Yeah, I'm a white nationalist. Here's why.

Street Juice

Platinum Member
Aug 15, 2018
I am a nationalist because humans group. We group according to our race, our gender, our culture, our religion, our language, our politics, our education, our occupation, our region, our age, and in many other ways. We also group according to nation.

All groupings carry the potential for conflict and destructive relations, but only the nation grouping is capable of embracing all the other groupings without destroying them. Thus, nations are the way to preserve the diversity of humanity. This is why we should be emphasizing our nationhood, rather than our race, for example. We should be American voters, not white voters, or female voters, or Muslim voters. If we are all proud nationalists (as we were until fairly recently), then we can entrust the power of the law to the nation as well as the security of our future.

Globalism is the enemy of nationalism. The globalist wants to see the power of the law condensed to a single point. This necessarily requires the elimination of borders (because, while borders are, indeed, imaginary lines, they are very real separations between two systems of law), which, in turn, eliminates the nation. And the diversity of the world contained in the diversity of nations is gone as well. This, in my view, would be a tragic loss. That's why I am a nationalist. And I'm white, so I am a white nationalist.
The Globalists have cradle to grave indoctrinated the masses,
of their main goals to destroy White peoples pride.

perhaps the most brainwashed generation, most brainwashed country, in the history of mankind.

I tend to think even Soviets, and yes even more so Nazis, weren't this brainwashed.

The funny thing is, judging by this forum, no matter how many times you bring up facts, they truly don't listen.
In b4 you get called a Grand Wizard. :5_1_12024:

Not saying the KKK is great, they aren't.
They're terrorists, and therefor wrong.

None the less, the KKK has killed a lot less than say W. Bush, or LBJ could,
Presidents who are basically ANTIFA types, or at least uber Liberal Globalists.

But, W. Bush still can walk around, without people despising him, unlike the Grand Wizard.

Talk about a dumb, indoctrinated nation.
In b4 you get called a Grand Wizard. :5_1_12024:

Not saying the KKK is great, they aren't.
They're terrorists, and therefor wrong.

None the less, the KKK has killed a lot less than say W. Bush, or LBJ could,
Presidents who are basically ANTIFA types, or at least uber Liberal Globalists.

But, W. Bush still can walk around, without people despising him, unlike the Grand Wizard.

Talk about a dumb, indoctrinated nation.

Pretty sure he does his walking around in South America.
In b4 you get called a Grand Wizard. :5_1_12024:

Not saying the KKK is great, they aren't.
They're terrorists, and therefor wrong.

None the less, the KKK has killed a lot less than say W. Bush, or LBJ could,
Presidents who are basically ANTIFA types, or at least uber Liberal Globalists.

But, W. Bush still can walk around, without people despising him, unlike the Grand Wizard.

Talk about a dumb, indoctrinated nation.

Pretty sure he does his walking around in South America.

Dumbya, or D. Duke?

D. Duke killed nobody.

Dumbya Bush killed like 100's of thousands, if not maybe a million.
He also helped tank the economy.

Yet, Dumbya Bush is treated far better than David Duke.
In b4 you get called a Grand Wizard. :5_1_12024:

Not saying the KKK is great, they aren't.
They're terrorists, and therefor wrong.

None the less, the KKK has killed a lot less than say W. Bush, or LBJ could,
Presidents who are basically ANTIFA types, or at least uber Liberal Globalists.

But, W. Bush still can walk around, without people despising him, unlike the Grand Wizard.

Talk about a dumb, indoctrinated nation.

Pretty sure he does his walking around in South America.

Dumbya, or D. Duke?

D. Duke killed nobody.

Dumbya Bush killed like 100's of thousands, if not maybe a million.
He also helped tank the economy.

Yet, Dumbya Bush is treated far better than David Duke.

W. Bush. Yes, he is responsible for thousands and thousands of deaths. He and his family were and are evil globalists. I think his dad had Reagan shot.
It is totally absurd that "White Nationalist" has been made indistinguishable from "White Supremacist". This is intentional deception by the Left as is all of their disinformation attacks on our country. I am appalled at what the Democratic Party has devolved into in just a couple of decades. It's frightening really.
The Globalists have cradle to grave indoctrinated the masses,
of their main goals to destroy White peoples pride.

perhaps the most brainwashed generation, most brainwashed country, in the history of mankind.

