Yates: Flynn Was 'Compromised With Respect To The Russians'

Yates: Flynn Was 'Compromised With Respect To The Russians'
Source: Talking Points Memo

By ALLEGRA KIRKLAND Published MAY 8, 2017 3:25 PM

Former Acting Attorney General Sally Yates testified Monday that she first warned the White House days after inauguration that ousted national security adviser Michael Flynn had misled members of the Trump administration about his contacts with Russian officials, and that Russia knew about those conversations.

“We felt like it was critical that we get this information to the White House because, in part, the Vice President was unknowingly making false statements to the public, and because we believed that Gen. Flynn was compromised with respect to the Russians,” Yates said in a hearing held by the Senate Judiciary Committee’s subcommittee on crime and terrorism.

Yates said she and a member of the Justice Department’s national security devision met with White House Counsel Don McGahn in his office on Jan. 26 to let him know that Vice President Mike Pence and other administration officials were going on the record with comments about Flynn’s contacts with Russia “that we knew to be untrue.”

She declined to describe how DOJ learned that Flynn was lying to the White House, saying that information was classified. Yates said she also informed McGahn that the FBI interviewed Flynn at the White House on Jan. 24, and declined to answer McGahn’s question about how he “did.”

Read more: Yates: Flynn Was 'Compromised With Respect To The Russians'

‘The Russians also knew’: Sally Yates confirms she warned White House that Flynn could be blackmailed

08 MAY 2017 AT 15:18 ET

During testimony in front of the Senate Intelligence Committee on Monday, former acting Attorney General Sally Yates said she had two in-person meetings and one phone call where she warned Trump administration officials about former National Security Adviser Michael Flynn.

Yates said she first requested the meetings to sound the alarms about Flynn after she saw public statements by Vice President Mike Pence about Flynn’s conversations with Russian government officials that she knew not to be true.

“We told them how we had this information, how we acquired it, how we knew it to be untrue,” said Yates, who says she spoke directly to the White House Counsel about this information.

Yates said that she told White House officials that Pence deserved to know that Flynn had not been truthful about his communications with Russian officials. “We weren’t the only ones who knew all of this,” Yates said. “The Russians also knew what Gen. Flynn had done.”

‘The Russians also knew’: Sally Yates confirms she warned White House that Flynn could be blackmailed

This story has legs...Look into manaford too as he was also working for Putin...We have a Russian traitor in the white house.
So this is going to be the lefts big "thing" for the next week. Should be fun.
[the reality that the FBI is actually investigating to see if there was any collaboration between Russia and Trump's campaign.
Todays testimony included that Obama personally warned Trump about Michael Flynn on November 10th.

How many times are republicans going to ignore warnings. FIrst there was August 6th 2001, and now November 10th 2016.
What exactly were the Russians going to blackmail him with? .

If we knew that- they wouldn't be able to blackmail him.

Of course if there was a quid pro quo being discussed at that meeting- yes they could blackmail him with that.

We can find out- all we have to do is give Flynn immunity from prosecution and he will agree to testify.

Of course Michael Flynn said that only guilty men do that.....
Yates: Flynn Was 'Compromised With Respect To The Russians'
Source: Talking Points Memo

By ALLEGRA KIRKLAND Published MAY 8, 2017 3:25 PM

Former Acting Attorney General Sally Yates testified Monday that she first warned the White House days after inauguration that ousted national security adviser Michael Flynn had misled members of the Trump administration about his contacts with Russian officials, and that Russia knew about those conversations.

“We felt like it was critical that we get this information to the White House because, in part, the Vice President was unknowingly making false statements to the public, and because we believed that Gen. Flynn was compromised with respect to the Russians,” Yates said in a hearing held by the Senate Judiciary Committee’s subcommittee on crime and terrorism.

Yates said she and a member of the Justice Department’s national security devision met with White House Counsel Don McGahn in his office on Jan. 26 to let him know that Vice President Mike Pence and other administration officials were going on the record with comments about Flynn’s contacts with Russia “that we knew to be untrue.”

She declined to describe how DOJ learned that Flynn was lying to the White House, saying that information was classified. Yates said she also informed McGahn that the FBI interviewed Flynn at the White House on Jan. 24, and declined to answer McGahn’s question about how he “did.”

Read more: Yates: Flynn Was 'Compromised With Respect To The Russians'

‘The Russians also knew’: Sally Yates confirms she warned White House that Flynn could be blackmailed

08 MAY 2017 AT 15:18 ET

During testimony in front of the Senate Intelligence Committee on Monday, former acting Attorney General Sally Yates said she had two in-person meetings and one phone call where she warned Trump administration officials about former National Security Adviser Michael Flynn.

