Year Of Never Ending Revealing Scandals/Embarrassments,No Wonder Young Adults Wont Admit Being A Dem

Rexx Taylor

Platinum Member
Jan 6, 2015
:cow: :crybaby: :piss2: Does anyone actually know anyone under 40ish going around gloating how proud they are to be a liberal or democrat? And do we even have any very young democrat law makers in the senate/congress? Probably not. Who would want to admit or be associated with typical democrats such as Maxine/Warren/Hillary/Huma/The Weener/Bill/Weinstein and the rest?
Who knows how any Democrat running for office in 2018 will be able to outsmart the GOP being the GOP already has more than enough video evidence/news clips of Democrats in their most embarrassing moments/caught with their fly's down/pants down and just saying the most outlandish things and lies right on television?
Hi, my Name Is Joe Schmoe! and Yes I Am A Democrat And I Just Think The World Of Anthony Weener And Hillary Clinton !!! :laugh2:
:cow: :crybaby: :piss2: Does anyone actually know anyone under 40ish going around gloating how proud they are to be a liberal or democrat?

Two, as a matter of fact. They are university-educated idiots, intellectually stunted at age thirteen.

Their mother is the same, but not much given to bragging these days. :lmao:
Compared to trumps saga of failures and sexual deviancy there just is no reason to brag about rethuglians. I am a democrat, registered, and am looking forward to 2018 elections. And as for trump having more votes that is a fallacy only carried by low IQ repukes.
Compared to trumps saga of failures and sexual deviancy there just is no reason to brag about rethuglians. I am a democrat, registered, and am looking forward to 2018 elections. And as for trump having more votes that is a fallacy only carried by low IQ repukes.

Here's what we have on Donny T's watch...notice all the "FAILURES":
Consumer confidence / spending....UP
Real estate values...UP
Stock market....UP
Deportation of third world filth....UP
illegal immigration....DOWN
REAL American unity....way up
High quality REAL American's feel confident in government again while the piece of shits continue to piss their pants and feel like the piece of shits they actually are...(a priceless accomplishment)...haha...I could go on and on...this guy is absolutely KILLIN' IT and our wackos, criminals, illegals and bottom feeders can't stand it....hahaha

Remember, it's only been nine will take some time to undue years of corruption.
This admin will continue bitch-slapping the un-American filth among us for another 7 years....get yourself and your shit right or get ran over. Pretty simple shit.
:cow: :crybaby: :piss2: Does anyone actually know anyone under 40ish going around gloating how proud they are to be a liberal or democrat? And do we even have any very young democrat law makers in the senate/congress? Probably not. Who would want to admit or be associated with typical democrats such as Maxine/Warren/Hillary/Huma/The Weener/Bill/Weinstein and the rest?
Who knows how any Democrat running for office in 2018 will be able to outsmart the GOP being the GOP already has more than enough video evidence/news clips of Democrats in their most embarrassing moments/caught with their fly's down/pants down and just saying the most outlandish things and lies right on television?
Hi, my Name Is Joe Schmoe! and Yes I Am A Democrat And I Just Think The World Of Anthony Weener And Hillary Clinton !!! :laugh2:

The DNC has aligned itself with this nations lowest grade in every sense...and they're totally comfortable with's their last hope to remain relevant. They're officially the party of filth...they will only pander to the filth...they promise to govern on behalf of our filth.....their primary constituents are as follows:
illegals and barely Americans (anchor babies)
Men in dresses
Pole puffers
Welfare sucking bottom feeders (pet humans)
Indecent, classless un-Americans
Loon York and Mexifornia

Look around, ask around, you'll be very hard-pressed to find anyone legitimate who isn't a government employee to admit to being a Democrat or a Liberal.
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Compared to trumps saga of failures and sexual deviancy there just is no reason to brag about rethuglians. I am a democrat, registered, and am looking forward to 2018 elections. And as for trump having more votes that is a fallacy only carried by low IQ repukes.

