Yellowstone Volcano Alert System Just Detected 250% Increase in Activity

They are always threatening us with ....Yellowstone the super going to explode now...get ready and all that !look for your life......................blah blah blah

...............but the volcano always let us never happens!:(
I’m not feeling let down. 😜
Yellowstone is a hack writers stand- by, year in and out, when they have nothing to write about . But watch the sun spot activity now we are in Cycle25 .It is so high that NASA and AirForce have tried to hide the real figures . You would expect volcanic and earthquake activity to follow , particularly when CME ejections hit this planet . Big time on all reputable forecasts this cycle -- eleven year period .
Yellowstone is a Super Volcano. If it erupts most of the country is fucked. And the lava and ash do not care about political affiliation.

There is evidence that the last time this happened , the Tova Eruption in Indonesia, about 70,000 years ago, it reduced the human population on the entire Earth to fewer than 20,000.

In a time when were Hunter gatheres and not dependent on commercial farming to feed our population.
Yellowstone is a hack writers stand- by, year in and out, when they have nothing to write about . But watch the sun spot activity now we are in Cycle25 .It is so high that NASA and AirForce have tried to hide the real figures . You would expect volcanic and earthquake activity to follow , particularly when CME ejections hit this planet . Big time on all reputable forecasts this cycle -- eleven year period .
that was a '10'.........~S~
It'd be a hell of a thing to have happen in someone's lifetime...
It may take several millenia to equal what happened millions of years ago. I'm going to pray for our country some more this evening. My belief that God is in charge, and I hope others will pray for our nation and our world to start getting along better and stop the pickpocketing of our neighbors. Putin knew better than to do the things that Hitler did. If he makes it through the blasting his country is getting in retaliation for shooting it up against schools, womens' hospitals, and people he hated in the Ukraine. Surely the Russian people will convince him to return to peace if he survives the flak he is literally taking right now.
I live in the neighboring state of Utah. If the thing blows (which people have been predicting for decades) here's what could occur as a result:

"The eruption could be expected to kill as many as 90,000 people immediately and spread a 10-foot (3-meter) layer of molten ash as far as 1,000 miles (1,609 kilometers) from the park. Rescuers probably would have a tough time getting in there. The ash would block off all points of entry from the ground, and the spread of ash and gases into the atmosphere would stop most air travel, just as it did when a much smaller volcano erupted in Iceland in 2010 [source: Lemas].

Equally as frightening is the "nuclear winter" that some experts say could blanket the U.S. and other parts of the world if Yellowstone were to blow. Sulfuric gases released from the volcano would spring into the atmosphere and mix with the planet's water vapor. The haze of gas that could drape the country wouldn't just dim the sunlight — it also would cool temperatures. Falling temperatures would do a number on our food supply, decimating crops and throwing the food chain out of whack by leaving those at the bottom with little to eat. In fact, that's what many climate scientists believe happened in C.E. 535 after a supervolcano erupted in Java [sources: Browne, Weather Underground, Achenbach]."
Oh, Dang. I sure hope it doesn't explode. If it does, the Democrats will blame President Trump for that too!
Fascinating, how certain conservatives can turn any discussion into a reason to declare how much they hate liberals, and to tell everyone what pathetic little victims they are. They're just not normal.

And as hjmick pointed out, nothing abormal is happening at Yellowstone now. The OP was fooled by a clickbait scam, where someone makes up a crazy story to get clicks, which brings them money.
They are always threatening us with ....Yellowstone the super going to explode now...get ready and all that !look for your life......................blah blah blah

...............but the volcano always let us never happens!:(
The bottom line is, you can't worry about the things you can't control.
There will be well over 100 years of warning. The entire region would start to rise, not just the park, but miles around.

It would rise almost half a mile. And when it would cut loose, all life within range, dies.

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