Yates said she first requested the meetings to sound the alarms about Flynn after she saw public statements by Vice President Mike Pence about Flynn’s conversations with Russian government officials that she knew not to be true.

“We told them how we had this information, how we acquired it, how we knew it to be untrue,” said Yates, who says she spoke directly to the White House Counsel about this information.

Yates said that she told White House officials that Pence deserved to know that Flynn had not been truthful about his communications with Russian officials. “We weren’t the only ones who knew all of this,” Yates said. “The Russians also knew what Gen. Flynn had done.”

‘The Russians also knew’: Sally Yates confirms she warned White House that Flynn could be blackmailed

This story has legs...Look into manaford too as he was also working for Putin...We have a Russian traitor in the white house.
So this is going to be the lefts big "thing" for the next week. Should be fun.

For the next week? Hate to tell ya dude, but this has been going on since Flynn was fired, and will probably keep going until they figure out what did and didn't happen.
Yates: Flynn Was 'Compromised With Respect To The Russians'
Source: Talking Points Memo

By ALLEGRA KIRKLAND Published MAY 8, 2017 3:25 PM

Former Acting Attorney General Sally Yates testified Monday that she first warned the White House days after inauguration that ousted national security adviser Michael Flynn had misled members of the Trump administration about his contacts with Russian officials, and that Russia knew about those conversations.

“We felt like it was critical that we get this information to the White House because, in part, the Vice President was unknowingly making false statements to the public, and because we believed that Gen. Flynn was compromised with respect to the Russians,” Yates said in a hearing held by the Senate Judiciary Committee’s subcommittee on crime and terrorism.

Yates said she and a member of the Justice Department’s national security devision met with White House Counsel Don McGahn in his office on Jan. 26 to let him know that Vice President Mike Pence and other administration officials were going on the record with comments about Flynn’s contacts with Russia “that we knew to be untrue.”

She declined to describe how DOJ learned that Flynn was lying to the White House, saying that information was classified. Yates said she also informed McGahn that the FBI interviewed Flynn at the White House on Jan. 24, and declined to answer McGahn’s question about how he “did.”

Read more: Yates: Flynn Was 'Compromised With Respect To The Russians'

‘The Russians also knew’: Sally Yates confirms she warned White House that Flynn could be blackmailed

08 MAY 2017 AT 15:18 ET

During testimony in front of the Senate Intelligence Committee on Monday, former acting Attorney General Sally Yates said she had two in-person meetings and one phone call where she warned Trump administration officials about former National Security Adviser Michael Flynn.

Yates said she first requested the meetings to sound the alarms about Flynn after she saw public statements by Vice President Mike Pence about Flynn’s conversations with Russian government officials that she knew not to be true.

“We told them how we had this information, how we acquired it, how we knew it to be untrue,” said Yates, who says she spoke directly to the White House Counsel about this information.

Yates said that she told White House officials that Pence deserved to know that Flynn had not been truthful about his communications with Russian officials. “We weren’t the only ones who knew all of this,” Yates said. “The Russians also knew what Gen. Flynn had done.”

‘The Russians also knew’: Sally Yates confirms she warned White House that Flynn could be blackmailed

This story has legs...Look into manaford too as he was also working for Putin...We have a Russian traitor in the white house.
So this is going to be the lefts big "thing" for the next week. Should be fun.

Oh it all depends on what Trump tweets this week, or which world leader that he offends, or which of his cabinet is compromised this week.

There is plenty of room for Trump to obscure this testimony.
Yates: Flynn Was 'Compromised With Respect To The Russians'
Source: Talking Points Memo
This story has legs...Look into manaford too as he was also working for Putin...We have a Russian traitor in the white house.
So this is going to be the lefts big "thing" for the next week. Should be fun.

