Yeap, CNN and MSNBC focusing ONLY on "gun control" and that is it. That is all.

Amazing isn't it? Chris Murphy (A DEMOCRAT) is on CNN right now and saying the lawmakers in regards to GUN CONTROL are complicit.

Amazing how right I am about these unreal pieces of crap using these tragedies to exploit and push their agendas.

I hate all of them.

We've had dozens of incidents like this, some of them involving children, and lawmakers failed to do anything about this.

THEY ARE complicate.

This guy was

On the FBI's watch list as a potential terrorist
Known to his co-workers to have violent tendencies
Got a divorce for slapping around his wife

and was still able to buy a gun designed for the military.

It is not just the AR-15 but the high capacity magazines

The guy shot over a hundred people and had to have fired hundreds of rounds

He had to carry in multiple (10?) high capacity magazines..
He was in there for 3 hours. That’s 180 minutes. That’s one victim every 1.8 minutes. If I had a 357 magnum, I could have shot as many as he shot.

Only he didn't.....I saw the video and could hear the shots in the background

They were rapid fire ......pop,pop, pop, pop as fast as he could pull the trigger
I can pull a trigger pretty damned fast.....even if it's a revolver.
Whats that have to do with Trump being right in both cases?

Trump is an unhinged piece of on the other hand are just a piece of shit
Road To 270: Electoral Map Already Looks Tough For Trump

Here is how comfortable the GOP is with the "Orange turd that talks ":2up:
Flake Urges Republicans to Withhold Endorsements

June 13, 2016

Sen. Jeff Flake (R-AZ) encouraged his GOP colleagues to withhold their endorsements of Donald Trump as a means of maintaining leverage over the presumptive Republican nominee, the Huffington Post reports.

Said Flake: “It’s not a comfortable position to not support your nominee of the party. None of us want to be in this position. But there are certain things that you can’t do as a candidate. And some of the things he’s done, I think, are beyond the pale.”
"Over 100 people have been killed or maimed at a gay dance club in Orlando by Omar Mateen, a Muslim terrorist. How many more innocent gays need to die before we admit that America, and the world, has an Islam problem?

I don’t mean a “radical Islam” problem or an “extremist Islam problem.” Violence is not the extreme in Islam any more: it’s the norm. The public’s patience for comments like the one below, from the dimwitted lesbian Sally Kohn, are wearing thin. As for mine, it’s long since run out.

Sally Kohn (@sallykohn) | Twitter

Obama’s response to the tragedy today was similarly limp-wristed. He made no mention of Islam or Muslims, instead condemning “hate and terror” and taking a brazen swipe at gun rights activists by noting “how easy it is to let people get their hands on a weapon.”

He didn’t even address the uniquely homophobic character of the attack. What a good liberal!

There’s no more room for equivocating. The Orlando shooting isn’t just the deadliest terrorist attack on U.S. shores since 9/11. It is also, by far, the worst act of violent homophobia in the nation’s history and the deadliest mass shooting in America ever.

According to the murderer’s father, his son became angry after he saw two men kissing in the street. “This had nothing to do with religion,” said the father, Seddique Mateen. “He saw two men kissing each other in front of his wife and kid and he got very angry” — as if that was some kind of excuse."

The Left Chose Islam Over Gays. Now 100 People Are Dead Or Maimed In Orlando

i saw a few of these rats bring up gun control last night, yet none of them brought up the fact that he was cleared to own weapons,,,aka, a license to kill. the real dumb democrats, as usual, brought up making it real hard to own weapons. Really? the killer was a security gaurd, they must be assuming that all security gaurds are armed with pop tarts and squirt guns
According to Trump this problem has an easy solution. If only Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama would say the words "Islamic Terrorists" these acts of terrorism would stop. At least that's what he preaches. Those are magic words, like "Open Sesame" or "Nicto Barrada" . Them NOT saying the magic words emboldens the killers to murder with impunity.

Not only are you a bloviated piece of shit hypocrite, you are also a liar.

Oh, btw. WE TOLD YOU SO!!!!!

Go ahead and ignore the isis problem that your skinny lying snake in the white house claimed was a JV team, and in fact rose to power under his watch.

Go ahead, keep ignoring it and keep thinking if we BAN ALL GUNS, it will make these things stop.

You are a loser. You are a liar. Worthy of ZERO respect.

