Yellowstone Volcano Alert System Just Detected 250% Increase in Activity

Nonsense. Once Trump is back in the White House he will hold that Volcano in abeyance with his steely glare. I’m waiting for Trump to announce that he is ready to appoint an amazing really great Czar of Volcanoes.
That be the leftist you might be talking about, because you know how they want to play God, and try to convince everyone how they can single handedly fix the climate with their idiocy... ROTFLMBO 🤣
Good, let that thing vent, rather than becoming a pressure cooker on the verge of exploding.
I'm drawn to this Yellowstone Park issue, Godboy, because I lived in Casper, Wyoming for 35 years. The Yellowstone Park was about a 7-hour drive from Central Wyoming, and nothing like what's going on now was never heard of nor even thought about. By road, it's 314 miles to the Park, and as a crow flies, it's only 239 miles. We left in 2009 and went back home to TX because of illness being worse in the below zero weather in the long winters there. I added my Wyoming friends to my prayer list every night when the unusual flareups started in the Park that came to my attention a few days or maybe weeks ago. I had heard lectures about what might happen 150,000 years away, but it never occurred to me that those numbers were a guess about when "the big one" would come back would possibly be a dozen years later. I guess the Media is tired of presidential politics, because the worrisome could-bes seem to be a poetic relief from DC grief. *sigh* I hope that you are right, that this is a venting and not a global disaster. However, in the 35 years I lived in the Equality State, Old Faithful went from erupting every one hour to longer and more irregular times by comparison to the many years it spewed on the hour you could set your watch by.

So I'm praying for a place we called home for 35 years.
I'm drawn to this Yellowstone Park issue, Godboy, because I lived in Casper, Wyoming for 35 years. The Yellowstone Park was about a 7-hour drive from Central Wyoming, and nothing like what's going on now was never heard of nor even thought about. By road, it's 314 miles to the Park, and as a crow flies, it's only 239 miles. We left in 2009 and went back home to TX because of illness being worse in the below zero weather in the long winters there. I added my Wyoming friends to my prayer list every night when the unusual flareups started in the Park that came to my attention a few days or maybe weeks ago. I had heard lectures about what might happen 150,000 years away, but it never occurred to me that those numbers were a guess about when "the big one" would come back would possibly be a dozen years later. I guess the Media is tired of presidential politics, because the worrisome could-bes seem to be a poetic relief from DC grief. *sigh* I hope that you are right, that this is a venting and not a global disaster. However, in the 35 years I lived in the Equality State, Old Faithful went from erupting every one hour to longer and more irregular times by comparison to the many years it spewed on the hour you could set your watch by.

So I'm praying for a place we called home for 35 years.
If Yellowstone goes, it isnt just Wyoming that will be in trouble. It will end all of humanity, as we know it anyway. We will be back in the stone age at best.
If Yellowstone goes, it isnt just Wyoming that will be in trouble. It will end all of humanity, as we know it anyway. We will be back in the stone age at best.
Don't give up, Mr. Godboy. God loves and blesses America. Our land through the Lord God has ended wars in the favor of what's right for humanity, because he gave us strength. He gave us fighting men in our fathers' day ever since 1776 when we became a sovereign nation built on free people who have a Constitution and set of Amendments to keep us as cheerful givers to the needy both at home and abroad. He will save us if we remain the home of the brave, but not if we cower to kingpins, which hopefully will never happen. When I think of how we should get along with other countries in the world, I think of the crucifixion of God's Word warrior, Jesus Christ who explained the Mosaic scriptures that included the 10 Commandments, which are 10 common sense ways of ruling what is right to overcome and what is not right for all time. And he gave himself to be the lamb of God so people would not have to make his house "an house of merchandise" but a sacred place to pray and worship our Father in brotherly love. I think we will survive because of our faith in God, the Father Almighty. Time for my late morning vespers. Hope everyone has a wonderful day. A song from memory lane from Roy Rogers and Dale Evans:

Yellowstone Update: Click on the URL. I'm not sure how this works, but here is a link links that will take you to information from the USGS on the Yellowstone Caldera and give you an update on seismic activity in the caldera. The YouTube sources can be upsetting, but these two links will take you to people who actually monitor the rumblings that have been going on this summer, and they're not as worrisome. They're expecting eruptions, but are saying eruptions happen almost every year. There is no talk about this particular year's eruption being part of the 600,000 plus or minus years "big one." I'm hoping it's just another venting of built-up heat coming to the surface. The update at YouTube hints that it is, but the scientists have their own theory that this is just another usual occasion, and is likely not the "big one" that will end life on the planet.