At least now we can answer the question "What did the president know, and when did he know it."
We still haven't heard you liberal liars say there was NO EVIDENCE OF COLLUSION between the Trump campaign and the Russians. Once again there is NO evidence of ANY wrongdoing and you still push an unending agenda to prove a LIE, or to FABRICATE a narrative of lies. So you are not even worth the time to read. Every time you call up another oshitass supporting they worm around the obvious crimes of the dimshits, and then they are always try to keep from answering the questions that prove all of your lies are worthless drivel. BUT when it comes to a long jail term for lying under oath, they don't have the ego of a Clinton or the support so they have to say that THEY KNOW OF NO EVIDENCE THAT THE TRUMP CAMPAIGN COLLUDED with the RUSSIANS. ONCE AGAIN all of the agencies, and all of the people in them say THERE IS NO EVIDENCE OF COLLUSION WITH RUSSIA BY THE TRUMP ADMINISTRATION, or CAMPAIGN. BZZZZZZ you are ejected for lying again.
You forgot a key word in that bit of selectivity, Ice Boi! Here is the sentence corrected to read correctly;
THEY KNOW OF NO EVIDENCE THAT THE TRUMP CAMPAIGN COLLUDED with the RUSSIANS YET, which they wish to disclose when the investigation has ended and the indictments are ready to hand out!
Last edited:
We still haven't heard you liberal liars say there was NO EVIDENCE OF COLLUSION between the Trump campaign and the Russians. Once again there is NO evidence of ANY wrongdoing and you still push an unending agenda to prove a LIE, or to FABRICATE a narrative of lies. So you are not even worth the time to read. Every time you call up another oshitass supporting they worm around the obvious crimes of the dimshits, and then they are always try to keep from answering the questions that prove all of your lies are worthless drivel. BUT when it comes to a long jail term for lying under oath, they don't have the ego of a Clinton or the support so they have to say that THEY KNOW OF NO EVIDENCE THAT THE TRUMP CAMPAIGN COLLUDED with the RUSSIANS. ONCE AGAIN all of the agencies, and all of the people in them say THERE IS NO EVIDENCE OF COLLUSION WITH RUSSIA BY THE TRUMP ADMINISTRATION, or CAMPAIGN. BZZZZZZ you are ejected for lying again.
You forgot a key word in that bit of selectivity, Ice Boi! Here is the sentence corrected to read correctly;
THEY KNOW OF NO EVIDENCE THAT THE TRUMP CAMPAIGN COLLUDED with the RUSSIANS YET, which they wish to disclose when the investigation has ended and the indictments are ready to hand out!

EXACTLY, so what is your point. EVERY INVESTIGATING entity has found NOTHING to even continue an investigation for, Yet we hear the same shit day after day from the dogshit that would not even call the shit they ran for president what she was. If they have found no evidence by NOW they wont unless it is manufactured by a leftist mole. As for your quote why has it NOT been widely released to the public as the NO EVIDENCE OF COLLUSION has, as for a liberal propagandist with no actual access to the real information saying that who gives a rattssaass. I have not heard an actual quote like that as anything but speculation by dimshit liberal lying scum. Are you one of those, OH yeah. BTMFW "NOT YET" means "not at all, we are just trying to keep a lie alive as we liberal dimshit scum usually do". HAHAHAA you are all jokes, and the butt too.
since when has 'no evidence' stopped rethuglicans from LOVING federal investigations? :lol:
in the middle of trying to investigate in order to prove if there is a legitimate case, do you really think investigators should just openly publish all the EVIDENCE as they go along..?? :lol:
What exactly were the Russians going to blackmail him with? .

If we knew that- they wouldn't be able to blackmail him.

Of course if there was a quid pro quo being discussed at that meeting- yes they could blackmail him with that.

We can find out- all we have to do is give Flynn immunity from prosecution and he will agree to testify.

Of course Michael Flynn said that only guilty men do that.....
So this is another non-story. No facts, just partisan speculation and innuendo. The lib's playbook is getting thin.
Sally Yates is presidential material. President Yates has a nice ring to it.
We still haven't heard you liberal liars say there was NO EVIDENCE OF COLLUSION between the Trump campaign and the Russians. Once again there is NO evidence of ANY wrongdoing and you still push an unending agenda to prove a LIE, or to FABRICATE a narrative of lies. So you are not even worth the time to read. Every time you call up another oshitass supporting they worm around the obvious crimes of the dimshits, and then they are always try to keep from answering the questions that prove all of your lies are worthless drivel. BUT when it comes to a long jail term for lying under oath, they don't have the ego of a Clinton or the support so they have to say that THEY KNOW OF NO EVIDENCE THAT THE TRUMP CAMPAIGN COLLUDED with the RUSSIANS. ONCE AGAIN all of the agencies, and all of the people in them say THERE IS NO EVIDENCE OF COLLUSION WITH RUSSIA BY THE TRUMP ADMINISTRATION, or CAMPAIGN. BZZZZZZ you are ejected for lying again.
You forgot a key word in that bit of selectivity, Ice Boi! Here is the sentence corrected to read correctly;
THEY KNOW OF NO EVIDENCE THAT THE TRUMP CAMPAIGN COLLUDED with the RUSSIANS YET, which they wish to disclose when the investigation has ended and the indictments are ready to hand out!

