accused Moscow of sending new troops and tanks into Ukraine — a claim quickly rejected by Russia.

Shoigu said the tensions with the West over Ukraine would require Russia to also beef up its forces in the Crimea, the Black Sea Peninsula that Russia annexed in March.

He said Russian long-range bombers will conduct flights along Russian borders and over the Arctic Ocean. He added that "in the current situation we have to maintain military presence in the western Atlantic and eastern Pacific, as well as the Caribbean and the Gulf of Mexico."

He said that the increasing pace and duration of flights would require stronger maintenance efforts and relevant directives have been issued to industries.

Russian nuclear-capable strategic bombers were making regular patrols across the Atlantic and the Pacific Oceans during Cold War times, but the post-Soviet money crunch forced the military to cut back. The bomber patrol flights have resumed under President Vladimir Putin's tenure.

The patrols have become even more frequent in recent weeks with NATO reporting a spike in Russian military flights over the Black, Baltic and North seas as well as the Atlantic Ocean.
You should definitely defect to Russia.

Why would I do that? :cuckoo:

Because Putin looks really hot without a shirt.

Maybe he would give you an autograph.

Also, you really seem to be a big fan of how they do things over there ... to the point where your nipples are visibly erect.

Geez well if you put it like that...I'm definitely defecting now. Ha ha ha.
Roudy -

No, I'm not saying that.

The important thing is that you KNOW that the premise of this thread is nonsense. And you do know that, now. You do KNOW that you are wrong.

I'm not going to demand that you answer questions that we both know you don't have the balls to answer honestly.
People, who has told you that Russia and Putin are your enemies??? Before Obama appeared these 2 countries were able to agree on fighting international terrorism, worked together at space programs and did it quite efficiently. Obama lies about so many things, so think: Russia may not be your enemy, just may be a competitor. Besides nobody likes Obama too much in Russia either. Obama was the one who pulled out an informational war on Russia and its president along with informational war against ethnic Russians in Ukraine. Whoever has eyes will see, whoever has ears will hear.

Russia's leader is an ex KGB apparatchik who runs the country like a mafia leader, and is not any about his intention to take Russia back to the "Glory Days" of the Soviet Union being a feared superpower, who has now seen an opening to achieve some of those goals, with a weak US president in power.
Putin has an approval rating of 90%. You might think he runs Russia like a mafia leader. Russians adore him and think he's doing a good job.
Putin's popularity rises out of a general felling of national pride. he is adored by the Russian people because he is credited with bringing Russia back from near ruin.

There is also a cultural component to it as well. Having been ruled by one strongman after another for decades, the people get used to the country being run by a bunch of thugs, which is what Putin and his cronies are.
Roudy -

No, I'm not saying that.

The important thing is that you KNOW that the premise of this thread is nonsense. And you do know that, now. You do KNOW that you are wrong.

I'm not going to demand that you answer questions that we both know you don't have the balls to answer honestly.

You are claiming that Russian behavior today has nothing to do with their perception of Obama as a weak and indecisive leader. Whereas the fact that Obama's foreign policy has been a disaster, is indisputable. Putin already calculated the worst case scenario of ineffective sanctions and Obama's meaningless speeches and empty threats, when he decided to invade and annex Crimea. Unfortunately Obama's extremely shallow experience, is no match for Putin's long history on the international scene and background as KJB chief.

As you can see, the West has already given up on Crimea, and now we're talking about preventing further aggression. The Russians are literally three moves ahead in this international chess game.
They're sending us a message all right. And I like it.

A message that Americans have failed to send to our governing body for the last six years.

This Nation is being presided over by a false prophet with allegiances rooted not on our soil.

:clap2: Accurately stated, Mr. H.
Stratord -

There is no one in the world who believes that Ukarine shot down that jet. We all know that it was Russian-backed militants.

Just as we all know hiow Stalin left the Ukrainians to starve in the Great Famine - the one your family apparently witnessed.
Since all the world "knows" who shot down the Malaysian Boeing, why nobody (including US, who claimed they had pictures!!!) presented anything yet??? As for me I don't believe Obama's Administration just because their lips are moving. If you do, I'm very sorry for you.

And how can I disagree with you about Great Famine, of course you "know" better about it comparing to those who actually lived in the USSR in 30-s and saw everything with their own eyes. Many people in the USA, especially on this forum, always "know" everything better. Situation in Ukraine only confirms it. It's an old tactics to scream about somebody's aggression to distract the world's attention from your own.
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Another Putin mancrush thread, nice!

Listen, this horseshit that Obama is week and perceived that way abroad is absolute balderdash. I thought that Obummer, or whatever you guys call him, indiscriminately took out his foes with drone-strikes?

Putin is getting his ass kicked by sanctions and he isn't talking so tough these days. Don't let that keep you traitors from bopping your Bologna, though!

You're right, of course ... how could we have been so foolish?

Putin isn't talking tough today .... he's just rolling troops into a sovereign country. Man, that Obama just scares the bejesus out of him, doesn't he?

Saber rattling is not the act of a confident man.
Putin is not rattling sabres. People in Ukraine are dying. Cities are under siege with the presence of Russian troops.
The Russians shot down a commercial aircraft and our Dear Leader pissed his pants.
Now you will query once again in an attempt to ask a "trap" question, "what should Obama have done?"
Well step one would have been to freeze all Russian assets in US banks. Also, ban Russian stocks from being traded on any US Based exchange. Ban trading in the US of Russian based oil.
See, we could bring Russia to its knees without so much as mentioning sanctions. And that is because Russia's economy rises and falls on oil and natural gas.

So we should take steps that the Europeans (who are at far more risk than we are) aren't taking, why? I agree that Russia's economy depends on oil and gas. So does ours. And since the price of oil and gas is plummeting, do you not understand what effect that is having in Russia?

It is never surprising just exactly how twisted, contorted, and convoluted the left will manipulate reality in order to provide some whimsical basis to justify the actions of Obama. Not surprising ... but disappointing.

The short answer is yes, we should take steps that the Europeans aren't taking ... because that's our role, no matter how quick Obama is to abdicate it. Only we have the economic force to do it. Only we have the oil and energy resources to apply any serious pressure.

If you look at each of the proposals put forth, none of them - with the exception of using NATO (which, incidentally, is most significantly a US supported action) - have the resources. Only we can significantly impact the price of oil - Germany can't.

Your question becomes nebulous and unrealistic when faced with real facts.Tell me --- why is the price of oil and gas plummeting? What has the EU done to cause that? What possible impact could the EU have on it?

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