Here's what we have on Donny T's watch...notice all the "FAILURES":
Consumer confidence / spending....UP
Real estate values...UP
Stock market....UP
Deportation of third world filth....UP
illegal immigration....DOWN
REAL American unity....way up
High quality REAL American's feel confident in government again while the piece of shits continue to piss their pants and feel like the piece of shits they actually are...(a priceless accomplishment)...haha...I could go on and on...this guy is absolutely KILLIN' IT and our wackos, criminals, illegals and bottom feeders can't stand it....hahaha

Remember, it's only been nine will take some time to undue years of corruption.
This admin will continue bitch-slapping the un-American filth among us for another 7 years....get yourself and your shit right or get ran over. Pretty simple shit.
Wow so much that is attributable to the prior administration! Real Americans can see what the rump is, a sorry ass loser. As for pissing my pants never did but i surte know a lot of republicans who do it every time mueller makes a statement. Enjoy the artificial high as it won't last long now. With all the division his family is creating in the US don't be surprised if gunfire is the end result.
:cow: :crybaby: :piss2: Does anyone actually know anyone under 40ish going around gloating how proud they are to be a liberal or democrat? And do we even have any very young democrat law makers in the senate/congress? Probably not. Who would want to admit or be associated with typical democrats such as Maxine/Warren/Hillary/Huma/The Weener/Bill/Weinstein and the rest?
Who knows how any Democrat running for office in 2018 will be able to outsmart the GOP being the GOP already has more than enough video evidence/news clips of Democrats in their most embarrassing moments/caught with their fly's down/pants down and just saying the most outlandish things and lies right on television?
Hi, my Name Is Joe Schmoe! and Yes I Am A Democrat And I Just Think The World Of Anthony Weener And Hillary Clinton !!! :laugh2:

The DNC has aligned itself with this nations lowest grade in every sense...and they're totally comfortable with's their last hope to stay relevant. They're officially the party of filth...they will only pander to the filth...they promise to govern on behalf of our filth.....their primary constituents are as follows:
illegals and barely Americans (anchor babies)
Men in dresses
Pole puffers
Welfare sucking bottom feeders (pet humans)
Indecent, classless un-Americans
Loon York and Mexifornia

Look around, ask around, you'll be very hard-pressed to find anyone legitimate who isn't a government employee to admit to being a Democrat or a Liberal.
To outsmart the GOP one only need be average intelligence as the gop is low IQ for sure.
Compared to trumps saga of failures and sexual deviancy there just is no reason to brag about rethuglians. I am a democrat, registered, and am looking forward to 2018 elections. And as for trump having more votes that is a fallacy only carried by low IQ repukes.

Here's what we have on Donny T's watch...notice all the "FAILURES":
Consumer confidence / spending....UP
Real estate values...UP
Stock market....UP
Deportation of third world filth....UP
illegal immigration....DOWN
REAL American unity....way up
High quality REAL American's feel confident in government again while the piece of shits continue to piss their pants and feel like the piece of shits they actually are...(a priceless accomplishment)...haha...I could go on and on...this guy is absolutely KILLIN' IT and our wackos, criminals, illegals and bottom feeders can't stand it....hahaha

Remember, it's only been nine will take some time to undue years of corruption.
This admin will continue bitch-slapping the un-American filth among us for another 7 years....get yourself and your shit right or get ran over. Pretty simple shit.
Wow so much that is attributable to the prior administration! Real Americans can see what the rump is, a sorry ass loser. As for pissing my pants never did but i surte know a lot of republicans who do it every time mueller makes a statement. Enjoy the artificial high as it won't last long now. With all the division his family is creating in the US don't be surprised if gunfire is the end result.

That may be true. Do us a favor and stand out in front...and wear a name tag.
Has anyone else asked why, given the stupefying degrees of DEM corruption within their own party, the fact that the DEM party was fucking BROKE after BONOBO fucked over the DNC why on earth would anyone think the DEMs are morally, intellectually equipped to actually run the country?????????
Fucking President Hillary would by now have sold off Alaska to Russia for a few pieces of broken mirror!
Has anyone else asked why, given the stupefying degrees of DEM corruption within their own party, the fact that the DEM party was fucking BROKE after BONOBO fucked over the DNC why on earth would anyone think the DEMs are morally, intellectually equipped to actually run the country?????????
Fucking President Hillary would by now have sold off Alaska to Russia for a few pieces of broken mirror!