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What Happened to Old Faithful's Faithfulness?

June, 2023

August, 2023
Update: All is Well in Yellowstone,
The earthquakes are low on the scale of seismic activity, no worries.
There are a lot of small tremors, and the scientists
are urging people not to panic although the park is closed

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Good, let that thing vent, rather than becoming a pressure cooker on the verge of exploding.
If our nation keeps being stupid in the worse ways imaginable, that little gem out there might just play a hellish role to be possibly unleashed by the forces of the universe in some sort of perfect storm type scenario.

Man is completely helpless against the forces of that nature, and if God decides to pour out his wrath because of our exceedingly hellish ways or because of our disregard for our own souls, brother's, sister's, and children, then so be it. Man will find out just how filthy he has become in the eye's of God on the day of his wrath, and especially if this thing ends up being a possible punishment for our heading off into the deep end of the abyss............It will definitely be the case due to man choosing to worship and/or follow the beast instead of the creator.

His warnings are the same as a tornado WARNING, and not that of a tornado watch, wherefore nothing during a watch by us has developed into what we have yet to understand, and yet we are hopeful to learn, but a warning (otherwise meaning too late), means it's already on the ground or in action therefore coming our way.

Time to straighten up, and watch for the signs, because they are beginning to be everywhere it seems these days.
If our nation keeps being stupid in the worse ways imaginable, that little gem out there might just play a hellish role to be possibly unleashed by the forces of the universe in some sort of perfect storm type scenario.

Man is completely helpless against the forces of that nature, and if God decides to pour out his wrath because of our exceedingly hellish ways or because of our disregard for our own souls, brother's, sister's, and children, then so be it. Man will find out just how filthy he has become in the eye's of God on the day of his wrath, and especially if this thing ends up being a possible punishment for our heading off into the deep end of the abyss............It will definitely be the case due to man choosing to worship and/or follow the beast instead of the creator.

His warnings are the same as a tornado WARNING, and not that of a tornado watch, wherefore nothing during a watch by us has developed into what we have yet to understand, and yet we are hopeful to learn, but a warning (otherwise meaning too late), means it's already on the ground or in action therefore coming our way.

