Yellowstone Volcano Alert System Just Detected 250% Increase in Activity

Perhaps you should take yourself far less seriously — like everyone else does. 👍
Don't worry Belushi Boi.
If you hang around long enough you will get to witness every horror and cataclysmic catastrophe your little heart can imagine.
You're probably not going to read about any of it on the internet beforehand though.
Don't worry Belushi Boi.
If you hang around long enough you will get to witness every horror and cataclysmic catastrophe your little heart can imagine.
You're probably not going to read about any of it on the internet beforehand though.
Ah, muddledMick. You’re so self important, albeit without any valid basis, that your every post is like fingernails on a chalkboard.

You sit there imagining yourself as intelligent. :abgg2q.jpg: Happy delusion though it might be, it is the basis for everything you bleat out.

What simpletons such as you can’t possibly comprehend is that: no matter how you strain to place all of those with whom you disagree into a “one size fits all” stereotype, reality proves you wrong time and time again.

Hurry back to the dailyKos and MSLSDNC for a big refill, though. 👍
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Ah, muddledMick. You’re so self important, albeit without any valid basis, that your every post is like fingernails on a chalkboard.

You sit there imagining yourself is intelligent. :abgg2q.jpg: Happy delusion though it might be, it is the basis for everything you bleat out.

What simpletons such as you can’t possibly comprehend is that: no matter how you strain to place all of those with whom you disagree into a “one size fits all” stereotype, reality proves you wrong time and time again.

Hurry back to the dailyKos and MSLSDNC for a big refill, though. 👍
What would you know about reality?
But I don't take advice from 32 year olds still living in their Mom's basement.
You don’t take advice from anyone, since you think you’re already in possession of knowledge and wisdom. You’re not.

You’re just a leaky little cup of stupid and arrogance. You could never acquire wisdom or knowledge.

By the way, your guess about my age is way off, as are most of the things you spew.
Fascinating, how certain conservatives can turn any discussion into a reason to declare how much they hate liberals, and to tell everyone what pathetic little victims they are. They're just not normal.

And as hjmick pointed out, nothing abormal is happening at Yellowstone now. The OP was fooled by a clickbait scam, where someone makes up a crazy story to get clicks, which brings them money.
You think I was fooled in any way? One of my hobbies is to visit the USGS Recent Earthquakes page. If I see it in the news, and I think others should know it if they don't already know, because avoiding a volcano could save a life.

A lot of people here only use the USMB for discussing politics, which is a very important item to many of us, but that's not all we do here. There are interests in the Arts, Music, obituaries of Celebrities, etc. Most newbies aren't aware of it, and many people who love politics never go to the poetry, essay, and other literary forms at the USMB Writing Forums, etc. One's politics do not broadcast those who excelled in an art form, a writing contest, or cracked an advanced mathematics problem that is rarely solved by others. Who knows? We may have a member who doesn't admit he or she wrote a hit song or starred in a stage play in his or her youth.

Even a person who may be an artist might be obsessed with one or more of the sciences that may be as far from aesthetics as it can get. USMB is one of the best forums online, and it's my joy and privilege to post here and love people on both sides of the aisle for their amazing abilities with words and concepts. I've seen at least four of my favorite posters here who may not know I admire their abilities to understand that some threats never materialize, but as much as I love Yellowstone as a National Park, it's been a bad place to go since a river dislodged a bridge near one of the entrances there late last year or early this year. And the geysers are showing off as the earth cracks open a few miles long area of open magma bubbling up. To me, praying for a calming down of the heated areas in Yellowstone also calms me down in my heart, because God has truly answered many of my prayers favoring my family's life.

The USGS Latest Earthquakes page is here: Latest Earthquakes

Today, there is no earthquake activity in the Yellowstone Park according to the above map. There are, however, 8 earthquakes within 800 miles of Anchorage AK.
You don’t take advice from anyone, since you think you’re already in possession of knowledge and wisdom. You’re not.

You’re just a leaky little cup of stupid and arrogance. You could never acquire wisdom or knowledge.

By the way, your guess about my age is way off, as are most of the things you spew.'re much older (or maybe younger?) than 32 still living in your Mom's basement huh?
This sounds like another Y2K alarm to me. WTF exactly are we supposed to do in a worst possible scenario? This sounds a lot like when our government encouraged school kids to hide under their desks in the event of a nuclear attack.
This sounds like another Y2K alarm to me. WTF exactly are we supposed to do in a worst possible scenario? This sounds a lot like when our government encouraged school kids to hide under their desks in the event of a nuclear attack.
LIke wildfires, earthquakes, catastrophic hurricanes, floods, tornados, asteroids, nuclear armeggedon, and all other natural disasters.....the question is never really "if" but when.
The Yellowstone Caldera IS going to blow someday and when it does it will no doubt redeorder "life" and civilization in most of North America and (possibly) the entire rest of the world.
But we don't when that is going to happen.
Meanwhile, while you're worried about that though, you could walk into a Circle K on an average Thursday afternoon to buy a bottle of water...just because you're thirsty. On the way out the crack addict in the parking lot asks you for money. You fumble in your wallet for a dollar or two to give. But while you are standing there a drunk in a banged up, old Mercury screams into the parking lot and mows you both diwn, killing both of you.
Same result.
Don't worry about it.
The things we worry about are seldom the things that actually wind up getting us.

This sounds like another Y2K alarm to me. WTF exactly are we supposed to do in a worst possible scenario? This sounds a lot like when our government encouraged school kids to hide under their desks in the event of a nuclear attack.
Y2K was real. It just got fixed in time. As far as what we are 'sposed to do, we can't do anything so don't worry about it.
One of my hobbies is to visit the USGS Recent Earthquakes page.
Then you would know small earthquakes in Yellowstone are common. So why did some recent small earthquakes there call for PredictionsOfDoom?

And the geysers are showing off as the earth cracks open a few miles long area of open magma bubbling up.
And your evidence for this claim is ... what? Yes, Steamboat Geyser has been erupting more often, after a long dormant period, but that's one geyser. Other geysers, such as Old Faithful, erupt less often.
Then you would know small earthquakes in Yellowstone are common. So why did some recent small earthquakes there call for PredictionsOfDoom?

And your evidence for this claim is ... what? Yes, Steamboat Geyser has been erupting more often, after a long dormant period, but that's one geyser. Other geysers, such as Old Faithful, erupt less often.
It's going to take some time to answer your questions, but if I find what I was reading yesterday, you'll see some pictures nobody wants or needs to see. Back in a bit.

Edit: I found something, but it doesn't look either good or bad as far as the future is concerned, but they did close down the Park June 30 or 3 days ago.

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Y2K was real. It just got fixed in time. As far as what we are 'sposed to do, we can't do anything so don't worry about it.
You missed the point dog, otherwise you wouldn't be advising me to do exactly what I was advising. Lean into the turns and don't let it throw you.
You missed the point dog, otherwise you wouldn't be advising me to do exactly what I was advising. Lean into the turns and don't let it throw you.
You're fos. Leftist pos.

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