EXACTLY, so what is your point. EVERY INVESTIGATING entity has found NOTHING to even continue an investigation for, Yet we hear the same shit day after day from the dogshit that would not even call the shit they ran for president what she was. If they have found no evidence by NOW they wont unless it is manufactured by a leftist mole. As for your quote why has it NOT been widely released to the public as the NO EVIDENCE OF COLLUSION has, as for a liberal propagandist with no actual access to the real information saying that who gives a rattssaass. I have not heard an actual quote like that as anything but speculation by dimshit liberal lying scum. Are you one of those, OH yeah. BTMFW "NOT YET" means "not at all, we are just trying to keep a lie alive as we liberal dimshit scum usually do". HAHAHAA you are all jokes, and the butt too.
Being ahead in the first 1/4 mile of a cross country race doesn't make one a winner. Go ahead and invest your beliefs and faith in the Orange Clown and be a good little pliable tool and useful idiot!

Pay attention to the events of today and extrapolate from this point, fool! The Orange One will be gone in abject disgrace in time of his own devices helped along with the machinations of those he has surrounded his pitiful self!! My money is on Amendment XXV because he's showing his toys in the attic to all and sundry without respite!
What exactly were the Russians going to blackmail him with? .

If we knew that- they wouldn't be able to blackmail him.

Of course if there was a quid pro quo being discussed at that meeting- yes they could blackmail him with that.

We can find out- all we have to do is give Flynn immunity from prosecution and he will agree to testify.

Of course Michael Flynn said that only guilty men do that.....
So this is another non-story. No facts, just partisan speculation and innuendo. The lib's playbook is getting thin.

What is a non-story?

That Michael Flynn - the President's National Security Advisor- lied to the Vice President?
That Michael Flynn told Americans that only guilty men demand immunity from prosecution?
That Michael Flynn- the President's former National Security Advisor- now demands immunity from prosecution?
Or that Congress had Sally Yates testify- and she advised the President's staff that Michael Flynn had lied to them- and that the Russians knew this- and could use that to blackmail Michael Flynn?

Apparently the 'non-story'- is what Trumptards don't want people to be talking about- the facts
We still haven't heard you liberal liars say there was NO EVIDENCE OF COLLUSION between the Trump campaign and the Russians. Once again there is NO evidence of ANY wrongdoing and you still push an unending agenda to prove a LIE, or to FABRICATE a narrative of lies. So you are not even worth the time to read. Every time you call up another oshitass supporting they worm around the obvious crimes of the dimshits, and then they are always try to keep from answering the questions that prove all of your lies are worthless drivel. BUT when it comes to a long jail term for lying under oath, they don't have the ego of a Clinton or the support so they have to say that THEY KNOW OF NO EVIDENCE THAT THE TRUMP CAMPAIGN COLLUDED with the RUSSIANS. ONCE AGAIN all of the agencies, and all of the people in them say THERE IS NO EVIDENCE OF COLLUSION WITH RUSSIA BY THE TRUMP ADMINISTRATION, or CAMPAIGN. BZZZZZZ you are ejected for lying again.
You forgot a key word in that bit of selectivity, Ice Boi! Here is the sentence corrected to read correctly;
THEY KNOW OF NO EVIDENCE THAT THE TRUMP CAMPAIGN COLLUDED with the RUSSIANS YET, which they wish to disclose when the investigation has ended and the indictments are ready to hand out!

EXACTLY, so what is your point. EVERY INVESTIGATING entity has found NOTHING to even continue an investigation for, .


Because the FBI continues with their investigation right now.

Why do you want the FBI to stop investigating possible collusion?
So how did Flynn get a security clearance under the Obama administration if they knew or suspected this?

How? He was a fucking General... and he didn't start doing the shady shit until after Obama fired him. The Trump administration then didn't properly vet him when they gave him a position working in the White House despite it normally requiring a more detailed process than the regular security clearance measures...
Wow! Flynn sure is being held to a higher standard than Hillary Clinton was when the FBI investigated her and the email/server scandal.

'higher' standard?

Flynn got fired.
Clinton didn't get re-elected.

Neither has been charged with a crime yet.

What is the 'higher standard'?
Good point, so I may be wrong. However, I got the impression from the small part of the hearing that I watched that Flynn will not be let off the hook if it's found that he did anything illegal due to intent. "I didn't mean to" will not be an excuse that works for him.

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