Time to straighten up, and watch for the signs, because they are beginning to be everywhere it seems these days.
I keep praying for our nation to once again take up its traditional beneficent effect in a world where hunger can and does end when strong people make sacrifices to help those in need. The founding fathers grew weary of being ignored by their King who lived far away and thought little of them. So little, that when leaders over here on this side of the pond petitioned him for an audience, he refused them as though they were dirt. They first dumped some tea arriving on Western shores into the Boston Harbor. This further enraged their King, so the Colonial Americans pushed back after the Boston Tea Party was history, and they fought so fiercely for their freedom from the yoke of the King's uncaring ways, and they won their freedom mostly because the English Army men hated killing their own cousins barely a generation away from being next of kin. Even the British officers felt kindness toward the plight of the unrepresented Colonials, and I'm not so sure that if some, but not all, greatly loved the American people, they gave victory to them at the behest of gentlemen in England who also respected the hard-working classless people of the New World, and also their family ties. Just a thought, but Christianity has its effect upon wars based on unfairness to good folks whose final stand was to die for their brothers whose needs were unfairly ignored whilst being taxed to death. And the military gentlemen of Christian faith acted in the interest of unrepresented free men, which gave our nation the break it needed for self-governance. We paid their good faith of our kinsmen in Britain had for us back when Hitler started his bombing of the British over his greed for power, as we sent a military genius to assist Europe to put Hitler in his place whose name was General Dwight David (Ike) Eisenhower. For murdering Londoners, Hitler paid the price with his life and an end to his cruel ambitions to kill any people who didn't bow down and worship him. And the good people of Germany who survived Hitler's mischief have never since tolerated the asininity of the genocide of any of their citizens, because most of them were sickened when they found out about the secret betrayal and mass destruction of the Jewish people who had been eviccted from their own property, murdered mercilessly in prison camps that were actually torture/murder omerta wars. Thank God for Dwight Eisenhower for his gift of winning strategies, his faith, and his later guidance as President of the United States who recommended to Congress the other threat--Communism which were actually worse than Hitler's fascism, and they instituted the anti-Communist Act of 1954 which unfortunately was never much utilized, so now we have a divided nation due to the Democrat Party pushing the daylights out of communism on this free nation and instigated on account of Hillary Rodham Clinton whose college thesis heralded the Alinsky method for foisting communism against a free country by steps that create chaos and disorder much like the division our nation is experiencing right now with destruction of peace by failure to discipline criminals and cheat the people out of safety by opening the border to all enemies, deadly drug exposure that kills 100,000 American youth per annum lately, and we suspect Drug Lords have friends in government who want totalitarian power over their rivals. They lie, and they pay corrupt people to advertise their lies..
I keep praying for our nation to once again take up its traditional beneficent effect in a world where hunger can and does end when strong people make sacrifices to help those in need. The founding fathers grew weary of being ignored by their King who lived far away and thought little of them. So little, that when leaders over here on this side of the pond petitioned him for an audience, he refused them as though they were dirt. They first dumped some tea arriving on Western shores into the Boston Harbor. This further enraged their King, so the Colonial Americans pushed back after the Boston Tea Party was history, and they fought so fiercely for their freedom from the yoke of the King's uncaring ways, and they won their freedom mostly because the English Army men hated killing their own cousins barely a generation away from being next of kin. Even the British officers felt kindness toward the plight of the unrepresented Colonials, and I'm not so sure that if some, but not all, greatly loved the American people, they gave victory to them at the behest of gentlemen in England who also respected the hard-working classless people of the New World, and also their family ties. Just a thought, but Christianity has its effect upon wars based on unfairness to good folks whose final stand was to die for their brothers whose needs were unfairly ignored whilst being taxed to death. And the military gentlemen of Christian faith acted in the interest of unrepresented free men, which gave our nation the break it needed for self-governance. We paid their good faith of our kinsmen in Britain had for us back when Hitler started his bombing of the British over his greed for power, as we sent a military genius to assist Europe to put Hitler in his place whose name was General Dwight David (Ike) Eisenhower. For murdering Londoners, Hitler paid the price with his life and an end to his cruel ambitions to kill any people who didn't bow down and worship him. And the good people of Germany who survived Hitler's mischief have never since tolerated the asininity of the genocide of any of their citizens, because most of them were sickened when they found out about the secret betrayal and mass destruction of the Jewish people who had been eviccted from their own property, murdered mercilessly in prison camps that were actually torture/murder omerta wars. Thank God for Dwight Eisenhower for his gift of winning strategies, his faith, and his later guidance as President of the United States who recommended to Congress the other threat--Communism which were actually worse than Hitler's fascism, and they instituted the anti-Communist Act of 1954 which unfortunately was never much utilized, so now we have a divided nation due to the Democrat Party pushing the daylights out of communism on this free nation and instigated on account of Hillary Rodham Clinton whose college thesis heralded the Alinsky method for foisting communism against a free country by steps that create chaos and disorder much like the division our nation is experiencing right now with destruction of peace by failure to discipline criminals and cheat the people out of safety by opening the border to all enemies, deadly drug exposure that kills 100,000 American youth per annum lately, and we suspect Drug Lords have friends in government who want totalitarian power over their rivals. They lie, and they pay corrupt people to advertise their lies..
Very well written or expressed by you.. Thanks.

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