I tend to think even Soviets, and yes even more so Nazis, weren't this brainwashed.

The funny thing is, judging by this forum, no matter how many times you bring up facts, they truly don't listen.
Just reading down the titles of the posts in this forum--this one is racist, that one isn't racist--shows how thoroughly indoctrinated we are, with each accusation of racism and each denial strengthening the underlying indoctrination that racism is the greatest evil.

But is it? The concept of racism only appeared in this country after WWII when we imported large numbers of globalists from smoldering Europe.

Race is nothing more than a very large, very extended, somewhat inbred family. That's all it is. Just as I have more ancestors in common, and more recently, with my brother than I do with any other human on the planet, another white guy and I will have more ancestors in common, and more recently, than either of us does with any other person of another race on the planet. So whatever else someone means when they call someone a racist, they are actually just calling them a familyist.

Doing away with hate crime laws would be a step in the right direction. If all men are equal, wtf are these hate crime laws? They're designed to be a wedge dividing us.
I am a nationalist because humans group. We group according to our race, our gender, our culture, our religion, our language, our politics, our education, our occupation, our region, our age, and in many other ways. We also group according to nation.

All groupings carry the potential for conflict and destructive relations, but only the nation grouping is capable of embracing all the other groupings without destroying them. Thus, nations are the way to preserve the diversity of humanity. This is why we should be emphasizing our nationhood, rather than our race, for example. We should be American voters, not white voters, or female voters, or Muslim voters. If we are all proud nationalists (as we were until fairly recently), then we can entrust the power of the law to the nation as well as the security of our future.

Globalism is the enemy of nationalism. The globalist wants to see the power of the law condensed to a single point. This necessarily requires the elimination of borders (because, while borders are, indeed, imaginary lines, they are very real separations between two systems of law), which, in turn, eliminates the nation. And the diversity of the world contained in the diversity of nations is gone as well. This, in my view, would be a tragic loss. That's why I am a nationalist. And I'm white, so I am a white nationalist.

My parents came LEGALLY from South Asia so I'm NON-European but I basically AGREE with you! Groups matter to people all over the world especially Africans & Hispanics!
I am a nationalist because humans group. We group according to our race, our gender, our culture, our religion, our language, our politics, our education, our occupation, our region, our age, and in many other ways. We also group according to nation.

All groupings carry the potential for conflict and destructive relations, but only the nation grouping is capable of embracing all the other groupings without destroying them. Thus, nations are the way to preserve the diversity of humanity. This is why we should be emphasizing our nationhood, rather than our race, for example. We should be American voters, not white voters, or female voters, or Muslim voters. If we are all proud nationalists (as we were until fairly recently), then we can entrust the power of the law to the nation as well as the security of our future.

Globalism is the enemy of nationalism. The globalist wants to see the power of the law condensed to a single point. This necessarily requires the elimination of borders (because, while borders are, indeed, imaginary lines, they are very real separations between two systems of law), which, in turn, eliminates the nation. And the diversity of the world contained in the diversity of nations is gone as well. This, in my view, would be a tragic loss. That's why I am a nationalist. And I'm white, so I am a white nationalist.

So what you are really saying is the self-evident fact that birds of a feather stick together. I like Rock music so I generally don't hang out with classical fans. I like football, so I don't go to baseball games. I like spicy Asian food, so I don't usually go to meat and potato joints. Then Progressivism came along and now every TV ad and show has a white guy, a black girl and an Asian whatever hanging out as friends.

When blacks all hang out together, it is called BROTHERHOOD.

When Whites all hang out together, it is called RACISM and social injustice.
Again as a non-European the vast majority of Americans do NOT realize how LUCKY they are to be in America! Literally at least 90% of the world is worse off! Family, friends, as well as I have traveled overseas & seen it firsthand!

That's what sickens me when many(NOT all) blacks attack America, President Trump, & SCREAM racism every 5 seconds! They're only 13% of the population & 13% of ANY country doesn't get to dictate policy in that country!

If all the race CRYING blacks want to be in the majority Liberia & Ghana are there! After all Liberia was created for freed black slaves! Both of those nations allow anyone of African descent to become citizens!
Again as a non-European the vast majority of Americans do NOT realize how LUCKY they are to be in America! Literally at least 90% of the world is worse off! Family, friends, as well as I have traveled overseas & seen it firsthand!