Go ahead ask the losers on the left what their plan is to BAN ALL GUNS. Get them to go over their logistical plan. Get ready for absurd blank stares.
Of all the people who call me 'bloviating', you are the least qualified to use that epithet, my hyperbolic friend.
I watched MSNBC this morning, saw David Ignatius and Michael Hayden, and they didn't talk about gun control, although I'm pretty sure you wouldn't have liked what they said about other facets of this tragedy. Actually, as these heinous events happen, it is the assault-weapon enthusiasts like yourself that get so riled at any mention of guns a whole lot more than those against multiple-shot combat weapons in civilian hands.

What other facets?
I am curious what you or MSNBC thinks is the most important or compelling issues here and what we should do about the threat of Islamic terrorists in this country, if anything?
Here is obama's response to isis rising and murdering across the world and saying they will attack the US.


There you go. Our leader.
Did he happen to mention what he is going to do about American born jihadists who legally purchased a combat-type weapon?
I watched MSNBC this morning, saw David Ignatius and Michael Hayden, and they didn't talk about gun control, although I'm pretty sure you wouldn't have liked what they said about other facets of this tragedy. Actually, as these heinous events happen, it is the assault-weapon enthusiasts like yourself that get so riled at any mention of guns a whole lot more than those against multiple-shot combat weapons in civilian hands.

What other facets?
I am curious what you or MSNBC thinks is the most important or compelling issues here and what we should do about the threat of Islamic terrorists in this country, if anything?
Here is obama's response to isis rising and murdering across the world and saying they will attack the US.


There you go. Our leader.
Did he happen to mention what he is going to do about American born jihadists who legally purchased a combat-type weapon?
No. Nor would we expect him to. (Unless you think his babbling about gun control is anything but another diversion?)
After all, he has been protecting those types for 7 1/2 years, he surely is not going to pretend now.
Obama is a traitor. So in the position he is now in his job is to lie and deceive and detract the public from the real issues that terrorize us or threaten us.
i saw a few of these rats bring up gun control last night, yet none of them brought up the fact that he was cleared to own weapons,,,aka, a license to kill. the real dumb democrats, as usual, brought up making it real hard to own weapons. Really? the killer was a security gaurd, they must be assuming that all security gaurds are armed with pop tarts and squirt guns
According to Trump this problem has an easy solution. If only Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama would say the words "Islamic Terrorists" these acts of terrorism would stop. At least that's what he preaches. Those are magic words, like "Open Sesame" or "Nicto Barrada" . Them NOT saying the magic words emboldens the killers to murder with impunity.
When did Trump say that genius? Maybe he said that recognizing the problem is the first step towards resolving the problem? You are one stupid bastard.
And the problem IS....?
Amazing isn't it? Chris Murphy (A DEMOCRAT) is on CNN right now and saying the lawmakers in regards to GUN CONTROL are complicit.

Amazing how right I am about these unreal pieces of crap using these tragedies to exploit and push their agendas.

I hate all of them.
I imagine the shooter in Orlando hated them all too.
The left is so fucked up.

They back a religion that breeds these sick fucks by the thousands. Assholes that think two men kissing is more disgusting than shooting up a nightclub.

Did any of these morons bring up Paris shooting that killed twice as many? Cause there is strict gun control there.

Were the US lawmakers responsible for that too?

Oh never mind. Not sure why I attempted to be logical with the loser hypocrites on the left.

To date the worst terror attack is still 911 where 19 of those brown stink bombs destroyed NYC and killed over 3000 with out a gun.

Yet, this is all the exploiters of a tragedy will focus on. Political points.

They can all rot in hell. All of them.
I'm pretty sure the Orlando shooter wanted them to all rot in hell too. All of them.
The left will wail, whine, talk grand plans for gun control and more laws and by this time next week will move back to Trump and whatever the flavor of the day is with him. Same song and dance after every time this happens.
And the funny thing is...nothing changes. We've learned that mass shootings are as American as Apple pie now.
Did any of these morons bring up Paris shooting that killed twice as many? Cause there is strict gun control there.

Were the US lawmakers responsible for that too?

Oh never mind. Not sure why I attempted to be logical with the loser hypocrites on the left.

To date the worst terror attack is still 911 where 19 of those brown stink bombs destroyed NYC and killed over 3000 with out a gun.

Yet, this is all the exploiters of a tragedy will focus on. Political points.