Your observation is on point...BUT, you have to know Dems and Libs can't give two shits about morality and integrity....their whole deal is TOLERANCE! They only pretend to care about morality and integrity now because our POTUS has played them like the fools they are and he won't stop verbally bitch-slapping the living shit out of them.
Funny how Repubs control the government, do nothing for our problems, and you idiots are still talking about Democrats.
Compared to trumps saga of failures and sexual deviancy there just is no reason to brag about rethuglians. I am a democrat, registered, and am looking forward to 2018 elections. And as for trump having more votes that is a fallacy only carried by low IQ repukes.

Here's what we have on Donny T's watch...notice all the "FAILURES":
Consumer confidence / spending....UP
Real estate values...UP
Stock market....UP
Deportation of third world filth....UP
illegal immigration....DOWN
REAL American unity....way up
High quality REAL American's feel confident in government again while the piece of shits continue to piss their pants and feel like the piece of shits they actually are...(a priceless accomplishment)...haha...I could go on and on...this guy is absolutely KILLIN' IT and our wackos, criminals, illegals and bottom feeders can't stand it....hahaha

Remember, it's only been nine will take some time to undue years of corruption.
This admin will continue bitch-slapping the un-American filth among us for another 7 years....get yourself and your shit right or get ran over. Pretty simple shit.
Wow so much that is attributable to the prior administration! Real Americans can see what the rump is, a sorry ass loser. As for pissing my pants never did but i surte know a lot of republicans who do it every time mueller makes a statement. Enjoy the artificial high as it won't last long now. With all the division his family is creating in the US don't be surprised if gunfire is the end result.

The division has existed since the Democrats took off their masks following the 2000 election.

All too funny. Be careful what you wish for.
I don't know anyone trying to hid the fact that they are a democrat. Most people I know are more than willing to state where they are on a political level.

You seem to have a point based on a conjecture that is not in evidence.
Has anyone else asked why, given the stupefying degrees of DEM corruption within their own party, the fact that the DEM party was fucking BROKE after BONOBO fucked over the DNC why on earth would anyone think the DEMs are morally, intellectually equipped to actually run the country?????????
Fucking President Hillary would by now have sold off Alaska to Russia for a few pieces of broken mirror!

Your observation is on point...BUT, you have to know Dems and Libs can't give two shits about morality and integrity....their whole deal is TOLERANCE! They only pretend to care about morality and integrity now because our POTUS has played them like the fools they are and he won't stop verbally bitch-slapping the living shit out of them.
You are the one being bitch slapped by reality.
Compared to trumps saga of failures and sexual deviancy there just is no reason to brag about rethuglians. I am a democrat, registered, and am looking forward to 2018 elections. And as for trump having more votes that is a fallacy only carried by low IQ repukes.

I posted the actual vote count, and I have heard no one claim Trump got 13 million more votes except for one poster here. Looks like sarcasm really. Trump is at 59 percent disapproval, 37% approve in a consertative poll.:eusa_whistle:
Compared to trumps saga of failures and sexual deviancy there just is no reason to brag about rethuglians. I am a democrat, registered, and am looking forward to 2018 elections. And as for trump having more votes that is a fallacy only carried by low IQ repukes.

I posted the actual vote count, and I have heard no one claim Trump got 13 million more votes except for one poster here. Looks like sarcasm really. Trump is at 59 percent disapproval, 37% approve in a consertative poll.:eusa_whistle:

And yet the econ is approaching roaring status and our enemies are quaking because Trump may well bomb the snot out of them.

Compared to trumps saga of failures and sexual deviancy there just is no reason to brag about rethuglians. I am a democrat, registered, and am looking forward to 2018 elections. And as for trump having more votes that is a fallacy only carried by low IQ repukes.

I posted the actual vote count, and I have heard no one claim Trump got 13 million more votes except for one poster here. Looks like sarcasm really. Trump is at 59 percent disapproval, 37% approve in a consertative poll.:eusa_whistle:

And yet the econ is approaching roaring status and our enemies are quaking because Trump may well bomb the snot out of them.


Sure. The UK was our longest ally, May is ticked off, she does have a reason after all. Trump promised, Trump failed.

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