That's what sickens me when many(NOT all) blacks attack America, President Trump, & SCREAM racism every 5 seconds! They're only 13% of the population & 13% of ANY country doesn't get to dictate policy in that country!

If all the race CRYING blacks want to be in the majority Liberia & Ghana are there! After all Liberia was created for freed black slaves! Both of those nations allow anyone of African descent to become citizens!

Well, it's actually much more about culture than anything else; the WASP culture in the U.S. was fairly unique in its origins, and far from perfect, but with wealth it was able to moderate its worst aspects much sooner than older aristocratic based societies in old Europe, which relied primarily on violence for change. Unfortunately, that American is disappearing, so the future will be different for the new peoples here; unless the treasonous violent scum are deported, without regard to color, and some moral standards are demanded of the business oligarchy, it's a certainty the U.S. will devolve into what many Asians and others were fleeing in the first place.

AS for Liberia, the freed slaves that formed that country set themselves up as ... slave plantation owners. Black people as a group aren't opposed to slavery, never have been, and aren't now; individually they just want to be owners, not the owned, is all.
I am a nationalist because humans group. We group according to our race, our gender, our culture, our religion, our language, our politics, our education, our occupation, our region, our age, and in many other ways. We also group according to nation.

All groupings carry the potential for conflict and destructive relations, but only the nation grouping is capable of embracing all the other groupings without destroying them. Thus, nations are the way to preserve the diversity of humanity. This is why we should be emphasizing our nationhood, rather than our race, for example. We should be American voters, not white voters, or female voters, or Muslim voters. If we are all proud nationalists (as we were until fairly recently), then we can entrust the power of the law to the nation as well as the security of our future.

Globalism is the enemy of nationalism. The globalist wants to see the power of the law condensed to a single point. This necessarily requires the elimination of borders (because, while borders are, indeed, imaginary lines, they are very real separations between two systems of law), which, in turn, eliminates the nation. And the diversity of the world contained in the diversity of nations is gone as well. This, in my view, would be a tragic loss. That's why I am a nationalist. And I'm white, so I am a white nationalist.

So what you are really saying is the self-evident fact that birds of a feather stick together. I like Rock music so I generally don't hang out with classical fans. I like football, so I don't go to baseball games. I like spicy Asian food, so I don't usually go to meat and potato joints. Then Progressivism came along and now every TV ad and show has a white guy, a black girl and an Asian whatever hanging out as friends.

When blacks all hang out together, it is called BROTHERHOOD.

When Whites all hang out together, it is called RACISM and social injustice.
Asian nepotism = good business
Jewish nepotism = group survival strategy
Black nepotism = brotherhood
Latino nepotism = family values
White nepotism = racism
I am a nationalist because humans group. We group according to our race, our gender, our culture, our religion, our language, our politics, our education, our occupation, our region, our age, and in many other ways. We also group according to nation.

All groupings carry the potential for conflict and destructive relations, but only the nation grouping is capable of embracing all the other groupings without destroying them. Thus, nations are the way to preserve the diversity of humanity. This is why we should be emphasizing our nationhood, rather than our race, for example. We should be American voters, not white voters, or female voters, or Muslim voters. If we are all proud nationalists (as we were until fairly recently), then we can entrust the power of the law to the nation as well as the security of our future.

Globalism is the enemy of nationalism. The globalist wants to see the power of the law condensed to a single point. This necessarily requires the elimination of borders (because, while borders are, indeed, imaginary lines, they are very real separations between two systems of law), which, in turn, eliminates the nation. And the diversity of the world contained in the diversity of nations is gone as well. This, in my view, would be a tragic loss. That's why I am a nationalist. And I'm white, so I am a white nationalist.

So what you are really saying is the self-evident fact that birds of a feather stick together. I like Rock music so I generally don't hang out with classical fans. I like football, so I don't go to baseball games. I like spicy Asian food, so I don't usually go to meat and potato joints. Then Progressivism came along and now every TV ad and show has a white guy, a black girl and an Asian whatever hanging out as friends.

When blacks all hang out together, it is called BROTHERHOOD.