They can all rot in hell. All of them.
Obama could of waited to speak until all of the bodies were removed. But he couldnt wait to bring up the need to take away guns from all white people.
And the funny thing is, we've been told for 8 years that President Obama was taking away our guns.
I watched MSNBC this morning, saw David Ignatius and Michael Hayden, and they didn't talk about gun control, although I'm pretty sure you wouldn't have liked what they said about other facets of this tragedy. Actually, as these heinous events happen, it is the assault-weapon enthusiasts like yourself that get so riled at any mention of guns a whole lot more than those against multiple-shot combat weapons in civilian hands.

What other facets?
I am curious what you or MSNBC thinks is the most important or compelling issues here and what we should do about the threat of Islamic terrorists in this country, if anything?
Here is obama's response to isis rising and murdering across the world and saying they will attack the US.


There you go. Our leader.
Did he happen to mention what he is going to do about American born jihadists who legally purchased a combat-type weapon?
No. Nor would we expect him to. (Unless you think his babbling about gun control is anything but another diversion?)
After all, he has been protecting those types for 7 1/2 years, he surely is not going to pretend now.
Obama is a traitor. So in the position he is now in his job is to lie and deceive and detract the public from the real issues that terrorize us or threaten us.
Protecting those types, turk? Drones killing off leadership, special forces ops is doing nothing? What he has been doing is protecting those Americans you want to cut out of the herd and isolate that DIDN'T blow up or mass murder or cut off heads or crucify or burn or drop from great heights. I see where you are coming from in your anger over mass murder. Your rage is justified IMHO, but I am not willing to go do exactly what they do, to become them.
The left is so fucked up.

They back a religion that breeds these sick fucks by the thousands. Assholes that think two men kissing is more disgusting than shooting up a nightclub.

The funny thing is, letting transpeople into public bathrooms is a hundred times we've been told for the last month.
Protecting those types, turk? Drones killing off leadership, special forces ops is doing nothing? What he has been doing is protecting those Americans you want to cut out of the herd and isolate that DIDN'T blow up or mass murder or cut off heads or crucify or burn or drop from great heights. I see where you are coming from in your anger over mass murder. Your rage is justified IMHO, but I am not willing to go do exactly what they do, to become them.
This bastard would not even talk to his generals in Afghanistan the first three months of his first term. Then he went against all of their recommendations. Then he demoralized our troops and he reduced our fighting capacity in numerous ways. Then he constantly ignored further recommendations in Iraq. He Then I am sure he has done the same with domestic terrorism intelligence --- ignored it or went against it. He lets enemies of the state out of Guantanamo so they can resume plotting against the U.S. Then he trades five known big time Islamic terrorists for one traitor of the U.S. army, Berghahl. (Well vetted a-holes.) Then he and his staff ignored the pleadings of those in high risk areas like Benghazi. Then he had the gall to lie to the American public about Benghazi. Then he refused to march with European leaders and the leaders of Israel and even Palestine against Islamic terroism when asked to do so in Paris. Instead he hid under his desk. Then he refuses to make the connection between the teachings of Islam, the evil ongoings in mosques in this country, will not admit we are taking risks allowing unvetted muslims into this nation, chastises Israel on numerous occasions, chastises Christians for getting all angry about ISIS atrocities against Christians, draws lines in sand not worth crap, never has a press conference explaining our policies towards ever growing Islamic terrorism, and will not ever call it what it is ---> TERRORISM BASED ON THE KORAN OR MUHAMMAD WITH DESIGNS FOR DESTROYING THE WHOLE WORLD INCLUDING AMERICA! Now go vote for Hillary and sit on your couch and keep day dreaming.
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i saw a few of these rats bring up gun control last night, yet none of them brought up the fact that he was cleared to own weapons,,,aka, a license to kill. the real dumb democrats, as usual, brought up making it real hard to own weapons. Really? the killer was a security gaurd, they must be assuming that all security gaurds are armed with pop tarts and squirt guns
According to Trump this problem has an easy solution. If only Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama would say the words "Islamic Terrorists" these acts of terrorism would stop. At least that's what he preaches. Those are magic words, like "Open Sesame" or "Nicto Barrada" . Them NOT saying the magic words emboldens the killers to murder with impunity.

If you're incapable of even saying what the problem is then you are incapable of addressing the problem.
Funny thing is, to state that the problem is Islamic terrorism ignores all the shootings that have nothing to do with Islamic terrorism.

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