When Whites all hang out together, it is called RACISM and social injustice.
Asian nepotism = good business
Jewish nepotism = group survival strategy
Black nepotism = brotherhood
Latino nepotism = family values
White nepotism = racism

That's indeed how it's spun. Good point.
I am a nationalist because humans group. We group according to our race, our gender, our culture, our religion, our language, our politics, our education, our occupation, our region, our age, and in many other ways. We also group according to nation.

All groupings carry the potential for conflict and destructive relations, but only the nation grouping is capable of embracing all the other groupings without destroying them. Thus, nations are the way to preserve the diversity of humanity. This is why we should be emphasizing our nationhood, rather than our race, for example. We should be American voters, not white voters, or female voters, or Muslim voters. If we are all proud nationalists (as we were until fairly recently), then we can entrust the power of the law to the nation as well as the security of our future.

Globalism is the enemy of nationalism. The globalist wants to see the power of the law condensed to a single point. This necessarily requires the elimination of borders (because, while borders are, indeed, imaginary lines, they are very real separations between two systems of law), which, in turn, eliminates the nation. And the diversity of the world contained in the diversity of nations is gone as well. This, in my view, would be a tragic loss. That's why I am a nationalist. And I'm white, so I am a white nationalist.

So what you are really saying is the self-evident fact that birds of a feather stick together. I like Rock music so I generally don't hang out with classical fans. I like football, so I don't go to baseball games. I like spicy Asian food, so I don't usually go to meat and potato joints. Then Progressivism came along and now every TV ad and show has a white guy, a black girl and an Asian whatever hanging out as friends.

When blacks all hang out together, it is called BROTHERHOOD.

When Whites all hang out together, it is called RACISM and social injustice.
Asian nepotism = good business
Jewish nepotism = group survival strategy
Black nepotism = brotherhood
Latino nepotism = family values
White nepotism = racism

Well, I don't know if I can define things that precisely, all I know is that the table is increasingly tilted in favor away from Whites, with their being held to a different standard than to other groups under the (derogatory) labels of "white privilege," etc. And when you point this out to a lot of people, they admit it calling it social justice or whatever. The bottom line is that there is a deliberate effort underway to disadvantage white people JUST BECAUSE THEY ARE WHITE ---- which is raw, naked racism ---- and RATIONALIZED, to effect a desired outcome of elevating minorities artificially.

Do you know that Texas is becoming a blue state because it is filling up with foreigners? I just watched a show where they noted that on one given street, that there was only one native Texan, everyone else on the street was from a (non-white) foreign country.

So long as markets are not determined by free market forces but instead structured artificially for the desired outcome of a special interest group, one is only creating more inequities, not solving them. If I go to a restaurant and 70-80% of the people there want the veal parmigiana, that isn't inequity, it is free choice to pick what you want. Don't force us to eat curry, fried rice and raw fish.
The concept of racism only appeared in this country after WWII when we imported large numbers of globalists from smoldering Europe.

Wait, what?

Racism came from Europe alright, it all started in 1492......Everyone knew that the African slaves were somewhat less than human and we were doing them a favor bringing them into civilization and least that's what educated people in Europe were taught at the time.
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The concept of racism only appeared in this country after WWII when we imported large numbers of globalists from smoldering Europe.

Wait, what?

Racism came from Europe alright, it all started in 1492......Everyone knew that the African slaves were somewhat less than human and we were doing them a favor bringing them into civilization and least that's what educated people in Europe were taught at the time.

Yeah, cuz nobody was racist n stuff until white people started beating hapless negroes n stuff for no reason, just cuz RACISM!
When I was 10 or 11, I was bike riding with some friends. We rode into an apartment complex and saw a pop machine sitting there wide open so we each took a can of pop and rode off. When I got home, I opened the pop and started drinking it. Enter mom, who knew we did not have any money with us when we took off. So she asked me how I got the pop. Looking back, it would have ended better if I had lied and said I found a dime laying on the ground. In 1971 you could still buy pop in a machine for a dime. However I didn’t do that. I told mom that I got it out of an open machine. About 20 seconds later you could have fried an egg on my derriere.

As this was happening I tried to explain how other kids did it too like that made it right. My mom did not have any of that. She informed me that I was stealing just like the other kids who took the pop out of that machine and I was being held responsible for what I did. The arguments being made here to deny racism is the same type of argument I used as a child. "Hey momma the others kids took it too, why should I be held accountable."

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